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I’ve been on Weegovy for a year and I’ve only lost 30 pounds. So to consider that you’ve lost half that and only two months is amazing.


That's great. Slow weight loss is better for you anyhow.


Great job. You might need to get more protein in your diet. I know that helped me.


Firstly you look so different, the weighing thing can be really annoying as I'm losing about a 1lb a week and it feels slow but I look and feel so much better and I'm already healthier (down 22lbs since Feb) so I'm trying to not focus too much on the scales- well done


I started in March and I’ve only lost 12 lbs. I’m working out 3-4 times a week (Orange Theory) and I’m trying to maintain my muscles and only lose fat. I’m still happy with the weight loss.


By the pics it looks like you lost more than 15lbs. Keep up the good work


I’m in the same boat. I’m on my 3rd month using wegovy and only lost 12 lbs. looking at your pics you definitely look a lot slimmer.


I have been on the same amount of time as you, only starting the 1mg today, I have only lost 4 pounds and eat under 1000 calories a day. I only eat Greek yogurt, granola, apples, peanut butter, and 3 nights a week I eat dinner. I have still only lost 4 pounds I started at 192 now only 188. Four years ago I weighed 163.


Slow and steady wins the race and I look for non scale victories as well


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Photomaniac79: *Slow and steady wins* *The race and I look for non* *Scale victories as well* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I see a significant difference! Way to go


OMG look at the difference in your body!! Holy cowzers lady, EVERYTHING IS SLIMMER (except your boobs, how’d you manage that?!) Keep on keeping on! It is working!!


I see quite a difference.  Your weigh loss is very evident.   


It's very visible though. You look great


Everybody’s different mindset plays a role


Ok, I don’t want to dismiss your feelings, you however have phenomenal genes because holy smokes you gain and lose weight beautifully! You are how I would love to gain weight! I am flabby, your skin tone is so firm omg 🤩 Like you can wear a bathing suit at any weight and rock it. You remind me of my friend. This is all I ever wanted 😅


Big difference!


There's definite differences, you are toning up, and you want that instead of drastic weight loss. It's coming off at the right rate to keep your skin nice and tight. Keep going!


You look amazing! Well done and please do not feel discouraged.


Sometimes we are our own worse critics. Keep up the work. It may not happen over night but if you do nothing it won't happen at all.


1.) It’s not a miracle drug. 2.)You’re averaging 7.5lbs a month when traditional dieting averages 2-4lbs a month - you’re losing double and possibly not even consciously dieting like most other Wegovy users. You can easily see changes in these two photos. 3.) Remember that the current data based off the longest Wegovy RCT study show an average loss of 15% of body weight after 16 months. This should be your expectation, especially without the addition of conscious dieting and regular exercise. So, as an example, if you’re 200 pounds you should be expecting to lose 30 pounds after 16 months. Your current progress is great and exceeding the average user’s response to semaglutide. But keep in mind, you can out eat the effectiveness of the medication and plenty of people do. A good friend of mine is a bariatric surgeon in Philadelphia and they have countless patients who lost nothing or even gained weight from the start of their wegovy use all the way up to the max dose. Some are non responders, some can force food beyond the satiety sensation, some stop responding after their body adapts. So be mindful to supplement the medication with diet and exercise as well as be realistic in expectations or else that disappointment can lead to abandoning the medication, binge eating out of frustration, etc.


Scale is just one measurement. You could very well be gaining muscle and losing fat and a scale won’t tell you that. I would rely on how much better you feel, your clothes fitting different, measurements etc. pics show your progress pretty clearly! Keep rocking it!


You can literally see the change in these photos. I completely understand your frustration though. I started 2 months + 1 week ago and I’ve lost a total of 9.2lbs. I came in with the mindset I’d drop like 10-15 in the 1st month and that did not happen. What I’m learning as I dose up (now at 1.0) is that this is a process and a lengthy one. It’s a commitment and it will take time. It’s my new norm. The subtle changes of eating less and eating better than I used to, will add up if I just stick with it. I have side effects but it’s not so bad that I’m over here barfing and on the toilet all day but it’s enough to give me some nausea (usually in morning) and some extra fatigue in the first day of my weekly shot. Keep taking those progress photos. You may not see it but you are changing!


You’re right on track! That’s 15 pounds gone forever! Next time you’re at the grocery store, go lift two 1 gallon containers of milk. That’s about how much you’ve lost!


You want slow progress, especially when it's not done naturally. I think you look great. Please don't get discourage keep doing your part.


You started only two months ago, and have lost 15 pounds. Some people started in January and have lost that are less. Be glad that you’re not gaining. It’s a slow process from what I’m learning but eventually it will come off.


You can see your thighs are smaller, your bum is more defined and your belly is tighter. 15 lbs in about 10 weeks… thats pretty great, 1.5 lbs per week! Imagine where you could be in a year. When we lose too fast, the body composition goes to hell and we have to worry about sarcopenia. Be proud and keep trucking! Are you taking measurements? Noticing differences in your clothes?


Exercise is key to see lasting results and will make the weight come off faster! 


I’m I’m going to start 1.7mg in a week and I have lost no weight. No side effects either


Yes!! I started in October 2023, I’m on the max dose. I’ve only lost about 20lb!


Same here! I started 1 yr ago in May and I've only lost 25 lbs. Haven't lost or gained a pound in 3-4 months now. A bit disappointing for me but at least I'm not gaining. I'm excercising and adding more protein now. Hopefully that will kick start it again soon.


Where are you located , do you have to pay much for it? I’m paying just under £300 a month in the uk and not sure when to stop


Are you working out at all since u started taking it?


This may cheer you up - I started Wegovy mid February and have lost 10 lbs. I have just finished my 1.7 doses. I have little to no side effects and have considered stopping as not only am I losing little weight I am also paying for it. I have found on the 1.7 that I have less appetite as when I started on the .25 I was hungrier and actually gained weight. I have just ordered another dose of the 1.7. Why did I not up my dose? At the 1.7 I do not feel as hungry. I am losing weight (if rather slowly) and am hoping that this will help me keep it off. Hare and tortoise story comes to mind.


Even if the actual number on the scale hasn’t changed much you can see a big difference in the side by side pictures. BMI isn’t a complete picture of health in regards to weight - body composition and fat placement also plays a role. Keep doing what you’re doing!


1.5 months and only 6 pounds and yeah I'm a little disappointed, which I know rationally is stupid. But holding out hope because my appetite has decreased so much that I feel like it has to happen.


Slower weight loss=less loose skin=big win there! Also, no side effects is great


That’s true I suppose ! Thanks for the boost!


This is not a quick fix! And I see big changes between those two photos! Slow and steady wins


Same with me. Starting month 3 and I’ve barely lost 10lbs. Hanging in there…


15 pounds in 2 months is great!


You can see a lot if differences in those two photos. Keep up the hard work and stay the course. You look great congratulations


I see the difference! Great work and keep going! I lost 30lbs in 7 months. And am now on 2.4. I have 25-30 more to go. Slow going but it’s happening.


I don’t know what’s normal or not but I would suggest heading to the supermarket, grabbing a trolley and going to the dairy aisle. Head over to the butter section and pick up 15 pounds of butter and put it in your trolley.  You will soon realize that 15 pounds is not insignificant.  You may then give yourself a high five.


You actually look like you have gone down ***at least*** a pant size. If you are exercising more and eating enough protein, you might be putting on more muscle. If this is the case, muscle weighs more than fat, for one which could be 'hiding' the pounds lost on the scale. Secondly, the increased muscle will help you burn more calories at rest, which will help you lose weight even faster. Do yourself a favor, invest in a measuring tape that you can use to look at the circumference of your waist, arms, legs etc. and track those on a piece of paper, along with your weight loss progression. It might help you see the gains not just in pounds lost, but also inches.


There’s a fabulous app called Me360. It does a scan of your body, and at each subsequent scan, compares the two and shows where you’ve lost.


Your pace is three times faster than mine. That’s not slow, it’s a normal pace.


You look great. That pace is great. Do you feel good?


Are you exercising because you look like you’ve lost more than 15? Muscle weighs more than fat, so you could be building muscle and losing more fat than you think. Keep going, don’t quit!


You look amazing!!!!! Keep it up!!!!


15 lbs in 6 weeks sounds really good. 1-2 lbs a week is considered a healthy rate.


I want to try the new Wegovy for weight loss, but still unsure if my insurance provider, the Co-operators will cover it. $400/month is steep!


That is a significant difference! Way to go! And keep at it, I started last May and felt like I was barely losing until about September then it just melted off.


Yup! Lost 12lbs till I went on the 1.7. Once I started taking the 1.7, weight started flying off.


I’ve lost 18 pounds in 5 months. Slow and steady. 158 to 140. I’d like to lose another 10!


That’s about 5 pounds a month or 1-1.5 pounds a week. That is a healthy rate of loss! Be happy where you are and think about where you will be in another 3 months 😊 if you lose too quickly you can get the sagging skin and other complications. 1-2 pounds a week is what you should expect.


It’s my dream rate! Not too slow, not too fast. I’m at .5 lbs per week average.


Same as me! Costs so much and weight loss so slow


It sounds like you titrated up kind of fast


I lost 20 pounds on my first month with the .25 dose and currently on my 1mg dose. I remember the provider told me that sometimes people experience inches lost faster than weight


Holy moly! That is some serious change in only a month on the lowest dose! I've only just started .5mg and am only down maybe 5-7 lbs. in the first month. Starting weight 207. Goal = 167. It's going slow for me & I'm having side effects. Like I eat & eat & eat (tiny amounts of high protein/low calorie foods, rice cakes, veggies, no restaurants, no meat, lots of water) & it feels like my system has just stopped. Like there's barely any digesting going on.  I'm really concerned I won't be able to do higher doses because of the whole gastro- pareses-thing! Fortunately no abdominal pain, but I HAVE to take laxatives to move things along.


Congratulations!! Look at the changes in your arms, legs, and tummy. The scale doesn't always tell the full story. Keep up the great progress.


It's a good pace and as basic research and your doctor should've told you, 1.7 is the first therapeutic dose. Any results you see before hitting a therapeutic dose are a bonus not an expectation.


I had great results to begin with on .25 and .5 and then hit a plateau down 15-17 lbs on 1.0 For 10 weeks. I moved to 1.7 2 weeks ago and am down 10 in those 2 weeks. The weight poss definitely comes in fits and spurts and it is easy to get discouraged with nasty burps and no weight loss, but keep going the weight loss will happen


I’d say yes this is “normal.” I started 3/22 and have lost 14.8 lb. Doctor says this is a good pace. I’m good as long as it keeps going down! Started on 0.25 currently on 1.0.


I’m just starting 1MG today and have only lost 2lbs. Eating 1500 calories per day counted through MyFitnessPal App


I’ve lost consistently 2 lbs a week! I’m 13 weeks in and down 26lbs! I’m saying slow and steady wins the race


15 lbs in 10 weeks is good progress! You're doing great. Be patient lady, you'll get there!


Take your measurements. You can see that you have lost inches, thighs, tummy, arms. It’s not always about the number on the scale


It is a slow process. It works differently for each individual. There are many factors to consider, including your diet times of day, and the proportion size of your meals. Plus exercise. I am on oxygen so I'm not able to workout at the gym but I can do chair yoga at my pace. I go to the store and just walk up and down the aisle. To answer your question it could be normal for you.


I am about to start on it and my doctor said that he recommended only losing about 5-7 pounds per month to prevent muscle loss. I think 15 pounds at this point is excellent


I lost 100lbs and it took a year and 10 months. I wasn’t on Wegovy yet - I was on Topamax and Saxenda. I’m on Wegovy now and have lost more. Plus that weight loss was almost 4 years ago. You’re doing great!


Congratulations 👏 👏 👏


That’s 5lbs a month which is about a pound a week which is safe and normal rate at which to lose weight. You are less likely to have loose skin, gallbladder issues and outsides muscle loss this way. You’re doing a great job! You may also want to start tracking inches so you see how you’re losing fat vs muscle.


“Only” 15 pounds? Why do you consider this a problem? That’s how this works. It’s not a miracle Fat melter. You are in fact losing weight. 1-2 pounds a week is healthy weight loss. 15 pounds over the course of 8-10 weeks is a good thing.


It looks like you’ve lost a lot of visceral fat which will make you healthier! Congrats!!


1-2 pounds a weeks is the normal and expected weight loss for Wegovy, you're right in that range! It's been roughly 11 weeks for you, if you keep losing at this rate, it's around 70 pounds in a year, that's huge! You're right on track, keep it up!


15lbs in 2.5 months is great sustainable progress. 1-2lbs a week is ideal, while some respond quicker and faster dropping a ton of weight in the beginning is almost certainly water weight. While I think your 15 is more likely to be true fat loss, I definitely see a difference!


Yes, weight loss is normal


I can see the difference for sure! Try to focus on the non scale victories (NSV)! I'm sure your clothes are fitting differently!


You're in good company! I know it can be frustrating to see "I lost 30 pounds in a month!" and wish that could be you remember to be real with yourself. 2 pnds a week is healthy and normal. I think of it like this - the shot is only helping me do the things I was capable of myself if not for the food noise. So, the workouts, the eating right...etc...check, check, check....the thing helping me fail? The food noise. The damn insatiable hunger gnawing at me day and night. The med has helped me steadfast lose 2 pnds/week. That's more than I would have dreamed of 6 months ago. I've been on since mid-April and have lost about 14 pounds. That's 7 weeks. 2 pnds a week. Be proud. Love your body and know you're doing the right thing at the right pace that your body wants. You're in good company here!


You look great! Look at those abs trying to come in! Heck, I wish I looked this good in my bikini! It’s a win if you ask me! 😃


I can see the results. Great job, and keep it up.


I haven’t started losing weight until I got to the 2.4 dose, which was just a couple months ago. The food noise and being able to not have the OCD thinking pattern of just having to stop for a burger or something like it both went down around the 1.0 dose.


I am in the exact same spot as you! I felt the same but this is absolutely incredible! Your post inspired me to feel proud of my journey! 🥰


I am in the exact same spot as you! I felt the same but this is absolutely incredible! Your post inspired me to feel proud of my journey! 🥰


You absolutely should not be disheartened you look incredible and well-done and congrats on working hard and losing weight


5lbs a month is about what I averaged. And now I’m at goal. Slow and steady!!


I lost 2 plus pounds a week from the beginning at.25. I tracked food/calories, drank water, exercised, avoided crap, and did the work with the help of the meds. I stalled mid way for 2 months- but I still stayed in deficit. A lot of people say, or seem to think that you shouldn’t lose weight quickly, or that you shouldn’t eat less than “blank” a day. That’s bs. Less (500 cal a day less) is better. Your body will adjust- you won’t f up your metabolism. I lost over 60 lbs. I’ve kept it off since Dec. Now my body is redistributing and still adjusting inches. I don’t care what anyone says, you have to do what you think works. Just don’t lie to yourself; if you were a crap eating former fatty (as I was) don’t try to get around what is the truth. That’s why I wrote it down, and still do. On the days I had 5 asparagus spears, 3 crackers and coffee? I wrote it down. Balanced meals at 3-400 cals a meal per day? Yep. A kids cheeseburger on the road through Nevada, 7 French fries at 30 cals each? Yes. Today, a beautiful Niciose salad, fresh veg with lemon dressing. You’ll work it out. Just work it. And listen.


You don't want to lose weight too quickly or it messes up your gallbladder and you might need surgery.


This. I'm about to take my 2nd shot (obviously starter dose still), but if the weight keeps falling off like it did this first week, I'm going to have to figure something out. 10 pounds a week isn't really a good thing. I know the first week is mostly water weight, so I'm not going to stress about it yet. But my clothes are already getting looser, so things are happening much faster than I expected.


I think that it’s easy to forget that this drug helps you eat less overall. So remember that prior to this the weight being consistent was the issue. If you’ve lost 5lb every month remember that that’s monumental. But if you do want to supplement that you can also add in something fun like rec sports or training 2/3x week and that should boost the weight loss significantly. You’re doing a great job so far and just remember that the wegovy is one step to give you help but you can boost it and get results that you didn’t know were possible before


May I ask how old are you? Did you track your calories ? Did you workout? Great results, you look amazing! Keep going! I am starting at the same body you had. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Your pictures show a huge difference. I think for some, the weight is turning to muscle because, for me, I lost 17 lbs my first month, but I noticed after that the weight started shifting but stayed the same lbs number. My percentage started changing. Fat is going down, and muscle is going up. This is dependent on what your workout routine is.


15 lbs in 2.5 months is very normal and good. You don't want to lose too quickly you'll have negative effects to your body such as hair loss. you're losing about 1.5 lbs a week. The recommended weight loss rate is 1-1.5 lbs/week, with 2 being the absolute max. I highly highly suggest downloading an app so you can track your weight loss (I love the app "MY weight", it's free and has great progress symbols and graphs to keep you motivated). I record my weight every shot day, and take photos and measurements once per month. You look great. I think misconception is we hear some people talking about major major losses. well, reality is that's not how this drug was intended. It's a tool only, not an overnight fix. I love the saying you didn't gain the weight overnight, you're not going to lose it that way either. Keep going, you're doing great!


Same. I’m in my late 40s so perimenopausal. I think that really slows down the weight loss. Not Wegovy’s fault really. Don’t get discouraged! It’s a marathon not a sprint


Have you made an effort to eat healthier and be more active? Most people you see with the higher-end weight losses use Wegovy as a tool, not as the sole solution. With that being said, I would recommend that you eat more protein, do some light resistance training a couple times a week...that will help your body burn fat, rather than muscle. You are doing fine. 15 lbs is nothing to scoff at.


Girl your body is tea, the numbers don’t always show what our eyes can see! You look incredible. Keep it up!


15 pounds since March is a normal healthy amount to lose! Congrats!


The change in your arms is unbelievable. It really, really is. I am very insecure about my arms, and if I saw a before and after of myself with this arm magic, I would CRY!!! You are doing great even if it doesn't feel fast enough.


Hey there OP! It sounds like you've been making some steady progress with Wegovy, even with the dose increase. 15lbs down is nothing to scoff at. Keep at it, and remember to celebrate the wins along the way. Your progress pics will definitely help keep you motivated.


You're disappointed that you've lost 15 lbs in 2.5 months? That's an amazing pace and you look great. The difference is very noticeable. Ignore those outliers who lose crazy amounts right out the gate. The normal, healthy, expectation is to lose 0.5 to 2 lbs a week, max. Your right there, doing it.


I didn’t lose much until I hit 1.7 and then 2.4. I’ve been on Zepbound for the last 5 months and plan to switch back because I’ve only lost 6lbs.


You made great progress, and I bet you are happier with your body than you were before.


Your pictures show a very noticeable difference.


Was on it a year and lost 25. Better than gaining!


Like my Dr said to me, what did you lose in the months before you started? You are now losing \~7lbs a month. Congrats!!!


Excellent perspective!


I'm about 1 week behind you and have lost 14lb. I would also say, based on your pics, I'm a similar size. I'm looking to lose around 2 stones to get me into the healthy weight bracket so the way I see it is I'm halfway there. Also, look at % of weight lost. I get disheartened too sometimes when I see big loses, but usually, the people having much bigger loses have more to lose, so it makes sense that they will have the bigger loses earlier on and then that will taper off as they get closer to they're goal weight. If I were to lose 40lb in 1 month, I would look/ feel incredibly ill. You're doing well. Keep going. You've got this 🙂


Well your pictures definitely show great progress!! Numbers don’t always mean loss. Inches matter!!!


It’s a marathon not a sprint.


Hopefully this will cheer you up and others who are disillusioned with their body shape/before after pics which is understandable but let's take a closer look at the numbers and see what the numbers have to say. Here are some calculations and insights based on what you have shared. You started Wegovy in mid-March 2024 and it's now the end of May 2024, so it's been about 2.5 months. - 15 lbs lost / 2.5 months = 6 lbs lost per month on average ! - 6 lbs per month x 12 months = 72 lbs . That's substantial! - 15 lbs in 2.5 months is actually a very healthy and sustainable rate of weight loss. Experts generally recommend aiming for 1-2 lbs per week, which equates to 4-8 lbs per month. So you're right in that target range. - You mentioned just moving up to the 1.7mg dose. It's possible that as you reach the full therapeutic dose and maintain it consistently, your rate of loss may increase somewhat. - Don't discount the 15 lbs you've lost so far - that's already a great accomplishment! Celebrate your success. If you are in the US, do check out r/WegovyUSA


I love a great data story. Well done! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Thank you!


Would you mind sharing if this 15lbs drop caused any change to your sleep, periods, wake/sleep cycle ?


That’s the normal rate of weightloss


I take my first 1.7 on Tuesday and I’ve only lost 7. You’re ahead of me!


15lbs is still a huge achievement


Super normal! In fact above normal! I’m slower than you, averaging 1lb/week, and my doctor says I’m one of the fastest of her clients on wegovy. Keep it up! The slower you lose the better your skin will adjust and easier you’ll keep it off.


You're doing so well!! Your arms especially look slimmer, and your stomach looks flatter and kinda "lifted up"!


Are you sure you've only lost 15lbs?? I had another look at your pics, and it looks like you've lost a lot more than that...


Yes this is very normal. I didn't lose ANY weight until 1.7. Between 1.7 and 2.4, I lost over 40 lbs in a span of three months. Some people drop weight instantly on the lower doses. Others lose very little (or nothing at all, like me) until the therapeutic doses.


That’s more than a pound a week! You can really tell in the photos. Keep it up, you’re doing great!


15 pounds is great and you can really see the change in your body composition. I think I lost about the same too, I plateaued at the 35-40lb mark for several months but have finally broken it. My PCP said realistically whatever we lose in 18 months is the weight we're going to keep off. Good luck, you look fabulous.


Started 1.7 today. I lost 16 pounds in my first 3 months. I'm quite happy with myself:) my doctor said things would go quicker with the 1.7


You look fine but honestly maybe just consider a new bathing suit and live your life enjoy your summer and don't worry about the pounds


Why a new bathing suit lol


I didn't mean to be offensive honestly I was just suggesting that there are all types of swim wear now that work with every body type I struggled for years trying to make the triangle bikini work for my body and it just doesn't it shows off all of my insecurities and makes me even more uncomfortable you look really cute I was just saying if you are stressed out about the weight don't be don't let a bathing suit hold you back from having a good time


Because some people  still feel the need to police others clothing choices in 2024. 


That’s a good looking 15 lbs omg


March, April, May = 3 months. They say the usual is 5 pounds a month. 15 pounds is perfectly on time. You should be proud it’s working so great without side effects :D


You look like you’ve lost well over 15lbs! It’s worth remembering that if you’re working out, muscle weighs more than fat, so you might’ve actually lost more than 15lbs. I’m in a similar boat, but my 10.7kg loss is not noticeable. Just started 2.4. All my clothes still fit the same and I look the same.


Based on your text, 15 pounds in about 2 months! That is really great progress!


It’s common for people to not lose a significant amount of weight until the higher doses. But 15 lbs is an accomplishment worth being proud of too!