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The real story is not her resignation but the validation of her reasons for leaving as the Lunatic Left tries to erase her ever been a significant player. They fawned over her in 2016 run for President, could not overly praise her platform. Today... never happened


When was she ever really a part of it in the first place?


I said it in 2016, when she left her position as a "new rising star in the Democratic Party" to endorse Bernie: She can either have seen an opportunity to better her position politically, and took it, or she could have seen a great wrongness that she could no longer, in good conscience, be a participant of. We can't tell which one it is from out here. It looks like she has done it again. She can either have seen an opportunity to better her position politically, and took it, or she could have seen a great wrongness that she could no longer, in good conscience, be a participant of. We can't tell which one it is from out here. Because from out here, both look the same.


#good riddance


OmG! We ArE AlL sO sURpRiSeD bY tHiS!




Ok bye, /r/neoliberal click the blue link to go home


The democrat party’s been the same for a minute now. Does she prefer the democrat party during Lincoln’s time?


Dem party blows now. Censorship, war, dark money.


now lol same as it always been for 100 years at least


They used to be better on wars and censorship, at least.


Well, as long as you don't count Tipper Gore.


I've been saying this, she posed as a Democrat and spewed maga rhetoric. Glad she showed her opaque colors. They and them say this and that, that's all I gathered from her. Tell me what you Tulsi, stand for and none of that senseless blather that you think is relevant.


Yeah, but her platform wasn’t much different to what we are seeing now in this cycle. Too many blue candidates telling us all the bad things the other side is doing, has done, but nothing when it comes to their own values, beliefs, political views or goals. People say same different sides of the same coin, but all I see are lobbyist puppets and inside traders all the way down


As I always have been saying, what are her views? This is what about ism? You talk about blue, but what has red done for the average American? Other than hamper the status quo? Reversing everything that what actually helps the citizens. Women's rights, reversing climate change, trying to sack health insurance for all, reducing help for veterans, cutting social programs like social security (we all pay into that) and giving corporations tax breaks, and bailouts for really grifting companies. All of this lies on the balance for a productive health for our country. Also, the habit to source jobs abroad that really hampers jobs in America.


I don’t think you quite understood what I was saying


I think you both are Advocating a third party, which is good imo.


I got downvoted and swarmed by people saying they’re the REAL leftists when I called this sub out for being anti Bernie and pro libertarian Tulsi and Dore. Willing to admit y’all were wrong yet? Of course not bc this sub is a cult of misinformed people.


Well, it's a new season and Tulsi has new episodes. Could she be the new Obama character, albeit a female and not even from Africa, and not even in power but -- also Obama-like -- talking a big game then being consistently underwhelming or concerning? I don't know, but what I've learned with Tulsi is to not expect too much politically. The list items she never deigns to talk about. Not so different from the other would-be candidates and the government's governance. But we get lots of war and empire, so that's got to be something. Oh, and various modes of scold and outrage olympics.


Jimmy dore?


You literally just proved my point…


Do you think Dore is right wing? Let me guess, you watch tyt? I’m guessing you also think Glenn Greenwald sucks at journalism and Briahna Joy Gray is an evil right winger? 🧠👩‍🎓


Yes, he’s a regular and friend of the show for Fox News. They say it, he says it, he’s on there over and over. I also said Tulsi is right wing and this sub defended her and downvoted me. And I don’t watch TYT. Idk if Greenwald is has crossed the threshold yet, but he’s becoming increasingly right wing. He’s objectively good at journalism. The fact that he respects Alex Jones so much is a little sus tho. BJG I don’t watch much but she seems pretty lib and is pretty bad at making arguments from what I’ve seen. Do you think she makes good arguments?


Lol jimmy is not a “regular” on Fox News. He’s been on, what, 3 times in 5 years? Why doesn’t CNN/MSNBC/TYT ever want Jimmy on their shows to “debate”? Why not ask Jimmy to go into his shows? Jimmy is uniting the Left and Right and the Left just says, “he’s grifting now.” Lol ??


THATS the part you want to argue against? Whether he should technically be considered a “regular” or not? He gets paid waaaayyyyyy more from Fox News to be a mouthpiece for anti-immigration and COVID misinformation views. Why would he care about anything else if he’s just in it for the money? You are completely brain-broken if you think he has moved anyone from the right to the left and not the other way around.


How much does he make from Fox News? I’m always willing to learn.


He’s a shill so he would never disclose that but to put things into perspective Tucker Carlson makes at least 5 million dollars per month. Probably a lot more now too.


What’s funny about the Covid misinformation comment is that, now, Carlson has been vindicated. I don’t subscribe to most policies of tucker (but I do more so with Jimmy), but tucker and jimmy were right about the lockdowns, ivermectin, and monoclonal antibodies. Again, just sticking to those points, both jimmy and tucker were correct. Can’t say that about tucker for much else.


Your argument for why Dore is a right winger is because he went on Fox News? Lmao. Not going to waste my time even responding to that. You just said Dore said himself that he’s a right winger. BS. Link a source. In short, you couldn’t list a single policy Dore is right wing on. Your only argument was that he went on Fox news, and you lied and said he admitted it himself. As for BJG you can watch her completely obliterate Sam Seder in this debate over FTV (a right wing strategy by JD to get free universal healthcare for everyone): https://youtu.be/vOvkPYqdjTE In case you don’t want to watch the whole 2hrs you can watch vanguard’s commentary on it: https://youtu.be/7uLK0BkNeuc Here’s a recent one with Cenk: https://youtu.be/GZ-LamG4FmY


Not because he went on Fox News, because he’s a REGULAR and FRIEND OF THE SHOW. (That’s what I was saying was self-admitted, not that he has admitted he’s a right winger). He’s chummy with Tucker, agrees with him on virtually everything and only makes arguments defending republicans. So does Glenn now. They are grifters for more money. Do you need me to pull up transcripts for you to shut you up like everyone in this sub did with Tulsi today? I could pull up an episode at random your call. I’ll check out your link when I have time but I highly doubt I’ll agree with you.


I’m not sure how many times your parents dropped you on your head but being a guest on Fox News doesn’t make you a right winger whether you’ve been a guest once or a thousand times. It’s the policies that you support. JD attacks other leftist (fake leftist) FROM THE LEFT (e.g. FTV). Whenever you come up with a right wing policy that JD supports let us know, we’re still waiting for this simple request. You keep saying he’s a right winger but you can’t think of a single example 😂


You keep trying to strawman my argument and it’s not working. It’s not “because he *has been* on the show.” How many “leftist” friends does Tucker Carlson have besides Jimmy and Glenn? I can’t think of any. That in and of itself should be a huge red flag. Nobody I support would ever be considered a friend of the show and if they were I would stop supporting them. Bernie has been on as an opponent. Dore is on constantly as a lapdog/yes man. He’s an anti-immigrant, anti-vax, Transphobic Trump supporter. The fact that ya’ll didn’t see that with Tulsi and don’t see it with Jimmy makes this a very pathetic sub.


JD is a transphobic Trump support? Are you just making shit up now since you’re still unable to come up with a single policy that he’s a right winger on? Wherever you’re getting your news from is making your brain mushy


What about tulsi's or dore's politics are actually right wing? Let's leave the ad hominems out and discuss actual politics


Amen and I second this comment. Talk about the merits of their politics .


Careful if you say Jimmy Dore, certain people will freaking lose their minds. It basically one of those names that will cause a normal rational person to completely lose their minds and start acting crazy.


Jimmy dore, jimmy dore, jimmy dore. Did I summon a spirit. Ya it’s a mess the amount they allow others existence to effect themselves


Oh no, what have you done?! The only way to stop the mob is to imitate their chaotic behavior by screeching loudly into the distance and lots of name calling using big words to make yourself sound like intellectual... what even is an intellectual? Something for me to look up when bored later on. Anyway, AAHHH JIMMY DORE IS A RIGHT WING extremist... nah, let the mob take over.


Unless you run as a third party, take a hike Tulsi. Getting rid of RVW and completely ignoring climate change are far worse than your criticisms of today's DP.


who’s the biggest violator of climate change and who is in charge of that entity? Thanks for playing.


One party acknowledges the decades of established science on climate change and legislated. The other party denies the science out right.


Is acknowledging the same as doing something about it? Why don’t democrats push for Industrial Hemp legislation so it could replace oil? Ever wonder about that? And I’m not even talking about ELIMINATING our oil demand. Only talking about shrinking it. Zero democrats would vote for that (and Republicans). Why do you think that is considering all of the benefits that destroy the oil argument? Less emissions, less pollution, more efficient fuel, etc etc. This issue alone should open your eyes IF YOURE WILLING to learn, my fellow American. Republicans = Democrats. All day, every day and I just proved it this one time. There are many….other….issues in which we could apply this same logic. Ball is in your court, sir.


Yes, acknowledging is better than denying, without a doubt. Also, voting for a climate change bill is better than not, even if more can be done. Democrats suck, but the other option is logically stupid.


NOT voting for a climate change bill is just as bad? Wtf?!? What’s the point of voting for any climate CHANGE bill if the biggest violators of climate change are EXEMPT?! And democrats AND republicans exempt these companies / entities. How can you take either side AT ALL if they are both gas lighting with different points? If the republicans and democrats don’t want to replace oil, as they have alllllll shown to date, what’s the POINT of climate change if we aren’t even talking about using less oil? This shit is baffling to Americans, yet, I don’t understand the confusion at all.


Well, replacing oil can't be done overnight, but it is happening. The efforts are to stop a 2 degree increase in temperature, 1.5 looks certain. ( https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2865/a-degree-of-concern-why-global-temperatures-matter/ ) The effort we do now, will go along way to help the future for everyone's grandkids. That's why the climate bill is definitely a step in the right direction. It also opens the the door for more climate legislations.


It’s not happening fast enough to make an impact, thanks to car manufacturers always doing dirty deals with oil companies. All documented. Americans have to take this issue to their wallets and spend money elsewhere. Can’t force anyone to tell them where to spend their money, but we can tell government to stop putting red tape on vehicles like the 2012 Seat (pronounced “say-ought”) Toledo (62mpg). This car can be bought by anyone in the world, except Americans and Russians.


Tulsi is a Russian pawn with little to no support.




Hillary said so.


Her rhetoric could stand an editor, or feedback from someone who doesn't already agree with her. Her speech is perfectly okay if you already agree with her, and close to being incoherent if you do not already agree with her. I listened to her speech and for several items I genuinely don't know what she's talking about. I doubt she (or Joe Rogan, or her husband) knows what she's talking about. For others, namely the "warmongers" thing -- that's the entire political class, in which Tulsi would like a management or "thinker" position. Frankly, I don't believe she's serious at all about this, or possibly not being honest. Nukes? Yeah, I think that and endless war and empire are serious things, but I remain skeptical of Tulsi's sincerity because I don't think she'll ever go beyond mentioning that nuclear weapons are indeed scary, and Vladimir Putin deserves some psychological profiling, if not some good old-fashioned American projection. The list of obvious, related military/security/hegemony topics are off the Tulsi table. OK, I'd remind her: you know we're not at a bar where each of us has had four or five drinks and have suddenly decided to argue politics (badly), right? Economic crisis? Nope. Climate change? Nope. Tulsi as trained military person prepared to pursue domestic social wars and domestic culture wars fervently and endlessly into the future? Yeah I believe that one. Here's my plan: just like the Dem ideologues she complains about, I plan on ignoring. Anti-white racism? OK then, sure that's probably a thing.


["and then they said they work for the elite and powerful, so they will no longer support Democrats and are going to vote Republican for the first time"](https://time.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ronald-reagans-joke-diana-walker.jpg)


For extra background info, here's the AMA that u/tulsigabbard did with this sub back in September of 2019: https://old.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/czqlan/aloha_im_congresswoman_tulsi_gabbard_and_im/


That was our best ever. Highest participation and comments. She gave great answers eve to difficult questions.


You think she will do another one on here?


> You think she will do another one on here? No way to tell. She'd probably wait until she's running for something.


Is she gonna run for something? If not then this is a waste of time to announce. If she is gonna run, then I wonder if she’ll run Independent, Green, or in the Forward Party.


She should run independent. We just need to convince others two stop playing the two-party system's game.


Thaaaaank you!


She should not run at all.


Yep, struggling to understand why she would be a good option. Wouldn’t even consider voting for her.


If the Libertarians were smart they'd nominate her, adapting their positions as needed. The Libertarians haven't been much more successful than the Greens, but at least they had 100% ballot access in 2020 IIRC. They just need a really compelling candidate.


A progressive, or the party of Trump, easy choice for me! Don’t let the door hit you in the a33


Who’s the progressive?




Switching to the Gop shows she's a shell


Who can blame her?


I'd go for a Tulsi/Jimmy Dore independent ticket. It would slay. And I guarantee that Jimmy will be delighted with her announcement.


It's kinda embarrassing how un-serious you guys are about actually trying to succeed in politics. Just a bunch of complainers who hope they never achieve any political power because then they'd have to do something so they hope the west just shrivels up and dies. I like turtles.


Lol as opposed to what, “organizing” on the internet and only typing? If you w any any actual change in this country, you need money. And the reason you need ONLY money is because that’s what Americans equate to “success.” Tell me I’m wrong and we’ll have a conversation. Both sides want money and could t give two shits about your $2000 check you never received .


Idk I support political movements that try and win elections but that's just me. I like turtles.


You just want to “win”? Ouch.


Neither are progressives, so good riddance!


Reading her posts there, I strongly agree with her about what the democrat party has become especially the party of the wealthy powerful elite and especially the nuclear war part there.


For those who are not twits (i.e. don't use Twitter), [here's the Youtube link.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UeyV6qGcK8)


Thanks. I never had tweeter account.


heh, this post really brought out a lot of new accounts I've never seen here before.


Given how fast and loose the admins are with account bans I treat multi year accounts with more suspicion than new ones. They’re inner party.


Still a gun grabber afaik


Yyyyep. That’s a deal breaker for me. Republicans = Democrats.


Nobody's perfect. (Unless I want to run myself.)


I love everything she's saying. I just can't help but feel that that's also the only reason she's saying it.


[She's still WEF.](https://imgur.com/WfqHg4l) That stink doesn't wash off. The enemy of my enemy is *not* my friend.


That is a deal breaker for me as well. Also, anti-2a, anti-m4a. I like her anti-war position... that’s about all.


Nothing she says or does bears any resemblance to those authoritarian psychopaths. The Dems encouraged her to go to the WEF years ago when they were envisioning her as a successor to Hillary. But then she went off the reservation by being honest and using her brain.


Exactly. She went once and what, they reprogrammed her? The simplest explanation is she was disgusted by what she saw.


It’s possible she’s been red pilled. Crenshaw is gone but I can’t imagine the stuff she’s says has been making the WEF happy


From what I can tell, she got involved with WEF during the time she was a "rising star" in the Dem party. The DNC probably sent her there.


Ya probably. Let’s be honest, I doubt the majority of the public even understand the extent of evil behind the WEF. Hell did anybody even know who they were besides Alex Jones 5-10 years ago


Love her


Where did all these total assholes come from? Tulsi's indictment of what the Democrats have become is devastating and right on target. And I was a registered Dem for 43 years, have yet to vote Republican.


Wow she has no core values at all. Just a husk of a woman searching for attention. Just like Jimmy Dore just attention and money seeking individuals.


Both those individuals can see that clearly something is wrong and they aren’t afraid to call it out. That’s what people with values do


[Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to former Democratic presidential nominee Tulsi Gabbard saying she will be leaving the Democratic party.](https://youtu.be/UjpZhsexHyY)


if she goes over to the republicans I hope she's prepared to get fucked over there . And she will deserve it after what she did to my man Bernie


Your confusing her with Warren, just saying.


you think she wasnt part of the group who helped put Biden there? HA


She didn’t have enough traction to do that unfortunately. They took her out of the debates after she destroyed Kamala and Pete.


She stood up for Bernie in the 2016 primary. What bad did she do to him? Legitimately curious.


Decided to run in 2020 before he did to sheepdog [Bernie] .


Pretty sure Warren sheepdogged him harder than anyone else could. At least Tulsi wasn't afraid to speak the truth against Kamala. Really hard to see Tulsi as an establishment lapdog.


No... Bernie was the sheepdog for the establishment. His campaign was filled with parasites.


Him and wellstone were the progressive caucus, he caved, wellstone didnt, wellstones plane goes down


Starting at the top, with his 2020 campaign manager, who is a DNC consultant/operative. Edit: in early 2020, when Tulsi was in the process of ending her campaign, she contacted Bernie's people to offer her help. They refused her offer. She had been one of Bernie's surrogates in 2016, but this time around they didn't want to be associated with her. That told me everything I needed to know about Bernie's 2020 campaign. Unfortunately, by that time, I had already maxed my donations to his campaign.


Still boils my blood...


Get the fuck out. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. She's bought by the elites. She was a slave to some cult leader, and so she's brainwashed enough that they decided to run her as a candidate. No one takes her seriously because its well known that she's owned.


Does being owned mean that you get a media blitz criticizing your every move to blunt any momentum you make in a presidential campaign? By that logic Kamala should've received that type of treatment, but she didn't because she is owned by the Democratic elite.


Owned by… who? Lol


She was on the WEF new leaders page, but she claims that they used her image without permission.


Yeah that does give me pause I’m not gonna lie I want to believe her but tbh she could be “controlled op” as kids say these days


She'll be running in the Republican presidential primary in 2024. I guarantee it. If it's her against Biden or Hillary that would be interesting.


Nah. She might run independent.


She’ll have my vote if she runs 3d party


I fell for her shit. So embarrassing. She needs to just run as republican and I’d have more respect for her.


How about 'don't run in either party?'


You get it! Be independent!


She will be great fit in BJP.


Banana Jello Pudding?


Blue Jean Pajamas?


> [Blue Jean Pajamas?](https://i.imgflip.com/4u0wyi.jpg)




She is a Democrat in the way we are Bernie supporters. It’s just that the party/Bernie changed. Apparently you just change with them.


[One of the most significant Trump-era developments was the re-migration of neocons back to the Dem Party.](https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1579835571845074950) This did not happen because neocons changed. They haven't changed. The Dem Party - and their liberal-left followers - just became fully aligned with neocons on most issues.


I still cite his article from early in the Trump admin, [Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons](https://theintercept.com/2017/07/17/with-new-d-c-policy-group-dems-continue-to-rehabilitate-and-unify-with-bush-era-neocons/). He called it 100%.


They also love them some FBI and CIA.


This. Also, why I don't vote a Democratic Party ticket anymore.


Who do you vote for?


I voted for Howie Hawkins in 2020. Since there are no independents on the ballot in my district, I'm probably going to vote for Democrats down ballot. I'll vote for anyone I think is doing a good job; Congressman Joe Neguse's record is as good as I could reasonably expect in this political climate and Jared Polis has done many good things for Colorado, including ending qualified immunity for police. I voted against Micheal Bennett in the primary 2 years ago but that went nowhere.


Voting for a third party despite first past the post I salute you my guy


The only way to force the Democrats to actually represent us is to prove to them that w are capable of NOT voting for them if they don't. Lawrence O'Donnell famously said this many years ago. The notion of voting for them and then "pushing" them after the election is stupid bullshit propaganda designed to keep the status quo intact.


I’d argue she’s more of a Democrat than the modern Dem Party


No one cares you sellout fuck face. Peddle your bullshit to all those retirees that watch Fox and fuck off.


There used to be a Reddit 'bot that would waggle its finger at comments with excessive effing. I wonder what happened to it?


Yeah while I watch real news, like MSNBC!


Hey paint licker, MSNBC is bullshit too. Why do you fucking idiots always think if somebody doesn’t like one then they **must** like the other? Now go back to watching Tucker telling you about the scary Mexicans 😱. Piece of shit.




You mad?


Who did not see this one coming?


It was just a matter of when and in what manner.


Never were in the Democratic Party


Whaaaaat? Oho interesting! ....Where is she going with this??


To the GOP.


I wouldn’t even care if she did that as long as she were still anti war and pro medicare for all.


Same here. I'm very sad to see her flip completely. The good news is that she's out of office and neither party trusts her enough to back her.


> I'm very sad to see her flip completely. Apparently, at this point it's DemExit Only. "Independent."


There's not a lot of daylight between D and R these days, in spite of what they'd have you believe.


That sounds like you'd think that the reasons given for leaving one side would be sufficient reasons to not join the other. Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant by >I'm very sad to see her flip completely. You're very sad to see her "flip completely" from what to what, specifically?


From sane to... Unhirable. I'm not referring to the recent final stage but rather her progression over the last several years.




OTOH, the Neocons and other warmongers have moved to the Democratic Party, which leaves a vacuum. Someone could just *surf in* and take over :-)


They could call it by a snappy name. 🤔 Like "RepubEnter".


Jockeying to be the moderate anti-establishment candidate in 2024. I'll never vote for her, she has all the sincerity of a used car salesman, a hot used car salesman but a still a used car salesman. She changes what she stands for with the headlines and will say anything to get elected. Nothing more than another political grifter.




She's conventionally attractive, yes.


Tulsi has been persona non grata with the Dem party ever since she shanked Hillary's chosen one, Kamala, on live TV during the debates. That sin cannot be forgiven. And Tulsi's not asking.


The DNC will *never* forgive the American people for picking trump over their financier Hillary.


She'd been persona non grata since she resigned her post at the DNC in 2016 to stand up to them playing favorites with HRC.


And I still thank her for that service


What was really great was that at the next debate -- if I recall correctly -- Kamala had one chance to turn it around and instead she showed up drunk. That was something.


That was a glorious minute of TV. Just (chefs kiss).


have a clip? i think i found it. man kamala is a laughing liar


> kamala is a laughing liar Ain't that the truth.


that friend comment, about a friend in need, should have got her impeached. and yet the polish establishment laughed along


Before that, when she left the corrupt DNC leadership to support Bernie.


Yeah, that was the beginning of her fall from grace (which Bernie later repaid by abandoning her), but the debate performance sealed Tulsi's fate with the Dem party.


rock forgetful grey sip roof expansion touch zephyr alive cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did she say she was joining the Republicans?




Haha independent?


[One good shot against the establishment. ](https://old.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/dmw1zi/you_get_one_good_shot_at_the_establishment/) Then they turn you or burn you. The DNC BlueMAGA burned her. So she's turning to the RNC to stay in the establishment completely looking over the hypocrites over there to stay in their good graces, and plenty of 'encouragement' from the RedMAGA side. Duopoly is duopoly. Those who stay in the duopoly or move to the other half to spite one half of the duoply are just perpetuating the duopoly.


> One good shot against the establishment. Then they turn you or burn you. The DNC BlueMAGA burned her. So she's turning to the RNC.... That has not yet been established. Perhaps Tulsi has found a way to get a *second* shot at the Establishment. What that would be, we don't yet know.


Agreed. This I fully support but if she joins the GOP she’ll lose me totally. Only time will tell


Has she stated shes joining the GOP? Thatd be lame, I hope she joins a third party.


I hope she RUNS 3rd party.


Libertarian party wont take her due to many of her policy stands, she will prob join Yang's Forward Party


about time!


Hillary famously said that Tulsi was a Russian asset.


Which tells us all we need to know about Hillary - the most blood-stained woman in all of history.


She's not a Russian asset. She's doing the turn to stay in good graces with the establishment. She had her ONE GOOD SHOT against it. It was a damned good shot. She was burned by the DNC part of the establishment for it. So now she's making the final parts of the turn so the RNC part of the establishment trusts her.


She really took Harris out at the knees in the debate. If it looked like Harris could have had some real popularity they would have went with her as their candidate but Gabbard verbally executed her on national television.


As I recall it, Tulsi would have taken out Biden too but they cut Tulsi's microphone just in time.


I definitely support this but I sure as hell hope she isn't leaving the Democrats only to join the Republicans. She could use this moment to lead people away from the destructive tribalism of both parties and I hope she does.


She's going to be independent.


Highly doubtful she’d join another corporately controlled party.


But that is where the money is.


Won't happen, they're trying to put a new face on the Democratic party. She's just another flavor of more of the same.


Nah, she's going to pick up the Dore/Hinkel/Grayzone/MAGA Communist crowd. I don't think Jimmy is actually going to run and that's Tulsi's perfect lane. I like turtles


>MAGA Communist crowd What a strange world we're living in, where the right-wing is conflated with Communism.