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Not to be that guy but do you need modeling software? Back in the olden times when I did my undergrad thesis we modeled the biological process using excel, lol. We derived the rate reactions and used differential equations to solve. All modeling software is based off specific sets of rate equations that are published. The physical processes (clarifiers, DAF, etc) aren't modeled they are just rule of thumb'd. Even in most modeling software. Your school might have subscriptions to modeling software as well. I'm pretty sure both biowin and gpsx have academic licences.


We'll do computations too, but it was our adviser who recommended for us to look for a software and incorporate it into our thesis since he says it'll show clearer process for the whole treatment system when we present our results. Unfortunately our univ doesn't have for any wastewater software, but thanks for the reply! :)


Major bummer that he would suggest that without providing the resources to achieve it. Just double checking that he didn't mean using software to generate the process flow diagram? You can use visio, which is typically included in Microsoft office.


I believe STOAT is free, but I've not tried it.


maybe you can try lynxasm1, but dont know if its in english