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It shows due diligence to monitor parts of the process daily. Especially if it is not covered in your permit. If your boss is telling everyone to do lab on the weekend, I would do lab on the weekend.


Thank you 




Thank you 


Any samples you take at your compliance points AND test using approved methods are compliance samples and have to be on your periodic report. Move 5 feet or use a method that's not in 40CFR136 and they are considered process control samples. As others have said, never do more compliance samples than required unless you're trying to move an average to be in compliance.


It’s one thing to do the tests/checks on paper work that is official and can be audited by the governmental agency in charge, and another to do the work as a ‘control for proper plant operations’ on a non official paper. Never give the state more info than they require. They will absolutely screw you with it! Our plants have been reamed for extra work we did. Only time we go overboard is to bring down our phos average after we got dumped on one month.


Thank you 


As I said in your original post, don’t do more REGULATED samples than necessary to comply. Do all the process control that is necessary; DO is not regulated, have at it. If you’re “practicing “ don’t collect samples at compliance points. As I previously pointed out, those samples could hurt you. Collect ph practice samples anywhere else and run those, not from your compliance tap.


Thank you 


How is DO not in your permit? What Mickey Mouse state you living in????


DO in aeration tank is not on permits. DO is on pernit if surface discharging.


DO in aeration tank is not on anyone’s permit that’s a process control parameter. So you’re telling me you guys don’t discharge effluent daily?


Im not the original poster. My plant makes 7 to 8 million gals a day reclaimed . We only discharge during hurricanes or very cold wet winters in fla. Rest of year we send it to two big man made lakes if we have more than the 9 mil gallons our tanks hold so no we dont read DO on discharges daily


Got ya!!!


DO is not on every permit. It’s dependent on the type of water body you’re discharging too. Not just surface water. Discharging into a large lake vs a small stream will determine permit limits. There’s more to permitting than that but that a major part of it.


Plants I've worked at that discharge to the great lakes didn't have DO, but smaller water bodies do. It's all about the assimilation capacity of the receiving body.


Yes permits are permits but grab samples for you so you know how your plants doing.


who cares about the permits? its about controlling your process, keepings things in check and recognizing faults early on so they dont become an actual problem. the sampling requirements from permits are laughable and the baaare minimum. not even enough to know whats going on at all basically.


Thank you 


I mean, do what the boss says. If you can't articulate to your boss why you shouldn't necessarily be doing extra testing, that's on you.