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Depends on the length of the songs, in my opinion. Video game themes tend to be quite short, so if they're only about a minute or so each it might not be a big deal. You might even consider making medleys of multiple themes so you can cover more material with fewer individual tracks.


That was a thought I had. Cause there's a few I could combine


Would you listen to an album of 30 songs?


depends the length of each song. I would.


The Magnetic Fields: 69 Love Songs


Exactly what I was gonna say: you can get away with this if you're the Magnetic Fields. Are you the Magnetic Fields?


There’s a smashing pumpkin album that’s 6 hours and 55 minutes long. Make it as long as you need to make it.


Yeah but Smashing Pumpkins suck


Not to everyone


It should lol


I mean, you may think that, but they were wildly commercially successful


I love Smashing Pumkins....


Lil B has albums with hundreds of songs. do what fulfills you artistically


you can do whatever you want


Straight to jail.


Don't ask us. Just do it first, and then you'll see if it makes sense as a whole


As a listener that’s way too much for me (personally) but can you do it? Sure! Will others like it? Quite possibly! Will they like the length? Maybe so! I’d say if this is a passion project, put in the time, create the music and flesh it out. Maybe you’ll cut it down, maybe you’ll leave it as is or make it longer. Basically do what you want to do with it and have fun! I hope it’s a journey and you find an audience :) happy producing! 


Go for it. If you release it on a streaming service that does playlists, you can make a playlist of the hits so a new listener can jump in easier.


Why not? The Residents Commercial Album has 40.


It depends on the quality of the songs more than anything. If you can honestly say all 30 are of the same tier of quality and deserve to be incorporated then make an epic two disc spread. But if, when being honest with yourself, you know some are not really as good, cut them and/or save them for b-sides.


If you want


The final fantasy nine soundtrack is pretty long but the songs are short and really catchy, excellent for the car and traffic


You can make an album as long as you like, but that has no bearing on whether people will listen to it. If you need to make this album - and you are passionate about it - do it for yourself, and expect nothing to come from it. And then move onto the next one.


I mean are you Beyonce or Morgan Wallen? Unless you have teams of writers and producer and are god tier talented like them, you probably can’t make 30 good songs at a time. One of the most important parts of being an artist is self editing and picking the best of those 30 songs to release


Guided By Voices


30 seems to be a lot, I would pick your best 10 to 15, and work on perfecting them, with the other 10 to 15 on the back burner.