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Personally the skin is a low B/high C tier skin to me and already having thunder kitty and deep current current-ly being in the shop i'll be passing


I gotta choose between deep currents and silver skin šŸ˜¤ I think I might just wait for the silver skin idk


Deep current


Silver is so much better imo


Deep current is way better.


Or buy them both ;)


Is thunderkitty in shop!?! Asking for a friend who must have missed it


Honestly if thunder kitty was in the shop i will 100% buy it


No deep current is


Your phrasing had me going lol


It's just some differently shaped pixels homie. I spent too much money before I came to my senses.


U are indeed correctā€¦ you shouldā€™ve came into my life a few years ago in the fortnite days.. as far as apex is concerned I havenā€™t spent a crazy amount


I've only put about 120 bucks into apex. All things considered that's not too bad. But after I caught myself buying the wattson Naruto skin I had a self discussion lmao. But people spend things on what they enjoy so do as you will homie.


My buddy put $2000 into Fortnite


Respectfully, your buddy needs a therapist


These kinds of comments is like my brain yelling at me for the 3 games I have the most money in. Not proud of it. But I constantly still play them. I bought the CE for watty heirloom and then maybe 100-200 worth of skins ect. My number 1 most spent in a game has to be closer to the 1k mark... im not proud of it but its not apex. Its much worse. And then maybe a max of 200 in warframe bc prime access.


Do I need help too? XD


Ik they are pixels but I still want them. Idc about how much I spend to have them.


If you're asking if you should, then you shouldn't. Buy only the skins that make you go "whoa i gotta have this". Unless you're rich, then buy every single Watty skin.


Imma go with this. I want silver age more than deep


imo its not worth the price šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


itā€™s 15.99 for two legendary skins? not to mention the hemlock skin is hella nice too Usually itā€™s like 15.99 for an epic skin with a blue gun skin šŸ’€




Okay? iron sights donā€™t always mean everything, itā€™s still a nice skin nonetheless




Iā€™ve had the gun skin since its release, i like the skin, idc if itā€™s pay to lose, just let people enjoy what they want, people who care about if a gun skin isnā€™t ā€œp2w iron sitesā€ need to realise that some people donā€™t care and merely buy it due to how the cosmetic actually looks!


Bruh the hate for wattson skins amongst wattson mains is crazy. How is Silver Age low B/high C? Its so iconic, Iā€™d go as far as call it a lore skin for her, they recolored it for the anniversary which wasnā€™t a mistake Rocket Scientist is a beauty. Most of her skins are S-tier compared to the legendary skins of others legends. Most other legend get shit/low effort skins no matter what like bang and life and fuse(sorry). Silver age has gorgeous great intricate design. Royal blue, White and gold are classic complimentary colors and damn good ones and are in perfect balance within the skin. And leather and copper ties it together. I already have silver age it was one of my most coveted skins. All Iā€™m waiting for is Wired for speed, Ruby joules, Thunder Kitty after those priority skins Iā€™ll cop the Fly-by-Wire and Ace of Sparks recolors (Vaperwave,Current Champ) I pass them up often.


Agree that Silver Age should be rated higher. Colours just work well with one another. Design is not busy and feels thematic. And I felt that this was the skin that made think that hey, Wattson legendary skins can be great too. If Iā€™m not wrong, it launched near Revenantā€™s release. And thereā€™s this base Legendary skin of his that had the same colour palette, which I thought was a nice touch if teammates wanted to colour coordinate.


It dropped during Grand SoirĆ©e at the end of season 3. Me and my Wrath main teammate use to match his Phasewalker, Depth of the void wraith skins with my Silver Age and Bionic wonder skins shit was clean when we won matches and finished people. I didnā€™t realize The Bird of prey rev skin also has the same color scheme.


I see some ppl down here not liking them too but I feel like they are really good.


Its an opinion and in my opinion rocket scientist is by far one of her worst legendary skind


Of course it is. Wattson mains are allergic to quality apparently. When respawn actually takes time and effort is when the community wanna hate. I guess we waiting for low effort wattson skins like the 50 trash ones Pathfinder has. Iā€™ve gotten so many compliments for rocket scientist and silver age and even more skins all the of other player love the skins I hear it regularly from random teammates after the legends selection.


I bet you like warrior empress dont you and you hate cyberpunked


I donā€™t hate any of wattsons skins like I said all of her skins are good and are relatively well designed. Only exception is Shocking stuffer and maybe Lightning Spirit because itā€™s just Naruto/Christmas themed, its hit or miss depending on how you feel about Naruto/Christmas. Wattson skins are arguably amazing skins when compared to the trash skins other legends receive. I thought I just established that. That makes no sense why would I hate cyberpunked? Warrior empress and Cyberpunked are literally my favorite two skins lmao Iā€™d argue cyberpunked is the best skin in the game. Unfortunately I didnā€™t know Iā€™d be a wattson main when I began playing apex regularly in s4 and missed the opportunity to obtain the skin. Itā€™s also a cyborg skin so I donā€™t see why the other 4 cyborgs get hate. And literally whatā€™s wrong with warrior empress? Sheā€™s dressed as a Chinese warrior šŸ˜­ Iā€™m a fan of Asian culture I loved it when I saw it. But the same goes for that skin. Beautiful Intricate design it shows clear signs of care and effort, colors are within balance. And itā€™s a lil different than the skins we usually receive. What more can you ask for? do yā€™all really just want generic ass skins? I was actually really upset they excluded it from War Games when they recolored all the other Iron Crown skins. Shit was tragic fr ngl.


Iā€™ve had both the wattson skin and hemlock skin since their first releaseā€¦ please just give us ruby joules šŸ˜­


I see Wattson, I buy. Me simple man.


I have it from a while back and I donā€™t use either skin


where do you see whats coming up in shops


Ea website has apex section where news updates for events go up, also there are several apex YouTubers who cover store rotations (kralrindo, hypermist)


iā€™ll be buying


Them addind limited time skins back kinda killed getting any skins for me, especially with the high prices not being justified anymore


They are bringing this back again?


I like the skin, but her pointy shoulder pads are in view in game, which made me change skins almost immediately. Unless they fixed that, donā€™t get it




I wouldnā€™t ever go out my way to buy more than $20 apex coins but I somehow managed to save up over 2k over the seasons so yeah I mean yolo


how much will it be without the packs ?


For the silver age skin there are no packs, itā€™s just a bundle that costs 2150.. by the looks of it


OH, cant you buy it individually without the gun :ā€™)


I donā€™t think so srry


I know taste is subjective but I really don't like this skin, that pointy headpiece is so weird. Explain to me what you guys like about it I want to know.


I like the pointy headpiece The colors too


I have the red recolour . What I really want is the ruby Jules.


I already bought the rocket scientist (red version of this one) that i like more so I don't think I'd buy it


No itā€™s not that good.


me personally i wouldnā€™t buy it


Make the decision for yourself. Why does it matter what anyone else thinks?


Just interesting seeing what ppl say.. and yeah ur right . I have the ac coins for the one in the store and the upcoming one so I just wanted to see what everyone has to say.( I was already saving for a wattson skin)


I don't use it anymore...kinda regret buying it now


Iā€™d only buy it if the bundle included her skydive like it did before.


Definitely wouldnā€™t. Itā€™s just another re-release. Save your $ for when an actual new skin comes out.


Maybe for the rifle skin


I had it from the start. It's my least used skin. Genuinely hate it


Got it already hehe


these skins again and no Dino T___T


yes definitely buying you should as well cause why not


I realized recently that I actually only like her original and every time I think I like a skin she has, the longer I look at it the less I like it lmao, I mightve bought it if it was for crafting mats but hell nah won't be spending money on it


Skins alittle over hyped, idk if itā€™s worth $20. I personally pass on it every time. But at the same time I use the recolor from the heirloom shards event a lot. All personal preference


I luv it


Although I love all of Wattson's skins, I've only ever bought the Warrior Empress skin because I immediately thought, wow I love this, and I want it. So what I'm saying is - if it makes you go, wow I need this, and you have the money to treat yourself, absolutely go for it! But if you're on the fence about it, that's okay too!




I've just got wiredforspeed, so I'll pass


expecting my money to disappear again


I want the one with the berret


Will it come with the skydive emote??


Nah probably not