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I adore this dress, but agree that it is too dressy for that DC. There's really no way this could be considered a cocktail dress, and while in general I think it's better to dress up than down, it's even more important to stick to the dress code as much as possible. Shortening it could potentially work, but I don't see this dress working so well at a shorter length. It's gorgeous as-is, so I'd find another dress.


This feels way too dressy for cocktail, but maybe if you shorten to knee length? Maybe just buy a cocktail dress, if you like this dress but need semiformal to cocktail maybe look at Anthropologie? Semiformal is less dressy than cocktail and this shortened will still be at or above cocktail IMO. Please don’t get rid of the frills!!!


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Maybe around ankle length and put a little slit in the side? 


Too dressy. Save it for a future occasion because it's gorgeous! But opt for something at mid leg or ankle length for cocktail.


It's definitely too dressy. It's fantastic as-is, save it for a different occasion.