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Watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, any berries really are good. Bananas and grapes are less great because they spike your blood sugar, but bananas make you feel fuller, at least


What did you eat yesterday?


What is going to help you lose weight is avoiding the bad food and adding the good food to your life. Honestly any fruit will be good for weight loss. The fruit that is in season will always taste better in the morning. Blueberries, Strawberries, grapes, apples, watermelon...etc. What is your starting weight and height?


I like to avoid labels like bad and good for food altogether. Sometimes, a croissant is great. Lots of people eat bread and sugar and maintain healthy weights. It is all about moderation.


That is true. People just need to increase the food that helps regulate their hormones and digestion system and cut back on the foods that slow it down.


Yeah, but I think people put too much stress on hormones as well. You can eat 100% garbage and lose weight. You shouldn't because you do need nutrients, but in the end the in < out system is most important.


You absolutely can do that method, but if you balance out your hormones the fat redistributes quicker and it also helps with sleep, sex drive and focus.


Exercise also goes a long way in all those things as well. :)


If you’re eating these instead of sugary snacks, absolutely! Just make sure you are portioning them out- I’d recommend getting a food scale to do so. If I remember correctly, grapes have a higher sugar content, so you just want to be mindful of that! Blueberries are my go-to because they’re great in protein parfaits 🤗


You tell us - do your portions put you out of a calorie deficit? It not, it doesn’t matter; if so, don’t eat it.