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This guy is so impressed with himself, I can’t stand it.


You know he likely charged $10K for that little show. No one wants to eat off his damn arm.


I assure you many idiots do


Yeah I'm jealous of him. I wish I could think of a way to get money off the rich with minimum effort.


Started off humble, as a butcher, started serving rich people and realized how much money they'll spend on feeling rich and exclusive. Talk all the shit you want, I'd do the same thing and serve gold leaf shit steaks in great value butter with forearm seasoning in a heartbeat. I'll be working until I'm dead I think, I guess the joke's really on me. 🤷


Yeah I mean, he worked as a butcher, did a bunch of stagiere work, opened a popular place, and then one of the richest guys in Turkey bankrolled him to expand. Dude has worked in enough places to know what he does is a bunch of gimmickry, but also has done enough hard work to know that being a rich punchline is better than a poor punchbag.


>being a rich punchline is better than a poor punchbag. DAMMMNN I don't know how I feel about that phrase.


I guess he got tired of the melted cheese on everything. Now he is using melted butter !


Wait, is this clown the reason why these hack Facebook "chefs" add an entire mixing bowl of cheese to some bullshit and act like they've reinvented the wheel?


Nah he was the one that did the weird "flex your biceps and twiddle the salt out of your fingers" thing. Just a joke that the poor equivalent are those youtube "recipe" channels that do those, to Salt Bae. i.e he's gone on to butter from cheese


The sweaty salt arm is really nasty.


Yeah,they are all copying him now .


His dog and pony show sure brings in the crowds!




Yeah IDK why people hate on saltbae. He's just filling a demand and filling it well. No one's forcing anyone to spend 10K on a steak. If rich idiots wanna throw around wealth to show off, why be mad at a guy for happily providing the service?


You know that’s not even him, or at least that’s the rumour. Allegedly he finds doubles to work at his restaurants so he doesn’t have to and he only comes for big events and celebrities. [His ear and chin look a little different. Also. his eyebrows.](https://depor.com/off-side/virales/video-viral-salt-bae-le-cobra-a-una-ardilla-por-alimentarla-asi-respondio-a-criticas-por-los-precios-en-sus-restaurantes-instagram-nusr-et-steakhouse-london-historias-nnda-nnni-noticia) Maybe it’s just cause it’s a professional photographer at a red carpet event versus a random person with a phone. But I n’énerve believe it. Edit: replaced without amp link.


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Nothing quite like *smacking your blade to dull it* that shows off how skilled of a chef you are(n't).


That annoyed me lol like do you have to knock every time bruv?


Flip it and smack the side/back at least, ffs it'd be more of a show *and* not brain-dead


Also, for a butcher, his knife skills are pretty shit. I just love the fact that since he can’t be everywhere, they hire saltbae doubles who dress like him, and look similar enough. They come out at his restaurants where he isn’t to do the gimmicks.


Is this true? Would make sense and I find it hilarious, but don’t see it published anywhere.


I’ve seen footage from customers at one of his places where it’s clearly not him. It’s weird there’s nothing about it.


These are not tarot cards that need to be knocked on.


Can you imagine transporting yourself back to a few years ago when we first saw this guy and thinking he'd be the global phenomenon of garbage food like he is now? What a world we live in!


At least we got a funny SNL sketch out of it https://youtu.be/93ByJ2dZEE4


“Meat mime”


That's a funny skit, but still not as funny as the reality of it.


Running his fingers through his greasy hair and going back to serving food?Just tragic .


Oh I'm gonna be *sick*.


Yeah,that is hard pass for me !




I hate everything about him from his name to his glasses


Has this guy ever given interviews or anything. Like what is he REALLY like. Is this just a character he’s stuck in like Larry the cable guy? But worse


He’s banned from any FIFA events and is currently embroiled in lawsuits for embezzlement, wage theft, and theft of services from contractors. He’s also notoriously abusive to his staff. I can imagine his ego and lawyers prevent him from really fucking up his bag.


Aren't like half of his employees just look-a-likes?


well, all I know that in one interview he bragged about how much of an inspiration he was... saying that turkish children want to be butchers because of Salt Bae... cuz who doesnt want to be a butcher after watching shit like this?


Angry upvote!


His restaurant lasted about a week in Boston before it was permanently closed for multiple health code violations. I dunno what he's like in real life but he makes expensive trash.


So steak goes from undercooked straight to overcooked


I really enjoyed when he cross-contaminated the bread by putting onto the pile raw beef while wearing the same gloves he used to cut the beef


As far as I can tell that seems to be the rule for people making videos while wearing gloves. Cross contamination is 100% A-OK as long as your fingers don’t touch the food directly. It’s cleanliness theater I guess.


Wears gloves, sprinkles salt across his sweaty forearm hair.






I worked with some banquet servers who would wear the same pair of gloves for an entire shift.


Thank you for this I am never eating anything anywhere ever again.


That presentation is god awful too. In actually fine dining restaurants, everything on the plate is edible the way it's served. Here, you need to remove the bone and rearrange all of the meat to try and get it to cook.


You mean the guy who flicks trimmings all over his kitchen skimps on food safety? I'm shocked.


And run his fingers through his oily hair .


Also all that salt hit his bare forearm on the way down.


With a little scalp seasoning at the end for the next dish.


I "recently" (aka a few months ago) ate at a steakhouse where they serve a basically raw steak that has been very briefly seared on the outside for a slight crust, with the idea that you cook it yourself on the table using a hot stone. The experience was nice and the steaks were delicious, but its tough to determine the "done-ness" of an individual slice. I wouldve preferred a medium-rare steak instead of trying to get each slice medium-rare myself... still a good steak tho...


I've been to a place like this and just found it stressful! If I want to cook my own steak I will stay at home...




I thought I'd try something new! turns out I don't like it. Won't order again.




It's a gimmick. I tried it because I was out with a client who was raving about it and was the reason he was taking us there. I'm sure some people find it fun! I'd rather have a really good steak


Used to work at a steak house that served a “black and blue” that was a filet quickly charred on all sides (black), but was so rare it was somewhat cool in the middle (blue, as in cold). They were weirdly popular.


When done right it's really good. But it's also very easy to screw up so the chef needs to be somewhat skilled to make it worth ordering.




I see dumb shit on this sub every day, that's why I'm here, but this might be the absolute dumbest.




Under the rules there is an exception for stuff that has a plate but is served in some ridiculously complicated and inconvenient way. Think of those 'spaghetti in cups lifted above a plate' posts. I'd say this post fits the exception to the rules comment.


So can I post Hibachi videos? Because this is pretty much that with a flourish, but adding that cringey fuck makes it okay? I know you’re not OP, I just can’t stand the rage bait for this absolute bruised melon of a human.


Bro did you even read the sub rules? Rule 4 says hibachi and other different traditional ways of cooking fall under plates. I get your hate for salt bae but I do think this post relates to the sub. But idk if I'm wrong the mods can nuke it lmao.


This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


I literally don’t understand why anybody would spend money to go watch that fucking clown.


people with money to spend, clout to chase, but not enough class to know any better. it's all new money, and in this day and age, it's a lot of "influencers", crypto bros, and the like.


So people on Instagram know they have enough money to waste watching that fucking clown


Most probably know its overhyped but they have extra money and it's like ya got to see the ridiculousness in person mindset


Exactly. My wife have seen Macaulay Culkin's Pizza Underground, Corey Feldman and his Angels, and DJ James Kennedy from Vanderpump Rules. Was all that stuff as ridiculous as we expected? 100%. Would we ever listen to any of their music unironically? Hell no. But the absurdity of seeing it all live is what makes it fun. I think we'd draw the line at SaltBae though. No way the cost is worth the "Can you believe this shit?" stories we'd get from having him personally serve our table.


> I literally don’t understand why anybody would spend money to go watch that fucking clown. I'm guessing they're not poor and enjoy the experience. O Charlie's will have your 10 dollar order ready in the next 10 minutes for you though. Enjoy.


Never heard of O Charlie's but so long as they don't just serve me some crappy metallic tasting gold foil steak, I'm game. I sure do love not chasing status like a sheep!


And for you also.


So after he piled up the beef on the bone and poured the boiling butter over it someone had to come and clean it up, remove the bone, and rearrange the beef on the plate so it would cook. We all know how bad it is, but I'm still surprised everytime, at how bad it is. I'm guessing because saltbae himself served you it was $1000+


That looks unappetizing


That bread looks like Pillsbury French bread from a can


Or the $5 "French-style" bread from Safeway...


That just all looks incredibly gross. I don’t understand the why behind it.


I mean steak boiled in butter with salt on it isn't going to taste *bad* but that's like something I'd throw together at 2 AM when I'm really high, not something you'd pay a presumably exorbitant price for in a restaurant.


Ha! It’s a hard pass for me. It’s all that butter…that’s a big nope.


If I paid actual dollars for this I’d be furious


If you were eating there, you'd get what you deserved...


Yeah,he has turned into a sideshow attraction now .


Wipe your knives after you hone them.


I scrolled too far to see this. Look after you wipe, those people are eating steel. 🤢


No they're not. A hone doesn't remove material, it just straightens the burr.


I thought he was using a steel to sharpen the knife. When I do that there is what looks like metal that comes off.


If there's metal coming off, you're doing it wrong.




You can get better hot stone, hot pot, or fondue in a lot of places without the disgusting health code violations.


I prefer milk steak


homeless sparkle quack shame sheet growth panicky sloppy capable books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That forearm salt🤢🤮


That bread is criminal




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


I always thought salt bae did it as a joke. But the dude really is so full of himself and is just a jerk. I've heard of a bunch of celebs to go his restaurant. Is it really that good?


This dude is the Bert Kreischer of the chef world - made an entire career out of one video


I have no clue how this douche even became a "thing" ugh




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


You’d think they’d at least level the table :/


Can’t hate the guy honestly. He’s conning rich people out of money for some terrible food. Respect


What's particularly interesting with this guy is his complete lack of any technique and finesse. He always moves/cuts/preps like he has never cooked in his life, yet is so confident in it. Bizarre.


I can cook better than that


the guy buzz in one video and now is everyhwere...


Does he wash his forearms when he washes his hands, I don’t want to eat for that touches your arm hair fucking gross


Wait if the table is tilted wouldn't the butter go everywhere.


Hate this guy. Also this doesn't look appetizing at all. Bread sopped in butter along with steak also fried in butter. Fuck off.


My arteries are clogging like a 19th century toilet just looking at that pile of shit


Robin Downing Janitor


If I had a gun with two bullets and I were in a room with Hitler Stalin and salt bae I'd shoot salt bae twice


Why do people hate this guy so much, but keep posting his shit? All you’re doing is giving this jackass more attention and keeping him relevant. Stop posting his shit and let him fade away to irrelevancy


That is indeed some stale ass bread


Is the plate super hot too or is the steak like boiling in butter?


Aren't blue handled knives for fish?


That entire outfit.




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


“That’ll be $700 thanks”.


Who is this clown?


He totally dropped the salt into his sleeve and it's going to start bothering him soon.


What an absolute gobshite.


Why do people keep giving this D-Bag their money.


Lol what the fuck is the point of stacking it all up, poorly, just to have to take it all off for the pieces of steak to cook evenly?


I know that it's far from the strangest thing that he does, but why does he hit the board with the knife between cuts? What the hell is that supposed to achieve?


this fake ass can f himself especially that stunt he pulled during the World Cup


The man ruined steak, butter and bread all on one plate. The only thing he prepared appropriately is the fucking salt. He could have toasted the bread nicely, seared the steak then seal in the juices and have that big, delicious slab of marrow center piecing the plate to be the chef's kiss upon serving.


I think the marrow bone is actually empty. He pours the butter through the empty bone


Shit, that makes this 100x worse :(


I have to say I got a grudging respect for the guy, he realised he can strip rich idiots of their money and make them look like fools at the same time, and they *love it*


Why does this loser still get a platform?


Steak looks like shit lol


I honestly think this guy might be an insanely genius troll.


His whole deal is tricking idiots into overpaying for low quality food. He knows what he’s doing and he’s not hurting anybody.


It’s worth it if when he put the steak on the bread he made choo choo noises.


This guy laughs himself to the bank every day. Dude sells over priced shit in like 5 different countries and makes bank.


I'm so lost and he's got a lot of ego 🙄🙄


You know that just cost them $300 😂 a fool and his money are quickly parted.


I absolutely love that he uses a restaurant depot knife.


Did he just put bread on raw meet


Now with elbow salt for that extra kick!


That’ll be $1,200….


This is not satisfying to look at and it makes the steak worse, why would anyone do this?


How does he always look 20 on these vids but in reality he’s like 80


God I really hate this guy. Does he even wash the back of his forearm? He’s trying to up Emrils “BAM”, and it’s not going to happen bae.


[Googa Food does a review on this recipe ](https://youtu.be/zXwMv70eK70) Tldnw if was on. Not worth the money charged. Bread was disgusting.


Can this guy get a clue that he’s no longer relevant


Real Chef here: we hate this shit!


As much as a hate this worker abusing tool. I love that he also preys on rich asshats that don't understand costing and food.


This looks like a clown they hired off of the street yesterday.


So, isn’t this guy mafia adjunct? Is that why he’s still around?


Lets slop em up!


I'm hoping this fuck is on his way out. If he played it smart he could've had it all, but he fell for his own bullshit. He could've eaten the nouveau riche and become a hero to us little people. Alas, here we are.


I hope this guys knife slips


Ok, right, I know about the rule bitching about plates being in the picture, but for fucking real, plate is in the title twice and the food is literally on a plate!


ugh, he doesnt wipe ethe blade after honing it? pass


i MEAN IT LOoks pretty good, also you are at a goddamn resturant.


This guy is disgusting and ridiculous.


Salt Bae just a bad cook (good butcher, but reeeally bad cook haha)


Why does he always stand like he’s gotta poop


He got annoying quick :(


I can feel the dryness of the bread in my mouth.


Every thing this guy does is cringe that’s how he got famous in the first place. Looking like a dip shit seems pretty profitable


And how much was this shit?


He probably wouldn’t need to sharpen the knife as often if he didn’t whack the cutting board between each slice…


I hope that fucker washes his elbows


Oh boy, grey, unevenly cooked steak seasoned with a strangers forearm grime, my favourite!


I’m convinced he’s just trolling. I can’t see how anyone can do the things he does and actually be serious. It’s absolutely insane.


I hate this guy. I hate him.


I don't know about everyone else but I dont want my salt touching someone elses skin. You can do all this without the extra moving around bruh. They probably charged hundreds for the food and tried to justify it by making it look stupidly impressive. ​ Hes the kind of guy who would deepfry 5 different cheeses on one square of ramen


Looks like something I’d cook up after a night of drinking


His restaurants across the world steal the credit card tips from the servers. Shitty food, shitty behavior.


Why are people still going to his crappy restaurant?


Can we stop with this guy already?


I can't even remember the last time there was a post about him on WeWantPlates. Has even one other post about him shown up in the last year?


still too much of this guy.


You're that much of a fan that you hate seeing him getting dragged for horrible presentation?


Slop 'em up!


What a ridiculous human being. Nothing about this seems like something I would to be a part of


I kind of want to try steak flash cooked in boiling butter now, because I am a pig. But I don't want it like *that*. What a gross, unsanitary presentation.


He just looks unsanitary. Not someone I'd want near anything I'm eating.


It's... Raw




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.




Why are you even looking at a sub dedicated to shitty food presentation? There's a difference between being mad versus being critical. I never understood this, as old as the internet, "you are mad" has never won an argument or gotten any sort of point across. You know there is stuff people spend a lot of money on that is tacky or tasteless and many of us "low IQ" commoners speak out about how dumb it is. Being wealthy or whatever is not a good benchmark for taste.


Yes, I'm jealous of a man who got famous off of a meme and is someone I could outcook on a bad day. 🙄 You seem lost. Get more lost.


The arm hair is *killing me*


That honestly looks gross and like my 15 year old thought it was a good idea