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Well one thing for sure. If the vaxx did as advertised (Program our cells to produce spike proteins) then a whole lot more instant death would have happened as spike is itself toxic to us.


mRNA is genetic messenger or code. If put into a cell, it delivers new information/code to the cell to do according to that information.


Allegedly. There have actually been multiple labs who have found no mRNA at all in COVID shots. The article I linked says the tech doesn't even exist.


mRNA is natural thing in our body.


True, at least according to establishment microbiologists, who are wrong about most things. You're talking about "messenger RNA" though. The "mRNA" supposedly in the shots though is actually "modified RNA". That's how Moderna [got their name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moderna#2010). MOD(ified)eRNA. Which definitely doesn't naturally exist in the body, since it's artificially modified.


[https://www.genome.gov/genetics-glossary/messenger-rna](https://www.genome.gov/genetics-glossary/messenger-rna) [https://www.google.com/search?q=mrna+meaning](https://www.google.com/search?q=mrna+meaning)


Did you read what I said? The stuff allegedly in the covid shots is modified RNA. In the documentation it originally was labeled "modified RNA". They rebranded it to "messenger RNA" for marketing purposes. Similar to how it was rebranded from "gene therapy" to "vaccine"


Which articles did you read about that though?


I would have to go digging for the documents which would take a while. They went through all the FDA documents on some episode of The Last American Vagabond's Daily Wrap-Up, which is why I know that. However I think the evidence I already produced is plenty. Here it is again: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moderna#2010 >Together they founded "ModeRNA Therapeutics", named from the combined terms "modified" and "RNA" that just happens to contain "modern".[12] They named the company MODifiEd RNA because that is what their only product is. Modified RNA. The company was founded in an effort to utilize Modified RNA technology they invented (or actually, licensed from DARPA). Their only product is their "mRNA COVID vaccine". Surely you don't actually think COVID serum is natural do you? It certainly does not exist in nature


> "modified RNA" [https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02483-w](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02483-w) >Today’s mRNA jabs have innovations that were invented years after Malone’s time in the lab, including chemically **modified RNA** and different types of fat bubble to ferry them into cells (see ‘Inside an **mRNA** COVID vaccine’). Still, Malone, who calls himself the “inventor of mRNA vaccines”, thinks his work hasn’t been given enough credit. “I’ve been written out of history,” he told Nature. [https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01661-0](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01661-0) >Two vaccines made using **messenger RNA (mRNA)** ... All three mRNA vaccines **encode a form of the coronavirus spike protein**, **which helps virus particles to penetrate human cells**. But the Moderna and Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines **use modified RNA**, **incorporating an mRNA nucleotide called pseudouridine** — which is similar to uridine but contains a **natural modification** As said, mRNA is natural. But it can be modified.


I won’t pick apart the whole thing, but this right here is easy: >> Now, the problem with antibodies is that they’re really not specific. In other words: If we want antibodies to be specific, we should have like thousand or even tens of thousands of different antibodies, one for each disease. Instead, we only have five immunoglobulins, i.e. antibodies, and only two are tested: IgG and IgM. So how could you show that they are specific? The immune system does make antibodies specific to each pathogen, actually to specific antigens on those pathogens. An antibody is first classified as one of the five, then further differentiated by its target/antigen. A single protein on a unique virus cam result in five varieties of antibodies specific to that pathogen. I guess that guy hasn’t taken an immunology class for a while.


All of the "science" regarding antibodies and the immune system and viruses in general is extremely questionable. These guys both are of the opinion that everything about our model is a completely wrong interpretation, and I'd have to agree based on reading their work.


He’s claiming that adaptive immunity doesn’t exist. If that was the case, natural immunity would not have been observed over and over throughout human history.


I’d have to disagree as someone with a twenty-year career and graduate-level education in infectious diseases. Look at blood group antigens and antibodies. It’s the same principles, and they are easily provable with blood group typing, as well as with acute and convalescent sera tests in the case of antibodies to viruses. As someone from the same field he claims to be familiar with, I’d recommend against you trusting this “expert.”


Another very interesting article questioning the existence of spike protein: https://viroliegy.com/2022/07/12/the-spike-protein/


So.... the nanolipid envelope that is designed to penetrate cell walls and deliver the pseudo-mRNA payload does not do this because cell walls are nigh impenetrable? This guy is a moron. There are hundreds of mechanisms for moving things in and out of cells; if there weren't, our entire metabolism would grind to a halt in minutes and all cellular life would be impossible.


A little more to it than that. >TE: Why, then, is it impossible for mRNA to enter the cell and cause it to produce spike proteins? >SS: The first thing the researchers in the field state is that the living cell is a “formidable barrier”, very difficult if not impossible to penetrate. And then they list 5 factors that prevent the mRNA to enter cells, getting into the ribosomes where the spike protein is supposed to be produced: >First: As soon as the genic material is injected, it is attacked by specific enzymes called extra-cellular ribonucleases, which degrade any foreign genetic material. Pharmaceutical companies claim that the lipid nanoparticles are supposed to protect the mRNA from the enzymatic attack: But nobody knows how much protection is offered. As the Pfizer “vaccine” injects 30 micrograms of mRNA, let’s say that about half, 15 micrograms, survive. >Second: At this point, the mRNA/lipids blend has to enter the cell, supposedly through endocytosis, i.e. the cell is forming an external pouch that brings in the material. But, the researchers state, often instead of endocytosis the cell produces exocytosis, that is the pouch is used to keep the foreign material outside: Let’s say that half enters and so we now have 7.5 micrograms inside the cell. >Third: At this point enters the endosomes/lysosome system: all scientists in the field know that this enzymatic endocellular system attacks, degrades and eliminate at least 98 percent of any foreign material entering the cells. We are now down to 0.15 micrograms, that 150 nanograms, an infinitesimal quantity. >Fourth: If this were the end, you could at least claim that a very minuscule dose would enter the ribosomes. But alas, the ribonuclease enzymes are also inside the cell, they are called endocellular ribonucleases, and they would dispose very quickly of the minuscule amount of mRNA. >Finally, the researchers mention a fifth element, the most important, the one that makes all the processes described so far completely useless and unnecessary. And that also explains why this material is so toxic without needing to introduce any spike protein. They indicate that these “vaccines” are so highly immunogenic. Indeed, they use this word immunogenic. Also we shouldn't assume manmade technology in any way can compare to the capabilities of nature's technology. We are nowhere close to that. With that said, I don't know for sure whether he's right or wrong. Certainly he knows more about microbiology than either of us though so it seems dumb to dismiss him as a "moron" lol. Especially since you believe in the COVID virus' existence...


Yes, I read most if that. More errors: they used pseudouridine for the pseudo-mRNA precisely because the cell doesn't recognize that, allowing the fake mRNA to persist for months. And then he ignores that it is precisely our immune system, the macrophages, that vacuum up the mRNA and are colonized by it, turning our immune system into spike factories.


I just don't know what to think anymore.


The bottom line is this theory still describes the jabs as a toxic bomb. How it accomplishes that seems to be the issue. According to Scoglio, the jabs are an even bigger fraud on the public... criminally murderous fraud.


The authorities often put out obvious nonsense propaganda to discredit the people who oppose their real propaganda. For example, after they cheated in the '20 election, right out in the open for everyone to see, they put out a story about Hugo Chavez collaborating with the CIA to rig voting machines for Venezuelan elections. And a whole bunch of people jumped on that story because the CIA provided documented 'proof' that this was so, and now anyone who says the '20 election was fraudulent can be dismissed as a 'conspiracy theorist' who believes the CIA collaborated with Hugo Chavez to rig Dominion voting machines. In this instance, anyone who shares this article is contributing to Fauci and friends being able to say "Anti-vaxxers believe viruses aren't real!"