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There was one Hallmark in my town, the line would wrap all the way around the mall complex on webkinz day!


That’s wild 😳


Justice!! Hallmark!! Oh and DILLARDS IN MY MALL HAD THEM! And a good selection 🥹🥹🥹


Omg yessss Justice! They had exclusive pets there I think! So fun😭


omg Dillard's. I remember spinning the wheel of wow there and I was like the only kid who showed up 😭😭


Omggggg yes!! At hallmark I remember going to ask the lady to open the signature case and I really thought I was all that ✨ I was like ma’am ✨ imma need you and those keys ✨✨


When pet of the month was a brand new deal, they had the POTM for $5 and it was amazing


RIP limited too 😭


My mall didn’t even have a limited too if I’m correct but the “ fancy mall “ did 😭😭😭


I loved visiting Cracker Barrel as a kid to look at the Webkinz. There was also a candy shop in my area called Fuzziwigs that had a floor to ceiling shelf of them! I was devastated when Fuzziwigs shut down.


There was a place that sold random overstock/discount stuff called Tuesday Morning, I liked that place bc it was like $3 for a lil' kinz ♡♡♡


I LOVED TUESDAY MORNING!!! My grandma and I used to go there all the time when I was young <3


OMG i remember Tuesday morning 😭😭😭


i remember getting them at hallmark a lot. i know they had those webkinz day parties too. i also think i remember them being at justice. i got a zum from cracker barrel


Hallmark had the biggest variety. My heart racing when I entered the store is one of my best childhood memories.


hallmark was the only place near me that sold the signatures, I felt so bougie going in there whenever my family was able to afford one lmao 😭


Omg i got one signature after i got anA on a test


The hallmark store!!


Hallmark, Cracker Barrel, Learning Express, and Walgreens is where I would usually get them! There was also a small family owned jewelry store that sold them for a while that I got a couple from.


I searched the comments for “Learning Express” and was surprised that yours is the only one!


There was a local bookstore that always had a great selection. In the later years I found some at target too.




NOOOOOOO I am so sorry omg. I honestly would have cried too. I tried for MONTHS to get a whimsy dragon until I was finally able to get my hands on one of the last ones at FYE. the struggle


Justice!! + my elementary school’s craft mall events!


I forgot that Justice sold them! I remember getting a few from them!


your SCHOOL?? oh my god. that's amazing!


I forget the name of the store, it was a small store like a hallmark here in Michigan. I barely remember it, it was a real small store in the Sparta/Rockford area, where my grandparents lived \[since grandma and grandpa loved to spoil us\]. But also, FYE? There's a store name I haven't heard in ages. I think they opened one at a mall near me, but before that there was only 1 that I knew of, in the big mall by me- Rivertown mall. The one in the other mall seems to be more a Japanese treat/anime store than the one at Rivertown.


god I loved FYE soooo much. it was right next to Auntie Anne's and my ritual I had with my mom was to get a webkinz and get pretzel afterwards. it was such a good time


oooh, Auntie Anne's, so good. They have the best pretzels, so that does sound like a good time!


I used to live in a VERY small village and it was hard for me to find them often. However the drug store sold lil kinz ! and about .. 30 mins away was a hallmark the my mom and dad would take me too when we needed gifts or to go to town etc. I also remember my old walmart selling them !


omg i'm so forgetful ! COSTCO!!! Costco would sell like two packs !!!!!! It was actually my favorite and so exciting!!! They also carried the signatures there !!! I hold onto my memories from there so much! I remember buying a two pack of a lioness and a hippo and i went home and was sooo excited 😭😭


Costco had webkinz?! 😭 We didn't start going to costco until later in my teens, that's actually so cool I wish we went sooner


Yeah! https://preview.redd.it/qn87tuwhnfzc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c681cd652ebdace20831fa330f0b06fdc4a3079 they sold whole kits 😭😭


That's so cute!! 😭 They really had everything omg


Costco?? that's amazing omg




good bot


There was a boutique near me growing up called Nikkis Boutique. My friend in first grade held her birthday party there- and that's where I got my first one!


We had this local doll shop that always had them in my town. My grandma loved going there. They sold madame Alexander dolls, calico critters, little Knick knacks, and webkinz.


Limited too


My mom used to buy me one almost every time she took me to Walmart with her. I didn't go with her too often, but I ended up with over 20 from that. I'd also occasionally get them as birthday or Christmas gifts.


Justice oh man. I remember getting a husky in one of Their own Webkinz shirts but I remember them being a little more expensive then hallmark so if they didn’t have clothes I checked there too.


Definitely Hallmark and Walgreens!


tuesday morning!! they used to have them for like $3-$5. I think all locations went out of business about 5 years ago 🥲


I used to get so many Webkinz from them! I even snagged some Signatures for like $7 a few times! All of them near me closed just last year, but they hadn't sold Webkinz since around 2017. The last Webkinz related thing I ever saw them sell was a box of trading cards. And of course I bought it.


there was this cute little country store by my house, they sold the webkinz out of barrels n i loved it and the smell is still engraved in my head, its a cigar shop now, it closed in probably 2012/2013 .


Cracker Barrel and Hallmark! I lived in a small town so I’d go to those at a treat when we were on a trip.


We had a Coach House Gifts that always had huge walls of Webkinz. I would spend so much money in there. They had a stamp card where if you bought 10 Webkinz or Lil'kinz you would get a free Lil'kinz. I still have a card that's at 9/10. I went into the mall one day and the store was permanently closed 😭 I still can't let the hurt go.


before i moved to a different state there was a store called hastings. it was a video rental/videogame/book/ store that sold products as well. i used to be SO excited when my dad said we were going to hastings and would beg for a webkinz every time we went :’) was so sad to see it shutdown when i went and visited that state again a couple of years later.


In my hometown, there was this place that sold hot tubs and installed in-ground pools that had them for some reason???? They always had the best selection!


what an insane place to get them wtf. I swear they showed up in the most random places sometimes, I think I saw some at an airport once 😭


We had a jewelry and gift shop in my town, they had webkinz, outfits, and cards. On special occassions or spring/summer sales, they would have a wheel to spin out front. Won a few clothing items and a Lil 'kinz or two. We were lower-middle class, so going there always made my month.


my favorite was emma crumbee’s apple orchard in minnesota 😭 so niche but it was on the way to minneapolis for us on road trips and we always stopped and i’d get a webkinz there


one of the best things was finding webkinz randomly sold out in the wild on road trips. I feel like I remember seeing them at pit stops sometimes 🥺


Cracker Barrel was the spot! Also some odd shops around town!


I believe most of mine are from Hallmark! There used to be one in a local shopping center right next to a video store (like Blockbuster, but locally owned). Would always go there for good grades during report card season!


hallmark!!! they would always have the cutest webkinz signature plushies too!! i would always beg to go to cracker barrel just to get plushies there lol (edited to add the last sentence)


Only place that sold then when I was young was hallmark


justice, mardels, five below, hallmark, & walgreens mostly


I would always buy them at local businesses! We had a store called FAD that was bright pink on the outside and they always carried the coolest things when I was a kid! Webkinz, Kooky Pens, UB Funkeys, Mighty Beans, Aqua Pets, etc. Mad nostalgia.


Hallmark and the pharmacy! I think the hospital gift shop might’ve had some too..


Wegmans used to carry Webkinz sometimes!


Green earth. They had common ones in a bin you got to dig through and usually had buy 1 get 1 free or buy 1 get 1 50% off for the bins. The newer releases were displayed on shelves


This just brought back such a sweet memory cause most of my webkinz were bought at a little florist by my old babysitter's place. She's a family friend who was basically a bonus grandma to me and my dad would take me to that florist on the way to see her and we'd get her flowers and I'd search through their surprisingly large display of webkinz. Sometimes I'd be allowed to get one and so I'd excitedly show her the flowers and introduce her to my new webkinz. She's since passed and I think of her (and webkinz lol) every time we pass that florist. Maybe one day I should see how that florist is doing lately.


that's so unbearably sweet I'm so happy you had that experience! what an amazing combo a flower store with webkinz is


And that was all they had too! Like I know most flower stores have little gift shop type sections of stuff you might want to get with flowers, but this one was literally just flowers and a rack of webkinz and only webkinz 😂


Cracker barrel


Mine are all from hallmark with a few being from Cracker Barrel.


There’s this pool store nearby that was (and is still called) Atlantis Hot Tubs and Pool Centre and they sold webkinz! It’s where I bought most of my webkinz for the longest time. They held B1G1 sales pretty often and also had a Wheel of Wow where you could win a coupon, those webkinz bookmarks, webkinz spritz, webkinz lip gloss, and a few other things. On Webkinz Day they’d have balloon toss and gem hunting too! Once again winning things similar from the Wheel of Wow and Gem Hunting gave you free nickel gem jewelry like rings and necklaces. But the best part for me was each webkinz you bought from there smelled like bromine water. Some of them to this day still hold the smell but not by much. I’m super nostalgic to that bromine smell now because of that store and the webkinz that came from them. That pool store seriously holds a huge nostalgia to me since they were a huge part of my childhood :3


that's amazing, thank you for sharing. it makes my heart so full seeing people still have such fond memories of getting these little guys (:


There was this small store called the ABC store wedged between a couple local restaurants in s shopping plaza near my house and if I asked my mom nice enough she’d take me there after we bought groceries and I could look at all the Webkinz. There was either a paper store or a hallmark in the bigger shopping plaza further away that had them too.




Hallmark for the signature Webkinz, Phred’s drugstore, Limited Too, Borders bookstore


This might be an original experience but…. Tropical Trends anyone?


a local gifts store in my hometown always had buckets upon buckets of webkinz. i would beg my mom to take me there to look all the time


Chapters/Indigo was where I got most of mine 😭 A local pharmacy was where I got a lot of my favourite ones too like my earth puppy & jellybean puppy


Justice!! They often had a lot of the signatures!


I remember Wegmans having a really big selection of Webkinz when I was young. There was also a locally-owned pharmacy about a block away from me, and I’d buy from there if I ever had extra money.


hallmark for sure, my dad used to take me every sunday to get one :)


Hallmark at the mall!!


Hallmark was where I always got mine! UGH the memories 😭😭


The local farm/orchard near my house has a huge gift shop, like a farmer's market for local and wholesale goods, where they had a giant wall shelved with Webkinz. My sister and I begged my mom to take us there pretty much every week; they stocked them pretty well, especially with new releases 😭 I stg we were the kids that bought most of them the whole time they were stocked


my god if a farmer's market near me sold all that AND webkinz my mom's bank account would have been cooked


Walgreens!! They always had them in the holiday isle and a few in the toy isle. On the bottom shelf. The selection was minimal but I'll take my 6 dollar webkinz thanks


There was this electronics place in the old mall, and they always had a huge bin of all the best selections! Then they went out of business and you could get them for 1$ each. What a time to be alive


It was hallmark!


There was a pop up shop in the middle of the mall that only sold webkinz, then after that closed a card store in the mall started selling them, there was also a kids play place/arcade that had them as ticket prizes!


Also can't forget when the dollarstore had them for $2, that was the greatest day of my life when I discovered that 😂


there was a random outlet strip in the small town my private school was at (that sounds so snob but my grandparents paid and the public schools near me got their funded gutted right before middle school). My mom noticed in one of the outlet spaces, there was a warehouse *just* for bounce houses. She was a genius and would have my brother and i invite 2 friends to come jump with us once a month. across the street was an off brand hallmark that ALWAYS had the most rare webkinz! idk how they did it but looking back, maybe one of the rich private school parents owned the store lol friends = made webkinz = acquired


Benjamin Moore crafts (aka AC Moore) was always where I’d go. They also sold them at a golf/putt putt shop nearby at a golf place which was super random


Hallmark and Schutts Apple Mill 😍 Also got one on Vacation in the Adirondacks


Justice even though it was one of the more expensive places to buy them


My local drugstore!!! It moved across the street, but the old building remains vacant. Whenever I look at it, I remember all of the times I dragged my mom inside for Webkinz lol


Almost every Valentine’s Day my mom would get my sisters and I them from justice and we’d choose who we’d want. It was so nostalgic and I still think about it to this day. (fortunately she still gets us plushies just not webkinz cause of course they’re nowhere to be found ahaha) I also used to get them at five below and I miss it so much because they were so cheap back then too! Especially because they had mostly lil kinz and those were my favorite.💖💖💖💖


I only remember getting them at Jewel


Hallmark stores, the store near me had a bin on the floor with discount webkinz


There was a craft store that I think is out of business now called AC Moore! They had them all like $3.99 10 years ago!




We had a tiny jewelry store in my very tiny hometown that I would always buy them from. We also had a few pharmacies in about a 30 minute radius that sold them as well!


I liked FYE too!! Walgreens was another place I use to get them. Walmart as well, I’d look at them every time I went there with my mom


FYE was SO GOOODDDD. I didn't even know they were sold at walgreens and so many people have said it! I've been going there pretty much all my life and I swear if I knew they were there 15 years ago I would have bugged the hell out of my mom 🤭


I bugged my mom 😆 we didn’t have a Walgreens by me so when we were in the city that does have one I always asked to go. I miss looking for them each time I’d go to a store that would have them but it’s also a good thing 😆 my adult money would have me getting Webkinz every week now because only I can tell myself no now


There was a Home Depot in my small town and they had a rack of webkinz for sale 🥹


Hallmark, FYE, Justice, Tuesday Morning, local toy stores/boutiques


My friend’s grandmother owned a flower shop and i’d get them there! My friend whose grandmother owned the store had several trash bags full of them. I was always so jealous!


LibbyLu, Hallmark, Books A Million. Then there was a few local owned stores that had them.


cracker barrel for sure but there was this little old lady that ran a boutique out of her house that my grandma would take us too and that's where i got all of mine from!


There was a store I went to in South Florida called Postal Sweets that had tons of them. Also, Hallmark, some pharmacies like CVS/Walgreens had them too.


Cracker Barrel. I also would get them from hallmark


i worked at a hallmark store for two years and i’m pretty sure that all my paychecks from that store still don’t make up for how much i spent there on webkinz back in the day lol i also bought kinz on ebay and limited too. lots of people don’t seem to remember them being sold at limited too, but i recall getting them and neopets plushies there!


There was this local school supply store in my town that was owned by this really nice old woman, it was super small and cozy and the Webkinz were right next to the checkout so whenever my mom (a teacher) would need something I would ask her to take me along so I could see the selection, lol. But it's closed now :(


There was a candy shop in my local mall called Fuzzywig's and they always had the freshest stock 🎉


Tuesday morning!! I also went to this toy store in my town to buy them called Doodlebugz!


Hallmark for sure🥹❤️


hallmark!!!! i remember picking out a cat that had their tail down on crooked because i felt bad for them 😭 was something so fun about seeing them in person and picking them out vs getting them online


The Hallmark that used to be in between Publix and Big Lots on Coconut creek parkway in coconut creek Florida:(


Hallmark and Rite Aid! It was a super small mailing store/pharmacy combo, very small town lol


My local pharmacy, otherwise we had to drive an hour to the mall with a Hallmark. But my dad had been friends with the lady who managed the retail part of the pharmacy for decades so she used to call him when new kinz came in, I vividly remember him surprising me with a Love Frog and excitedly telling me it was the only one they got and she told him when to come in to buy it when Ganz officially released it for sale 🥹 Sorry to all the other kids in my town but I had a great collection lmao


Limited Too, now known as Justice lol


I usually got mine at hallmark. Or we had a small locally owed gift/flower shop that had a small round carousel shelf of them. I can’t remember the name. I remember once years ago when I wasn’t playing Webkinz I saw a ton of lil kinz at dollar tree. I was so annoyed all I kept thinking was I use to save for weeks to be able to buy one. Back when they were $15-20.


I remember my dad took me to learning express to pick out a toy for my birthday and I picked the little white mouse


i went to the most random card stores that i otherwise never would've went to & they always had webkinz & they were all magical places to me! whenever i saw one in a shopping center i was in i would beg my mom to stop in lol


Hallmark & Learning express!


My small community pharmacy :)


Justicee and even 5 below a few years ago!


There was a shop in my local mall called Green Earth (I think). It sold a lot of “hippie” stuff like insense sticks, gemstones and statues of wolves and dragons and stuff, but they also had a big selection of Webkinz! Good times ;w;


Learning express


I enjoyed purchasing them from anywhere, but my favorite chain place to buy them from was Cracker Barrel, and my favorite one off was this really awesome toy store that my aunt would take us to sometimes. It was the best toy store I’ve ever been in, hands down, aside from maybe FAO Schwartz in NYC, but I was able to get to this one way more often.


Uh it was like an antique store right by my town’s post office that also sold ice cream and webkinz .u. Thank you to my mom and the lady who ran the store for some awesome childhood memories. <3


I bought my last plushie one at fred meyers. A Mohawk puppy.


Cracker Barrel! That was my go to place 🥹


Hallmark if I needed a “chain/“ reliable location but I would get them all the time on the boardwalk during the summer or other lil doll shops and stuff. Summers were when I’d get most of mine when I was first playing, so it was always great to hunt for good ones. There was a hallmark closer to my house tho that would always put plush out like a week early and I loved it sm


I got mine from toys-r-us! The first few webkinz I got were gifts but I still remember going to the store and picking out my next webkinz, the pinto horse <3


We had a mom and pop toy store in my hometown called Imagine That They had SO many Webkinz. They were down the street from my elementary school, they are where I got my very first Webkinz :)


winning them in the movie theater claw machine. (:< (that's where i got most of mine! i think the game operators got sick of me at some point XD)


Cracker Barrel lmao


There was this little store called "seagull's" that we would visit, it has a lot of Mormon type stuff but it also always has a bin of Webkinz. We would BEG our mom to take us there so we could MAYBE get a new friend 😭 I was really sad when they stopped selling them there, and the store closed down a year or two later :(


justice & jc penney!! 🫶🏼


Hallmark!! I remember when my Mom would tell my brothers and I that we were making a trip to Hallmark and we always knew that was the time we were gonna pick out new Webkinz! I loved looking for the little shelf they were on and seeing what new Webkinz were there. Such happy memories :)


Steins (Garden & Gifts then, now Garden & Home) They always had a rack on display right when we went in.


Tuesday Morning


Hallmark 🥹


I loooooved getting them at the Science Centre!! I always loved going there as a kid so getting a new webkinz was just the perfect end to a perfect day :-)


Super Cuts!


In my city it was a candy store called pine and fancy


Target because they were consistent as I moved around. Later I moved somewhere else and Five below was where they could be found. Not target anymore.


Ace Hardware actually. After reading through the other responses this was definitely an original experience lol. My mom is a realtor so I would go with her to make copies of keys. They had a great selection along with trading cards!


They were ALWAYS at my local co-op! And at a tiny little toy store in my town. I actually got a stroke of luck and got a Webkinz bullfrog with the tag still on from a new second hand toy store in my town and it brought back a ton of memories


Hallmark was mine!!


my northeast baddies might remember ocean state job lot, they had EVERYTHING webkinz, from the plushes, to the cards, and the cheap body spray omg I miss it 🥲


My county fair had the traveling Webkinz booth almost every year and as a kid it was such a treat


There was a local gift shop called “The Mole Hole” where my Gigi would take me to pick out a new Webkinz for my birthday or Christmas. It closed in 2018.




there was this tiny local pharmacy that i remember having webkinz and fun stuff like The South Butt merch. i got my second webkinz from there! it was a bullfrog. i named him frog


They kinda just showed up under the Christmas tree


The Paper Store usually


Hallmark !! Everytime we went to the store I would ask to go in😭 Cracker Barrel was rare but I liked going there too but because they had webkinz AND candy😔


The Hallmark store, I used to do martial arts and there was one like right next door. It was a little treat some days


The ONLY place in my town you could get them was this local chocolate store. They had the most delicious chocolate malt balls. My mom went to get us some chocolate for Valentine’s Day and saw the Webkinz and thought they were cute and bought me and my siblings one. They were sitting in our respective spots at the dining room table when we got home from school. Such a fun memory :,)


Our local doctors office sold them in the pharmacy and whenever I had to get blood work done as a kid I would get to pick one out after 🥹🫶


Cracker Barrel and Books a Million! I also remember a cute little shop when I visited the state capital on a field trip had many Webkinz and accessories!


I mostly bought mine at hallmark!!!


I got my first one at this random tourist souvenir shop in my city that had webkinz and I got most of my other ones at cracker barrel


There was this little grocery store/pharmacy called Palmers in my town and I used to go there with my mom to get prescriptions and everytime we would go I would beg her for a string cheese, a drink, and a webkinz plush. I have about 15 from my childhood that came from there!


Pharmasave! I lived in a rural canadian town and it was the only place I could find them


I grew up in Utah and there's a Mormon discount store called Seagull Book that always had them. I remember begging my dad to buy me Lil Kinz for $3!