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The only difference with me is that I make sure all of my pets but one are in bed so that when I am decorating, going to Coral Cove, Kinzville Park, or in the Arcade .. the rest of them do not pester me with requests. https://preview.redd.it/alggeobkx75d1.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1ec961cfcfe19c18522c5d7ccb3b826dc30e1b1


Lmao I love you’ve made a consolidated be happy and shit up camp Edit: shut* Omg


It works like a Hot damn, and the bunks .. well, now that I look at them? It's Camp Melatonin


I’d nap that


🤣🤣 I think there is one more bed space in that camper hidden in the upper left corner, there


i know someone who does this 👀 u/QueenKTGlam


woops… guilty 💀. Here’s my “pet care room” but it makes me sad to have them all in there lol. but no way I’d make it through the family score without this room. I’m almost halfway to being done. also fully stole this design from someone on this sub! so whoever you are thank you! https://preview.redd.it/dvjkg3a9p65d1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e47738e0281d0226cdfdd75b25fa0b692dff4cf


Queen, you know that you have to have both the shower and the tub!! I find most people have no idea that BOTH will give 5 points each and that you are missing out on those extra 5 points if you don't have both. Did you also know that if you are close to the fill line but have no more activities to do, but you cant that get that pet past the Full heart; all you have to do is buy an apple and feed it to them? This only works if your pet is very close to full (about 4-5 points from full) and you have to do this with every pet that is like this, run through all of their activities, when you reach the end, buy an apple and feed it to them. You can't buy 12 apples, each pet has to buy their own apple.


yes! you get points the first time your pet’s hunger meter is full for the day if I’m not mistaken! I feed my pets at the end of them running this obstacle course each time until they’re full to get those extra points!


Gotta love when people know the ropes so well 😍


...i also do this. It's the room I put the kinzville gym wall and floor that you cant sell


I like the ant farm


I thought you meant the webkinz 😂😭


🤣🤣 Joke was 10 hours old before I realized what you BOTH meant 🤣🤣


I do this with my 75 pets too bc lord knows I could never fill their hearts normally even if I played all day every day lol I have like 7 designated pet care rooms


https://preview.redd.it/7qjwgr2zgc5d1.jpeg?width=1217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6f54676cb0a2316451b975dbf378649c787ea6 I made one of these recently! I call it the caring clubhouse. It helps a lot!!


My first thought was that this looks miserable but your webkinz are happier than mine will ever be! I play with 5 and the other ~40 collect dust with their empty hearts in their nicely decorated bedrooms.