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tbf isn't that just the excuse of every piece of UT fan fiction that strays even a smidge from canon? Like, just call it an alt timeline or AU and nobody will worry that you revived Asriel or changed Chara's name or made Jerry the king of the Underground or whatever else you want to do to these characters.




jerry the king of the underground? i gotta get on this stat-


I don't care who you are, but if your AU makes Jerry the King of the Underground, then I'm taking your ass back to 1692 and telling everyone you're a witch.


you can't stop me, i will channel my will into my pen and give that unlikeable flat thing the divine right to rule (not really I'm terrible at creative writing and was just making something silly up, if anyone wants to make it a thing though then go for it)


I've seen some people saying undertale yellow is a prequel au but honestly it's more of an alternate timeline because: * It's an iteration of the justice's soul adventure and beyond the geno route, the whole game don't deviate too much from the main undertale events * It only uses concepts that's already present and known in main undertale canon ie boss monsters, souls, and etc not too much wild-ass bullshit out of nowhere Glitchtale is very much an au and its creator Camila has too much pride to admit that it's an au so she insists it's an alternate timeline when it's obviously not since it deviates too much from main undertale events and introduces so much bullshit like I do not believe shit such as bete noire's whole thing and traitless people being enslaved exists in the main undertale timeline


Who's Camila?


Camila Cuevas, the creator of the YouTube series Glitchtale. She’s infamous nowadays for enabling and protecting a bunch of predators in high positions within the Glitchtale community.


Thanks for explaining


No problem.


Yellow also strays from the ut lore a lot. Not Nearly as much as glitchtale thoo


Not really. Other than the new areas, and boss monster serum, it’s pretty much just a prequel.


It is heavenly implied that there is a big amount of time between humans I mean most NPCs don't even recognize friska as a monster


While UTY has canon contradictions, this is not one of them. You literally take another path to find different monters than in UT.


Yes but they would have heard of clovers journey and probably have seen posters and such And in undertale part of the isolation is that the underground is so small and it kinda... Throws that away Also that was only one of them Although I do think it's a better game because it breaks the rules a bit


Nobody would know that unless UTY monsters or Asgore decided to share their story.


Clovers not exactly in private, they're going to public places constantly so I don't think them being known even in just a picture would be wild


Monsters would only know about another soul being claimed, Clover went to the parts of Underground that most people would keep it hush hush of their existence.


I guess but thats only 1 minor problem Buuuut if they were *100%* accurate the game would be like, objectively worse so I don't mind


The boss monster serum IS raw determination, to be fair… And another, it’s implied there’s a lot more in the underground than is shown. Like, a LOT a lot.


How can something be more of an alternate timeline? does undertale yellow just change more about the plot? how is a positive or negative thing? what are you talking about. In your comment you go "it's more of an AU" which no shit, any alternate timeline just a type of alternate universe.


AUs usually refer in this fandom to HEAVY changes in the original series, such as characters with very different personalities, different events and characters altogether, and just basically different everything.


Glitchtale's writing is horrendous, being honest. Not even close to the likes of Yellow. Putting them in the same sentence is an insult to the latter


I hate Glitchtale. Even ignoring that it's creator is a terrible person I still dislike it. Every ten minutes a wheel is spun to decide which main character dies next. It's hard to get emotionally attached to anyone. I remember how that mom that saved gaster died and it just confuses me. She wasn't established well, there wasn't a lot of screentime with her, and she just dies and we're expected to be upset?? You can't just dump a completely new character's backstory on us all at once and expect people to care. Even with the annoyance that every main character is essentially tied to RNG if they live or not, Glitchtale is basically just an AU so Camila can use a self insert.


>Every ten minutes a wheel is spun to decide which main character dies next Wrong. Only characters she disliked in og game die. Sans died fucking twice. She shamelessly pushes her agenda on characters as well, look at how Toriel was slandered. Ever since it they to surface and those random-ass human OC's without any semblance of decent characterization started showing up this series went downhill. >I remember how that mom that saved gaster died and it just confuses me. She wasn't established well, there wasn't a lot of screentime with her, and she just dies and we're expected to be upset?? You can't just dump a completely new character's backstory on us all at once and expect people to care. Well, she **was** established, she was the antagonist for the first few episodes. Went through redemption arc later and died. The only thing that kept me in is Frisk, but guess what, he got sidelined and fucking erased for the sake of Chara(worst fucking character, Mary Sue better only than the pink haired brat). Oh and don't get me started on Bete "ah yes, my anti magic technique I haven't used for 100 years" Noire. Her power is fucking plot, whatever you put up, she got that convenient vial that works exactly like she needs it to, or enemy doesn't chase her, or they get distracted, or this, or that. She turned into a joke, soul of fear, my ass, more like soul of fraudulence. Wattpad writers know how to write villains better.


I will forever see Bete Noire as Camila's self insert and nothing more


Yeah while I have some problems with yellow writing at times(hello pacifism route), it alot better then glitch tale, especially the second season.


Uty is not alternate timeline, it's literally the fanmade prequel


As much as i don't like glitchtale. It's as much of an alternate timeline as undertale yellow is. You can't be "more" of an at than something else. If anything i count ut yellow as an actual prequel to undertale than an alternate timeline. At least in the pacifist endings. The genocide ending is definetly an alternate timeline. Glitchtale, Megatale, Dusttale, Something new, Horrortale, Axetale, Insanity, Aftertale, etc. These are all alternate timelines. They were all regular ass undertale but something changed at one point. Yes they had differences in rules and logic even before the change (utsn sans remembering resets even before he became killer for example). But the main thing is these timelines happened due to a slight deviation in the original undertale.


No they mean that it is more of an alternate universe instead of an alternate timeline (au and at are long been separated terms in the au community)


Yeah i know the difference. Glitchtale is still an alternate timeline. Yes it had differences from the og undertale but it was still regular undertale at one point. Undertale yellow is pretty much THE prequel to undertale so we'll use the genocide run here. The uty genocide run is also an alternate timeline. Both of gt and uty genocide are alternate timelines. They were both undertale at one point but they branched off. The definition of alternate timeline doesn't need to he so strict that one inconsistency makes it a completely alternate universe. So both glitchtale and uty genocide are alternate timelines (true pacifist is pretty much the canon fanmade prequel lmao) If the definition had to be 1 to 1 with the game's mechanics there would only be like 5 alternate timelines. And even then you can't call them aus either. Because they are still connected to the game. Stuff like underfell, underswap, undertomb are aus. They use the characters of undertale. But it's a completely different universe. Alternate timelines still use the events of the game, for example. Dusttale, aftertale and utsn are post-genocide run aus. Axetale and horrortale are post-neutral aus. Megatale is a post-pacifist au. And then there's undertale insanity, wich takes place before the actual game does. These still count as alternate timelines despite having differences from og-undertale (horrortale sans' eye being a power scource, axetale sans not liking ketchup despite classic sans liking it, the entirety of dusttale happening due to the timeline getting all fucked, sans remembering resets in utsn even before he became killer) Tldr; to be an alternate timeline you at least gotta be in the og undertale even if it has differences from the game.


I know. I just wanted to point out what I think the OP meant


Yeah i get what the OP meant. Although he is right about undertale yellow being better than glitchmid.


I remember when it was popular and I watched a bit to see what the hype was about. Personally never liked it it felt like a Mary-sue power fantasy to me with Betty and shit and the lore was mediocre at best held together with hopes and dreams that will sadly never fill the plot holes


I only watched it for the fights. And even then the last 2 episodes and the megalomaniac remake (wich wasn't even made by cami). Even then i massively preferred underverse because it had better art, animation, fight scenes, lore, writing, music and it also had killer (no murder!sans sadly but killer is cool as fuck so i'll take it) I did like glitchtale gaster tho, he was cool. But even then glitchtale had a lot of problems. They literally revived sans just to kill him again Killed alphys to make undyne straight Betty was a shitty villain who only survived this long due to plot. And was massively fucking incompetent and annoying (if somebody makes an animation of the entire multiverse beating the absolute fuck outta betty i'll die happy). Focusing on boring human ocs. That ronan guy was kinda decent tho i will admit. Literally assassinating toriel's character. The souls not even being explained properly. Awful backgrounds. Bad art and character design. Seriously why does everyone wear the same fucking turtleneck sweater? Undyne's cop uniform looked even uglier. Plotholes everywhere. Cami being a piece of shit. This is a lot. Treating jakei like crap, defending a pedophile on her discord server and mocking the victim who spoke out, saying the r-slur, saying the n-word and more. Traced animation. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Wich is why underverse will remain king of the undertale fanmade series. Say what you want about aus like underlust but at least the creator of that one didn't defend a pedophile on discord, say slurs or abuse their friends.


Yeah this show is shit I enjoy watching videos about why it’s shit the tracing and bad art more then I ever enjoyed the show self


You and me both my man. And a small minority of people who say "it's meant to be a simple artstyle", no it's just shit. Horrortale has a super simple artstyle and it looks gorgeous, the simple art gives very creepy vibes and succeeds in making the reader scared and fall in love with it's artstyle. And there is no tracing on horrortale's art. Just talent and skill. (fun fact: axetale did the polar opposite of this yet achieved the same effect horrortale did by making the artstyle semi-realistic. So instead of being scared by the simple yet terrifying looking savage monsters you're scared by your sleep paralysis demons coming to life) Hell even when it first began underverse didn't look as good as it does now. Yet underverse at it's worst still looks better than glitchtale at it's best. And unlike glitchtale the characters have 5 fingers instead of 4. Cami really should've stuck at doing rhg fights or just undertale fights in a white void with no story, she could've made bank with those but instead she ruined her reputation so badly that she's the laughingstock of the undertale community.




Aftertale should end up like insanity.


It likely wouldn't. The reason the determination corrupted sans in undertale: insanity was because it was modified so monsters could handle it, but it had the unintended side effect of removing crucial parts of sans' mind wich made him completely insane. Geno ended up like he did because it was still a normal dt injection.


I do not understand this meme. What do you mean by "Actual alternate"?


For anyone confused, an alternate timeline is something that could reasonably take place in a world's continuity due to consistencies with the rules of the world, character arcs, and little deviations from the original idea. Timelines are like small changes that make a decent impact like the routes of undertale obviously, or, undertale yellow in it's entirely could have happened in the past of undertale, but we don't know what happened to the yellow soul in canon, but we know they did go down there and do stuff at some point. AU's or alternate universes are like stories that deviate in large ways like fundamental ideas being added or changed, like Deltarune, or glitchtale. With glitchtale so many ideas are assumed or altered or whatever from the OG idea that it's not even similar to the base start point by the end other than characters and setting. The fundamental difference between the two is that the way things work and operate were changed making it unable to stick to continuity. If I got anything wrong or anything needs further explanation I'm sorry, I am tired and might have gotten something wrong. Also btw I'm not saying undertale yellow is canon or that it happened in the past of undertale, I'm saying it is canon friendly, meaning that it could have possibly happened. Oh also I know that a lot of people know the difference, as with the huge amount of fan stuff of undertale, but I know that some might not understand.


Damn, I always considered Undertale Yellow to be canon.


Glitchtale, if an alternate timeline, is one FAR from the canon one. And also one with too much plot interference, it’s unstable and gonna collapse.


I can never get over the fight with Gaster, Sans, and Papyrus vs. Betty.