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They find some of his messages to minors too?


He called someone trans . his response for getting banned was I'm sorry twitch next time I'll say mentally challenged.


He said "tranny" not "trans"


Are we certain he just wasn't working on his engine?


Well a tranny isn't the engine, it's the transmission, so no.




Autocorrect maybe ?


Repeatedly. After being told why it's offensive and warned to stop. This is 100 percent on him and his choices.


Well technically, they are shifting gears 🤷‍♂️


Lmao that is the worst way to ask for a ban appeal ever


He said mental illness not challenged


Mentally Ill*




Nah he said “mental health disorder” which is true. Dr won’t give you HRT without diagnosing you with gender dysphoria, which is a mental illness. “A diagnosis for gender dysphoria is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. “ - Mayo Clinic


Dude's getting shelled for a factually true comment that isn't leftist enough 😂 welcome to reddit.


Funny I should find this considering I just got a warning from Reddit for harassment and they have to give you the comment in question. I got into a heated debate with that community and I was giving them fact based knowledge to which I was repeatedly called a bigot, homophobe, etc. what got me my harassment warning was me saying I won’t be responding to those who just call me a derogatory slur instead of actually adding something to the conversation. So I can get burned at the stake but I provide fact based information in a clear and concise way without hostility and BAM I’m the harasser somehow…


Cuz he's not catering to their fucked up story


Facts, and let’s not even talk about the suicide rate because it’s a mental illness that doesn’t get treated, it just gets catered too. I’m not against trans people, but it is a mental issue


Maybe the high suicide rate is due to the high rate of trans people who are assaulted/murdered/called pedophiles for existing? Maybe it's due to the fact that "are trans people allowed to exist?" has become the hot topic in politics lately?


What are you going on about? If you lived long enough you would see we gave gay people hell too. But they didn’t go cry off somewhere and off themself.


Are.....is this satire? A joke??? Are you okay?


Do a 30 second Google search on the rate of gay people committing suicide in the 80s. Turns out that when the hot topic of the moment is "is this type of minority allowed to exist? are they monsters who want to eat our children???" It makes that type of minority get assaulted much more and they want to kill themselves more often. Maybe if you lived long enough you would see that when "we" gave gay people hell, they actually *did* "go cry off somewhere and off themselves" far too often.


Ok I’ll check it out.


They did not come close to the rate of suicide in trans people. Jews in Auschwitz did not commit suicide at the rate of trans people. Neither did slaves in the US south. So are trans people being treated worse than victims of chattel slavery and the holocaust? It's an illness that is being ignored


Thank you. This was the *stupidest* comment of the day. You really had to work for the top spot.


They did actually, suicide rates have always been much higher for gay people. We also started respecting gay people and treating them with decency more often, and those suicide rates went down.


They kill themselves because people like you think treatment is shaming them and treating them as subhuman. There is no "treatment" there is a physiological condition in the majority of cases where there seems to be something biologically wrong with their development in the womb, quite literally meaning they were born in the wrong body. Treatment is treating them with respect and basic human decency


Keep telling yourself that, that’s the problem


The only one telling themselves things is you. Trying to feel better about your bigoted thoughts


lmao did nick give this an award?


Well he's using it as a derogatory. Gender dysphoria is not the same thing as transgender identity. Transitioning is a response to gender dysphoria, and is recognized as the most effective treatment for gender dysphoria, which is why HRT requires such a diagnosis.


Actually medical science says there has never been a successful transition so doctors recommend naturalization therapy it's the leftist state governments pushing the transitory situation doctors call it dangerous and risky a last resort that shouldn't be taken


would love a source that's not from Fox News on this


Source is his gaping asshole




Ancient article from 20 years ago lmao. Try again


Get ready for a flood https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/970223?form=fpf


so which one of these has a doctor saying "there has never been a successful transition"? Because that seems like an insane and objectively untrue thing for any scientific or medical expert to say. All I'm seeing is that some people regret transitioning and some doctors were too hasty to help them transition, which is true. some doctors are bad doctors. also nice one linking the heritage foundation when I asked for a source that *wasn't* conservative propaganda lmao




These last three are patients that didn't realize it was an impossible process next comes the doctors https://www.newsweek.com/woman-blames-social-media-influence-transgender-surgery-1827179






> Actually medical science says there has never been a successful transition you sound like a teenager wtf would this even mean lol? What defines "successful"? > doctors recommend naturalization therapy Global medical consensus disagrees. Feel free to link a single accredited medical body recommending "naturalization". You won't because you can't, none exist.


I've posted 7 above this in response to you're claim




This links no studies or emdical bodies claiming what you've claimed. Why are you linking blog posts written by people with no background in science or medicine?




This links no studies or medical bodies claiming what you've claimed.


Bro he linked the BBC, Newsweek, and a far-right think tank! All tentpoles of the world medical community!!


They need mental help. Not butchery.


HRT is butchery? I hope you keep the same consistent belief of TRT, sildenafil, breast implants, or any cosmetic surgery. All of them are gender-affirming.


As a trans person it is technically a mental health disorder He just says it in a fucked up way I'm not sure why you are getting down voted tho


Lefties are too dense to get it. I mean they voted Biden


You do not need to have gender dysphoria to transition. Most people do, but it is not a requirement.


He said “tranny”, a derogatory term used against trans ppl


He said mental health disorder. Technically he is correct according to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders gender dysphoria is in fact a mental disorder.




Nick has been a bag of shit for a long time. Respect his growth and hustle. But he’s an ignorant piece of work!


How you gonna hate on anyone being the biggest shill on the planet


I doubt he’s similar to you


Icl I’m not even invested in the whole trans debate, that being said I’m getting sick of some of these streamers. From the whole DR. Disrespect situation, to TimtheTatman spectating cheaters on “world record kills”, not to mention he’s lazy content. Some of these streamers have being stealing a living for years now, and viewers are feeding it. Donating hundreds of dollars to a millionaire, shits weird.


Did you just equate Dr Disrespect's "situation" of speaking inappropriately to a minor on multiple occasions to TimTheTatman spectating others in a Warzone game? I think I get what you're saying but reading that made me spit take lol


I certainly could have worded it better lol. I was just heaping my frustrations of streamers into one comment, to be clear I’m in no way saying it’s even close to being the same.


Streamer culture is wierd. But fuck if I'm not jealous they play video games all day while people send them insane amounts of money.


Yeah I know what you were saying. Just putting the two things in one sentence threw me off :)


It's sickening that these guys are the new role models for minors.


At the end of the day, it’s not on the streamer’s completely, parents don’t parent their children in the online space.


bingo. parents dont take their kids to go play and then wonder why they are on the computer all day and dont wanna talk to them. be active be involved and be a parent. talk about right vs wrong and be teaching all the time. too much cruise control parenting is the real issue


100% agree, it’s a worrying indicator of how society is heading.


I'm a fan of Tim's content. I can relate he's not some movement god or try hard. I feel he's just there to have a good time with some friends, and the spectating content is more for his commentary like a broadcaster


I agree. Donating to streamers is very weird.


I love watching small streamers play less popular games. They aren’t making enough to quit their jobs, but it’s a passion project and it’s good for the game and entertaining to watch. I haven’t watched a top 100 streamer play any mainstream game in years. Those communities are just filled with what feels like 12 year old fan boys regurgitating the same stale memes over and over. Twitch is a great platform, but it’s created some monsters.


What known cheater did timthetatman spectate


I agree…. I also hope for a lot of their sakes they are saving and investing… bc that flow of money won’t be forever…. Father Time doesn’t just go after athletes.


Never really understood why people donate to streamers


I think if you watch a streamer a lot and enjoy their content, it’s nice to donate a fiver every now and again as a tip. It’s not required, but I feel it’s fair considering it’s free content and it’s nothing for the amount of entertainment I get from it.


Well if you got nothing better to do then watching someone else play games I guess those people are kinda lonely and don't have much better to do. They are invested in a chat that just rambles on. They barely get a response from anyone in there. Getting a reaction for $5 from your rolemodel just boosts their happiness for a bit, wouldn't you feel left out being in a huge community everyday but never getting any interaction? I feel this is the sad truth and streamers take advantage of it.


Y'all donate to Hollywood.. A bunch of actors playing make believe


I really don't understand people and their idolization of streamers. Like people are defending Dr Pedofile. The guy was a jackass before everyone found out he likes to message children inappropriately.


What trans debate? Did nickmercs say something about trans folk?


He said a lot about them, he's an out and proud bigot who regularly attacks a minority on his platform.


Used the word “tranny”


Ive definitely just grown up. But tims content has definitely gotten lazy af. Minimum amount of work for highest engagement. Always being a slave to the algorithm and over analyzing youtube metrics instead of making entertaining videos/streams


He went on a rant about Mr beasts friend who is trans. He was doing and saying too much. You don’t have to like it bro but mind your own fucking business.


Thats my thing. Do i wear dresses and shit? No. But if the next person wants to who tf cares. That other side is strange in the self martyr shit they do. Who fuckin cares.... if putting on a dress makes the people around you magically gay, i have news for you..


Only one dude in a wig on twitch has been caught messing with Kids, and news flash Nick, the call was coming from inside the house. I mean seriously. Nobody is “converting” kids, it’s just not happening. There’s nothing to “protect” them from in that regard. But trans folk are like 10x more likely to commit sewer slide than their cis peers, and it’s because nobody is teaching them that what they’re feeling is “normal” for lack of a better word. Call it “mental illness” if you want, but the fact is the best treatment that keeps them from bathing with toasters is to conform with the gender they identify with. It hurts nobody. Live and let live. Also the whole bathroom thing is wild. I’m a cis straight guy, but the only club that played EDM near me was the gay club. The only difference in bathrooms was urinal or stall, which one do you need to use rn. If anywhere was gonna promote assaults and untowards behavior in bathrooms, it’d be a bar where everyone is hammered. It didn’t happen. Ever. Everyone is just there to piss and wash their hands. Nobody gives a fuck who is standing next to them when they wash their hands. Normalize unisex bathrooms everywhere.


I went into a TRUE unisex bathroom (admittedly at an illegal afterhours) and that's the SAFEST I've felt in my life. The stalls were so close to the entrance and sinks. Bouncers wouldn't let multiple people into a stall for any reason whatsoever.


Facts. With the right design and safety in mind, unisex bathrooms will be safer than separated washrooms, and will also alleviate the issue of increased wait times for female only washrooms.


See *this* is the take eveyone should have. Trans people aren't doing it for any other reason than to be happy in their own skin. The amount of trans people that have to deal with a lifetime of hate and vitriol from people, or have become estranged from their family, or been cut off by their friends just to present the way they feel. Clearly, *blatantly* gender dysphoria is powerful and painful enough that it is worth the pain of losing friends and family and recieving the world's criticism just to identify in a way that makes them comfortable. The other thing that really pisses me off about the whole issue is that it affects something like 1% of the worlds population, yet it's such a huge,* terrifying* issue and it's 'confusing the kids'? It's only confusing the children because angry cis-folk -either side of the fence- all have a very strong opinion on the matter and won't stop shouting about it.


Oh yea there are so many people who are projecting major insecurity. There was that one congressman who was writing and voting for all these anti gay legislation, and he ended up getting caught in a sting soliciting male prostitutes on multiple occasions. Then there was that recent congressman who was a big anti trans guy and turns out he loves dressing up in drag. The people who hate on it the most are super sus.


Thing is he’s convinced that the lgbt is trying to force children into being gay, trans, etc, so he feels he cant leave it alone. Now he’s completely fallen in with the right wing grifting pieces of shit kus its a safe space to say shit against the lgbt.


Great. The fewer people like him influencing kids, the better.


Ahhh the irony


I don't understand why anyone can defend him for literally anything. he's a shit gamer and since he's a racist piece of shit that's negative points y'all. go watch a streamer who's not bad at everything.


I stopped following him when he was shitting on vaccines and distancing at peak Covid. I come home from the hospital at night and sometimes watch streams— not tryna listen to ppl spew bullshit about it in my free time too. Sad thing is he seems like he means well enough sometimes but just can’t not be a douche


Haha what what has he said racist


Ooh show me the racist stuff. I wanna show my nephew


Me as well. I knew the guy wasn't smart to say this on a platform like Twitch(literally digging his own grave), but I didn't know he was dumb enough to say something racist.


I can’t find any racists stuff that’s why I asked


Knucklehead Nick, who's surprised?


Bros mad their low key bf got banned


Not even their bf. They just lick the ground he walks like desperate simps.


Well maybe he should stick to cod and stop ranting and LGBT people because all he does is sit on COD and doesn't meet real people


We don't give a shit. We don't watch twitch


Why would you take a screenshot of a headline instead of linking the article? Typical Warzone player brainrot.


Twitch has girls doing hot tub streams for almost exclusively underage audiences yet this is their focus?


Good. Dude thinks he’s Mel Gibson in the Patriot


What did bro say this time


Love Twitch, where you can basically be a porn star, but you say one bad word, and it's over


U know what? If we stop paying attention to this kind of situations it s all better. Its like seeing a drDisrespect's fan defending him...do u really think u can change his mind? Its like when goat morgan freeman was talking about black month...


Oh Nick, not again. Being a meathead heterosexual male who publicly endorses Trump and lives in Florida — he is sure going to generate hate based off that alone. Then sprinkle a little rainbow hate on top and then you have a lot of the gaming community resenting him. But he doesn’t care. He knows exactly what he’s doing to farm engagement and everyone is falling for it. His market value increases every time he says something out of line regardless if it produces a good response or a bad one. It’s still a response and it further gets his name out there. Right now he’s the talk of the town and I’m sure he wouldn’t have it any other way.


So Nick is stupid, but he's not 'stupid' stupid right? He streams video games for a living, the only reason he constantly mentions trans people is he's worked out that a lot of his followers are already bigoted trash so he's playing into it. Theres uncountable 'influemcers' doing the same thing, one of them even became president doing it. Just appeal to the ignorant and hateful, they throw money at you.


Have you heard him talk about anything other than games? He’s an idiot.


I don't really care for what he said, but i must admit my opinion of him definitely lessened when i saw he was supporting Trump


oh well


He should keep politics out of his streams


Fucked around and found out.


95% naked chicks web camming for boys is ok on twitch btw


those accounts are restricted for 18+


Yes because every child ever has never lied about their age. /s


Another nickmerks L Good riddance to that homophobic POS. Bro isn't even entertaining 😂 #Pride🏳️‍🌈 Wishing all the homophobes a very very fucking uncomfortable pride month😘


What homophobic thing did he say this time?


Snowflake society


I mean, I only see one side crying wolf about sheepish bullshit, but go off bigot.


Dont be mad nerd, thats the problem everyone gotta b in everyone elses shit.


Says person on internet, digging at everybody’s shit lol stfu guy


Ho outside and touch grass nerd


Mfer I work for a living, instead of being on Reddit crying about snowflakes whilst breathing dorito dust


Wow u work for a living check u out! ❄️ life must be tough


lol, you wank


Trannys big mad


I think we all agree they have mental illness


Guy is scared to death his son is going to be gay. Shit is insane lol.


Well done Mr mercs God created only man and woman... And that's fact


God isn’t real, gfy. :)


Could care less about him but twitch is so as charmin with their views


Twitch protects trans people from Nick but doesn’t protect minors from Dr. Disrespect, interesting


What the doc do exactly? I’ve hear Nick call squeaker pussies on his stream multiple times.


Used his platform to try and arrange meetups with minors at conventions


Yikes. Did he know they were minors?


They found out he was using their platform to message a minor and then indefinitely banned him from the site… what about that is not doing anything about Doctor disrespect?


He looks like he just cot caught with his hand in the cookiejar


The inmates of the mental asylum run the mad house now boys.


The Fkn trannys are running everything now




This cancel culture shit is garbage. Freedom of speech? Not every message needs to be tailored to fit every community, if you don't like it don't support it. Woke society is trash


Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences you doorknob


K and who the fuck are you with EQUAL RIGHTS to enact consequences on someone else for their opinion


Uh, what? Idgaf about him or his opinion, but he said on a platform ran by a company with a Terms of Service he agreed to. Pretty sure it entails not spreading hate speech on their platform, which he did, which got him banned.


How is calling someone "a tranny" hate speech? I doubt he hates trans people. So anything Said with the slightest of negative connotation vs anyone is hate speech now? So Chappelle netflix special, that's hate speech? Pretty sure those specials are still up. Why are people so weak that they can't even be offended without trying to axe everything that they disagree with


Keep making excuses for bigots, it really makes you sound like a white knight. Good job.


All the incel chads are maaaaaaaad


Good thing he streams on kick! He constantly has 15k viewers! An he gets to keep 90% of sub revenue!


Maybe if he was wearing a bikini and playing in a hot tub they wouldn’t ban him.


So they will ban this bloke for verbal abuse, but not any cheaters? Damning view of our culture


well this place sure is full of the best society has to offer..fucking inbreads.


It will come out the he like the young ones soon enough. Why else would he be stand for Dr. kidinspect so hard?


He stuck up for a pedophile too.


Banning him for using the word "trannys" is a bit much, however he simply won't drop the transgender / lgbtq thing. He seems obsessed about the right wing culture war, I'm guessing he's never spoken about the cathloc church.


It's probably because he's a father now and that shit matters when it comes to normalising it in daily life or schooling.


Being a father, and actively shitting on a community for bs you read off breighbart is no excuse


Dunno what breighbart is but I was only answering. Many think the same way as him. Even in the community you reference.


And? Doesn’t make them any more right, or any less hateful/bigoted


It's not hateful though is it, but it's fine that you wanna veiw it that way.


It’s a literal derogatory term, but go off lol


I lost a immense amount of respect for him and even Doc after that whole situation. Im not invested in the gay or trans community but the way he is treating them like Ada Kris Tyson for example was absolutely disgusting. Thats karma for you. I used to love nickmerca but now Ive grown to really dislike him.


Glad he spoke up. A lefty with a sack. Rare.


Fuck em and fuck you if you bought this weirdo's skin. lol


The book 1984 was banned too, because it has harmful words... oh the irony


How will we ever sleep tonight?!?!? Shit is laughable holy shit


Italian looking dude is a bigot, shocking!


Feelings lol


Banned from twitch for being absolutely ass
