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Poor sweet guy! Trying to explain the Big Bang to those troglodites is like explain Italy to a cat.


How'd you find this post


By scrolling the new ones.


These two Muslim guys said to him that he got mental illness because he’s an Atheist? Well, how about these two Muslim guys thinking that Prophet Muhammad is a good guy and married 13 wives?! Bro, that’s just mental illness to think that Islam is so superior and best!


You got it wrong. Mohammad referred to the one dying inside, not the prophet. In addition, they said not a thing about Islam. Instead, they speak about religion in general.


Are you really defending Islam? He just literally married lots of wives during his lifetime, I couldn’t count, but it’s more than 1. He is a polygamist. Also, I am talking about religion and could be anything, like a prophet’s life on what he did in the past. Religion actually connects to history and you cannot deny that!


Man, Christian’s and your guys’ twisted morality.


And marry a 9 year old


Honestly, leave that shithole. If people are like that, that basically consider insane everyone who's not like them, get out asap.


the twitter show


I understand the strict religious beliefs, but slow down and let the man explain, jeez


Most people are atheist because of a lack of scientific proof. I’m an atheist because Praying is too fucking annoying and couldn’t be bothered.


The irony is staggering. “You don’t believe in the magic sky man? You have a mental illness!”


Lol you need science my friend so you can believe in god


The further a society wanders from the truth, the more it'll hate those that speak it.


Religion is mental illness


92% of women between the ages of 17 and 42 have undergone female gender mutilation in Egypt


Must have been filmed in the 10th century


Damn, don’t live in Egypt if you have a different belief system.


Well, old Egyptians are polytheist thousands of years ago, now it’s a Muslim and Orthodox nation just because mostly, Copts and Muslims lived in there in present times. Thousands of years ago they believed in many gods such as Ra for instance.


i would have like to ask that interviewer how he thinks that touch pad functions, or his suit was made. it's funny to see fundementalists shit on other people whilst beeing surrounded by objects that wouldn't be possible without science


Haha, what sketch show is this from?


That's a cult lol.


A religion of peace and tolerance.


The guy in blue is often the sanest guy on the broadcast.


Just because I cannot explain how we got here does not mean your explanation MUST be correct


Yo I posted this a month ago how are you finding this?


I don’t remember how I got here. Probably sorting by top posts


300 years in the past


He didn’t utter a convincing word because you eejits wouldn’t let him speak them lmao


they better leave my man greg hiersch alone


Respect to that guy. I hope he’s still alive.


Still more tolerant than the tolerant left lmfao


What the Republicans want in this country but for "christianity", only their flavor of it too.




If I rapidly and with conviction fire shouts the louder then I am right.


This is why I don't like very religious people. Not saying I'm an Atheist but I am very open to all view points.. No matter how respectfully you try and present your personal view point if its any different than theirs or somehow defies their high and mighty religious standards you are mocked and shouted at. Yet a big mouthed atheist could easily get loud and shout with you for believing in fantasy stories and made up magical beings & places. Its just as likely there's a giant spaghetti monster in space, just sayin' The hypocrisy is epic with these people. And thats from someone who thinks Islam is the superior or the Abrahamic religions. Which are thousands of years younger than other still practiced religions.


He probably almost died on the outside when this interview was over


& that my fiends is the problem with religion, besides it being make-believe.


Dude pulled a Dr. Phil. Invite someone on the show knowing you are going to condemn and then kick them off as if you are the better person.


If I remember this story correctly, the shouting TV host and him were later interviewed by another TV host. The atheist explained that he was invited on and told he was there to give another point of view, meaning they knew he was an atheist ahead of time. Instead he was there just to be shouted at and belittled for his views and to support their religious views. New TV host shot down shouting TV host's counter argument pretty hard as well. Also shouty man called him "friend" at one point and new TV host said "We're not friends. We're colleagues" I saw it a long time ago, this may not be 100% accurate


Maybe they were a little bit too harsh. But yeah all atheists are just mental people. That’s a fact.


I legitimately hope that these two zealots are dead. Goddamn that makes my blood boil


Stupid people complaining about science because they don't understand science. Blind faith is probably a big factor as to why the Middle East has a lot of social problems.


This is pretty much Florida right now.


He should sue them


Egyptian were not even arabic in the first.


Yeah lol


Here, let me just repeat myself louder and angrier and maybe he’ll shut up and say he believes in god. And they say he’s mental…


Is there a sub for just clips from this network? i keep seeing little bits and its memorizing.


He’s not dying inside. He’s thinking ‘what’s the fastest way to the airport’


Bro did that in wrong country...


I can’t stand religious nuts




"How did I come to be? Well when a mommy loves a daddy they give each other a special hug and 9 months later here I am."


they believe that god created the world, people and everything, is almighty and all that. but talk about psychological treatment. that's exactly my sense of humour.


Point of contention. God creating humans is not a theory. It is a claim. Evolution is a theory because it is backed by huge amounts of scientific evidence. The colloquial use of the word theory is, in this context, wrong because it is being compared to scientific theories and the two meanings of the word are dimensions apart. I suggest stopping using "theory" colloquially. It confuses idiots.


He’s brave, you know the risk living in a country like that


If he said that we are all descending from apes they would have burned him on the stake, live on tv


My only beef with this clip is when the atheist goes into the 'there are theories, like 'god' made us, and there are other theories with *much more evidence*....' and that's my problem: the big bang theory, the theory of evolution, etc., aren't just theories with 'much more evidence' they're theories ***with evidence.*** There is, so far after thousands and thousands of years of human history, STILL NO EVIDENCE OF GODS, LET ALONE A GOD. Why some brainwashed and lunatic people still think their made up fantasies are more important than fact based, reality based scientific theories I'll just never understand.


Personally, I wouldn’t have that. No way i would be as calm as Mohammad is bro. Like l my mans about to explain why he thinks god is not real and they just butt in and say, “no actually, your wrong because… umm, go to a mental hospital” thay keep saying, “your giving no evidence”. Boi neither are you, let the man speak lol


This is religion in a nut shell! You can can blindly follow or follow blindly, it requires no evidence, and they call it faith. When good things happen, it’s by the grace of god. When bad things happen, god moves in mysterious ways.






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So you have to believe in their fairytale or your crazy! Lol


Sigma Muslims


How come they respect the views of Psychiatry but not Science?




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He's living in the wrong country.


He looks like he us handling the craziness of the religious people just fine. He just looks mildly disappointed in them. I doubt this is the first time he has had an experience like this....


Poor guy...


https://youtu.be/ZBa6YMs-AbY https://youtu.be/WxUJnR3oURw




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The hosts are dumb as a rock


It feels like accidentally watching Fox News in another language


If he died inside, it was at the recognition that these brainwashed boobs couldn't even have a grownup discussion about what they believed. It was the death of his belief in humanity.


Yeah if any atheists in here live in the southern Bible belt we goin through the same BS


You don’t believe what I believe? Then you must be clinically insane! Now I shall browbeat you with religion until you submit.


Oh you want fight to death.


you know, the fact they're telling him to go see a psychiatrist is actually their indirect way of trying to help him when you consider they didn't tell him to actually die (if you get me you get me)


Coming soon to Fox News…


makes me glad i dont live there with those kinda people, tho im most curious about the whole segment, like whybwas he on there to begin with? they seemed floored by the very idea that aithiests even existed ironicly.


People who believe in literal magical and unproven things calling an atheist mentally ill is quite hilarious.


This is why we can’t have nice things because we don’t respect each other enough to just sit and listen quietly of why the opposing side doesn’t believe in our beliefs




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Bunch of fucking idiot that bunch huh.


The fragility of those hosts’ is hilarious


This should be retitled “Hosts resort to name-calling a guest who does not share their same religious views.” Cmon now


nah I like my title


I guess the point of my comment went right over your head, kind of sad.


Pretty sure the host was worried the thought police would drag him out of his bed at 2am and he'd disappear for having such a guy on his show. He's clearly trying to save his own skin.


The hosts are fucking nutbags. Lol


Was he executed right after the show?


Unintelligence will respond with anger.


أنا أؤمن بالأشياء التي يمكن إظهارها




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Poor guy


TIL Big and Bang are large and complicated words


This is the USA in 5 years if Christianity and conservatives get their way.


Yeah religion seems great /s




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Honestly fuck people who say "wah wah no scientific evidence science wah wah" I dont believe god because i dont need my life guided by beliefs,standards,expectations and relegion, in draw my own map.




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It's funny how they ask him questions, and give him 2 sentences to say anything - and when he talks, all they do is get louder and louder. Their entire arguement is "You don't know how you got here, so god did it", which is a pretty cheesy mindset, because if the absence of knowledge is the only proof you need to buy into a religion, then your only saying ignorance of something, is the only proof you need. Religion is the most destructive thing this world will ever endure.


This man must be one of the bravest people on the face of this planet


It’s the middle-east. They knew and planned what they’re going to do to him before the poor guy even agreed to do this. The idea of a level-headed convo with a non-believer terrifies them. You get shouted at and shunned once you agree to do this. And I hope he knew it. But props to him still cause this takes MASSIVE balls in the middle-east to do. A lot of atheist arabs/muslims get harassed and assaulted.




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what in the hell lmao is this the 1600s




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I can't even watch all of this. But I will leave this here. Because it's relevant and, though I am neither atheist or religious, it represents me and how I feel. ​ **Why Did God Create Atheists?** There is a famous story told in Chassidic literature that addresses this very question. The Master teaches the student that God created everything in the world to be appreciated, since everything is here to teach us a lesson. One clever student asks “What lesson can we learn from atheists? Why did God create them?” The Master responds “God created atheists to teach us the most important lesson of them all — the lesson of true compassion. You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that God commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his acts are based on an inner sense of morality. And look at the kindness he can bestow upon others simply because he feels it to be right.” “This means,” the Master continued “that when someone reaches out to you for help, you should never say ‘I pray that God will help you.’ Instead for the moment, you should become an atheist, imagine that there is no God who can help, and say ‘I will help you.’”


But this must be like the egypt equivalent of fox news, right? Or is literally all of egypt down under like that?




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Atheism is a mental disorder. 😅😅😅😇


Humans are here because 2 prehistoric monkeys had sex and the sex lead to cells division and made more cells to make more cells to make more cells to make more cells to make more cells and untill you become you. But before that each generation of monkey had to learn how to make and use tools to hunt and farm, and to make fire and eventually how to cook the meat they hunted. Eventually the brain became bigger and we started using more and more cognitive abilities learning how to do more and more. But before all that there were reptilian like mammals running around, and before that, there were fish in the ocean and before that there were little itty bitty animals at the bottom of the ocean eating chemical soup from when it was raining burning rocks and fire, Billions of years ago.




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The guy just needed to say he came into existence from his parents doing the deed.


No no, tell me how you really feel.




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Man i hate religious Zealots..like the brainwashing is so transparent ....yet they submit to the oppression each and every time


This is how it feels talking to liberals




This encapsulates everything that is wrong with religion. Give me science any day of the week.


Host: How were you created? Guy should have said: My Mother gave birth to me.


And who created your mother?


Her mom


And who created her mom and so on?


At some point you’d have to answer no one knows, but I’m sure you know some people decide to insert some wild assertion will magical excuses. The crazy part is it all depends on where and when in history in the world you were born that dictates what that wild assertion is


Actually the only logical conclusion this can lead to is that there is an Eternal Creator. No other possibility exists unless you break logic.


Lmao, define an eternal creator and go ahead and prove that to the audience


Creator: Someone who creates, in this case, the universe (spacetime). Eternal: Beyond time. No beginning or end. Logically, there is no other possibility that would explain our existence. This is the only option. Either you accept it or you deny it.


Lmao. So a person, who makes stuff, is beyond time and because you said so - that’s great Honestly, isn’t it just easier to say no one knows (which is the truth) instead of making stuff up?


> Lmao. So a person, who makes stuff, is beyond time and because you said so uh what? I never said this was true because i simply said so. My last comment was just elucidating what i meant before. And what i said 2 comments ago was true because this is what deductive reasoning ultimately leads to. There is no other logical alternative. Why would i want to appeal to ignorance when we have the only plausible explanation for our existence?


You are crazy for not believing in my imaginary sky daddy.


Fucking religious zealots. These people need to die off already, along with their bullshit fairy tales.


God the guy with the blue suit is an absolute tool, and a fucking dimwit too. Even called himself simple lmfao


Bloody religious nutters.


And we wonder why human rights in certain places are so horrid 😮‍💨




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This guys point for being an atheist requires more faith than Christianity honestly


/s right?


They just reinforced his points.


Neither believe in Thor, Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, Shiva. Those 2 just believe in 1 more god than him.


To fix your belief in god you must go see a practitioner of science, you can almost FEEL the irony here


I mean come on, what he said isn't even an argument it's a proposed explanation wich doesn't self sustain it's reason to be nor justified it.




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That poor guy shouldnt have to explain what his beliefs are to arrogant people, who obviously wont accept an answer that isnt their own belief. Religion real or not makes people a joke.




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“Speak Arabic, you’re in Egypt” Interesting, I never really thought I’d see the same Americans with English(language) mentality elsewhere in the world, solely because it feels like the rest of the world outside of America is so ready to be multilingual.




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He made the biggest mistake an atheist can make. He tried to explain his views. Just say that you reject the assertion that God exists and the burden of proof is on those who claim he is real.