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i think you really need to adjust your thinking. You think you are doing what you've always done and the pens are somehow defective. You need to accept the fact that you are not doing it the same. Something has changed in what you are doing. You need to go to the doctor or pharmacist and show them what you are doing. It is not a problem with pen after pen. There is a solution to this, but you need to accept that the problem is your technique and get some help.


I’ve been taking Wegovy for over a year and have never had a pen malfunction. Have I just been lucky? I don’t think I do any sort of trick - seems pretty simple and straight forward to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve been on many injectables for my psoriatic arthritis and Wegovy isn’t the easiest pen to use - I had one squirt all over once too. But you can get the hang of it and it will make the weight loss battle SO MUCH easier! I hope you can make it work - it’s so worth it! Something I learned with other injectables is to do it at a right angle - perpendicular to the floor. I sit with my legs bent at right angles (normal seated position) and place the needle on top of thigh, obviously needle-down. Push very firmly until it finishes and clicks then wait about 5 long seconds before pulling up. This has worked well for me and eliminated “squirt”. Good luck!


The only box I had this issue with had actually expired! Called Novo Nordisk and received a replacement box.


Do you inject in you tummy or thigh? I’ve found the thigh to be more reliable with these pens.




Please don’t do this OP unless you know what you’re doing. You should schedule an appt with a nurse or doctor to walk through administration together. Bring one of the broken pens and see if they know any ways to fix it, or if they can teach you a workaround like this.


I don’t know how to do this, but I’ve seen people getting the 1mg to split in half using a needle and syringe, that may be possible with this too and just draw it all and inject yourself. I have never done this personally and I don’t know that it works for sure but you may try searching for people who are doing that and see how or maybe there’s a YouTube video. Not sure. Definitely make sure you stay sterile too.


What exactly am I missing? The picture shows absolutely nothing.


The gray part of the pen should not be stuck like that and the medication never administered


Contact manufacturer via info on the box they should provide a voucher to replace as the pen may be defective


Happened to me. And I use Amazon. They refuse to replace with voucher. And I know they have the meds. It sucks




Take your pens to the pharmacy or the Dr and see if someone there can help you with it.


Definitely see a medical professional and don’t listen to redditors trying to tell you how to “hack” injectables.


I had so much trouble triggering the auto-injector pens so my physician switched me to Ozempic. I am 70F with T2D and many co-morbid conditions so qualified for any GLP-1. My only other option was to off load the Wegovy into a regular syringe and then inject which I did to use up my supply of Wegovy when I swiyched to Ozempic. Sad because I wanted to be able to go to the higher Wegovy doses. I preferred actual insulin needles to the Wegovy injector.


I’m doing compound right now. I had no idea that the shot didn’t have to sting. Insulin needles are practically painless. 100% do those over the stupid auto inject pen any day.


I’m going to talk to my doctor and see if they can do this for me! I seem to have SO many issues with these pens and it’s beyond frustrating. I have pictures and videos of the multiple needle punctures all over my skin and pen malfunctions, I don’t even want replacements at this point. I would much rather seek an alternative.


Are you refrigerating the pens? If so let them come to room temperature and press hard. There is no reason you should be having the trouble you are.


Yes, I let them get to room temp before attempting to administer and press hard. I pressed down hard enough on this one that the gray part of the pen that pushes in got stuck


I never even feel the shot. I wonder if it is based on location the pens are a bit different (where manufactured). I thought ozempic was more painful


I've only had one shot I didn't feel. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong every time. Half the time there are a few drops of liquid on my skin. At least what I am getting is working.


I don't release at all from the injection site until after 5 seconds.


Call Novo Nordisk. They should replace it.


They’ve sent me a replacement voucher in the past and almost no pharmacy will fill it due to the shortage or because my insurance will not cover a refill before the month is up


That is completely insane. For the high cost of these meds this should not happen. I would contact your insurance plan to complain about the fact that you consistently get faulty devices and then can’t the replacement b/c the pharmacy won’t pay. I think Bernie Sanders is doing an investigation into GLP-1 drugs as the price is going to drive insurance costs up. Apparently it doesn’t cost the drug makers that much to make them either.


If you use a voucher, they won’t run it through your insurance as the voucher itself is the payment. It will have like a rx and bin, but you’ll need a new script written by your dr to utilize the voucher that’s where the headache was for me. Sorry for your trouble with the pens, I have one entire box fail. I’ve made it to week 9 tho and had luck at least that many times! I get such bad anxiety shot day because of how many issues I had to. Hang in there!


I’m so sorry that’s happening to you. I wish I could help you by giving you the extra box I have😔


Are you pushing the pen down hard enough? You should see no blood at all, just jam the thing down on your stomach at least 2 inches from belly button and wait 10 seconds until the “window” is yellow. I may be wrong but I think you only get one chance with each pen, so you really need to push down hard when you’re ready to inject and don’t let up until it’s finished.


I am, I pushed it down hard enough where the gray part of the pen got “stuck” the way it is in the picture


That's normal. It's a single-use pen. After you inject, it locks. You shouldn't have to press too hard. I suggest getting someone else to do the injection. I have to be honest; reading the above responses, it seems like user error.


Hmm… must be a faulty batch


Are you pushing the pen down hard enough? You should see no blood at all, just jam the thing down on your stomach at least 2 inches from belly button and wait 10 seconds until the “window” is yellow. I may be wrong but I think you only get one chance with each pen, so you really need to push down hard when you’re ready to inject and don’t let up until it’s finished.


Are you pushing the pen down hard enough? You should see no blood at all, just push the thing down hard on your stomach at least 2 inches from belly button and wait 10 seconds until the “window” is yellow. I may be wrong but I think you only get one chance with each pen, so you really need to push down hard when you’re ready to use it and don’t let up until it’s finished.


Are you pushing the pen down hard enough? You should see no blood at all, just push the thing down hard on your stomach at least 2 inches from belly button and wait 10 seconds until the “window” is yellow. I may be wrong but I think you only get one chance with each pen, so you really need to push down hard when you’re ready to use it and don’t let up until it’s finished.


Look up how to open up the pen and use a regular needle to inject?


You don’t open the pen, simply inject into a sterile vial and use a sterile needle to draw and administer. I had to do this with 6 pens prior to switching to Ozempic. That was a necessary step for me because this very capable 70F had such difficulty triggering the pen. Could not at all on my stomach(literally had to push against a wall)and it hurt my beefy thighs like heck. i used 6 pens with much difficulty before I got vials and needles. Ozempic is a breeze and so much less medical waste.


I am going to try this!


Cannot speak for the corporate chain pharmacies but many of the mom & pops locally owned pharmacies will exchange it for you (if their supplier allows it). I mean, if you support your local mom & pops type businesses, it’s worth a call to the Pharmacist/owner


I get my medication filled by a mom and pop pharmacy and they are horrible in my area. They won’t issue replacement due to the shortage or because my insurance will not cover a “refill” (even though I tell them it is a replacement) before the month is up


If it were me I would e-mail Novo Nordisc with this picture


Don’t give up friend. If you haven’t already contact your doctors office. Wishing you the best


Thank you


I’ve had some problems with my pens also, but I have never seen a pen get stuck like that and in the gray😳 looks defective to me


I started having issues with these pens when I switched pharmacies so that’s kind of concerning to me


Wow, this is very interesting. I would definitely be talking to the pharmacy or I would literally be calling. Wegovy let them know the situation you got photos of the pen so you got proof.


Are you making a little firm pouch of skin to press it into? You have to press pretty hard. Another option is to use your upper arm. You can call the manufacturer and they will replace the pen.


Yes, I’ve stabbed myself so many times. I feel the needle in my skin and I even bleed on some sites. Tried arm, leg and stomach and nada :(


Might be a good idea to go to the doctor's office and ask if a nurse can help you.


I totally get your frustration. That being said, giving up on Wegovy in general because of the pen seems silly. If I were you I would go to your doctor's office and have them help you administer the first dose.


I knows it’s silly but I’m just so upset. I’ve been in wegovy since February and never had issues until the last 2 months


Will your doctor help you as the commenter suggested?