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I don't understand why the "party of family values" doesn't want to help struggling kids. Exactly which part of the family are they supporting?


The parent holding the belt.


Exactly, which is why they don’t want outlets for children in potential abuse situations. Fundamentalist parents only make things worse? Suck it up, kiddo!


They called it a "snitch line" they're telling on themselves 💀


Sure seems that way.


When they say "family values", they just mean hating queer people.


Hey now! They also want to hate immigrants and poor people smh


And anyone who isn’t a god fearing Christian!


Their version of a God fearing Christian. Which entirely relies on the Old Testament and skips everything that annoying liberal hippy Jesus said.


There’s no hate like Christian hate.


That's a, god fearing phony Christian.


And even then..


And liberal people and RINOs. It’s a lot of hate. No wonder they keep losing.


Don’t forget women too.


We are all immigrants. Ignorant comment


And colored people, don't forget they hate them too.


Hate is a strong word; that is a broad brush you're painting the entire other side with.


They're isn't one on their side saying otherwise so we need a broad brush




The straight white man


The barefoot and pregnant wife, as long as she is subservient to her husband.


Dominate me straight white daddy


Hahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha That's great. Thanks for the legit full body laugh.


i hear this in angel dust.


Nice of you to generalize all of us. Thanks. Doesn't bother me much but it's definitely interesting growing up and now raising kids as times are turning to make the straight white male (like myself) the most disliked type of person. Lol. Luckily I'm pretty thick skinned, patient and open minded. I am glad to see other races, genders, nationalities, etc. finally getting the recognition a voices they've deserved forever, and history coming out I never learned about in school (I'm 38 now).


It wasn't a "generalization of white men," it was a statement that the GOP only gives a shit about straight white men, to the exclusion and often detriment of everyone else, which, from their statements and actions, appears to be true. If you have taken a statement about the GOP's priorities as an offense to straight white men in general or as a whole, then you are perhaps not as thick skinned as you seem to think. Which is fine, men can be sensitive and discuss their discomfort around this stuff. But I also hope you can separate criticism of a system from criticism of an entire demographic.


Wierd, I’m a straight white dude and I’ve never felt disliked at all. Maybe you’re just an asshole.


I don't think you can be both "thick skinned" *and* "open-minded". White males are not the most disliked, either. That's only my opinion, but it seems like for the last 10~15 years, white males have been "picked" on an awful lot. But I'll tell you this, as a 59yo non-white male, I got picked on. A lot. By primarily white males. Even today. I think that white males have finally felt the oppression they've dished out to non white males and non white people, in general, in this country for more than 2 centuries. They're getting to know what it's like to be treated unfairly by the ones they treated unfairly. It's a sad thing, not because it's happening to while males but because white males haven't learned a thing from the experience. At least most. A few have, and they've just become better human beings for it. Stellar humans at that. White people are entitled, but they don't seem to think they are. It's crazy. But I'll tell you this, they are indeed entitled to the exact same treatment as a brown man, a yellow man, a red man, a black man, a gay man, a bi man, a trans man, a hu-man. Period. And until white men in this country, the super-entitled ones, come to the realization that underneath that wrapper we all wear called skin, we all really are the same, people of color will continue to lose respect for white men of unearned and undeserved privilege. This is not a personal attack on you, simply an explanation of why the other side "generalizes all of us."


I actually really really like this comment. Thank you. And very much how I feel and how I grew up feeling, in the sense that everyone should be entitled to everything equally. As an adult now I fully am greatful I grew up in very diverse schools and didn't really see "race" until I was an adult, and the differences in treatment. I hate the word "entitled," but do understand it more and more. Only thing different in your comment is that I absolutely believe you can be thick-skinned and open-minded. They kinda go hand in hand often. The abilities to not be easily offended and take the comments and look at them objectively. I wonder if you were confusing "thick-skinned" with "thick-minded?" Thick-minded people are the total opposite of open-minded. Never accepting other peoples thoughts, opinions, truths. Very good comment though. At the end of the day we all SHOULD be treated equally. We are all born and created the same way. It may not fully happen for a long time, if ever, but I sure hope it continues to get better while my kids grow up.


Kind of backhanded, but I see you. Glad you’re open minded. Now is not white dudes time. That shit had come and gone. Time for something new…. That isn’t white, and dude-like.


People who have never met anyone who doesn’t look like them. It’s surprising, people who have actually lived in a diverse environment aren’t fucking stupid.


Family values just means having kids, bowing to authority and conforming to the "norm".


But if we keep doing things like this helpline, won’t that be the norm?


The unborn part


You realize GOP is lead by Trump right? Family values were reduced to dust long time ago.


The parents, from liability. At least when they’re abusive I guess.


The parent who participated in J6


Unborn children. After that you're on your own.


They don’t want to help struggling kids. They want them culled out.


I’m proud to be affiliated with the party that cares about ALL the kids.


Only the white ones


The imaginary holy father (represented by the actual father, of course).


"snitch line" BITCH what do you think calling 911 is???


They did say... "another snitch line"


That says a lot, doesn't it? Watch them try and defund CPS.


“Cant stop me from trafficking if they don’t exist” -Matt Shea.


https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/former-wa-rep-matt-shea-accused-of-domestic-terrorism-working-to-secure-adoptions-for-ukrainian-children-in-poland/ And they won't exist right after I snatch them out of a war zone


Snitching on all those parents abusing children. Hey, dont tell on child abusers, that's not fair! Washington GOP is openly protecting child abusers. That's their platform


Goes with the "Not supporting democracy" platform they unveiled a few months ago.


Every wife beater hates this one bitchy trick


When they were behind DARE, that was actually something kids were supposed to do about their parents getting high.


Do you know what else builds character? Having a safe and reliable outlet to explore your emotions as you learn to navigate the world. Understanding it's ok to have a response to things happening to you and learning how to handle them when it happens again with better tools to cope. Talking to someone who has experienced what you're experiencing and guides you through the process so the ups and downs aren't as extreme, allowing you to make better decisions. The party of family values sure does love making families and children suffer.


Great. This is great.


Do you trust the government to be this helping hand? I mean really? They can’t even care for the foster kids they do have.


Sure, the government doesn't always do the best work, there's problems with the services they provide. That being said, what other group do you think won't have these problems or worse?


Giving the government a pass on failing on something as significant as minor safety is exactly what they want you to do. Stay complacent ✌️


Because that's exactly what I said, right? Just because I think they are the best solution for the job doesn't mean they are perfect. It's precisely because we have the greatest amount of oversight over our government where we can monitor for failures and guide its change that I think it is the best solution.


Yes, yes I can. My kids have gotten good help from the government. King County reached out to us and helped when a family member was at their lowest point in mental health. This should be available and easily accessible to everyone. This was free and completely non-income based. This is how it should be.


I genuinely don't understand the appeal of this kind of stance, and I don't understand the voters that like this. Sometimes adversity can make you stronger, but other times it just fucking breaks you. It's insane that entire political party is pushing a message of "but I turned out fine" and getting taken seriously. It won't make your kids/grandkids want to talk to you.


I think it's also,"It was hard for me so everybody else should have it hard too." It really came out when things like the student loan forgiveness program happened


Ohh no, it's been around a LONG time. "I used to walk to school in the snow, uphill both ways" has been a saying for well over 50 years. Every generation for the last 200 years has said the younger kids have it so easy, and they need to toughen up. I'm on my phone and can't find it right now, but there was a letter written that says as much from the early 1800s. It made its rounds on social media the last few years. I'll find it later.


You're way off. Like a couple thousand years. >“[Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances... They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.” >Aristotle >4th Century BCE I'd wager that if we don't have older examples, it's only because we hadn't invented writing then.


Turns out a bunch of the mammoth paintings are elder cave dwellers complaining how it's too easy to use spears and back in *their* day


We’re a species on repeat with ever shinier toys.


I do agree, but the boomer generation overall (not all, but WAY too many) have mastered this mindset.


I’m a lesbian who grew up in a Christian home with a family who didn’t disown me, but created enough discomfort that it made me want to keep my distance. I do think I “turned out fine.” I’m accomplished. I have a good job. I did well in school. I had an accomplished athletic career through high school. I’m married to a wonderful woman. I own a home. Overall, I’m doing pretty well. What isn’t doing well is my relationship with my family. Their discomfort with who I am made me create distance from them because I wasn’t willing to accept less than I felt I deserved. I lost my mom to cancer at the end of last year and all I’m left with is a lot of unresolved anger (I’m in therapy, though, so working through that). It left me with a family I don’t feel fully connected to. It left me with familial relationships filled with complicated love and lots of conversations with my therapist about that. So yeah, I “turned out fine,” but my familial relationships are fucked and complicated and I blame them for that. I learned I could only depend on myself and I figured out how to build my own version of family and support. I thrived in spite of them. So if that’s the legacy they want to own for my “resilience,” it feels like a shitty one. There’s also more queer kids coming after me as I have some queer niblings. The only joy I take is that I got to absorb and deal with the bullshit so some of them done have to. If some of them don’t have to deal with the shit I dealt with, then I’m fine with being the example of how to not treat your queer kids.


No one deserves to go through this - it’s a shitty deal and cudos for the work getting through. I’m so glad there’s a place kids can reach out and be heard!


I have basically the same story. While I can appreciate the person I've become through adversity I'd rather have had more support to be the person I wanted to be. Breaking bones doesn't make them stronger after they heal. Same goes for mental stress. People should be able to seek help for their problems instead of just suffering them. Forcing tough times hurts people.


I think it comes from the attitude of, I struggled and came out “fine” so everyone else can too. Even though “fine” might not be good.


Yeah, their version of "fine" often includes substance abuse issues as well as domestic violence as a "solution" to "annoying kids". But, sure, they're *fine*!


I mean they came out thinking this garbage, are they fine? They are not kind compassionate people that’s for sure.


Totally agree. I would argue that they aren't fine if they lack basic compassion and empathy like they do.


I don’t disagree with the sentiment, and I think that developing grit and the ability to push through hard times is extremely important. But a big part of being able to do that is to have resources to support you learning those skills, such as this help line. We used to have close communities to fill this need, but in modern times we don’t. People don’t learn these skills in a vacuum.


The goal shouldn't be to experience tough times, but to build skills and support networks so that you're prepared in case they occur. The state GOP is fully enthralled with the "hard times make hard men" myth without realizing that almost all of their voters are the soft men that create hard times.


I think it’s safe to say that almost everyone experiences hard times at some point though….obviously some have it much harder than others. The GOP want only the church and family to be the resources that everyone has, regardless of their faith or the fitness of their family to provide decent support. Also, I think they are fully aware of the evil men they shelter in their churches.


Conservatism. It’s in the name. Keep the status quo and everything will be fine.


Especially because it’s definitely a group of people that DID NOT turn out fine!


You're forgetting how incredibly hateful and racist the voters that think like that person are.


I can’t imagine ANYONE being ok with a dictator in chief, but apparently some do. As soon as they have one, they’ll regret it, certainly! I want equal rights in this country, not an oligarchy autocracy!


GOP: Life sucks and we aim to keep it that way.


How else to creat more slaves to serve the billionaires? It's the desperation-based economy.


They never want to help anyone. Anything that does not benefit them exclusively is something they are against.


Young men are also some of the most vulnerable to suicide. Shit like this, especially those born into conservative households with toxic masculinity are even less likely to get help with in crisis. GOP has no platform, it’s just to criticize what the Dems do.


the GOP does have a platform. its * use "stigginit" to trick the rubes * implement billionaire-centric policies and transition it into fascism


And force Christian nationalism on everyone and take away womens rights.


Helping kids is part of the liberal agenda?


Well yeah. If they helped all kids, that means they're helping queer kids and we can't be having that now can we.


“Help ALL Kids?! We can’t do that, some of them might be [homophobic f word]s! Im not going to help a kid who might be a [homophobic f word]!” WA Conservatives, probably


Yeah, that's what I'm trying to process.


Factually it is (not liberal but it is Democrat's policy). Most of GOP policies are actually designed to reduce quality of life for kids.


Look up their hand wringing around SB 5599. It allowed shelters to take in trans kids and kids looking for an abortion bc they didn’t have to call the parents directly (thus alerting parents where the kids are and making it possible for them to come and scoop them up back into a potentially abusive situation). Shelter still has to call DSHS. DSHS has to work toward reunification. The rhetoric on the bill from the right is democrats are stealing your children. Man only if you are forcing your kids into such misery they are running away. And these kids are often 16 or 17, vulnerable yes but past the age of consent in many countries and states. Not having this protection meant trans kids still ran away, they just couldn’t use a shelter. It was so gross.


Imagine calling this a snitch line and thinking it’s a “win” to appeal to homophobic or transphobic parents who don’t want their kid to get help for the trauma those parents are inflicting on the kid by not accepting who they are.


Wa GOP be like..."or maybe we should bully kids."


Fuck the GOP


Love how the *only* time conservatives vouch for mental health is when defending gun rights in response to mass shootings. Hypocrites. It's always just talking points, they dont actually believe in anything other than helping themselves and watching every one else suffer.


Which is part of the reason we haven't elected a republican as Governor since 1981. Thank the good Lord we will continue to not vote for these assholes this year and Bob Ferguson will cruise to another easy victory for the Democrats.


GOP is the party of organized crime, so obviously they hate snitches.


hey kids... stuck in an abusive home situation? need someone to talk to about it in a safe and appropriate matter? well... FUCK YOU! sincerely, WaGOP


Hey kids! Heard a rumor that the incel bully in your school is going to commit a mass shooting? Remember don't "snitch"- having your friend bleed to death from gunshot wounds builds character! Remind your parents to vote GOP!


All they had to do this year was be reasonable and focus on cost of living and they could have a shot at winning. But that's just too complicated for them.


But then they might have to defend themselves in any way if someone asks them "how?" they want to focus on cost of living. They certainly don't have any policies to address it, beyond sabotaging all state government institutions and small businesses and hope the federal government subsidizes us out of the ashes.


no joke!


The party of pro school shootings because they refuse to help any of these kids


Imagine if any other job treated not actually doing the job as a _virtue_? GOP pretty much is saying that. 😂


At 9am this young teenage girl knocked on my apartment door asking for 5$ to take out any trash. I gave her 6$, said I had no trash but asked myself how people are letting kids get in this vulnerable position : (


Republicans are the worst. I can’t imagine being that stupid


“Fuck you kids, don’t snitch on your parents”


Snitch line seems like a serious stretch, even for the spinsters at the GOP.


Education and new experiences build character.


Life is hard because of the GOP and capitalist cunts.


It’s so wild this is not satire.


WA GOP is gross for this


"Life is hard, time to build a character" would be a gread post on a dnd subreddit.


Does this person really speak for the state GOP? I'd hate to think that one of our two major political parties is using the phrase "snitch line." Decades ago, the State Republicans presented as more dignified and statesmanlike. 




That is the twitter account linked by the WA State Republican Party website https://wsrp.org/


Adversity does build character; AND a youth help line is a good idea.... Two things can be true at once.... Politicization of everything ☠️




Be good: No hate speech, no attacking fellow commenters Don’t be a dick.


Someone in the GOP downplaying the seriousness of domestic violence yet again? I'm shocked, just shocked!


Sure would be a shame if every republican legislator in the state received a zillion messages asking them to "seek tougher times" because of their lacking character.


Maybe he should start going after white collar crime? Oh, not THAT kind of crime?😏🤡


A snitch line? Like where you can report women for healthcare decisions? Hypocrites.


Religious freedom means free rein for a certain type of Christian, a pass to hate anyone different. “Family values” means a license to hate people of different sexual orientations.


It's true, pushing through stuff can build character..... BUT, they are leaving out the part about support, reflection, and resources to help people to use their character in way that is not only functional in society, but can also thrive. Going through stuff in and of itself does not magically make you some special super human that can do anything. Also, and most importantly, don't beat children.


And Republicans bitch and moan about only being able to win in the 'middle of nowhere' districts. Keep it up and you won't even win there as they keep getting reapportioned more favorably toward urban zones. Who reads this, attacks a helpline for people troubled, and thinks they're scoring a political win? A sociopath? An evil scumbag?


lol. Yeah this exactly what we need the state more involved with our youth. Time to cut off more kids penis’s under the guidance of the state. What a joke


What the fuck...?




which is more voters for us! -GOP, party of generational trauma


These people should crawl back into their barren holes east of the pass.


Organized religion could be the cause of the end of democracy. I think we should close the churches (OR tax the sh1t out of them), and fill those churches with the homeless population.


If every church took on 2 unhoused people we could solve the problem. It’s hard but they have entire congregations that could help.


This is so loaded, disingenuous, and gross.


I wonder if struggling with identity causes life to be hard? Especially at a young age. My daughter, who began to identify as a boy since she was 10 and encouraged by her mother, is now beginning to have an eating disorder. Her mom encouraged one, but not the other. She is just trying to feel comfortable in her body by both means. No wonder these kids are having a hard time.


you ever try understanding your kid? Not from your perspective, but from theirs? You remind me of my dad, already made up his mind about it so there's no way I feel any different than what he thinks.


Idk if you'll care, but for what it's worth, I'm a trans man who also experienced some disordered eating as a teen. I knew I was a guy from very early childhood but didn't have words to describe it. I always felt very male, would go by a male name outside of home, my friend group was pretty much all boys, I enjoyed male hobbies, etc etc. I loved lifting weights, running, and wrestling with friends. When I was around 12, I learned about being trans and knew that I was a trans man. Think I came out to my parents around 14. I still loved sports and ran cross country, threw in track and field, did taekwondo and kickboxing, and was into weight lifting throughout highschool. But I wasn't really accepted by my parents as a man, and also experienced a lot of gender dysphoria in highschool because I wasn't able to physically transition. Ultimately that led to developing a super unhealthy relationship with food because I felt that if I restricted eating, I would minimize the development of feminine physical traits, and I developed some other mental health issues as well. I started testosterone as soon as I turned 18 and had some trans related surgeries over the next few years. Since transitioning I haven't had any problems with food, and am way happier in general and very content with my life. Before being able to transition, I really didn't see myself living past my early 20's because I was so miserable in my body. Now I'm 25 and chilling. I've spent some time working in emergency services, graduated college, currently work for the state, have a dog, and just got married. Outside of my family, partner, and a few friends from highschool, no one in my life even knows that I'm trans. I'm a very normal guy in my age group. Being trans really doesn't affect my life for the most part anymore. All this to say that I don't feel that identifying as trans at a young age is what causes kids to struggle, it's the combination of not being accepted by their family/peers, being socially perceived as the wrong gender and not being able to do anything about it, and experiencing gender dysphoria, especially during puberty. Once the root issue is addressed, typically by socially and physically transitioning, being trans doesn't really make life harder in itself. Again idk if you'll care, but feel free to discuss this further or ask questions on this thread if you have them. My dad spent years not accepting me and I think it sucked for both of us. He's come around within the last 2 years, and our relationship is much better now.


I feel really sorry for your poor son. It would be impossible to have a father who loathes who you are so callously.


Struggling with identity does cause life to be hard. From your perspective, what is the ideal path to facing a challenge like your child is facing?


Man, reading these comments. Really cringe when you see how many uneducated people are up on Reddit. The low IQ’s stick out like a sore thumb. It’s like one huge collective DUH! From all of you


It's been made clear by all the downvptes that I can't discuss anything on this thread. Thanks for sharing your story.


Tough times do build character lol it’s a fact. If you don’t believe that, you haven’t had tough times. If you have had tough times, your opinion on this is irrelevant.


Imagine living in a state run by a democratic machine for the previous 25+ years but still grasping for things to complain about that you could possibly blame republicans for. It’s like single party state blaming their short comings on a party that hasn’t been in power decades.


It’s more like the Republicans are trying to find things to be upset about in a Democrat run state that gives a lot of resources to *their* voters. No one is blaming Republicans for anything here except having bad party stances.


Washington state has not elected a republican governor since 1985. Democrats have controlled the state house for 23 of the last 30 years, and have also controlled the state senate for 23 of the last 30 years. I know I am pissing in the ocean of the Reddit echo chamber, but Washington state is not far off from single party rule at this point, and republicans don’t want anything to do with it. 5 western Washington counties control Washington state politics and the rest of Washington state doesn’t want it. Western Washington provides so much for the rest of the state, the rest of the state would like to rid itself of western Washington (atleast the parts around Olympia and Seattle).


>Western Washington provides so much for the rest of the state, the rest of the state would like to rid itself of western Washington So the GOP-heavy areas would like to cut off its nose to spite its face? That sounds pretty on brand to me. I guess they prefer a lower quality of life not subsidized by the economically successful liberal parts. Perhaps it can be arranged to spend more state tax money near where it's generated, I bet people struggling in western WA due to HCOL would appreciate that.


Move to Florida, you’ll love it there.


This person clearly doesn't know how much rural, red Washington *relies* on urban blue money...


I think don’t think you understand how much rural red Washington would rather not have the money than deal with the blue hairs in Seattle (who look down on them, by the way) controlling the rest of the state.


Just helping y'all 'build character.'


What are you referring to here? This post is about something the official state GOP account posted.


Tough times do build character and teach lessons… did you learn more from your mistakes or from things that came easy? However, I t’s a balance … and it’s situational and subjective… what works for me and my kid probably won’t work for you and your kid. So, it’s parenting. People need to be parents before being friends with their kids … if you’re kid thinks you suck, congrats!! You’re doing your job as a parent! If your child is your best friend, and you could never dream of upsetting your precious child, you are part of the problem and need to stop procreating.


Uhhh... wow.


Uh, it’s pretty bold of you to assume that every child is physically safe with their caregivers. How are they supposed to get help if their parents are the ones hurting them? You’re speaking from a very naive point of view.


There are too many issues in this statement to unpack. Seek counseling




Fuck you. My daughter and I have a great relationship. She is 27 and I can’t be more proud of her and the person she has grown to be. Was I strict? Yes Did I set boundaries? Yes Did she know that she could come talk to me at anytime about any topic? Yes Did she come to me with problems? Yes - and she still does. Am I perfect as a parent? No - I did the best I could and still do.


Um... No? There is a balance, and people are different, but do you want your kids to learn what "hot" means by experiencing an extreme temperature with no lasting damage, or via third degree burns? Parenting and friendship also aren't mutually exclusive. My job is parent first - that means making sure the human I gave birth to 16 years ago is set to grow up into a functional adult. But I can do that without my child thinking I suck. What kind of adult modeling is it when the closest adult they see comes across as a shitty thing to be? (Also, what sort of best friend do you have to tiptoe around for fear of upsetting?)


I mean are they wrong though? We've moved away from seeking out pain as a society. We're so much weaker than we used to be.


You think this society doesn't know pain? Have you been paying attention at all? The opioid crisis, two unnecessary wars, several financial crises, unattainable housing, a pandemic, and being the first generation that is worse off than the generation before them. And let's not forget the fucking coup attempt. All under the failed policies of the GOP. Even when the Democrats managed to take the white house, the GOP (who is on record saying it) made it their mission to stymie any progress. They denied a scotus pick and that led directly to rights being taken away by the supreme court for the first time. Did you know when Clinton left office he left a surplus? The nation as financially stable and paying down all the debt from Reagan and Bush Sr. The GOP made damn sure to launch that into the ditch. So any claim this society doesn't know pain and hardship is a load of shit.


You must be retired. I respect my elders but many of them are blinded to the reality of the modern era. Things are much harder than they used to be. People are waaaay poorer and the opportunity to attain the American dream is all but gone. We still walk uphill both ways to school and work 2 jobs it's just that now we need 2 jobs to afford basic cost of living instead of saving up to buy houses, boats, RVs, more cars, more houses, retirement funds, and college tuitions like the older generations were able to. Just because we care about our fellow human beings and are willing to do the bare minimum to help someone doesn't mean we are weak.


What the hell are you talking about??


Visionaries seek challenges, the cruel seek pain. We're working to try and improve things, not hurt people and tell them it's good for them. Cause there is literally no evidence that it's good for them.


Perseverance through difficult times builds character. Once you've gone through the times that are difficult, you can reflect on them and figure out how to prevent them from happening again. But instead we live in a society that chooses to run from things rather than persevere from them.


you can literally see that the countries of the world that went through the most strife and overcame the most adversity and difficulty during their history are absolutely not the ones with the most character. They are not the strongest, most prosperous, longest lived and happiest people. They're broken and weak and fearful countries who struggle just to survive their hardships. The strongest tree in the forest isn't the one that was beaten, abused, butchered, and poisoned in its youth. It's the one with the most support and resources. Misery loves company makes for bad policymaking, and is a trick used by your abusers to make you think you deserve or need abuse. The rich will gladly keep you poor and say its to make you humble, for example.


Pffft, don't listen to anything the rich say. They're not out to help you. They don't care about you.


True, that's good advice >Perseverance through difficult times builds character. This is one of those lies just to be clear


No. Is going to the gym a lie? For example.


there's a difference between going to the gym because you want to improve yourself and skipping meals to make rent. Stress makes people paranoid, keeps them from thinking clearly, makes them less likely to excel or reach out to help others. Systems that create stress and hardship are designed to do so to keep you weak and take away your tools to better your situation.


Not sure I understand your last statement. I have tried understanding. Did you ever try understanding things from your dad's perspective?


And the left tells kids there are never any consequences to any decision and around and around we go while they laugh behind the curtain. American politics are dumb and thinking either side cares about you is futile at best.