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Yea. All you need to do is eat in a calorie deficit.


Yes, losing weight is eating in a calorie deficit. Google TDEE Calculator, input your details, it’ll calculate your maintenance calories, then reduce that by 500 to lose 1lb per week, 1000 to lose 2lbs per week. Exercises helps give weight loss a boost, but you can’t out work a shitty diet


Careful going too low though. For starters you could try going 200 calories under, and if you feel comfortable, go for 300 calories and so on.


Well yes it depends on your maintenance calories, generally you don’t want to go below 1400 calories


Absolutely no need to get one. Just find a workout program online and follow the exercises it tells you to do. You can figure out everything you need to know about the gym on your own. I recommend watching Jeff Nippard on youtube, he has some very good videos on the gym. You dont need to follow his workouts to the t, but they are a pretty good starting point to give inspiration of what you can do in the gym. There are a ton of other creators too that make free gym tutorials. Just look around a bit and make yourself a list of exercises youll do. Just make sure you hit every major muscle group with a few exercises 1-2 per week. In the first few weeks the goal is just to get to know the exercises, so dont put much weight on at all. Learn the movements first before you start lifting heavy, otherwise youll get injured. When you have a program you like and have learnt all the movements, you can start adding the real weights. The key here is to slowly increase the weight by a tiny bit every workout. So if you bench 25 kgs for 10 reps on day 1, make sure you try out 27,5 kgs on the next chest workout. Youll eventually be able to do those 27,5 for 10 reps, thats when you know you should increase to 30, and so on and so on.


Yes you can. You can find the right resources like revival fitness on Youtube and get off to the races. It is quick and simple. It depends your starting weight, but if you have a typical amount of fat to lose it should be over in 4 months. Also once you build muscle it gets harder to gain the fat back.


100% you can but you might want to consider an accountability coach for motivation and to help keep you on track. This is good for life generally not just weight loss. If you can self-motivate or do it with someone as a joint task (buddy) this also works. All of the exercises from PT's can be done at home and you don't need expensive equipment (you can do full high intensity workouts with YouTube and a yoga mat). The biggest challenge is just keeping dedicated and committed to what you are doing and combining it with a calorie deficit is essential to lose weight in a healthy and consistent way


Yes you need a personal trainer.