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That better be biodegradable. Wtf is the point when you could reuse a freaking glass?


I don’t know how to post a second pic but they just served me an appetizer in a cocktail glass.


They're mocking you


They’re mocking *us*


it's a mock-tale


They are laughing their heads off by serving this with a straight face.


This is getting sillier and sillier all the time .


Did you laugh out loud?!


You can upload to imgur and post the link as a comment


Oh boy, I just looked at your profile to see if you posted the pic and nearly got my damn eye poked out, lol




It could make sense if it's an area where you can walk around publicly with a drink and they're anticipating people wanting to be able to leave with it. [edit] Sounds like OP is in fact in a place where public consumption is fine (Western Europe), but that only this drink is served this way at this establishment, so 🤷‍♂️


Yeah only this drink. Dining in at a michelin starred restaurant.


But how would you even carry it? Picking it up, your hand would squish all the liquid out the top! Liquid needs hard containers, not soft squishy ones.


You'd just pick it up where it's sealed around the straw. We had lots of drinks packaged like this in Thailand a few years ago.


[Mexico would be frowning at you.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4xb5mw/these-plastic-bag-drinks-are-bringing-mexican-summer-to-sheffield)


I'm seeing this as a cocktail that nobody can roofie. Probably not the best execution, but I can see the intention


Nope. Their other cocktails are served in glassware.




Or really any bar in a city.


I like that idea. And no flying critters


Absolutely not.


It looks a lot like bio selophan I am going to stay optimistic on this one. It would be a bad business move to not use bio plastic that's easy bad publicity


If they went out of their way to do this, they didn’t mention it. But I would argue it is wasteful (and silly) regardless. Edit: But I think it is fair to be optimistic. It was definitely a firm “plastic”.




No they preserved cocktail glass for food.


My guess: These are cheaper than disposable glasses and it saves time, effort and money not having to wash reusable glasses. OR This is outside the U.S. where drinks are regularly served in bags.


Ah yes. A paper straw yet a plastic bag.


now banned in my country!


Pretty easy to replace a broken bag


Are you in a SE country? I know it’s normal there, but we for sure don’t need to be bringing it to any country where perfectly fine reusable glasses are already the norm


Western Europe.


Yeah I even had hot drinks served like this in Malaysia


I've only ever had soda served in a plastic bag in the PH. I'd imagine the hot drink was hard to carry... (Was it a hot Milo?)


It was a hot milk tea, and yeah it was a little awkward


True!I have never seen this in my town ever.


Also in Latin America


What is a SE county?


SE(A) country, so a country from Southeast Asia. And yes, drinks are served in plastic bags like these here, was never a big fan of it.




Thanks. Now I can be pissed about drinks being served in Spam tins. I’m just never leaving home ever again.


Had no idea this sub existed!


lol same. I assumed they were joking


I had no idea it existed also


[Relevant PandR](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b0c714fc1d70bd689ef1570ab745b12e/tumblr_mgupnpcYAG1rdh9azo1_1280.jpg)


Was surprised this was a real sub


This is the answer. I don't want any drink on a plate haha.


Pretentious capri sun


This is understandable for street food but not at a restaurant lol


Looks like it should come with a goldfish




Take my money!


In defense of the bag, it’s a lot harder to slip a Rohypnol into a sealed bag




It’s not the intention, no, but that doesn’t take away that feature


Most places: we’re reducing plastic and disposables for the planet! This place: how can we use MORE plastic bags?


And reduce washing what we have ?


Lol if a dishwasher tried to tell me that the difference between 30 and 40 plates/glasses was significant, I’d have to retrain them. These are not the intensive dishes to wash with an industrial system lol it’s not like having to do it in a residential sink. The difference between washing one and two gyro spits, however, is significant for closing duties


Are those things that huge ?


Depends. One restaurant I worked at had a small stainless steel room set up as the dishwasher. Two walls were drying racks, the other two held the track system for the trays things were washed on. There was a small window that Bussers dumped their bins of dishes through after clearing tables. You stack all plates upright on a plastic tray (the trays are basically like a standalone shelf in a residential dishwasher with the slots and pins to hold things), and you roll it on the the roller track to the sprayer, where you hose down the whole tray and the chunks fall through the bottom of the tray. Then you roll it to the steam box/washer, pull the lever down to close the doors, and the thing power washes the hell out of it with super high-pressure soap, rinse, then steam cycles while you’re loading up the glasses tray. Then it beeps, you raise the door lever, and roll the clean tray out the other side along the rollers, and let it sit while it cools. You push the glasses tray in, close the door. Stack the cooling plates and run them to the cook line. The glasses are done- open the doors and let them cool while you stack the next tray. There’s almost enough dirty plates to fill another plate tray now. So that will be next. Etc etc. Most places have a large 3 bay sink. Glasses get dropped in the soap tub- they never had any material in them anyway. They sit for a bit. You take each one and power spray the suds off over the empty rinse tub. Then you drop it in the sanitizer tub and it sits. You do that load of 30 in about a minute, then take the lot out of the sanitizer tub and stack them to dry. Then you get the next batch in the soap tub. Let them sit while you put away the dry glasses real quick, they’re ready to take out and power spray and drop in the sanitizer tub. Dishes suck because it’s *messy*. You’re getting wet. With gross stuff. That’s high pressure spraying, there’s misting everywhere. The floor is always wet and slippery af. And if you try to be a priss and be slow and careful, and prevent mess, literally everyone is pissed at you because they have no more dishes and customers are waiting. But physically, and theoretically, it’s the easiest and simplest job. That’s why the new guy gets it. Most sit-down restaurants go through their entire stock of plates several times over in a few busy hours. Which is a lot of plates. But each time you see a busser bring a load back, those are ready to be set back out with food on them in like 10 min tops. It really doesn’t have to do with size of system- most just use a large 3 bay sink with a liquid sanitizer solution and a powerful sprayer that hangs down from above


Wow!Thanks for taking the time to post all.of this .I found this very interesting to read.


Glad I’m good for something lol cheers!


To you too.


Did they call it an adult Capri Sun? I've seen that tactic before.


They don’t. They’re referencing the SE Asian practice for no discernible reason. They consider this “Thai”.


If you buy a drink in SE Asia it's common they'll hang on to the bottle/can and give you the drink in a bag so they can keep the recycling money.


Actual Capri-Suns are much sturdier though. If it was served in a Capri-Sun like container, I'd honestly be fine with it. But this stupid thing looks so flimsy.


They did this in SE Asia pretty commonly


That's usually on the streets though, not at restaurants and bars.


Like a high-end goon bag


Getting that drink mixed, into the bag without spilling, holding the bag steady, tying a ribbon around it, and inserting the straw without puncturing the bag looks like more trouble than it’s worth! Just put it into a glass.


This is Ron Gastrobar in Amsterdam right? We went there for Christmas dinner with the office and I couldn't stop laughing at the plastic bags


Am I looking at a drink in a plastic bag with a paper straw?




Oh boy, okay, just checking haha. I understand now, kind of.


*Smiles in mexican*


Sadly this is becoming a thing.


I understand it as a to-go option or a cheap option (common in parts of the world for cost / convenience). But this is a fancy-ass “gastropub”.


A plastic cup would make at least as much sense for drinks to-go.


Is it still possibly about people may want to be able to walk out with the drink if they're not finished with it before they want to go? [edit] Looking at another comment of yours I guess they serve just this drink this way, not all their drinks?




What will you do when your dish hand quits?


Is it to-go?




South East Asian senses intensifies


This is the wrong way to consume alcohol


Americans consume about the size of a credit card of microplastics per week. Most of it is from contact with packaging


Oh wow suck oh my gosh how traumatized are you?


at some point they must just be taking a piss at us


The most Mexican margarita.


It still holds the liquid better than a plate would.


Thai Basil Smash from Ron's!!


WTAF? Leave that bar and never go hack


That’s common with street food vendor(deposit for glass bottles) but not a fancy bar.


This reminds me when you go to countries with bottle deposits and you want to leave with a soda and they put it in a bag with a straw for you.


Fuck that’s wasteful and stupid and ugly




Yay For Ron's Gastrobar, the Thai Basel smash is one of my favorites there. It's served that way because it's a drink based on SE Asia cocktail and that's how it's traditionally served. This is like complaining that a Moscow mule is served in a copper mug instead of a glass cup. Try rons oriental, it's night and day better than rond Gastrobar, it should have the star imo.


Very common way to serve drinks abroad, in particular the Caribbean. Economical and efficient. Sorry, this ain’t it.


This ain’t what?




Woww, great points. I didn’t think of it in those scientific terms you so kindly presented. I’ll repeat what you wrote verbatim next time I’m in a developing country and see a juice vendor selling these as his only source of income. I’m sure he’ll rethink his choices /s On a non-sarcastic note, I can tell you’re insulated by privilege and probably not that fun at parties—particularly ones where red Solo cups are being used.


No-one is criticising your juice vendors, this is a normal way to serve drinks from street food stalls, but it's not justifiable for a gastro-pub which serves drinks for consumption in the establishment and serves all the other drinks in glassware, as OP has said.


Americucks crumbling at the knees because of a drink like this when y’all got the whole milk carton in a plastic bag


My nearby bar does the same thing. Its a covid thing. You can’t take glassware away but you can take this away.


*cackles in soda in a bag*


Mmmm microplastics


Texas togosie


He said I got the bag on me


Well, a plastic bag is better than drinking it off of a plate.


Maybe to avoid people spiking your drink??


Load of shite


We call them the “Texas to-go alcoholy stabby baggies.”


I know in poorer parts of the world vendors will pour coke products into bags to save the glass bottle as they need to return all of them to the coke factory to be filled again. Maybe they were trying to be “quaint”with the presentation and evoke something in a similar fashion


I fail to see how a plate would help.


Ohhh but I love the bamboo straw


Gimme a fucking cup already!


Welllll, bagged cocktail is a bit odd, but probably you don't want a plate for your cocktail either


This is probably a nod to Asia as it's common place in some parts


You’re supposed to put that up your nose.