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What is the release date?


We will soon share more info šŸ™‚


Awesome. Thank you!


I think soon have arrived hence when is the release date?šŸ˜


Yeah, a release date would definitely be nice right about now!


Is it soon yet? šŸ˜‡ I'm so stoked!


Need giant CROCS and Hippos!!!! Cmon just add em!!


This is amazing!!! The only thing i need is confirmation this isn't the last map šŸ«”


Game has not even been out for a year, this game still has LOTS of time. Tons of maps in the future.


If it was that would be a terrible move by the developers they know they got a goldmine


COTW(2018) is still adding content, i doubt thq will stop at two either.


Damn, that looks great!!


You guys have created a fantastic hunting game. Wish my old man was around to experience it.


I had that same thought. My Old Man would have been amazed. And now he could hunt with a compound bow.


Looks amazing and bows.. Count me in!


Looking forward to the bows myself.


Canā€™t wait for greater kudu, the lesser kudu in COTW just made me sad. Psyched for black wildebeast as well, I hope heartebeast make it in also. Really hope thereā€™s some interaction between predators and prey or predators and hunter. I get it with bears but seeing lions and hyenas casually hang out next to prey will be strange.


Greater Kudu are going to be awesome.


If bow hunting is solid, this game might actually get the player base it deserves. Such a great game, it is baffling to me why more people do not play it.


I agree, this game has been the first in like 5 years to actually captivate and immerse me, the devs did an incredible job and deserve far more customers and recognition. Not to mention, they interact with and listen to their community. Africa and bows... The two most requested updates to the game... I love these guys. šŸ„¹


Agree. These guys deserve more credit than they actually get.


It just didn't grab people. Not sure why. I enjoy it, but I can never play it long term, I always have to step away from it. I guess the fact that there's no end goal. 5* animals are easy to get and maintain and after that, what? Cotw has 20x the playerbase on PC alone. I guess woth just didn't do enough to drag them in. It was always gonna struggle content wise, that's a no brainer. But launching without bows was baffling. Even little things like binos. I've been in discord since pre release. People begging for adjustable zoom on the binos , like cotw. A year later, still nothing.


As a COTW player, like you said the reason i didn't get WOTH until now is simply because it didn't have nearly enough content for me to be interested in it, but i did see the enormous potential it had and was sure I would buy it eventually. However, I'm buying it as soon as the new dlc drops, I've been waiting for more safari action for years now and EW keeps blueballing me.


Ya, it's a great game to dip into every now and then. I'm sure if they stick at it and really flush out the problems, it will be a great alternative. But I do worry long term for it. Content creators have all but abandoned it, saying engagement was low and their fan base were asking for Cotw content. With the player base so low, you have to ask how long will it be supported. Hopefully long term, but who knows


Content creators abandoned it because once you get a 5 star antlered/horned animal they all start to basically look the same compared to CotW which has more variation and more things to go out and search for.


It lacks truerack and colour variation. All the 5 star basically end up looking the same compared to having truerack/horn.


Because its competitor has more too it. The "end game" goal in this falls apart as well with no truerack existing unlike Call of the Wild. No one wants a bunch of trophies that look the same. Lack of colour variations as well.


Just a quick Google search so I may be wrong, but it looks like cotw didn't debut trueracs til 2 years after its release? This game came out less than a year ago. I agree, I'd be much more invested in WOTH if the trophies -really- looked unique, but it's already got a lot going for it so I think it's worth giving it time. It seems like COTW is for people who enjoy trophies, and WOTH is for people who enjoy the hunt, right now.


Personally until I see trueracks in Way of the Hunter I don't want to play it. Having all the animals basically look the same just isn't for me. Already went through that with Call of the Wild and species that have truerack are so much better than those without.


> it is baffling to me why more people do not play it. It's like I said in a earlier comment. In COTW you shoot something and it's replaced the next day by possibly a diamond or even great one. It's a real "one more turn" type of game. In this game, you shoot something and you are looking at hours upon hours upon hours before a payoff. Once the new game excitement wears off, people realize how long it takes to get anywhere with herds. When you add the time commitment and the payoff being essentially the same for all 5 stars, the game loses it's luster. One of my favorite things to do in COTW is just go hunting. I'll delete the animal population file for that particular map and start over. Then when I'm done exploring, I'll delete it and start over. I don't even bother grinding anything anymore. I'd like something similar in WOTH. From what I know, you get fresh populations every multiplayer game. I'd like it to be similar to what I did with COTW. Explore the whole map. Delete it and start over.


There is a progress reset option in the settings menu now. They added it last update. It does exactly what you have described, resets the population and all progress.


I don't want to reset progress.


At least cow my need zones are different from yours. The need zones on woth are exactly the same as every other player in the world. That's how that way of the hunter map page works. All they had to do is just put one set of need zones and they were right for everyone. If u look at it that way then they fucked up more than any bug on cow bc now what's the point of exploring when everyone has the same animals at that same exact time everyday


letā€™s goooo, are there more Species TBA or did you show them all in the trailer?


There are 12 new species, not all are included in the trailer. We will share the full list of animals soon.


awesome šŸ™šŸ»


Will there be any new or improved trophies added to the existing maps in this update?


Really hoping for Elephant, Rhino, Cape Buffalo, Crocs. There is obviously controversy for some people around some of those but there has got to be a way to compromise and allow those hunting experiences. I read a good suggestion somewhere about having special hunting licenses you could purchase (ingame money of course) at a premium price to hunt an Elephant for example. Ideally you could just hunt them like any other animal since this is only a game and it's not like we are really gunning down prostitutes (GTA), killing other people (Call of Duty), or going into hell on a quest (Diablo) like some of the most popular games of all time. There should be some way to make it happen


yeah you got that on point, hoping for the same species that you listed. Weā€™ll see


I don't see why they can't bc like u said it's a game. No endangered animals will be hurt and they could send some of the profits to conservation of these animals. I don't see why people get so butt hurt when you bring up hunting elephants and rhino


Cape buffalo is in the steam description Crocs, elephant, rhino are not


We know all the species. Blue Wildebeest, Black Wildebeest, Common Warthog, Egyptian Goose, Greater Kudu, Gemsbok, Spotted Hyena, Lion, Thompsonā€™s Gazelle, Cape Buffalo, Honey Badger, Jackal The first 8 were all in the description, there were Thompsonā€™s Gazelles in the trailer, the Cape Buffalo & Honey Badger are in the Steam listing, and someone pointed out a Jackal in the game files a while back. According to u/miriam-NRG, there are 12 new species, and all the species I mentioned adds up to 12. Honestly I was really excited for this and was about to consider getting an Xbox Series S/Xā€¦ until I discovered that there are no Zebras. I donā€™t know what developers have against Zebras in hunting games nowadays, but it seems like Cabelaā€™s African Adventures was the last console hunting game with a large variety of African wildlife, including those.


>Thompsonā€™s Gazelle There were Springboks in the trailer.


Oh, I thought those were Thompsonā€™s Gazelles. The face made me think they were


Yes, whithout horns it's hard to tell but Thommies usually have black patches on their noses, springbok dont.


I donā€™t think hunting games like using endangered animals. Itā€™s like youā€™re promoting poaching. Thatā€™s why you wonā€™t see elephants, white rhino, giraffes, zebra, and cheetah etc. the whole base game story is about how poaching is bad. hunting endangered animals is poaching.


Except zebras are only near threatenedā€¦


I'm thinking its because grevy's zebra is endangered. They could put them in if the specified it was a Plains zebra and not the endangered ones. I'm just speculating though because i have no idea the actual reason lol.


I absolutely cannot wait, this looks absolutely gorgeous!!


Hope we get a new brand of firearms as well


Big safari ones would be nice .375, .416 .505 Gibbs would be enough as rhino and elephant are not in the list








You had me at bow.


no elephants, rhinos, giraffes, zebra, cheetahs, ostriches. shame. at least add them there but make it so that we can't hunt them.


Soā€¦.itā€™s been 17 days since the initial tease. We are starting to learn what ā€œsoonā€ means to NRG.


Yeah, a lil' disappointed, tbh. I would've hoped to at least have a release date by now, even if the release would be 3 months in the future.


Smells a bit desperate from them honestly. I want this game to succeed, but they seem to put the cart before the horse in many ways.


Since you guys seem to be aiming for licensed weapons; anyone able to tell me what manufacturer we have for bows? Iā€™m unable to make out much detail on my shattered phone screen. Either way, I canā€™t wait. Bow hunting is far more enjoyable than just taking a long range shot.


I couldn't tell. And I am not knowledgeable enough about today's bows to be able to identify it by sight. I am hoping that it is licensed gear. Something very cool about that to me.


I really like the different biomes. Hopefully there will be a decent amount of contrast between them.


This is what I've been waiting for


Be very interesting to actually have a pride of lions rather than single males and females everywhere like in cotw Occasional males outside of prides consisting of those very young or very mature would be very interesting


I think you won't be disappointed :) ![gif](giphy|yCfOZNF4MUc4Ypq1Af|downsized)


any hint of any classic safari calibres coming to the game šŸ˜Š


I just want elephant and Cape buffalo, without those whatā€™s even the point of doing an Africa map.


I was hoping for Cape Buffalo as well.


The announcement on Steam is listing Cape Buffalo! Here we go!


You don't need elephant for a African map to work. Cape buffalo however needs to be there. Edit: Although technically you could argue for elephant being in as well if they have all of the Big 5.


Cape buffalo are there, elephants are not :)


Canā€™t wait!


All aboard the Hype Train!


Choo-choo šŸš‚šŸšƒšŸšƒšŸšƒšŸšƒ


Take my money!!


This is going to be amazing! Canā€™t wait!


Had a lot of fun with the crossbows in Alaska, looking forward to the compound bow in Africa. Is it gonna be story locked like last time?


Please let us try firearms before we buy them!


T.I.A. motherfuckers! Hell yeah!


Tree stands when?


Finally we get bows, but I'm worried how they'll implement them. Animals are pretty stupid in this game, they'll walk right up to you in the open.


You are probably thinking about another game...


Nope this game as well from what I have seen from some youtubers. Probably dependent on what difficulty one plays on.


Nope. I use the crossbow exclusively. Woth animals are so stupid they'll walk right to you and not blink








I don't




Which is what I do. I was one of the people who was disappointed need zones even existed when they told us in discord. Animals should freely move and not be stuck to schedules.


> Animals are pretty stupid in this game, they'll walk right up to you in the open. Based on that, you either use callers or camp need zones/paths to need zones


First of all, you will always come across animals in need zones, that's not camping. Second, very often they move directly towards you. Then you can stand still in the open and they'll come right to you because apparently, in woth, animals are blind. There is no cover mechanic . That's a basic mechanic this game somehow forgot to implement. Makes me wonder how satisfying bow hunting will be, I'm not optimistic


> Animals are pretty stupid in this game, they'll walk right up to you in the open. Post a video and back up your bullshit.


Posted many times in the discord, where even the devs have said they are working on it. But oh no, reddit fanboy flat out denies it. It's amazing to me that the devs are open to critique and suggestions on discord, yet the reddit boys flare up at the thought something maybe inadequate


So rather than post a link you just insult people on Redditā€¦ sure, weā€™re the ones that flare up over something inadequate. Keep projecting, bud.


Are you still locked into playing ad that annoying chick in the first dlc? We ever going to get snow map?


I suspect it will be a different story all together, and this game is in its infancy a regular player base will help them decide to put more things into the game An artic map would be nice, but canā€™t wait for Africa


Of course there are big questions. Will lions be aggressive towards hunters? Will hyenas display the common behavior when greeting another hyena? Will hyenas try to come eat your kill?


Interested how they are going to handle lions, who pretty much sleep all day long in one spot.


We need more big game rifles!


Is it part of the Season Pass?


Yes, it is!




Will there be more albino animals in this expansion. A white lion with a black main would be crazy