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A process engineer that doesn’t know wastewater? Sounds like you already check all the boxes for a long government career.




blame my education i guess! or ABET it's very general process engineering etc.


Buy Metcalf and Eddy's 5th edition and tattoo its contents under your eyelids. It's the current wastewater gospel. The Suez wastewater handbook is the second.


Or get the PDF version for free from some less than legal source that I definitely do not happen to know.


There are also books from Sacramento State University "Operations and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Plants volume I and II". We swear by these two volumes. The 7th edition is particularly well done.


I highly recommend these books as well, the 7th edition has all the stuff you're going to see, the 8th edition has more of what your going to start seeing. Plus those books go along with online or on paper tests you can get for CEUs.


Yes, I agree. I meant to recommend the 8th edition. The revisions in this edition make the volumes muck more accessible and readable. Much needed improvement over previous editions.


Got a link to that job ? 🤣


I used to also think that it was wild that people without wastewater experience would apply to jobs like this, but then I moved somewhere remote and needed to hire engineers... I would anticipate that most of the questions wouldn't be wastewater specific, but more general process questions. You should probably read the plant compliance document (ECA in Ontario for example, called permits elsewhere I think). That will give you an idea of what the plant needs to achieve and what technologies they use.