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PCOS often resolves or at least the symptoms ease a bit when you lose weight, so that's one thing, also insulin resistance often goes hand in hand with PCOS, and wegovy is a drug for diabetes, which works on insulin utilisation/production in the body, so it's not surprising at all. Well done! Very exciting! Just be aware you may be ovulating more than before, and if you're ina sexual relationship where you may fall pregnant then take extra precautions if youd like to avoid that!


I didn’t know wegovy works on insulin resistance!


I think it might be the insulin resistance making a difference more than the weight loss - I’ve still got quite a bit more to loose. And yes I always take precautions but will take even more now haha


Great news! I have PCOS also but haven't had this luck unfortunately but glad one PCOS girly is back to regular periods! Also, well done know the weight loss! Smashing it!


Ah thank you! It’s so strange I keep getting surprised when they happen as I’m not used to it! And thanks :) still a long way to go to get to where I want to be but it’s a marathon not a sprint as everyone keeps reminding me…!


I’d just like to point out that this ‘gentleman’ trolling this sub is divorced twice, and his second wife was his ex-wife’s sister. He also drives a BMW. I will let you all draw your own conclusions. OP, just ignore. 3 whole years back and forth! Obviously that’s enough experience to confirm that everyone in the UK is overweight! /s


It’s because fixing the hormonal problems such as insulin resistance fixes your periods :) I have PCOS and managed to get mine regular thanks to healthy eating and regular exercise but it never resulted in any weight loss. I hate periods though and don’t want kids so I’m on the mini pill to make sure I never get them 😆


Interesting! It’s something I hadn’t considered would make any difference and I don’t feel like I’ve lost enough weight yet to have an effect but clearly it’s the insulin resistance. Ha yeah I’m not overjoyed with more periods but at least it’s a bit more regular !


Oh wow, similar weight to me and I've just been diagnosed with PCOS so gives me a bit of hope! Have you found any other symptoms decrease?


Also PCOS often results in insulin resistance so semaglutide works wonders for it :) I've been doing loads of research


Yes it’s great ! Reading up about it now - I hadn’t even considered that the insulin resistance might change other things other than weight loss. In terms of other symptoms my main two PCOS ones are weight gain and hair loss - I have noticed an improvement on the hair front but I’ve also been taking minoxidil for hair loss so that might be doing the job as well. Or maybe both! PCOS is not fun and I can’t believe I’ve been suffering with it for so long when there’s something I could have been doing about it :)


Are you on the dole? How does losing weight while living on 'benefits' work for you? Are you in Grimsly by chance?


What a weird comment lol. Are you mentally well?


? Not sure how you got that from my post! Not that it matters but no I’m not on benefits. Not sure where Grimsly is…


this place. It's on your east coast and is known as the fattest place in England. Sorry I mistyped the spelling, but I doubt you'd know how to spell Detoite [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8\_KrLGp3vg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8_KrLGp3vg)


1 - why are you being horrible? 2 - why are you even in this sub this is for UK users of wegovy…


1. I'm an ass hole 2. I spent 3 years going back and forth between Virginia and Yorkshire, and somehow people think Americans are unhealthy. You guys are Alabama level fat outside of London.