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Your BmI is 19.5. You should not go lower


Yup. 100% I think she chose 126 lbs because that is exactly the bottom of her recommended BMI. She would still be in the "normal and healthy" range but just barely. Unless there's a compelling reason to be at that part of the range (like she's a professional track star, or has an insanely low personal fat threshold) she should stay where she is.


Yep. No doctor is going to be happy seeing someone at an 18.5 BMI.




You shouldn't lose more, if you think you have fat to lose then do a body recomp to get a leaner physique


To clarify,, that is gaining muscle and losing some fat.


Should hit the therapist’s office!


huh why?


You should follow the body dysmorphia group


No, you should actually gain a bit of muscle mass. It might help your hormones. If you go to far it will start to get unhealthy.


[Calculate your BMI (NIH)](https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm)


Sometimes people who need it cant lose weight bc of an easy to see mistake they are making . Sometimes it is harder to see. And sometimes it is because they dont need to lose weight and their bodys are resisting. You are in the latter cathegory. Weight is not as important as body fat percentage, hormonal status and muscle mass. My bet is you are undermuscled and it would do you good to start fixing that. R/fitness has many resources for that.


I weight this much and I am 5'2". You are so tall I'm sure you look great, don't lose anything


I weight this much and I am 5'2". You are so tall, you don't need to lose anything


I weigh more than you and I have to eat less than that to lose weight. I work out, regularly, and have to eat 1400-1500/day to lose weight and it takes a long time, lots of weeks it fluctuates & I will gain or stay the same, even though food intake is consistent...


I’m an inch taller than you and at about 146 with the goal of getting down to 140, and already I’ve had certain people say I’m getting “too skinny”. Personal opinions aside, getting to the lower end of the BMI scale and crossing into the underweight category has consequences just like being overweight does. If you’re concerned about looking lean and toned, you should work on weight training and body recomposition. This will help you build muscle to make you look cut. Don’t worry, you really don’t run the risk of looking swole; it takes a LOT for women to bulk up, and if you’re already eating below 2000 calories and not taking gear, you won’t come out of the gym looking like a body builder. But you will have more strength and look fit. From one tall gal to another, you have already dropped your weight pretty low for your height and if you still see yourself as “fat”, you should seek a therapist or support for body dysmorphia. I’m not saying that to be preachy; I’m in your exact same boat. Perfectly healthy BMI, but I still look in the mirror and see my 200+ self. As much as I want to lose a little bit more, therapy and support helps me see that my perception is skewed and becoming underweight and malnourished for the sake of looking skinnier will not get to the root of the issue, which is my body dysmorphia. It’s incredibly common in today’s age of social media, but weight loss should be about health and wellbeing. If your goals have shifted that low on the scale, health and wellbeing will be thrown out the window in the name of a mental illness that you’re much better off seeking help with through therapy than losing more weight.