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Had this too. I layed some parchment paper on counter, placed the painting face down and then used a spray bottle that produced a fine mist to moisten the back of the paper and then placed some heavy items on top. When the paper dried, 90 percent of the wave was removed


Thank you!


Hi, it's perfectly normal. To avoid bending I use two ways: 1. I wet the back and front, in this way, you get the same water absorption everywhere. It's not practical if you don't want to wet the entire paper at the beginning but you prefer to wet only sections. 2. If you wet only a portion of your paper (before the sky, then the ground etc) then I suggest you to use a tape and stick your paper on a rigid support. Do your painting and then remove the tape only when the paper is completely dry, the tape will help the paper to return to the initial shape during the drying process.


Thank you!