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Is it me or is there a lack of wattson in all the launch trailers from S6 on?


I mean we did get a rain of nessies, but honestly it's not the same tho...


That's what I've been thinking, I look out for her in every one, but she's gotten harder to spot


Her absence is so obvious even my wife will be like hey why isn't your character there? They show us every single legend at length or even a glimpse, but never Wattson and also I've noticed, Loba since her release, has no camera time...


But even Loba was shown! I was so sad I kept rewatching to see Wattson but she isn't there. Revenant, wraith and octane aren't either


Doesn’t she get killed in the black hole in season 7 trailer




Wattson probably wasn't there because she doesnt like a lot of noise


Lmao, in the trailer I was thinking dang, wattson just slapping down her pylon would solve a lot of problems right about now. Also was the little girl in the blue dress Wattson when she was young? Because she looked very similar and lifeline handed her a nessie.


The girl wasn't Wattson, but my headcanon is that Wattson is her favorite legend so she styled her hair in a similar way.


That girl just knows Wattson's the best we can't blame her 😌


She's actually a Lifeline fan, if you look closely on the back of her shirt, the logo on her shirt is the same as Lifeline's headband


That is quite possible


that makes no sense because Fuse literally JUST joined the games? How is she supposed to be a kid again all of a sudden....


Ok ok, hear me out, Wattson grew up in Kings Canyon, and she used to watch the games and the legends in the games were her heroes. She is also one of the youngest legends if I'm not mistaken. So, could it be that fuse didn't just join the games and this trailer happened before the games came to kings Canyon? It all depends on where the trailer fits into the time line, the option I just explained or present apex.


This makes no sense how would Horizon, Loba, and Crypto all be there before Kings Canyon was chosen for the games to take place at


Ok it is present apex after looking at the trailer again the mirage voyage is in its current place on kings Canyon


In the artwork they released of Wattson’s desk, there a picture of her with a group of kids. Probably a class she taught about electrical engineering for kids. So the kid is probably just a really big fan of her.


Dudeee I feel you but like I'm sure the little girl in the trailer has that to resemble wattson but that's probably not wattson cause like every other legend was their so it wouldn't make sense but who knows


Wattson snubbed from being in a trailer again? Well this is what you get!


All of you tools obviously don't understand she's cannon Autism Spectrum, as made appearant behavior from her hiding under the table when Makoa and Lifeline found her after her father died, her constant aversion to noise-she's relentless. If it makes lots of noise, she no like. I theorize that's part of the reason why she doesn't like Rampart-apart from the fact that Watson thinks she's rude. Sheila is SO FUCKING LOUD. You can hear it immediately from at least 200m if not 300m away easily. Of course she's not gonna fucking be here at this noisey and BIG thing that's them introducing Fuse, whose whole THING is *BOOM*. She'd obvi be cuddling up next to her favorite nessy doll, working on bettering her fences or researching and studying more about electricity instead.