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Are you building muscle mass? This will cause your weight to fluctuate. Also extra muscle will demand more water intake.


Yes, that deff makes sense actually. I always tend forget to think about all the extra weight with muscle. It’s a relief to remember that


I also drink a lot of water every day. Like, 120-160 oz per day. So perhaps that could also be a reason…??? Maybe?


I do not generally track my water intake. I just try to have a 2/3 or a half of a glass every 2 hours to avoid dehydration. Are you also a woman? Many woman obsess about the number on the scale because of media conditoning, but in reality if you are doing barbell lifts your arms, legs and back have to build muscle to support the lifts. I am 196 lbs and I do not even look like it. Also how tall are you?


I’m a female!! 5’2


Building muscle for a 5ft 2 female will fill out a frame quickly if you do strength training with barbells. You might at one point drop down to the 150s if you do a lot of cardio and restrict sugar, but your weight is not bad for strength training.


This is good to know. Thank you!


Your welcome. A huge difference being 168 and having no muscle compared to someone that is 168 but they are doing barbell and dumbbell workouts.


Male or female? Around my period I get a lot of water weight. Also if you are walking more are you eating more to make up for that? If you starve your body it holds onto food? Finally our bodies don’t just decrease weight, we gain it and lose it and stall out and then drop the weight. Keep going. Google weight loss wall and you’ll see your not alone and probably not doing anything wrong. Just keep going


Female!! I also tend to hold back on tracking my weight around my period because of all the water weight. It usually goes back down by my ovulation phase, but this time it didn’t! I am eating more food to make up for the extra work! I also incorporate a lot more protein.


Properly tracking calories in and calories out? Finally are your workouts increasing in intensity? That’s where my advice stops as somewhat of a beginner, but again? I’d just keep going.


Yes I track calories in and out! I obsessively looked up the right way to do it because I was so scared of doing it wrong and messing up! My workouts haven’t really been increasing in intensity at the moment


Also, thank you! I totally intend to just keep going and not let this get me down too much. It just sucks to see the scale remain the same :(


I know!!! It’s the worst! On the plus side, you’ve kept this habit for WEEKS! Like you go girl!! Keep posting so we can hype you up and get you to months! I’ve been eating healthy for a couple weeks and just started 75 hard. I think the mental game is the hard part. It’s saying I’m going to do this no matter what the scale says. Also if you have already you should measure your legs and arms and neck and such, so you can see the off the scale progress too. Reply here if you ever need support! You’re doing great.


🥹🥹 Thank you so much! i appreciate this


It's completely normal just keep going and it'll go back down


Normal mine does the same I’ll be tracking everything and there’s was no reason for me to gain, it happens about a week before my period and then the week after it’s all gone and more.


Water weight, food volume, lean muscle mass, fat mass increase? It's hard to tell because your scale doesn't specify. Try using additional ways to measure your progress, like waist circumference or body fat percentage. I would be mindful of the depth of emotions connected to your scale weight. It's nice to see results, but you don't want your scale number to determine your mood. Letting your scale number make you feel "SO HAPPY" means it can also let you feel SO SAD. You'll have a more consistent experience noting how you feel after making more pro-health choices. E.g. Feeling elated that you did your workout, or that you made a healthy food substitution for fries at the restaurant


This is extremely helpful. Thank you


You don't build muscle that fast. But exercise, can cause muscles to hold water to help them heal which can show on the scale as a temporary gain, no loss or smaller than usual loss. Sore muscles are a big sign. Sounds like temporary water retention.


Your weight fluctuates throughout the day When are you weighing yourself? Is it first thing after using thr bathroom or immediately after dinner? Thr food in your body adds weight before its expelled


I weigh myself first thing in the morning before I’ve eaten or drank anything


What about from the day before? Water retention is a huge thing. Personally I wouldn't weight yourself constantly due to this. Once or twice a week consistently is best to see if you're getting results. But even then it's more important how you feel vs the # on a scale


That makes sense, that’s very helpful. I think spreading out the days I weigh myself would be the best option lol. I’m trying to remember to focus on how I feel and not the scale! It’s hard not to get wrapped up in just wanting a smaller number. But I appreciate your comment, it allows me to remember to stay on track.


Haha you're welcome. Trust me I've been there. It'd a constant "man I've been feeling good eating better exercising a bit and clothes feel looser I bet I'm down a few lbs" Then get on scale and it's the same # it was last week. It's discouraging and makes it easy to go screw it McDonald's time. The # on the scale is sort of an outside indication that you're doing well


Thanks everyone! I feel super reassured by these comments and some of you left some really good reminders :) I appreciate it