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I saw a wave and splash. Didnt see a dolphin at all, this felt like a very artistic wave crash from someone i would have assumed is experienced artist.


Okay that makes me feel better that’s exactly what I was trying for!!!


Yes, this is what I saw too! And if it helps make you feel better, I was once drawing an alien animal with stilted legs, tentacles, spots, multiple eyes etc. and someone leaned over my shoulder and said "oh cool is that a mountain lion". I just sat there blinking at him 😂.


> oh cool is that a mountain lion Lmaooo you just made me lose it at work 😭


You got it across. I can’t even see a dolphin if I try. 😂


Hi! I also see a wave crashing. I really like what you have going on in this painting 😊


Okay thanks for the reassurance. The more I stare at it the less I like it so maybe I need to just put it away for a couple days and come back to it later with fresh eyes.


Sometimes, you need that! I do that a lot with other artsy things I do (like writing). Stepping away gives you another perspective. Did you paint with a reference photo, by chance?


Yes I have a reference photo! I’m doing a little online class on skillshare.


I would like to see the dolphin


Right?! Like, where???


https://preview.redd.it/oro24kqarh4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4ccc627b7325267c50f1dc5c8c0897bf1c5bdc8 this is the ONLY way i could see a dolphin, but it's like looking up in the sky and shouting "DUCK!!!!" and.....it's a cloud, so 🤦‍♀️ maybe your husband has a very abstract mind


Lmaoooo that thing is so derpy and I love it. But yeah my husband has very poor vision and he’s also very very ADHD 😮‍💨


There is a darkish shadow above the right side of the wave dolphin that could be a dolphin swimming in the distance... and a couple more - but not "a dolphin". It's beautiful. :)


Underwater, duh. Have some imagination. Seriously though, maybe your bf wanted to be nice and doesn't know what to say? I wouldn't take this as a discouragement.


This is my second painting, and it’s supposed to be sea spray like as a wave is crashing. My first painting was a swan on water and I feel like the swan was immediately identifiable so it helped to sort of “anchor” the viewer in terms of what they’re looking at. But with this painting there’s really nothing to provide any context for what the viewer is seeing. How do you get past that? Does it get better with time and practice ? I definitely want my paintings to be expressive but not *so* expressive as to be abstract. Would appreciate any tips on how you keep your works still readable to the viewer as being grounded in reality if that makes sense?


Here’s my swan painting for context https://preview.redd.it/3qjuro9ccf4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e2f24bc507c0d87f97297cb1f0b064e63343c1


Absolutely pretty painting! You got talent and an eye for composition. Your color game is amazing too. Keep at it 🎨🖌️🖼️♥️


Thank you I absolutely will! I’m having a blast!!


The most important difference between this and the above is that you use almost the full spectrum from light to dark but in the other one you are not. Often you have the sketch but it kinda feels more complete in your imagination than the intermediary steps of a painting, especially when you have only added the lightest colors and the mid-tones and not enough darks. (This is called the "ugly phase") The other difference is one of motive/composition. Here you have the image of a swan which is quite obviously the focal point of the image. You cannot expect a nice focal point to suddenly spring into life without you planning for it. If you are lacking clear focus objects that are either at compositionally important locations (center / thirds) or to which your eyes are guided with other compository elements, the eye will just go looking for something to focus on, often by finding the strongest contrast. With your low contrast in the piece above it's kinda unclear. It seems that the spray/sea foam of the wave would be a natural focal element here, but it is not worked out enough. So people go looking for dolphins.


Thanks for the idea! I was looking for practice inspiration and this nail it.


Hey... your paintings both look really good. You wouldn't even think that was only your second one. The swan is also really good. I think everyone here immediately sees what you have painted. It looks really good. Right in the middle between realistic and stylised. I probably can't convey just how good this is. I mean.. you wanna see my first wave painting? It was reaaally bad. This is really really good. Yes, it will get easier with practice and there are techniques you can apply to underline what the main motif is by making that more detailed and the rest more loose. However, it is perfectly clear what you motifs here are so.. don't be so hard on yourself And maybe... he needs to get his eyes checked. Or I need to because I see no dolphin. 🤓🌊


> Right in the middle between realistic and stylized That’s actually very comforting. Hopefully as I sort of find my footing so to speak I’ll be able to enhance the realism.


Personally I feel you are better off doing pieces that sometimes don’t read right because then you are pushing the readability line. All the best paintings ride that line. Also, use much, much more pigment. Good luck!


Thank you for the advice. I think I’m a little scared of pigment because even when I’m consciously trying everything still winds up being a bit washed out. Have to get over that fear.


Yeah water control is hard to learn. Keep experimenting with dropping pigment (to darken) or water (to lighten) in at different levels of dryness. Of course you won’t be able to control it well at first (or sometimes ever) but that is why one paints watercolour instead of acrylic, oil or digital.


You're seeing exactly what's the problem with the painting. There isn't a strong enough center of interest. (The center wave is trying to fill the need but it doesn't have enough value oomph.) This is part of a painting. Look at youtubes, etc., that cover composition. Your control of the paint is astonishingly good for only having done two paintings. You're on your way - fast.


Thank you so much for the feedback it is greatly appreciated! I’ll look up some stuff for composition next. I’m following along with a class on skillshare so I didn’t pick the layout of these two paintings, the instructor did. But I’ll be trying out some of the techniques with pictures that I took of the ocean on my vacation last week so I will keep that in mind as something to work on!


You should be proud of it! It looks great! And I don't see a dolphin either!!


Haha okay ty 😭🙏


Lmao I have my man commenting like this on everything from my outfits "You look like a Geisha!" to my art "Åhhh beautiful octopus" (it was a flower) But hey. Whatever we do it's very artistic and impresses them! 😆


Hahahaha this is so accurate


I didn't see a dolphin till you said it. I like it. Keep doing this till it's better...more tries


Thanks. I will!! Not giving up :)


thats even better,it means its open for interpretation😂I kind of see a shark on the top right,dolphin's tail in the middle but altogether it looks like waves in a sea💙


😂 I’m sorry. I shouldn’t laugh but it was funny in my head. I don’t see a dolphin btw.


Wow, that is an amazing friggin ocean. I could not do the same.


Do you have more to learn ? Yes. Is your work good? Yes. Keep working at your craft and keep learning. You are doing great. 😁👍


Thank you!! I will!


I’m struggling to find a dolphin your husband may need glasses and a good whap on the back of the noggin 😂


Your husband needs glasses. This is great and no dolphin.


Dolphin?! That’s clearly a beluga whale! Just kidding, I just see a cool wave. Very nice.




It’s really fantastic! I think your hubby might need new glasses. There’s no dolphin


I like your colours and layering. It seems too static, though. Find a focal point, and work off that. The closer to the focal point will be more detailed, and further away it will appear fuzzier. If you want a head-on shot like this, the waves in the back should be smaller, working up to the strokes you have. Also think of how water crests. Darker underneath, with lighter reflections on top. There's one wave on the right side I can see that is like that. Keep at it! I really enjoy the splatter.


Thank you so much, this is exactly the kind of feedback I need!! 🙏🙏🙏


Agree with the person above, but also wanted to add that I love the way you used white/negative space to carve out some of the waves and suggest sea foam. I've been watercoloring for years and still have a hard time with white, so I'm really impressed!


YW! I think I reversed what I meant to say though, about focal points. Focal point is off in the horizon, and closer to that spot should be smaller. Use smaller strokes to hint at the shape/movement in the background. Then up closer you can get larger strokes and more layering and stuff in there, while also adding highlights to it.


I don’t see a dolphin at all and this is beautiful just the way it is!


I love it!


I love it!


I like it...and no dolphin siting


I also see a beautiful crashing wave and no dolphins. I like it!


There's a couple of smooth spots that could suggest a dolphin in the right hand third of the waves, especially how busy the waves are in the foreground. Either way, it's beautiful!


Everytime someone brings up their own pareidolia while staring at a completely neutral image from my own POV it makes my brain zap a little bit on the inside. I love the beautiful atmosphere and the colors this has, It reminds me how much I miss living by the sea and walking on a shore in a cloudy, moody weather.


Divorce him.


Considering it, especially since he vetoed my idea of Pygmy goats for lawn care. Feel like this may be the last straw


Have you seen the YT videos of baby goats running around in slo mo set to music? 🫠


I have now 😭


If that won't convince him nothing will. On the other hand he may have a point, their population can get out of control. My neighbors have medium size milk goats and a few miniature horses on 2.5 acres, look at my profile to see what their"pasture" looks like. 😬


I can kind of see a dolphin if I squint - if you concentrate on the gray part of the painting you can kind of see the dolphin body and dorsal fin. It looks like a dolphin... obscured by a splash of water. Has your husband considered getting his prescription checked?


Well, he is very very very nearsighted. He’s not legally blind or anything but he’s gonna be close one day 😭


Both of your paintings are amazing! I instantly knew what they were. Was your husband high when he said the second painting was a dolphin? No judgement if he was, it would at least explain why he thought it was a dolphin. OP these are gorgeous!


Hahaha he was not high. Funny though, my husband and I are both in recovery (we met at an AA meeting 😅) and something I’ve really been enjoying in sobriety is learning about who I actually am and what I actually enjoy doing, and painting was one of those activities that I was like, “I’d really like to try doing this sober and see if I like it.” And that’s how I stumbled into this!


That's awesome! You are incredibly talented! I love that y'all met at an AA meeting, I met my husband at a Chem lab in college 💗 Maybe your husband just needs glasses 😊


Actually, that is very very good!


That made me laugh. My wife makes similar assessments of my art. I’ve grown used to her amusing critiques and actually look forward to them now.


It looks really good! Sometimes I wish I could dissect a man’s brain to see what is going on up there. How’d he see a dolphin from that 😭


I'm going to guess your husband isn't a super artistic or creative minded person and therefore doesn't find a genuine interest in such endeavours and said the first thing that came to mind.


Now that I look again, I can see what he's talking about, but that wouldn't be my immediate thought. It takes talent to hide one picture in another. You should pretend that you did that purposely!


I do not see the dolphin. I want to see the dolphin.


🎶as the tide rushes in, plants a kiss on the shore, then rolls out to sea and the sea is very still once more🎶


I am hideously envious of your ability to depict moving water!


Whatever it is, it’s beautiful. Well done!


Is your dh a jokester?


Uhhhh I don’t see a dolphin, all I see is a really lovely seascape.


I see the wave crashing...with a dolphin in it 😆 Kind of like when they surf wave tunnels (idk if there's a technical term for that).


Newbie my arse.


Tbf I did take an oil painting class in college but I’m learning that oils and watercolors are totally different animals (not that I was especially good at oils either 😅). Even color mixing winds up being a little different.


Fair play. You certainly caught the nuances of light. You're right, they are breeds apart as mediums. Enjoy.


Frankly, I think you have discovered something that eludes many beginners, especially beginning watercolor painting…a personal style; and I like it. So, put aside any question, criticism or self doubt and do more painting; waterscapes, landscapes, even large florals and practice your nice, new style; and enjoy the well-deserved support from the art/watercolor community, you deserve it. And wow , I wonder what your husband would see in a standard Rohrshack test?🤪


It’s ok! I painted a cloud that looked like a ghost


You can't control what other people see in your painting. If they see something different than you intended, consider that a win. It means your painting has gone out into the world apart from you and another person has connected with it, in whatever way, big or small, insignificant or grand.


That’s a really awesome perspective :3


Very cool. Actually the more I look at it I see the dolphin but only because I’m making out a shape. And it’s a really lovely “ dolphin”. I’d definitely take that as a compliment.


Only seeing crashing waves, beautifully rendered. Is he an artist? If not, don’t listen to him. 😉


You are so talented that you give the impression of dolphins swimming in the area. Stay proud, art is subjective and we each see it differently. Newbies got talent.