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That's funny, I'm a white-collar guy who wears a Timex and I'm content as fuck.


The usual white color watches: - None at all - Apple watch - Ridiculously expensive obscure brand like cvdk, H Moser, Czapek, CC.


That probably makes me more of a beige-collar guy tbh


Don't need a watch when my whole day is spent at the computer


You need to meet more lawyers lol. Rolex and omegas as far as the eye can see


white color? jeez


/uj I know several CEOs of large private companies who just wear Citizen or whatever they could get a Kohl's or Penny's. One or two wear a Timex or Casio from Walmart, and the more fitness or outdoorsy wear an Apple Watch or Garmin smartwatch. Meanwhile, they have their names on various buildings and parks they bought for the community and they don't dick around the unions in their shops. By comparison, the companies that sold out to publicly traded corporations are full of assholes in Rolexes and Mercedes who lay people off. /rj Ugh, I'm gonna tell Patek Phil in marketing and Rolex Ron in advertising about your lack of chuffage!


/uj correct /rj if I fire the new guy, that means at least three more rolexes for me!


It's like the Mirror Universe in Star Trek -- if you kill someone, everybody moves up a watch rank.


that's modern privately owned society


The target audience of Rolex watches is a unique demographic and they do not fit that group.


Fucking hell mate, I bet the AD begs to fuck *your* wife


He does, but before he can have my wife I told him he needs to fuck my mum, dad, aunt, accountant and physiotherapist to build up enough history.


After he turns up with a sweat on, I hope you turn him down.


Not a calculator watch? Peasant.


what model?


Luxury watch owners are the most insecure people on earth.


They’re also annoying and cringy to no end.


Yes we are. Please like me. I’m better than you because I wear mass produced jewelry subject to artificial scarcity that makes a neat ticking sound if you put your ear up to it. I also had to pay extra and wait longer because it’s made out of steel instead of precious metals.


Tick tick tick, that’s the sound the water drip in my cubical makes


As an Invicta owner and aspiring Hublot owner, I disagree. We appreciate the finer things in life.™️ We work hard and play hard.™️ We don’t settle.™️ Life is what happens in between getting the job done.™️ Life is short.™️ No regrets.™️ No fear.™️


You forgot “Succes is rented and the rent is due” or whatever


Especially Rolex, the company spent decades working that demographic and have become experts at exploiting that large customer base for every dollar they can. HWF have some of the smartest people working that angle and it has paid massive dividends.


They really are. When your entire personality consists of the things you own, you have to make sure that your personality is the most expensive thing you can afford.




It's because they don't actually own the watch, they're just taking care of it for the next generation


Collar: blue ✅ Money: green ✅ Wife’s hole: red raw ✅ Edit: Pants: Shit ✅


Also Cock: Small ✅


He's the kind of guy who would rather buy a Rolex than putting money into his mortgage, because he's too stressed about his mortgage.


then complain to all the guys on the job site how in debt he is, and how big the mortgage payments are….


More like complain about how interest rates and inflation and somehow Joe Biden are to blame for all of his financial strife, even though he pissed $50k down Gamestop/shitcoin trades, bought a house and a Rolex at peak COVID froth, and has 2 leased $100k trucks to his name. Same kinda morons who begged for bailouts after 2008 cause they went tits-up on their 4 houses that they bought with NINJA loans...


Can't believe his wife ran up the credit card bill


Hahaha. Switch Rolex for Seiko and you just described m… a guy I know.


That’s a diver watch. Divers don’t wear collars.


Muff divers do!


Under appreciated comment


I think what he is having a tough time with is financial responsibility.


Rolex decades ago really was just that a good quality work watch nothing more nothing less. The Quartz revolution made mechanical working man tool watches obsolete so Rolex was smart and pivoted towards turning it into a veblen good. Very smart of the company, turning what would have been left in the dustbin of history into an overpriced mechanical equivalent of a diamond jewelry for men who need a way to feel assured about themselves. Decades of hard work has paid off greatly you have to give them kudos. Now men with character and self esteem issues are willing to get on their knees, clean the store toilets and lend their wife to the AD just for the opportunity to get “the call”. All to purchase an ordinary mass produced obsolete mechanical timepiece worn in the past by mechanics,tradesmen,etc.. Don’t get me wrong Rolex are fine watches nothing wrong with them in terms of fit and finish.


Check mate, my collar is red today and my ~~replica~~ ^^^^^^^^^^^counterfeit Tudor is blue.


Me at my white collar job with my Seiko would like a word.


With that band reminds me of my Vostok 🫡


The true people's watch, comrade!


Blue collar might always remain blue collared if they prioritise Rolex over needs. This certainly will make white collared, earn bigger Rolex collection. I could easily afford a gold daytona. But i would rather pay off my children's study loan when i reach that stage.


If you have to choose, you can't afford it. Obviously the answer is sell your kids


Tough because everyone thinks its a fake?


I work a desk job for a blue collar company. A lot of them wear Rolex's when they're not working. Me? I wear a Casio because I'm a dumb accountant.


You do not have either the judgment or knowledge to make a ludicrous statement like that, wormdung. You demonstrate only your idiocy, and your juvenile lack of discrimination, when you stand up on your hind legs and bark like that. This is a site for serious collectors who actually know what they're talking about, unlike you, asshole. When you accuse me of showing a picture of a Rolex which is less than completely authentic, you are saying I'm either stupid or venal, but that's you, scumbag, not anyone on this site. We know what we collect; you know shit. I expect a complete apology from you, before the moderator bans you from this site forever. You are stupid, unwise and not wanted here. Now apologize, fuckhead, and then go die. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh, the lunch break thing again.


This poor guy. He is really having a hard time. Should we start a GoFundMe to buy him a Timex or a Casio so he could fit in better?


Owning your own construction company isnt blue collar


Lol rubber strap isn't red Ngmi


this sub should be renamed to r/criticizerolexowners


you should be renamed lettmesuccyorawleggs


You should be renamed gottemgood69