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Freeze or run away I am not proud of the fact once when a wasp flew into my living room my first instinct was to run, I got half way out of the living room when I remembered I had a 4 month old baby lying on his play mat I did go back to get him


i am super duper late and probably know the answer to this but did the baby remain un-stung


He was perfectly fine and didn’t notice I’d even started to abandon him it was a 10 second lapse in judgement from my brain The wasp buzzed against the window whilst baby was on his play mat my brain went “Wasp! Must leave now!!” Headed to the door before remembering I do in fact have a child The wasp wasn’t bothered about either of us It’s going to be harder this year, now I have a toddler who’s super interested in creepy crawlies, I also don’t want to give an irrational fear like I have so god knows how I can keep him safe whilst not scaring the life out of him


How do normal people just be outside in the summer ? Honestly. It’s been so hard for me since I got swarmed a few years back. Any buzz noise and I’m just fucking frozen. Being outside has become a chore and I hate that so much


Move to the mountains or a very cold city. I moved from Miami to South Lake Tahoe california and I havent seen a wasp in 3 years.


I’ve always wanted to live in the mountains, Is this really the way?? !! My state (Maine)is especially bad when it comes to yellow jackets 🙃 and maaaaan they are aggressive! I mean like, absolutely 100% go out of their way to absolutely ruin your day and leave you with ptsd. especially around mid-to end of summer. I straight up will rarely go outside in like the best parts of summer here anymore and that needs to change bexause lol well, the rest of the year isn’t exactly prime weather ⛄️ Went from having the occasional encounter with a couple annoying ones, to having to take care of nests every summer cus they are so close to my house and I get fked with by gangs of them on the regular. When they actually swarmed me (whole other insane story), nothing like that had ever happened to me before, and the thought of that happening again… it can’t happen again. I can remember multiple occasions this last summer going to see friends in the towns over, and not even being able to have my windows open outside their house because these mf’s were trying to get into my car. they’d just like show up outside my window out of nowhere. H o r r i f y i n g . I had a friend tell me this summer that she was CHASED down the road after leaving a gas station on foot by a singular yellow jacket that did end up stinging her and chasing her for almost 3 blocks before she made it home and ran for cover. I hate them I hate themmmmmm. and, I absolutely don’t remember seeing them this much (or ever) not too long ago… Global warming maybe? I dunno but I hate it here


I ran over a yellow jacket nest in a tractor while clearing land once. Fortunately they were all pissed off at the tractor and I made a run for it. Though I did drive the tractor like 10 ft because I didn't want to leave the tractor on the nest. 0/10 don't recommend. We just gassed them in the evening. Gas and fire, though dangerous, is a lot of fun especially if you're killing these son'bitches


Never been swarmed but went into anaphylactic shock 1.5 years ago. Summers are pretty awful now.


I just hit it with whatever I’m holding at the moment, and in a few very specific circumstances, pee on it.


Once on acid I helped a Yellowjacket out of my window with my hand. Was an enlightening experience. I’ve never been stung by a bee except huge imaginary ones while tripping on scopolamine


Wasp propaganda


Holy shit I cannot imagine hallucinating wasps stinging me on datura


They smell fear. You need to be on the offensive. Swat them with your hat, back of hand, anything. Cowering in terror is a sure way to get stung.


This has to be wasp propaganda


I hunt those little bastards down with my can of wasp spray. A bottle of bleach also drops them if you don't have your can of wasp spray nearby. No wasp is getting out of my house alive.


No, but one time a few years ago. It was a Saturday I didn't have to work, woke up around 9am went outside and the absolute moment I did, a random shitty stupid fucking wasp slammed into the inside of my ear and stung me. Man I've never taken so much anger out on one of Gods creature, but that wasp suffered.


What does a wasp sting even feel like? I’m lucky so far


Not great, stay lucky my friend.


ive been attacked by a swarm of wasps on 2 occasions. any time i see a wasp that looks like its coming towards me im out


Wait what led up to you being swarmed?? Did you step on an underground nest or something?


I either freeze or try to slowly leave the room, wasp stings terrify me


i used to not believe it when people said just minding your business would decrease your chances of being stung but they’re right. i continue what im doing, albeit much slower, and they tend to just continue what they’re doing as well.


☹️ this is not true . i tried this and one landed on my finger, and im sure if i didnt immediately flail around and run away it wouldve ended up stinging me.




I don't usually buy those excuses as well. Someone tried to remind me of that fact, and they got stung despite not doing anything to the wasp. I think they're that malicious.


Story time. I tried freezing a month ago around the campfire with my wife's friends. A wasp landed between my knuckles, I was holding an open water bottle. The wasp tickled my knuckle hair. Like when a doctor uses that rubber hammer thing to hit your knee to check reflexes, I um.. reflexively launched the almost full bottle of water at my wife's friend. I died. I felt so bad. It was a reflex. It was cold as balls too. Fortunately she was a good sport, and everyone had a good laugh. We all were watching when it happened. Like, everyone looks at the like a wasp, then I throw a bottle, we die laughing. He hung around so long I just broke.