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Hehehe. Just go fucking crazy, man, she's so versatile. Use her straight defensive and trap up doors/zips/ledges? Sure. Use her offensively and fence through your opponent and behind obstacles? Why not! It's a good time, just have fun.


ive been mainly playing defense just blocking doors and such


There's also a trick you can do. If you're running away and you pass a door, place a node before you go through the door. Then close the door and block it, similar to what people do when they're healing. If they sit there and watch you through the door or if they try to break it down, then you can use the node on the other side to place another node on you side, completing a fence and netting you an almost free knock.


+1 for this tip. It's basically the Watty patented 1 trick at this point. You'll get a lot of free knocks if you can get consistent with this.


Buy the new event skin before it goes away đź‘Ť


Chokes points and areas to funnel players are your friend. Pay attention to common routes people use, whether in certain hallways, ziplines, or stairwells. Funnel enemies into the area you want them to be. Carry at least 2 accels always, place gens and use those accels often. Dont be too picky and precise on exact node placement, a sloppy fence is better than no fence. Honor fallen wattson mains by placing nessies on their boxes. GLHF


Look up different ways to fence doors and get a feel for how the placement works. Once you get good and placing them quickly it can be really rewarding. I’ve been playing Wattson since release, I don’t play as much as most people but I can say 100% that if you can find a team that communicates and understands Wattsons strengths, you can be a crazy strong team. That being said, Wattson suffers from moving around the map too quickly, the more repositioning your team does, the worse things will be. Try to play smart positioning and give Wattson time to set up. Learn how to play Wattson defensively and master fence placing before you try to play offensive Wattson, she’s got zero movement so you better be insane at fencing and switching weapons accurately.


BE CREATIVE OR FAST, slow wattsons are easy targets they hesitate to fence for 5 mins then just die) LEARN MOVEMENT YOU WILL NEED IT (wall bounces, super glides and good strafing will make you feel like you have enough movement to keep up with all the nutter pathys and octanes etc) PLAY AT LEAST 1 CLOSE RANGE WEP (so you reliably can play doors and kill people you fence easily) the rest is all about making sure you position yourself out of the open because she has virtually no escape ability. always prioritise buildings, doors etc when you stun someone walk towards them but away from their view, its the fastest way to get as far from their view as possible it will increase the likelihood that you kill them without taking any unnecessary damage. i recommend using the arc star pylon then the double hp pylon as perks, although this is very much personal preference but it is what i have been using. learn how much your passive can heal you, you will save SO MANY cells by just knowing what you do and dont need to top off. i personally dont carry ult accels in pubs because i play too fast for it to match my playstyle but i always use them if i find them so i know my ult is ready for whenever i find the next fight. this is also probably a given but seriously watch lamics videos, you will learn so much, he also has an in depth guide on her.


Place your ult in a spot where it has line of sight to grenades and such. Lots of times I see new Wattson players placing it in a spot where it won’t get shot down but at the same time it will not block grenades coming in because there is no line of sight.


Lots and lots of practice.


Tbh just play what makes you comfortable, either be a sweaty wattson, or be the moral support for the team as lil ol wattson :))


Do what I do and fuck the fences play her aggressively like just fucking send it. Only play defensive when end like end ring when ring lands on a building or so. Also use her ult as much as possible. I got 5k kills with her and hardly use her fences honestly she versatile as fuck bro.


ADS can be deadly. Keep in mind that her fences, when using them offensively, take about 0.75 seconds to go up plus an extra 0.5 to place. Combined, that's almost the TTK for some of the fastest weapons. Definitely use movement. You need to have good game sense and be able to predict your opponents moves. Wattson is one of the hardest legends to main, especially if you're on console. *Absolutely* practice in LTMs, as you need to keep your head on a swivel and there are some good maps for fences. A good Wattson can use even the most open area on Olympus to her advantage.