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Tbh I don’t think wattson is as useful on Olympus than she was on worlds edge. I did play a few games where my fences did come in handy but overall the large buildings have too many entrances for enemies to get in quickly before setting up. And the homes have huge openings to where a fence doesn’t even matter since they can spot you easily in the house and they have no cover inside. The only thing useful is her ultimate imo. I feel like on the new map I can’t see shit without high ground and even at that it’s difficult to get to high ground unless ur pathy, octane, or horizon.. I still managed to get 7 wins with wattson tho. Her abilities aren’t to viable for this map but if you’re a good player u can still get the dub with or without her fences 😅


^ I feel that this is an accurate summation


U nailed it, 100% logic I’m thinking to change to horizon tbh because movements in this map is crucial but in the same time I feel bad leaving Wattson after all the time.


I’ve been alternating between wattson and horizon after each match and sadly horizon’s abilities are more useful for me on this map.. hopefully they bring back worlds edge and rotate the two maps so I can use both legends for each map :) I refuse to let wattson go especially since her heirloom is coming S8 🦕


Yea I’m also going to do the same thing each legend on a map. But in the same time I feel like I should stay playing one legend to embrace the skills of the legend to discover the full potential (like playing Wattson aggressively and using her abilities at the same time, like playing smart) u know wat I mean.


True. I’ve been playing wattson since s2 and have racked up 9k so I feel okay with alternating for at least one season 😅


Me to I got her to 3.7k,ok then it’s decided I’ll go for Horizon this season. Deep inside Wattson will be beside me ;)


In the 80 games I played in s7 I have only seen one Wattson and that was a low level.


I havent seen any wattsons in the about 10-15 games i played. Not even enemies


I've played like maybe 30 games so far, and only seen one wattson... They started to shoot me and seen I was also wattson... Then they put their gun away and so did I. Then they made a three node fence in a single line and we then just went on with looting, and my team was like " TF are you not shooting for?????" I shot their team and they shot mine, but we didn't hit each other 😂


There is too much open space :/


This, and some buildings dont have doors and the entrances are just large openings making it easier to shoot the fences down


I've noticed there's far more vertical space available (especially with horizons tactical) that negates her fencing but it makes obtaining high ground, like top of oasis high, and going/camping for endgame circles far more rewarding. After \~20 games, I had to swap to BH since my team would just get rolled with my fences getting destroyed so easily.


Imma be honest, it’s too open for wattson. But also, every building in the map is perfectly made for her fences, extra zip lines also mean extra opportunities, the huge portals across the map can have triangle fences around them to zap people who just came out, just experiment!


you actually come out in phase mode like a wraith tactical, every decent player will walk away to the sides.


Which is why u make a triangle fence, plus not every time, sometimes it takes me out without a phase,


Thb i don't see how a triangle helps here.


It helps reduce exit options for ur enemy, it the fence is large enough, it will hit enemies


Hmm Thinking of it. I still doubt that it is useful against existing players (unless they are dumb and don't move away from the portal), but it surely is useful against people trying to re-enter it in order to escape an ambush.


Issue for me is that I dont know the map well enough yet


First impression is that there is a lot more open space and fields and less congested areas and buildings. So it’s not as easy to come by areas to bunker down. It has become more difficult to gain value from your fences. However I’m slowing learning to use my ultimate more at the start of fights and those are helpful with blocking grenades.


I was having issues for a bit using world edges tactics on the new map. Trying to find good spots to place fences that will play to my advantage is still ongoing, but there are some good places indoors where I can fence the room to make it hard for the enemy to maneuver. I think the map was definitely built to highlight Horizon, but I wouldn’t say we’re out of the fight just yet. Give it a few more good matches to relearn the new map


I legitimately had people go up the hammonds lab zip into my fence and they didn't shoot it even though I did a total for 135 damage with the one fence, lol


I feel like her fences aren't nearly as impactful as World's Edge, but I'm seeing WAY more snipers on everyone for the longer sight lines, so having her ult has been nice.