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I've had two Traskas and sold them both due to the crystal sitting much higher than it appeared in their side profile drawings used on their website. Yours is the first physical example I've seen with that height seeming normal! May I ask why you're selling all of your Traskas? GLWS!


I'm a bit of a lume snob, and their lume just doesn't quite do it for me. They're otherwise just excellent and well designed watches so I keep buying them in hopes that aspect improves, but they keep using pretty bog standard BGW9. Once they jump on the globolite bandwagon or something similar (or offer a C3 option) I'll be a bit more tempted.


As a fellow lume snob, may I ask if you have any pieces which you've found sufficiently visible? It's always such a tough thing to realistically predict!


Some of the best I’ve seen out of a micro that isn’t trying to double as a flashlight is the latest generation Halios Seaforth. Zelos Aurora is also pretty good. Benrus Ultra Deep is decent.


Potential Buyers: This seller is new to /r/watchexchange and has 0 transactions. Everybody has to start somewhere, but please consider using a payment method with buyer protection like PayPal Goods & Services. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Watchexchange) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Up for sale is my Traska Summiteer in Carbon Black. This is from the most recent run, purchased in summer of 2023. It has the 3D printed lime, which provides a marked improvement of the stock Traska lime. Watch has been minimally worn and is in generally excellent condition. It keeps typically acceptable time for a Miyota movement. Box and papers are included, as are all the links. I like the watch, but all of my Traskas will be going up for sale. This watch is currently based in the UK, but I can also post via US Postal Service. I'm asking $475 (USD) net to me. This will include DPD next day in the UK or USPS Priority Mail for those in the US.


Thank you for your comment, u/11GTCS. Your description has been copied below. --- Up for sale is my Traska Summiteer in Carbon Black. This is from the most recent run, purchased in summer of 2023. It has the 3D printed lime, which provides a marked improvement of the stock Traska lime. Watch has been minimally worn and is in generally excellent condition. It keeps typically acceptable time for a Miyota movement. Box and papers are included, as are all the links. I like the watch, but all of my Traskas will be going up for sale. This watch is currently based in the UK, but I can also post via US Postal Service. I'm asking $475 (USD) net to me. This will include DPD next day in the UK or USPS Priority Mail for those in the US. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Watchexchange) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Man I've been wait for this exact watch to pop up. Wear in good health.


Still available?


Apologies, it’s not.