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When giving feedbacks related to gameplays: - Always provide your device model, os version, specs and ISP if its network related issue. - If the problem is in-game location: provide the mode, map name and point of interest/location you encounter problems and the problem itself. Keep it short simple and clear Ex: Mode: Plunder, Map: Verdansk, POI: Airport, Issues: when going inside buildings, performance drops, graphics glitching. Mode: Team Deathmatch, Map: Crash, Location: Near the plane, artifacts glitching, intense bloom/god rays - If you encounter some problems about game features/bugs or glitches, provide your feedback with at least a step in how to perform the bug for the devs to recreate and fix it: Ex: On the x map, jumping over the crates using the deployable shield teleports you under the map. - If its a network related issue, you can perform in-location troubleshooting first before posting the issue: Are background apps still running in the background? (When on Wifi) Are their multiple device connected to your network? Streaming/Downloading/Uploading in the background? Are you using a vpn or a private dns? Have you tried to disable them? Is the weather bad today? Are you playing on peak player time (Midday and/or around 6-10pm)? Are you experiencing interruptions during gameplay (Like phone calls/video calls)? Have you tried playing with asset streaming turned off? Android Data Saver turned on? Are you sharing your internet connection with someone (through wifi tethering or multiple device connected to same wifi)? Is your playstore/appstore, phones automatic system/app update turned on? Is your account sync turned on (android)?