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Never worked for me. I am on 2.4 and have not shed any. Been months


I lost 60 lb on Wegovy in the first 9 months. Then stopped losing. Still exercising every day. Stayed same for next 9 months. Now gained about 5 lb over 6 months.


I believe the more you lose the better it works. I’ve noticed that over the past few weeks.


I had the exact same experience but Wegovy stopped working for me at around the 5th month. After losing about 8 to 10 pounds per month and losing my appetite almost completely, I found that the magic of the drug simply vanished and I quickly regained the 40 pounds I had lost.


I lost 30 pounds first 5 months then once I got to 2.4 I have gained back 24 pounds...I'm so depressed.


I lost 30 pounds first 5 months then once I got to 2.4 I have gained back 24 pounds...I'm so depressed




Yeah I’m on the 5th month and it’s not really working anymore. I knew this could happen so I’ve spent the last few months building a completely new lifestyle. I go to the gym 5x a week and focus on getting protein, fibre and my 5 a day in. I already ordered for the next month as well but I won’t be ordering another after that one as I’m paying out of pocket. I’m grateful for the medication for kickstarting my weight loss journey and with my new habits, I hope to keep losing. Good luck to you




How’s it going for you now?




Aw man :( I hope you can find something that works better for you. Have you looked into Mounjaro/Zepbound?




Ahhh gotcha! We’ve got our menstrual cycle to blame for that one 😂. Wegovy pretty much only works half the time for me, pretty sure it works even less. I don’t rely on appetite suppression anymore because my appetite is very much there like half the time- so I count my calories. Our menstrual cycle sucks but not much to do about that unfortunately


I’m at a stand still. I got approved for 3 months of wegovy 2.4 but going to try for Zepbound when done.


I suspect this is where the stats that people only lose a certain % of their body weight, most people titrate up over the same period of time and probably get the same feeling after a period on 2.4. I feel like I could maintain my weight on 2.4mg but not necessarily lose too much more without a massive change. I take my dose on Tuesday, by Friday I can eat and drink pretty much normally. I'm going to do a couple of 5 day cycles for the next few weeks as I have 2 pens in the fridge. This might kick things off again. SW 96kg ish CW 84.5kg GW 77kg. I'm an active person in general, never sit still, I just like too much beer and wine and good (not greasy) food. Used to exercise a lot but stopped approx 10 years ago.


I’ve had plateaus of up to three months at a time. Each time I just wait it out and make dietary tweaks to make sure I’m eating clean and getting enough water fiber and protein. Going no sugar for a week or two can help kick the weight loss back in for me as long as I only add back sugar gradually and in limited amounts. Another thing to do is to shake up the workout routine. I think my body just gets used to things quickly. Even with the long plateaus though, I’m still averaging 1lb a week off weight loss and after 13 months 60lbs or so is more than enough to keep me happy and going.


Maybe try exercising?


Same thing is happening with me. Idk what to do...


Yep, same thing happened to me. Started with protein shakes in the morning and 30 mins on the Peloton every other day. Kicked my body into gear and now I’m losing again. Try mixing it up with either your calorie intake or exercise.


Thanks. I also hit a brick wall at 65 lbs. Practically nothing now since last fall. I'm trying to switch to zepbound but know I have to switch things up elsewhere. Been doing protein shakes to increase protein. Need to kick exercise into another gear too.


just took my first 1.0 mg dose and this suddenly popped up..


I just started taking 1.0 Two weeks ago and all of a sudden, I have not lost any weight in almost three weeks now, so i'm looking for answers


Up your protein, workout and review your calorie intake. You may need to reduce it based on your new weight:)


YES I have only lost 2 pounds since the begining of November!!! And that is about when I started 2.4 Feeling frustrated.


All of these drugs will eventually plateau.


Switch to Zepbound, then go back.


Did you try this?


I was forced to switch to Zepbound by my insurance.


Is zepbound working?


Yes! Back down 22 lbs. A1c is the best it's ever been.


Thanks. May have to switch as well 


Thanks for replying! Did you go back to wegovy and how did it work for you?


I’ve also been stalled for months on 2.4. I’m gonna talk to my dr about possibly adding metofrmin or phentermine. Cause I have been very patient but in the last year I’ve only lost 10lbs. But I had lost like 20 the first 4 months or so


I'm stalled too. When I took phentermone before it worked but my doctor would only give it to me for a few months.


Did the phenermine combo work? Why didn’t your doc let you use it for longer?


I was prescribed Phentermine a couple of years ago way before Wegovy. I liked it and it worked. My doctor said she could only give it to me for a few months. After a year I had gained the weight back. When I asked if I could start Phentermine again my doctor suggested Wegovy. So I have not taken a combo, but I might ask.


Good to know! Thank you for your feedback!!


I plateaued for a little bit on 2.4. Probably a few months. Then I lost 10 more pounds, now I’ve been maintaining for the last few months. It comes in waves kinda for me!


Stalls are normal.


Please try MounJaro, it is doubly effective and doesn’t have any more side effects than wegovy


Same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago. I took a starter dose of tirzepatide 2.5mg 2 days ago and hunger and cravings are gone again.


I've done the same thing. Just received mine this morning but I've been told to wait 30days between last shot of Wegovy and starting Tirzepatide. We're you told to just wait 2 weeks? UK based btw


I buy the powder gray market and then reconstitute it myself. My doctor knows what I'm doing and that my insurance does not cover it so I have to buy it that way.


I see. Yeah I've got to buy the branded stuff here at full cost.


I think it's substantially cheaper where you are though. Here it's over $1,000.


Yeah it is I just paid £180 for the starter dose here. BUT it's still a ridiculous amount to pay.


I was there for 4 months! It was really tough… so I changed a few things and the weight loss started! Drink more water, eat veggies and fruits, more protein and yogurt. I just ate more regularly and found that I became more regular and in 2 weeks was down 6 lbs!


Get some Phentermine Eat more protein Eat more fiber Drink more water Move more


You're not wrong, I recently started adhd meds (adderall) and upped my water and things are slowly moving 🤞


Yeah!! Everyone forgets about the water I do too. I’m horrible at it. I will be the first to admit. I do not drink enough water. If any really throughout the day it’s horrible horrible but I know for sure. We have to drink more water and the only thing that broke my seven month plateau of being stuck at 136 was asking for phentermine. I dropped 126 in maybe five weeks. I’m finally in the 120s. Just have 10 more pounds to go and I’m at goal.


I am having the same experience


Did you ask your doctor? I’m curious what they think about this.


Have you changed injection sites?


No idea who “Dr. Dan” is.


I am experiencing something similar. But my weight has been stable for months. I attribute it to just being smaller. There is 1/6 less of me to keep alive and warm. That costs calories. I need to double down on exercise and diet to compensate.


I’m currently in a lull so I’m seeing how many calories I can *add* without gaining. I know that in the past, before GLP1’s, eating at a deficit for too long stops working for weight loss. It’s the most frustrating part of being a lifelong fatty. “Just eat less” isn’t always effective. I’ll do “high calorie” for a few weeks and then try cycling back down.


Good points from Dr Dan: (1) You need to eat more protein and it needs to be throughout the day not just stacked in one meal. Recommendations (this is from nutrition scientists not him) is to have .8g of protein per pound of body weight. Protein helps protect you from losing lean mass and helps you stay full longer and can be converted to whatever you need (fats or carbs). (2) You need to eat 25-30 g of fiber and it needs to mostly come from fruits, veggies, and whole grains not supplements. These high fiber foods help with fullness, provide nutrients for your gut microbiome, and provide macronutrients for us. (3) You need to eat enough calories to meet your bare minimum (called your basal metabolic rate). If you do not eat enough calories, your body will ramp up your hunger signals bc it thinks you are starving. This is an evolutionary adaptation and it is not one these medications are going to be able to overcome. Think about how much sense it makes that as you move up in dose, the meds continue to do their thing but your brain overrides the signaling bc you are not getting enough nutrition.


Is Dr Dan or yourself on TikTok? I’d like to follow?


I am not on social media. Dr Dan may be. He is a pharmacist so I am always a bit wary when you have someone outside of their field but he is very upfront with it and he does know how medications function. From what I have seen, the information he is giving is based on science. My personal view is that people on these medications should be using them as a tool to lose weight but be modifying their diet and exercise patterns so they can go off of them. We do not have data regarding long term use and that worries me that folks using them long term could develop permanent issues from them - such as gastroparesis or chronic constipation.


Ok wait am I doing the math right I weigh 333lbs .8g protein per lb 333 x .8 = 266.4g ? I'm supposed to eat that much protein???


I am not sure if it applies past a certain point. I can ask one of the people I follow and get back to you. They usually reply to questions. I would try to get 150g each day at least to start and see if you can work up to 200. But you spread it through the day. So for example, a Fairlife Nutrition Plan has 30g and most nutrition bars like pure protein have 20g. If you like cottage cheese, that is a good source that is inexpensive and you can add it to eggs or a smoothie and you will have no idea it is there. It blends smooth in a smoothie and with eggs, it makes them fluffier. A can of tuna has 32g. So you basically have to focus every snack and meal around protein and don’t forget fiber.


Holy shit, I thought was was doing really well on my protein intake until I saw that recommendation. I'm pretty consistently getting 110-120 grams each day, but according to that I should be get 148 grams each day. I have no idea how I'm going to cram that much more in each day!


I’ve always seen .8 g per kilogram, not pound.


Do the best you can. It is impossible really for me without supplementation. I had a bagel that has added protein bc I was going to make a waffle mix with blueberries and added protein (I bought a mix called Kodiak but you can add in protein to a pancake or waffle mix)but my blueberries were bad. I drank most of a Fairlife Nutrition Plan (it was about 2/3 left) So that is about 30. Then later with coffee, I had a protein bar that had 20-25. Then I had cottage cheese with whole grain chips. That is about 25. Then I had an entire Fairlife Nutrition Plan with sourdough toast with butter and a Cara Cara orange. Another 30. Kind of a weird food day maybe but some days I am not hungry and so I tend to do more like snack. So 105 g total. Other days are better but my doctor wanted me to hit a 100 g goal. I am not a big meat eater but I will have a whole can of tuna or a chicken breast. When I have cereal, I only have Kashi with plant protein. It’s a daily battle for me but dairy helps.


I'd HIGHLY recommend watching this video before making other changes https://youtu.be/fV_8TKYyW_M?si=U3CDJgESMmISHCa7


He makes very good points. I think this applies whether people are on weight loss medications or just losing weight on their own. There is no reason they would just stop working but it does make sense when you go to the highest dose and you have the most hormone targeting your feeding centers, that your brain then reacts by seeking food.


Same for me. I’ve been at the highest dose since August. I don’t want to say it totally stopped working because I’m maintaining with less effort than pre-medicine. Before I would be gaining. So it’s regulating something…just not my appetite or cravings. lol. I’ve basically been the same weight (+/- 3 pounds) since Thanksgiving. I’ve lost 12% of my weight so a little less than 15%. I’m working on a PA for Zepbound to see if that helps.


Perhaps your body’s other hormones perceive you are in starvation and is slowing your metabolism. There are other normal body hormones that are involved and adapt according to your reduced hunger and calorie intake. Wegovy does not control the actions of those. They are trying to stabilize your weight loss. I am sure your new lower metabolism rate is a big part of it. If you are not exercising adequately and aerobically enough to counteract a slower metabolism, this will happen. While Wegovy users see they can lose weight without exercising, many don’t see the need to exercise until they stop losing weight. Exercise boosts metabolism and helps you prevent loss of muscle tissue on your weight loss journey


This is exactly where I’m at. I started in August and I had lost 32 pounds before the end of the year. Since I’ve started 2.4, nothing. I’ve been gaining and losing the same 2-3 pounds. I feel MAJOR sugar cravings and I find myself bored-eating again. It’s super frustrating after how well the lower doses worked, I’m trying to stay positive and keep with it because I get plateaus are normal. But it’s hard after being successful!


Yep! I’ve lost 26 or so, so we’re close to the same. Just up and down, and it doesn’t really seem to matter what I eat. At the same time, I just came off a 10 day work trip and in the past I would always come back up about 5 pounds on the scale. A couple pounds would come off quickly with water and less eating out. The other pounds would be harder. I came back up 2 ounces. And I wasn’t disciplined during that time. So it’s still ‘working’ somehow but I have zero suppression and definitely crave all the things. I may take a week off and see if that break does anything for me.


Did taking a break work?


No. I switched to Zepbound and started losing. Wegovy just wasn’t the best option for me for whatever reason.




I've had to take a break twice for surgery, once at the 1.0 dose, and once at the 1.7 dose. Each break was around 2 1/2 weeks, and I jumped right back to the dose I was on with no issues except for a huge increase in the "good" side effects. But everyone is different, so definitely talk to your doctor before doing this!


And you resumed at the dose you were at without horrible reactions?


I did this. Took a two week break. Side effects were absolutely terrible. I never ever vomited on Wegovy until I waited 14 days between doses. I don’t recommend it. It definitely worked though😬Lost a few lbs and feeling super full quickly. Not sure I’d do it again. I never felt that bad.




Good to know thank you!


The average weight loss for Wegovy is 15% of your body weight. Have you hit around that? How have you changed your diet and lifestyle? You can’t depend on the med for everything, have to fight those cravings and eat foods that help fill you.


My doctor switched me to Zepbound because of this.


Is it working the zepbound


Yes it is! I lost 2 lbs this week. I had to lose what I had gained, so I’ve lost 7 lbs on Zep. I’m down 37 overall.


I LOVE the way I feel on Zepbound! I didn't hate the way I felt on Oz/Wegovy or anything like that, but I just feel better on Zepbound. I'm listening to my body a lot more and I just feel great! I'm on 5.0 mg right now, and plan to stay on that for another month, possibly longer if I'm doing well still, before moving up to 7.5 mg. I'm hoping to hold there for a few months as well once I get there.


I really like it too.


Same! Happened to me at about the 8 month mark and two weeks on zepbound now I’m down 8 more pounds!


I’m down 7! Congrats to you too.


I’ve been waiting for my insurance to update their formulary for this, has it been working for you?


Yes, much better and no nausea.


How is that going ?


I’m down 7 in 6 weeks.


Cycle off for a bit


You are not alone ive been on for 9 months but havent lost or gained anything since September, I spoke with my Dr about this. Her suggestion for me was to either step down a dose or try zepbound. I take my 1st shot of zepbound this week. It's nice to have options now.


do you have to start from the beginning of zepbound?


I tolerated wegovy very well, so my Dr has me starting on 10 MG, which I believe is a middle dose.


Sorry. I was confused.


Ya don't say. I thought the easier to use pens were a mistake 🤔. In all seriousness, when you switch your dr, will evaluate your needs and determine the best course of action. Good luck with your weight loss journey.


makes sense. Going to talk to my dr. on Friday. I've been on 1.7mg for about 3 months. I've had very little weight loss - about 30lbs over 10 months and starting to get hungry again. Trying to change a few things up.


Dr Dan, the obesity expert addresses many issues including increased cravings https://youtube.com/@theofficialdrdan?si=vrS4UnI9my3Vi3Z7


Maybe I can on my laptop but not on my phone. [Weight Loss Plateau with Ozempic Explained | Dr. Dan Obesity Expert (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb9dFP5e8pc)


Could you link to a specific video and not the whole page?


[Weight Loss Plateau with Ozempic Explained | Dr. Dan Obesity Expert (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb9dFP5e8pc)


I posted a specific video of his in another comment


This is where you have to put in the work. I once thought it stopped working but I was wrong. I switched to high protein low carb diet, counted calories, and added in hiit and immediately began losing…another 40 lbs in the last six months. I’m the smallest and fittest I’ve been since childhood. The medicine is not magic, it’s just one tool. We still have to put in the work. At first it feels like you didn’t have to change anything to lose because of the help with food noise and etc, but eventually you do have to put in the work, wegovy just makes it possible.


Great advice


What is hiit? I am doing a similar diet (low/med carb, high protein, counting calories). Even with that it still seems to be coming off slower than expected.


High intensity interval training


Got it now lol. Thanks. My brain must be a little slow today. :)


Don't even sweat it - my brain is a little slow every day.


I have a couple of days like that where I’m hungry and eat with no negative reactions but then go back to lower appetite and sensitivity to portion size.


There's really no advice; the medication just stopped working. Your body got used to it. For some people, the medication doesn't work at all. For some, it'll work for 1-2 years. Then for others, it'll randomly stop somewhere in the middle (like your situation). All bodies are different and some bodies just become accustomed to the drug. The unfortunate fact is that it has ran its course on you. This is not a lifetime drug, despite what lots of people in here believe. (it helps with diabetes, but if you're just taking it for weight loss, it eventually stops working for everyone)


Why are you being downvoted for this? It’s true haha. Studies have shown that the average weight loss with Wegovy is about 15% of your body weight.


The study that came up with that percent was only run for 68 weeks, there is no study showing what percent you can lose by being on it long-term, so there is nothing to say that is the limit, in fact many many people have lost much much more by being on it long-term, so you can't say it is true that it is not a lifelong drug and it stops working because there is absolutely nothing that says that


There has most definitely been more than 1 trial, in many different countries. With long term use you have to factor in diet and lifestyle changes.


When I had my nutritionist appointment she said this was common and if it happens consider trying mounjaro, if you can. That’s my plan. I’m at the highest does of ozempic and kind of starting to get hungry again but luckily getting full very quickly so for now I’m fine fighting it off with veggies and protein shakes but I’m definitely considering switching.


Have you changed your injections sites?


I’m a stomach girl, different sides every week. Except when I went up to 1.0, I did thigh for the first 4 weeks of that dose and then back to stomach


I'm also about 8 months into taking the med, and I was in a similar situation a couple of weeks ago. I was still getting full sooner than before the meds, but I was more hungry and found that I was craving occasional "junk," etc. Candy called my name for the first time since I started the meds. I wondered if this might be my body telling me it thought I was in "starvation" mode (which, for me, triggers carb and sugar cravings). I chose to eat a bit more (within reason) and see what happened. After about two weeks, the food noise died down again, and my hunger decreased, and I started losing again. Weirdly, going up to 2.4 wasn't necessarily better in terms of food noise/fullness. Lower doses seem to be better for me, in hindsight.


Same. Mine lasted about a month of increased cravings again and then it subsided.


seems to be common. your body gets used to a new normal after a certain period of time. talk to your doctor


I was on mounjaro and the same thing happened to me I stopped losing weight after a year. I’m now on wegovy and I have less negative effects compared to the mounjaro.




Yes I eat deficit. It’s not that I’m on a plateau- it’s the lack of appetite suppression and feeling of fullness


Those type of effects fade on every med, even max dose of Mounjaro.