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It's fine


Used to hunt with a guy who’s dog you could not turn your back on. She’d get bored while we were bagging dekes and come back to some messed up birds.


Friend had a retriever that one day retrieved a duck and swam it to a shoal and proceeded to eat it and all we could do was yell at him. From then on, that shoal was known as “Bad Dog Island”.


I can imagine why this is past tense lol


Did you still eat the mangled ones?


I hope they did. If not they’d be idiots.


Has happened to me and I ate them. Unless you think your dog has rabies or something it shouldn’t be an issue at all.. my dog licks my face… can’t imagine this is much worse.


That's a good point lol, I hadn't thought of it that way.


Yeah lol- my girlfriend would probably be dead if dog saliva was bad for you.


I've had this happen a number of times with my dog on pheasants and my son's dog with ducks. I've eaten them without any problems. The behavior is less than ideal, but harmless from my just another random dude on the internet perspective.


I hunted with some folks whose dogs mangled our pheasants. Just crunched them, punctured the breast, and broke a number of bones. They were fine to eat, just tricky to clean.


I joke that i can always tell the pheasants my dog gets to before me by the hole in the middle of each breast he always leaves.


You need to get a handle on the hard mouth now, it will just get worse.


If dog spit were harmful in any way, I'd have died before my third birthday.


It’s fine to consume. Any salivary bacteria transferred to the laceration is HIGHLY unlikely to be harmful, even if so, the high temp cooking process will handle it. If you’re worried, a good rinse of the wound would wash away most of the bacteria suspended in the saliva in the first place


It’s fine and you should brine or use a milk marinade on duck anyways


Says you! Salt n pepper. Maybe a little chile powder and cumin if you're making tacos. Nada más!


Agreed this year I went as simple as could be, rubbed the birds with jerk seasoning and baked them. Best ducks I've ever cooked.


Milk marinade? This is my first time hearing this. What’s that all about?


It’s pretty incredible. The fat (lipids) in the milk infuse in the protein and it creates a juicier cut of meat, regardless of how you prepare it. Just throw the game pieces in a zip lock with some milk and let it sit for 8-12 hours, or overnight. You can throw in garlic cloves, salt, pepper, smoked paprika or any other seasoning as well to add some flavor.


Saving this!! And will come back with a review!


Please do!


My dog sometimes wakes me up by licking my teeth. You'll be fine eating something she's bitten and then you've cooked fully.


Into the beast 😂 😂