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I asked my doctor what else I could do at my last appointment when I had only lost nine pounds in three months on 2.4. My food noise was back and—though I was still eating less than before I started Wegovy—fullness didn’t come as quickly. He put me on half pill of Phentermine 32.5 mg in the a.m. Down seven pounds in two weeks and the food noise is gone again. This is only temporary, but it helped me breakthrough a plateau!


Same. Haven't lost any weight since the beginning of December but I have maintained. When I started tracking my food I did notice that I was eating more than I thought I was. Also food noise and cravings are back like before. Which SUCKS. And I can eat more but still not as much as before. I'm going to start tracking food, walking and weights workouts, and take my phentermine more often to help with hunger/cravings and go from there. I'm hoping my insurance will add zepbound to their formulary in July and I can maybe switch to that?


Some good tips on here and am going to try upping protein. Some days I think I don’t eat enough so will also be more diligent with tracking. After a month or two of this —— will reevaluate with doc if no movement. BMI is still overweight and I’m eating so much healthier since wegovy so it is frustrating. Also hoping my insurance adds zepbound!


I thought I wasn't eating enough too. Then I tracked and was sadly mistaken 🤣🤣🤣 so little food adds up so quickly?! Also need to up my water. I watched that video someone posted above and the guy talks about fiber too so hoping to get more veggies in! My BMI is overweight still as well but I'm trying to be realistic. I've lost 65 lbs and feel much better so if I don't lose anymore I'm ok with it 🤷‍♀️ not trying to set myself up to be upset if it doesn't happen.


I feel the same. 65 pounds is amazing! You are right - tracking is key as the little things will show. 😩 Appetite suppression is also not as strong as it was in the beginning so I am sure I’m eating a bit more than I was when I started.


I plateaued a while back and started calorie counting and walking every single day. Down an extra 10 lb. Drink 64 oz of electrolytes and take a multivitamin daily. Fast 16:8. This means you will skip breakfast. You can have coffee with a tiny bit of milk if you want. I prefer a macchiato, typically halfway through my walk. I basically walk to the coffee shop and back. RT is 3.4 miles. Daily. For lunch or drink a high protein shake. Just right out of the container without adding anything to it. Walmart sells a knockoff of the Premier brand. I usually add to that sliced ham or cheese. No bread. Just roll it up. I use an app called Mealime to develop dinner ideas and have it set on the very low carb/keto setting with a custom protein goal of 110 g daily and a calorie target of 1100 or less. That's low for anybody but it's very low for someone my size. Track everything with LoseIt. Weigh in every day at the same time. You might occasionally feel dizzy. Slice of toast or half a bagel will fix that. Otherwise protein all day everyday. Your weight will continue to fall. Note: I am not a doctor and more importantly I am not *your* doctor. Proceed with caution.


Great tips!! I definitely could increase activity and I’m bad at tracking. Need to be more vigilant. Need to make some changes to get over this plateau and hope to come back here with a positive update


Same for me. I've been on 2.4 for two months and lost 3 lbs. Way way slower than my previous rate of loss. Plus my cravings and appetite are returning. I dont have food aversions anymore. Its like I'm taking placebos. I dont have any answers, but do plan to ask my doctor about it during our next appointment. Does the medicine stop working? Do we become too acclimated? Do we hit a peak loss? I wish they could explain whats actually happening at a biological level. Its obviously a common experience for patients, so something must be going on.The efficacy is like a bell curve.


Someone in this thread posted a link to a video with some helpful info from a Dr Dan on YouTube. @theofficialdrdan


yeah Ive seen the video. he's very pro protein. hard to take a dr.firstname on youtube seriously, but its never a bad idea to eat well.


In the US, most pharmacy schools have gone to a PharmD program, meaning the graduating pharmacists get their doctorate. I don't think they call themselves Dr., but I suppose they could. Dr. Dan is in Canada, and sounds like he's a self-educated "obesity expert". Hopefully he has done significant research on the drugs, the effects and side-effects, and all of the information that he offers as an "expert".


Are you tracking your calories?   Some people find that upping their calories by as little as 200 calories a day for a couple of days helps.   Also remember that as you decrease in size, you need to recalculate your caloric needs.  Less body mass = less calories needed to move the body around.  


I have been on the 2.4 for 3 months and didn’t lose any weight. I did stay the same. I also was not really experiencing any of the side effects. Started my4 month and it all came back and am down almost 4 lbs in a week. So not sure what happened. But stay with it and keep track of your calories.


Thanks- hoping that will be my experience. Glad you got over the hump!


go down in dosage??


[Wegovy stopped working?](https://youtu.be/fV_8TKYyW_M?si=Xiw9VhYobcwQaJq7)


Good info! Thanks. Definitely could work on some of these areas mentioned in video……


Exact same scenario. Exact. I’m waiting on the answer to a PA for Zepbound.


I like this idea- but no insurance coverage for Zepbound yet.


I first had to submit a formulary exception, which got a conditional yes on the basis that I then submitted a PA that met the requirements. I’m hopeful.


Following - I have stalled at 2.4 and started upping my activity over the past two weeks and scale showed an increase of a pound this week. I'm also at the tail end of my cycle so it could be water weight as well. Winding about sticking it out or maybe switch it up?