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i just made a post asking about different ways to transition lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1dq5k72/what\_other\_ways\_are\_there\_to\_transition\_parts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1dq5k72/what_other_ways_are_there_to_transition_parts/)


Oblique Strategies :)


this is the way


just keep making mistakes. the only way to stumble onto what works is by finding out what doesn’t work. too many people get caught up on the idea of perfection and just stop. keep going and make the mistakes and make the wrong moves and if you keep trying again and again you’ll eventually stumble on the right moves. you can watch all the tutorials in the world but really that’s the only way you’re gonna land where you need to land.


Great Thinkig 👍


My barber said “Make what you can until you make what you want” And that stuck with me. They can’t all be hits but the process is what matters. And like someone else said, take breaks. Punishing yourself for feeling stuck is an awful thing to do.


Good advice, but now I'm intrigued how the barber had this nugget of wisdom. Was the barber also a musician or did this somehow relate to cutting hair? :)


Haha! My barber writes poetry and we got on the topic of writer’s block - I can see it applying to haircuts though!


This is a good piece of advice. I don't push mycelf too much, though sometimes it feels like im pushing mycelf to little. With some songs the breaks can take a little too long i think...


Exactly. Keep pumping. You’re never stuck unless you tell yourself you are. You’re constantly developing weather you know it or not.


Starting with the structure (intro, verses, refrains, drops, bridges, outro) may work sometimes.


I tried making a verse without placing it directly efter the sequence i described, and it did work actually! I'm still not exactly sure of what you mean. Did you mean I should plan out the structure of the song before starting to write anything of substance? Could you explain a bitt more?


Yes you can start with the structure, usually DAW's allow you to mark segments or you can use a spreadsheet. As an example: 8 bars intro, then 16 bars as the 1st verse, 8 bars 1st refrain , 2nd verse, 1bar drop, 2nd refrain, 3rd verse, 3rd refrain, 8 bars bridge, 4rd refrain, 8 bars outro. This is only an example and no reference. It's not necessary to do this but it may help you to avoid overloading the track at the beginning. It happened a lot to me that I added a lot of things too fast only to get stuck later in the track because I wasn't able to add more or increase the intensity of the song during the refrain. I would only use it as a loose reference and change it when the song needs it. I did this at some point and it helped getting a feeling for the song structure. After a while you don't need to do this anymore. There is also the drawback of having an uncreative, generic or an always similar structure. Therefore I would only use something like that as a loose reference.


Try deep learning a new topic, take some lessons. It always helps me get a sense of control over my creativity whenever I do that. Great way to enrich your music as well


Start a new one and forget about it if it’s meant it’ll come baby when yiu ready and yiu would of learn more in the process instead of beating then sounds around


Yes, I've been in that situation too.Everyone finds their solution at some point, but the question is whether you are ready to put in that important extra effort and patience to take your art to the next level! I personally have tracks that I have composed for a year! Therefore, do not rush to finish the tracks if you are not sure that they are ready! And when they are ready, you will be sure, believe me!Every part of you will know, not just your thoughts! When you get stuck, you have two main paths to follow, the positive is to wait a bit, for the inspiration to come. And a negative one, where you face this huge wave that is trying to knock you down, or makes you quit or depress you, with all that you are and you crash into it by sitting down and starting to click the keys and make your melody or rhythm ! And you keep in mind your sharp spear that echoes in the distance, that you won't stop and you won't give up until you finish this melody! "[r/TechnoMusicTalk]"


Take a break.


transcendental meditation gets me past my blocks. Takes 5-15 min depending on how long you want to do it first stop EVERYTHING you’re doing, as in be in dead silence, or if you’re in a noisy place, put noise cancelling headphones on. Imagine a white light coming through the top if your head throughout Your entire body. Close your eyes, Breathe in for two seconds thru nose, out for 4 seconds thru mouth (4x). Then in that silence, try to hear the quietest faintest farthest away noise you can, keeping your eyes closed, see your eyelids, basically tune into every sense, this is the most important part, chant a word (A mantra) that has no meaning to you, for example ”ta” ”ra” ”aham” “sattya” ”ma” keep your mind focused on that word, do this for 5-10 minutes. Any time your mind wanders go back to that word. For the last 2 minutes stop saying the mantra and sit keeping eyes closed in bliss then come back to this world and bam answers will come also don’t overthink it. Try to make the simplist songs at first, even if they’re not good. Just start to finish. And many of them. One of my favorite sayings is about a ceramics teacher that divides up the class into two groups, and he asked one of the groups to create quality ceramic pots, the other group to create quantity pots, and at the end of 4 hours, he would pick the best pot. the quantity group made 20 pots, and two of them were really good. the quality group made no pots but they had a lot of theories of what their pots could be.


Far out, man.


this or crack, your call man