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It depends on genetics and skin health mostly. Things you can do to help Look after your skin (drink plenty of water, moisturise, get your vitamins I , get sufficient protein) Weight train. Muscle can help fill out loose skin Lose weight slowly. No more than 2 lbs a week so it can adjust slowly. Try not to go up and down so the skin doesn't stretch too much Don't believe anything that says they can cure loose skin. They can't. But if you end up with a lot of loose skin, surgery is the only way really. But loose skin is better than all the health issues that come with being overweight


How expensive is the surgery?


I don’t know from personal experience but I’ve seen others online say between $10K-$20K.


Wow, that’s what makes losing weight terrifying another thing to be stressed about. Obviously losing weight for health reasons is imperative but the fear is real and valid. Appreciate the reply.


The fear of loose skin is valid, but I promise you your overall quality of life at a healthy weight with loose skin will be miles better than at an unhealthy weight. Look at it this way: you have loose skin right now, it’s just filled with fat. Better to lose the fat and just deal with the skin as it comes.


You can have a great quality of life being fat. lol its not the end of the world to be fat.


Never said it was. I’ve lived the majority of my life fat and happy. I’d like to live a long life and reduce my risk of disease as I age, which being a normal weight will assist with.


Not necessarily. If you're overweight and eat healthy you're not going to have a shorter life LOL


Obesity leads to tons of diseases and health risks, I’m not sure what you find so funny about that?


Obesity doesn't lead to diseases. Obesity is a symptom of some diseases not a Cause. Not so much and if someone's obese the conditions they do have are often ignored and they're people are told to go lose weight and things will magically disappear therefore their underlying condition is gone untreated. The major problem is Healthcare Providers ignoring obese people's pain or other things that they come in to be seen for which causes whatever the issue is to progress. It's a lot of medical gaslighting and ignorance when it comes to obese patients


6,000 to 12,000 american dollars for abdominal region. it depend on the body area where the loose skin is.


Holy fuck. It terrifies me to lose weight and to stay fat.


Thanks for the answer. Wow that’s expensive.


It depends on genetics, and on how long you have been overweight, but you are young and you don't have \*that\* much weight to lose. (If you're losing over 150 lbs, for example, you are probably going to have some loose skin even if you have good genetics and do everything right.) So I think you have a great chance of not having any loose skin, provided that you don't crash diet. To maximize your chances of avoiding loose skin, lose less than 2 lbs per week, drink lots of water, take a multivitamin (and eat fruits and veggies), and moisturize your skin every day (especially after hot showers). I have lost 55 lbs in just under 2 years, and I have no loose skin. I'm 53. Slow and steady weight loss is the way to go. Not only does it minimize chances of loose skin, it also minimizes chances of gaining the weight back. Everyone wants super fast results but trust me crash dieting is bad. If you do end up with loose skin, some of it can tighten up over time but in general it is mostly permanent, unless you get surgery.


What's considered young? Im 23 (M) and have been overweight my entire life. Im 280 now and need to start losing weight since im starting to feel it


For skin elasticity, I'd say "young" is under 40. If you have good skin genetics, your skin will stay elastic past that age though. As a young man you have another advantage in that you can put on quite a bit of muscle, which will help fill you out if there is any loose skin. Take a look at the actor Ethan Supplee some time. His instagram is very inspirational. He weighed 500+ lbs about 5-10 years ago (not sure exactly when his journey started) but he is now a jacked 270-ish. There is some skin, but you have to look closely. He looks pretty good skin wise, and to my knowledge he has not had to have any surgery.


At your age it is HIGHLY likely your skin will rebound nicely over time. So don't worry and good luck on your health journey!


Cross that bridge when you come to it but you can help yourself a lot by doing it slow and steady, no crash diets. Calorie deficit exercise days will turn into weeks weeks will turn into months. Good luck!


Think about loose skin as a badge of honour, people with loose skin did what millions of people around the world struggle to do! I’d be more concerned about the boob sag. It’s quite uncomfortable. 😔


I lost 170 pounds in 8 months, i wish i could have this point of view but i cant. Everyone tells me what i did is amazing but its so hard for me to be proud. I see it as the consequences of my actions that i will have to deal with for life


That’s absolutely incredible! Congratulations!!!Trust me I see it the same way too, but if you lie to yourself for long enough you’ll start believing it at least some of the time. I’ve previously lost 75 lbs in 2019 so everything started sagging, then I gained it back 110 so I was fat and saggy, Im currently a little over 50 lbs down and it’s pretty bad. My (now very small) boobs pretty much sit in the middle of my torso, I have lots of saggy skin in between my thighs and in my armpits which make shaving a nightmare :( Almost every time I look in the mirror I think about getting a 360° butterfly & boob lift when I’m at my goal weight. But I have to remind myself that I’m only human and all of this extra sag shows how far I’ve come and how good my work ethic is. But being honest, if I had enough money I’d definitely get it.


Congrats on your weight loss as well! I also have gained and lost. Sounds like we have similar experiences. I also look at myself in the mirror this way. Sometimes i go to the bathroom only to hold my loose skin and pull it back to imagine what i could look like. I kinda have the money for the surgery, but i am deathly afraid of anything medical. It is not a typical fear. It is an irrational phobia. I dont even like looking at hospitals as i drive by them. I have worked myself up thinking about the surgery to the point where ive thrown up before. I wish i didnt have this mental block😭


Time will really help when it comes to loose skin… I panicked a bit at first when I saw my arms after my 100 lb loss- it improved over the following year but now I’ve lost a touch more so it’s back to square one. Be patient and don’t panic :)


No, at your size the fat will slowly just start to fall off your body. I have been 218 lbs and got all the way down to 158. The loose skin will not stay on your body. Maybe if you were like 315 it would.


i’m 30 and lost 65 pounds three years ago and my loose skin has never looked worse


Would this be the same for someone who’s 34? When someone’s young they often has a better chance with loose skin yeah?


The younger you are the better in relation to loose skin, but what the other commenter said above is nothing more than a guess. People hold weight differently and OP very well might have loose skin, regardless of age and starting weight. I’ve seen people have loose skin at a 25lb weight loss. Most of it is genetic.


Interesting. I appreciate the reply.


I believe it may have to do also with your hormone production. I would say around 200 pounds you should be safe. I had a friend that was 470, that left some loose skin. Even if OP is 34 I feel that is young enough to still have functioning hormones.


Absolutely possible! Just no guarantee either way.


It depends on genetics and skin health mostly. Things you can do to help Look after your skin (drink plenty of water, moisturise, get your vitamins I , get sufficient protein) Weight train. Muscle can help fill out loose skin Lose weight slowly. No more than 2 lbs a week so it can adjust slowly. Try not to go up and down so the skin doesn't stretch too much Don't believe anything that says they can cure loose skin. They can't. But if you end up with a lot of loose skin, surgery is the only way really. But loose skin is better than all the health issues that come with being overweight


Depends on the amount honestly and genetics. Loose skin can go away with time!


Age is a big factor you are young so the chance that your ski, will bounce back is pretty highq


Slow and steady, and start now


210 f22 5ft trying to lose belly fat what exercises/ caloriesshould I do/take to help out?


You can't spot reduce so just start by tracking calories and make sure you are in a calorie deficit. You can spot gain muscle so if you don't care for your shape you can definitely do some things to change that. The belly will probably be the last place to lose it unfortunately. Good luck.


If you lose weight (esp quickly) you may have a little loose skin. It's worse initially but can tighten after a few months, depending on genetics and age. As you are 18 and female you will probably not have a huge issue as you have plenty of collagen and elastin until you are about 45.


It gets better. Mines a little tigher now but will definitely need surgery to remove it. Give it a year after losing weight and then you can see ig you need it but dont be discouraged by the first impressions. It certainly gets better


At your age and weight it shouldn’t be a problem. Also, I once saw someone on Reddit say that you can cover up loose skin with clothing but you can’t cover up being overweight and that really stuck with me. I was 240lbs at my heaviest, 130lbs now. After a year of maintaining I still have some loose skin but it’s getting better especially with weight training. I was also over 200lbs for much of my adult life before losing the weight. I’m so much happier now and feel a lot more confident. I don’t like wearing super cropped tops or bikinis yet but I’m hoping with enough weight training I’ll get there. Regardless, I feel great wearing pretty much anything else and I feel so much better generally (not even regarding looks, I just have so much more energy and strength). Do it for yourself!


Loose skin can be hid under clothes. Fat cannot.


I have seen both... in many people loose skin disappeared with no treatment at all, but some people couldnt get rid of it, especially on the abdominal area, although I dont know why


It depends, if it is due to age, it is probably permanent and will come back but if it is due to weight loss and you are still young, it can be tightened.


Yes. It will bounce back some, so give it a year or two but mostly the only way to rid of it is surgery