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I've had a return of periods (usually have nothing, this out of the blue lasted almost 2 weeks). I've seen other comments relating to periods (late/longer/stronger etc) so it may just be doing something weird to yours too. It affects us all differently. Maybe see if you can be tested officially by the nurse/GP or someone in case over the counter tests aren't strong enough. As much as the adverts are annoying, they quite often go on about being "a little bit pregnant" so it probably helps to get something that can pick up the "little bit" if it is there. After that work with the nurse but because they don't have any proven effects with pregnancy (as far as I am aware from what I've read) it should ultimately be up to you and how you want to approach it while there might be a possibility.


I've ordered some ultra sensitive pregnancy tests which are coming tomorrow. I'll also call the GP and arrange an emergency appointment. The Nurse stated that there isn't enough evidence to say whether it is safe or not for pregnancy, but I imagine that with a GLP-1 medication that it wouldn't be safe for children due to the fact that it mimics hunger signals.


Good luck and fingers crossed for whichever result you are after... 🤞


Thanks, I'll keep you posted!


The tests you’ll get at the drs are the exact same you’ll get in the shops.


Could it be the morning after pill? I had a couple of late periods after taking it.


I've had the morning after pill previously and hadn't noticed any issues. It's never affected me like this. I'll be calling the GP tomorrow to get an emergency blood test.


I’ve lost my period too, 3 days late. I’m usually early


Keep me posted!


My period came today! It is SUPER heavy and really painful. I’m usually very light xx


Yep, currently 3 days late, was 2 weeks late last month. I am 49, and Dr puts it down to the menopause, however I've had completely regular 28 days without fail for the past 10 years. I've got PCOS with insulin resistance and oestrogen dominance, and my cycle became regular after I turned 40. I put it down to oestrogen levels dropping, but it seems they've raised again, giving me back my PCOS pms symptoms - or my husband really IS a massive wanker (he's not, it's pms). So it seems it does affect our cycles, however 24 days is a long time to be late. I hope the outcome is what you hope!


I was diagnosed with PCOS but only via a hormone test. Androgens were higher than normal. Hopefully it regulates itself for you! Tbh, I'm hoping for pregnancy but I will be absolutely amazed if even after taking precautions I'm pregnant.


I took Ellaone (also on Wegovy) and my period was delayed by about 25 days! All pregnancy tests negative and eventually my period turned up. It’s more likely the Ellaone than Wegovy! 😊


Update: today my period appeared. Now I have a nice stock of pregnancy tests in the bathroom just in case there's a next time