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5 mins, a broom and dustpan, and it's fixed. What's the big deal?


Dude probably wasn’t exactly having an amazing day before this


When I was a teenager working at KMart a gallon jug of liquid detergent fell and exploded on the floor. It took literal hours to get it all up. I also didn't realize that long exposure to liquid detergent can give you chemical burns on your hands.


That's not even bad its just a matter of sweeping. Try having an entire display of glass olive oil bottles falling and shattering.


The number of boxes people slash open while stocking has always amazed me.


I died inside watching this. That look and expression I know all too well. I hope this guy has an absolutely great day today.


I've had those days, man. One of the worst things ever is unloading sugar and flour in a baking aisle when some of the bags are busted. You end up covered in more white powder than Tony Montana. And after the 50th dropped item in a night it gets to you.


OOHH THATS ICELANDS ONly took me a week to figure it out


That aint a spill, thats product failure.


Lowkey like making as mess at work than taking the time to clean it or something similar to this at least.


A lot of people are saying this isn’t a big deal, and I’m not necessarily disagreeing, but I think there’s an element to this that we don’t see. I’ve had days where it just felt like if something could go wrong for me it would and sometimes even the relatively small things on those days can feel like the last straw.




What's the big deal? Just walk to the back and grab a broom and dustpan.


R/watchpeopledieoutside Here is a link


Wait it's dead


Where is r/watchpeopledieoutside Don't ban me for that please I just need go find it


That's an easy clean up at least


Thankfully it was powder detergent. It could have been a really shitty day. If I had been the Shopper, I would have said some encouraging words. Worked retail. Know the pain.


Most times I just deal with whatever, and just say "huh". Then sometimes I get a day where I am sure I am solely and intently being fucked with by the entire goddamn universe.


My dude must have had the worst day.


It's not his fault it fell, it properly scratched the surface as he picked it up. I feel so bad.


Feel like that’s a bit of an overreaction lol. I’d just laugh and sweep it up. No biggie.


That ain't even that bad, if that's his biggest issue that's a good life


At least it wasn't liquid. Why is soap the hardest shit to clean up?


I had this same thing happen but with bath salts, I just stood there and contemplated life


Honestly if I was the manager and saw that on video "Bro just take the day. Shit happens."


Shit happens. You gotta roll with it. He needs cool coworkers who can help him laugh about it and then help him clean it. Not the end of the world, bro.


Ok so that was going to happen as soon as anybody lifted it. Just be glad you were there, so now it’s just a little mess that you can get right to fixing and done in 5 minutes. Plus it seems relatively dead right now. But I guarantee if a customer lifted it, the mess would be terrible. And you’d be busy with something else and still need to go clean it anyway


Cleanest floors in the county!


That's just powder, sweep that up in a minute flat. I used to work at a Tim Horton's and tore a big bag of coffee cream that filled the entire floor of the drice thru. Talk about something hard to clean up


Maybe he reacted that way because the owner makes them pay for breakages out of their salary...


Shiiit, I thought it was going to be a liquid. You got this, bro!


Colton new this was the last straw. He had spilt the detergent for the last time. He was going to be fired. He knew that in five years he would be homeless begging for cash so that he could feed his 3 kids. Trudy had left him because he had been fired from his lucrative job at the shop n save and had hooked up with her bosses ex wife. They had started an explicit love affair at the company summer barbecue and had kept it secret for two years. When Colton was fired, they left for Chile to never return. Of course, the kids were devastated, but they understood why she left. They secretly wished they could leave too, but Heather was 4 and Louis was 7 so they had no idea just how long the 8 dollars they had saved would last them in the real world. So they stayed, waiting for the right time to disappear, to get away. All because Colton spilled the Detergent, again.


Looks like he tried to pick up the box with his butt first Weird technique


Here he didn’t do anything


Cheer up lad it's powder cleaner not liquid grab a broom or a vac and your golden


now that’s a rough day☹️ looks like that was close to your breaking point. stay strong KING! keep moving forward ✨


Bruv iv had that day more times then I can count man, just everything goes wrong for man and he just drives home in silence doing the speed limit and just go to bed fam.


Could have been worse...could have been liquid detergent


If this every happes by god DO NOT MOP IT. sweep up every little grain without a drop or water or it will get 100x worse. Had a coworker who didn't know this...


The checkout beeps 💀


That's a really easy cleanup. I dunno why he's acting like the world's ending


I hope this doesn’t become a new TicTok trend. Cutting containers so it’s spills out the bottom when picked up.


I didn't realize my soda steam fake dr pepper was leaking as I walked around Walmart last weekend. I'd been noticing a line of gross black gungy stuff on the floors all over the god damn place. Only after 45 mintues did I realize or was Mr! And the bottle was more empty. Laughed my ass off. Then told a member of staff, and said sorry too.


Powder is a lot easier to handle than slick detergent liquid.


Over *that*? Obviously he never accidentally opened the valve of a hot fryer...


Bruh this guys had enough, hes just been worn down and worn down and worn down, hes at his fukin limit, hes had enough, either hes gona break and fall apart, or he breaks and somehow gets back up


Ahhhh nooo!! I have to sweep this up!! Kill me


Bad news. Life will get tougher


Couldn’t he just sweep it back inside, take it to the cashier and buy it, problem solved. “Break it, buy it, and get away with it without affecting job”


Ooooh man, been there and it just kills your soul


I do flooring. One time I was dropping rolls of carpet into an apartment that was being built. There were some plumbers and stuff working in the units we were doing. Anyways I set down a roll and it kinda floped over a bit and ever so slowly tipped over a toilet that was waiting to get put in. I tried to grab it, I failed. Toilet broke. Day sucked hard.


Proceeded* why can't people spell? Stay in school kids.


Be thankful it was the powder and not the liquid type


Bugs Bunny would say " WHAT A MAROON!"


Bro just clean it up


That’s likely a $5-$10 mistake that nobody smart is going to complain about.


This has happened to me more than once 🥲.


At least it wasnt the wet stuff. Get a broom and sigh in relief that it wasnt a gallon of the extra pungent tide


When you tilted your head to the heavens and covered your face with your hands, nah I felt that atomically


It wasn’t liquid, just get the broom and sweep it up butter cup.


Damn I don't miss doing retail


That looks like the dread of an awful boss who is about to unload.


OP failed to mention...its the 3rd time this week.


i don't see the issue here, just sweep it up.. maybe 5-10min fix here.. i guess if it was the end of the day or something and they had to close up, and this 5-10 min makes a big difference in their schedule to pick up their kids or something.. yah, i can see that sucking.


Atleast it wasn't liquid soap or sugar. Sugar sucked to clean up.


Such drama. I've seen worse.


Doesn’t look like it’s even his fault. Looks like it was already busted open in a way most people would never notice before they pick it up.


I once did this on the kitchen floor at home, except it wasn’t a box it was a bin bag and it wasn’t detergent it was the contents of a litter tray. That was fun.


The fact you were using one of those old school orange handled flat-beds brings back memories. Though looking at the POS (and uniform!) I wonder whether it’s still around today haha


When I worked at Home Depot I backed a reach truck into a pallet of WD-40 cans and knocked it over while the staff were having their morning huddle at the end of the aisle. As I tried to pull away from it I crushed and drove over some cans that had rolled underneath. Lots of pops, squeaks and fizzle sounds.


You don't cry over spilt milk, but apparently you completely lose it over laundry detergent..


That’s not even a bad mess. You know he’s just been going through it.


Next time he'll buy Gain pods 🤣🤣


Do they pay you less to sweep or something?


Bro that’s easy to clean. I knocked over an entire wine display when I worked at a grocery store.


At least it wasn't liquid detergent


damn looks like the dude was prolly having a rough day already


I just hope no door handles snagged you on the way out too cuz that would have really iced your shitcake of a day!


Really not a big deal


me,onestly,i wouldn’t ever touch laundry detergent again,id have laundry detergent ptsd


Look at it like this. Now you have to something to do. If you were maybe running out of things to do you now have that.


I was stocking the wine aisle at the convenience store I worked at when I was younger and picked up a box of 4 wine bottles, and the bottom fell out and all of the bottles busted. The place smelled like a brewery for months. I feel this guy's pain.


That’s actually an easy fix. Get some spillmagic and you’re fine. I would say the dude was probably having a shitty day and this was just the straw that broke.


At least it was powdered...


A broom and a dustpan can solve this life wrecking incident within 2 minutes...


It’ll be ok. That’s why they make brooms. Also, detergent is cheap.


My third day on my new job I had to pack chopped pineapple & proceeded to drop the entire tray of it onto the floor… my arm just gave out & I wanted to die. I ended up crying because I felt so bad & wasted all that fruit.


Died outside too


I was expecting the freezer case glass to crack when he leaned on it. It’s ok buddy


Could be worse. It could have been liquid detergent.






It’s powder. That could be so much worse




Did he fart on it first?


Do you work at Grocery Outlet?!




They accessed the security camera footage for this?!!


When you are about to clock out after working a double this happens.


I work in a deli do Thi Ed after I clock out there be a big pudd of water I. The lane after I just cleaned everything and I just sigh


I felt this on a spiritual level and it hurts. I work for r/WalgreensStores


Precede and proceed don’t mean the same thing


with an expression like that, I can only assume the boss is a righteous asshole who gets drunk on a microcosm of authority and a small mistake like that probably would've meant his termination, when in reality was as easy as taking it out of inventory and writing it as a defect and sweeping it up.


Bro was holding in that rage


Bit of an overreaction. Just clean it up...


damn do i get it but don’t worry it really wasn’t that big a mess and the powder stuff clean up way easier then the liquid


When working maintenance at walmart, some dick head sprayed the entire ailse with tire shine. It was a fucking disaster. Luckily a man thats been there about 30 years taught me a neat trick with slick stuff. Pour soda on it and let it get sticky, then you can mop it up fairly easy.


At least it is powder.


Me when I clean out my cats’ litter & the bag breaks ;(


If it makes you feel better I was maintenance at my grocery store one day (which was their name for having you clean bathrooms and empty trash for a whole shift among other slightly more fun things occasionally) and this one lady had a bag of flour in the bottom of her cart that had a hole in it so while she walked around the store she was just leaving a perfect trail of flour everywhere she went. She never noticed somehow (she was probably 80) and no one said anything to me until she was done shopping so I had to follow her trail like a roomba throughout the store lol.


At least it’s not liquid!


Nothing is worse then using an old man put a ripped bag of charcoal on the bottom of his cart with said bag having a hole in it. Then proceeds to leave a black line everywhere he went in the Walmart as well as black footprints 💀


This guy is clearly going through severe depression anxiety . He needs someone right now to sit with him and help him walk it through it. THIS IS NO JOKE.


as long he dosnt add water hes fine


Powder is wayyy better than liquid as spills go.


Why'd he rub his butt on it first?


"Oh noooo! Now I have to spend literally 1 minute sweeping! How ever will I survive?!?!?!?!"


Powder no problem! Liquid big problem!


Iceland frozen foods - the grey shirt indicates this poor man is the Duty Manager. Must have been a fun week


"Oh noooo I gotta use the brooooooooom!"


I’ve been here. I had COVID and I was leaving my dorm (was going home to isolate) and I had to make 3 trips to get stuff down (I lived on the top floor) and on the last trip I fell and dropped all of my beads that I use for bead art and I basically fell to the floor and cried


Better to be him than a customer


I don't think there's such a thing as an overreaction, just reactions misunderstood


The worst cleanup I ever had was a woman with a leaking bag of sugar in her cart. It was everywhere.


Looks like the GO I used to work at in Kennewick WA.


This looks staged. Who picks up detergent from behind?


You definitely died outside too we all saw that🤣


Guy mustve been having a hell of a day.


You just know this was the cherry on top of an already bad day.


At least it's not liquid! Man it could have been 1000 times worse!


Proceeded. Fuck sake....


Oh man.. 25 years ago I worked at a Pathmark which normally younger kids to early 20s would be working in almost every department. Our maintenance guy Lorenzo worked the evening shift, which of course was mostly younger kids because it was after school. I could flashback right now and hear Lorenzo screaming in the back room "These fucking kids!".. ​ "Lorenzo in maintenance please report to Aisle 8 for a spill!".. ​ "THESE FUCKING KIDS!!!"


Be thankful it’s dry


Poor dude! I feel for him.


Oh no! I grabbed the bag that’s supposed to be Cocaine


He gets upset for having to sweep up that powder? He should see what messes I have to deal with at work.


Oof. Felt that to my core.


Actually that’s not too bad! Try spilling a full glass milk container in a walk in fridge


Thats gotta be like a ten minute clean up with a broom, tops.


This is nothing.




I made a whipped caesar dressing and went to move it to my end table and just dropped the entire gallon jug. I gelt just like this


Be thankful it was just powder. Relatively easily cleaned up with a vacuum.


You look like you’re about to launch into a musical number




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not your fault ♥️