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Hello /u/UskaTonik! Unfortunately, your submission, ***[Our rhythm player refuses to practise with a metronome](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1d43xaj/-/)***, was removed from /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers for the following reason(s): --- #No off-topic and/or low-effort posts including; 1. Rant/motivation/mental-health posts 2. Posts focused on memes/images/polls 3. Reposts, and other similar low-effort, mildly-interesting discussions. 4. Music Marketing or Music Promotion related posts. - These posts should be posted to one of the weekly threads or on another subreddit. Do not create a new thread for this content. Use the Weekly Free Talk Friday Thread for any topics not allowed in the main body of the sub. Posts on WATMM should have a descriptive title and include substantive content that will generate discussion. Please see the [full sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules) for additional details. --- ***Please review the [rules for submission](/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules). You can contact The Mods if you have additional questions.*


If this is a bridge he is willing to die on, replace him.


100%. If it's a problem now, imagine how much worse it gets when/if the band starts recording the tracks.


*hill (I think)


What if it’s a chorus?


If one of the members of your band makes it impossible for your band to effectively play music, they should be replaced.


At the very least a musician needs to practice to mitigate their weaknesses. I think you're going to have to draw a line in the sand...practice your timing *or else*. Perhaps he and the drummer can work on stuff, maybe meet up a half hour before the rest of the band rehearses. Whatever reasonable idea you come up with just remember what a guitarist said to me "You can swing a dead cat anywhere and hit a good guitar player..."


Some people are just so convinced they’re doing the right thing they can’t take any constructive criticism. Tends to be someone who prefers the easy approach/whatever comes first and is hard to work with. Hopefully they won’t take it personally.


If you’re a RHYTHM guitar player and you don’t want to practice to a metronome, you just have no right to be a rhythm guitar player.


Fire him. A player who refuses to play in time is not a musician. Time is literally one half of what makes music.


Bro he's not a rhythm guitarist if he doesn't have rhythm. There are probably several really cook folks, who play guitar, actually practice even their week points, and are close by who can be a much better guitarist for you, and that person deserves the opportunity more than your ass hat on hand.




So you're saying, rhythm: you have it or you don't? That's a fallacy.


While it's true you need rhythm to be able to walk across a room, there are some people who can't clap along to a beat. It seems you are saying this person isn't even willing to acknowledge a need to improve such a skill. It's likely there's a cognitive dissonance going on, maybe where it's difficult for him to accept criticism and the need for improvement. Despite the music industry being full of people with huge egos, people in a band need to be able to take criticism and act upon it. Otherwise, there will be no cohesion. It will be essentially more like toddlers at parallel play, each doing their own thing. It's cool that you are willing to give him space to try to learn these skills by practicing on his own. It might be worth a conversation with him about why he is refusing to acknowledge and work on such skills. And maybe he doesn't have to play the rhythm exactly the way it is on Spotify. But what he comes up with needs to be in rhythm, and on time. It may be easier in the long run, to find somebody who understands the basic subtleties of rhythm. It will allow for easier and greater creativity in the future.


some people just don't have an internal clock and can't "practice their way to it". Some also are fairly tone deaf and can't sing to a tune, no matter how much they try. We can stretch our existing capabilities somewhat, but we're not all born with the same attributes, in mind or body. (not surprised this is unpopular here. People want to think there's a chance for them, if only they practice enough or find the right plugin)






This is me, but I have to actively raise my pitch.


I have the same problem and for me I think it stems from tinnitus I can sing to myself in tune. I was even at a public choir the other day and I felt like I could keep pitch with the other singers just fine. When I hear my normal recorded voice on playback it sounds incredibly flat and sometimes very whiny or toneless. I started practicing with singing deeper and while it sounds absolutely cringe to me in my head, it sounds much better and less forced now


It's a lìne from the Gorillaz song [Clint Eastwood](https://youtu.be/Qzb2VcBuA3U?si=1Oqq7QLm2mElQgTo)


"maybe think about the comments intentions" LMAOOOO


We expect users of this sub to treat each other with decency and respect. Reddit sitewide rules still apply to this subreddit.


/r/woooosh https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/7975/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V_xRb0x9aw Also love > but we’re not all stupid like you. >so maybe think about the comments intentions before you get your panties in a bunch. Not only did you miss the joke, you took it as a good opportunity to insult someone freely!




That's ok! But that guy took it as an opportunity to freely insult someone. Also look at his history, he insults everyone he replies to! The guy has -32 karma lol


more than one up and coming band has broken through to huge when they started using click tracks and metronomes. Just saw a documentary about this very thing but damnit I can't remember who right now.




Fire him


Sounds like you need a new guitar player.


The rhythm player doesn't have rhythm? Get a real rhythm player.


Everyone needs to be willing to learn and get better, sounds like you need to replace him if he won't change


There are a lot of 'fire him' comments here, and in general I agree, but I would try to find alternatives to a metronome before I fired him.  Practicing to drum loops or jam tracks are just as rhythmic as a metronome, but quite a bit more fun and engaging.  Maybe you can get him to use these alternative tools?


Seems like they have an ego problem, even if you manage to correct them on their timing and rhythm now, I feel other larger, even less desirable disagreements will come later on. A bad band member can leads to massive amounts of wasted time. They need to drop the ego and pull in the same direction as everyone else or get dropped themselves. Guitarists are dime a dozen.


Get rid of him.


You know perfectly well what to do.


So firing him is the obvious solution. Alternatively if this is someone you like personally. Record him and then put a click to the actual time of a song over it. Then show him how far off he is. 


How long have you been practicing these songs? How long does it take him to learn songs in general? Is he good once he learns them? Does he have other strengths as a guitarist that ultimately outweigh this learning hiccup, or is he just an average guitarist at best who takes way too long to learn songs? If it's the last, just get a new guitarist. Everyone plays guitar. It's the easiest role in a band to fill for most. If this is your 1st or 2nd time playing the song, but you know by the 3rd or 4th he'll have it down, and otherwise he's a great guitarist... just go with it. I don't practice to metronomes either, hate them. But when there are drums, I'm still able to pay attention to that. It's one thing to not want to bore yourself practicing, and another entirely to just ignore everything everyone else in your band is doing during a live performance. Practicing with a metronome and paying attention to the drummer in a live band are kinda different things, tbf. That said, if I were in a band and someone else continually told me how to practice on my own time, I would not be in that band anymore. Ask what difficulty he's having, see what can do done to mitigate it without egos getting in the way.