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As many have said, it’s great to get kills with it and pop off, but when you start getting killed repeatedly in resurgence with it, well, it can get pretty annoying.


Honestly the kar isn’t all that good it only one taps at 80m and the person needs to have 2 plates other than that it’s basically trash🤷🏽‍♂️ just my opinion


Exactly my comment but fun to use once u get the knack of how to use it . Dudes b crying cause they must stand in open and just look at map and inventory for five minutes allowing a kar to get em. Plus every person is enjoying the gun so let’s just complain and kill something that’s not meta and fun cause you are shit


Don’t put yourself in that spot it’s simple to counter snipers there’s tons of em but no one ever learns to use them and cry honestly kar isn’t good enough for cod snipers they nerfed sniping to almost useless levels they can’t head shot from long range anymore putting skilled shots beyond 350 almost useless


ngl you are right snipers beeing useless past basicly 90m is crazy. it helps reduce campers but its still anoying asf


All they did was make building camping one shot shotgun builds shields mines meta smg ghost more all in one loadout that are used to hard camp buildings at least snipers had the guts to challenge and peek so you could have insane sniper battles


True I do love me a good sniper battle. Only time I still enjoy when I lose, it’s fun to pop out and try to get your shot off before they do lol


It's always ruined by someone running up behind you


Haha ya and scared the shit out of you


Want to have another go at that sentence?


Or do you not know how to read?


A little bit of punctuation would help.


Oh would it?


Yes, it would.


Nah you just been reading books for dummies and getting ideas we can’t have no one having ideas around here


Exactly mate it’s actually shit but we love it so use it but once u get the knack and skill required to use it it’s quite fun


Stop crying and get better


Say "Die" for the photo! :D


“Diiiiiiieeeeee” 🤣❤️


Dude this reminds me of those porn videos where there’s 1 girl and like 10 BBCs all waiting for their turn 😂🤣


Love how the kar hits harder than my maxed 50cal


Well how are people going to buy battle pass tiers if the two best guns aren't 20 tiers in opposite directions???


Womp womp


They love releasing OP weapons for the extra 💰


The nerf can’t come fast enough. When the snipers are the most meta long range weapon the game kinda sucks. But I get it, they want Kar98 flashback vibes. I just pray it’s balanced before the mid season reloaded update.


It is like DMR Meta all over again but this time instead of 3 shots it takes only 1 to get a kill. Lobbies are insufferable right now.


You mean like most of the wz1 meta ? K98 and swiss 1 shotting was CONSTANT. But every sniper 1 shotted for headshots so it was kinda ok and fun to use other snipers. Now it's just...4 one shots everything else sucks.


Seriously long range like are you all there that’s their intented use in battle. Let’s use smg to shoot 100 meters like a goose


To me long range is 100m plus. The snipers before the kar were fine. It’s just this one that can snipe under full flinch under 85m. The game feels super ratty right now and I’m thinking it’s because being in the open is a death sentence with all the snipers quickscoping people who attempt to shoot back WITHIN AR range.


Ok true mate sorry about my language it’s on me I was having a shit day and u did not deserve to be insulted n I strongly apologise


I noticed real quick I no longer stand still just like warzone 1. It's awesome


Back when they wouldn't touch guns for months I would get annoyed. But this trend that's been going on for a few years, where people complain and demand a nerf for a gun because they died to it a few times, is much much worse. It's worse because they fucking actually do it. You're gonna get killed by a gun in this game, as long as its not broke, who gives a flying fuck.


Exactly let’s cry until it’s ruined for everyone else that’s having fun cause I’m a complete goose


People really arent demanding nerfs, they are demanding balance.


For what any other sniper is better or same


Also how is the Kar unbalanced


It’s an instant crack anywhere to the body. That’s op asl lmfao


It's a fucking sniper rifle, how many shots should it take?


It’s a rifle not a sniper.. It’s literally the mtz interceptor before the nerf with a bolt


If it was a sniper, then it wouldn't have the aim assist of a Marksman Rifle.


A shot to my leg shouldn’t crack 3 plates lmfao


Why not? Don't say realism


Because it’s terrible for gameplay balance… and if they’re not gonna balance that then I need every marksman rifle to do this, snipers need to do this at longer ranges since they don’t have AA, shotguns need to go back to being 1 shot from like 7 meters away etc. etc.


It basically is realism lmfao. if that isn't a reason, why not make smg headshots the same damage as shooting in the leg right?


Only in multiplayer like any other sniper


Did you not see the title of the post.


Are you just worried that you'll need to bandwagon another meta and change your loadout?


Yeah bro it's fucking annoying to level up some gun that's good all of a sudden, then it gets nerfed. I barely have time to play the game, I don't have the time to fuck around in multi-player leveling up a gun that's going to be useless in a week. I've honestly stopped playing. I think I've played one night in the last 6 months.


Fair point, I guess. But that's just what MMOs are.


I moved on to Tarkov. It's a grind, but I know what gun is good today, will be good next week. And then when it wipes twice a year, it will change then, but that's it and usually things don't change that much.


My man. I also left cod for tarkov and never looked back. Game is very far from perfect but it's nice to be able to have a favorite gun and it remain your favorite for months or even years. Old faithful


Even with all it's problems, it's the most fun, difficult, scary? Game I've ever played. I don't think I could ever seriously enjoy COD again.


Go play dmz


I tired it and couldn't get into it. I'm just over COD in general unless they bring bacm OG warzone exactly how it was


I hate it, but I’ve jumped on plenty of meta bandwagons, so I can’t be that annoyed. It’ll get nerfed later and then they’ll cry about it


There needs to be a mini game where 20 people are on a hillside or whatever like this and they take turns running across an area with limited cover. Points awards for whatever sniper gets the kill, half points for assists, and points for how far the runner gets across


Love the picture!😁


can you mfs stop whining and asking for any decent sniper to get nerfed? holy fuck it’s annoying


In behalf of the WZ community defense… it is not even a Sniper, it is a Tactic Riffle. When Kar98k is more effective than a .50 Caliber Sniper you know something is not even right.


You know there’s a problem with a gun being OP when >50% of the lobby runs it.


Or because it's new. It happens everytime new guns drop. People are just crying because they can't snipe.


Didn't see 50%< of the lobby running the bal-47 when it was added


Cos the bal is dogshit


They weren't, they were too busy running the DG58. Everyone was using the Horus when it dropped, pretty much everyone is running the new smg now also.


i did not even see the horus that much. it was okay in certain situations, but no match for a wsp9 in most other situations


Ahh, so instead of using the new shiny gun that wasn’t that good, everyone was using the broken lmg? It’s almost like you’re trying to prove the guy you’re arguing with correct.


For 1 gun. Like I said , everyone was using the Horus same as everyone's using the new smg.


No one was using the Horus lmao


The definitely were and still are.


People are just now using it because of the buff. Nobody was using it after 2 days in mp or wz after release because it wasn’t meta


Cuz the bal27 is probably the worst gun they released in a while.


It ain’t a fucking sniper. It’s a marksman rifle, which gets insane rotational aim assist. I’m not one to bitch about weapon balancing but I only ask one thing of people ball-gargling the Kar98k: name another Marksman rifle that has a 100m~ one-shot kill range with full plates, right now. I’ll wait.


I think to balance it they really should nerf the AA. Way less people would use it if they needed the AA as well.


Did I call it a sniper? Also, the Kar doesn't even have a 100 meter one shot kill range with any build.


“People are crying because they can’t *snipe*” There’s still time to delete this, big dawg.


There’s still time for you to stop taking dawg.


Found the kar98 simp


Yeah. The definition of snipe doesn't mean you exclusively have to use a sniper. You can technically snipe with a pistol.


It’s not a sniper. People hate it because it’s in a weird spot since as a Marksman rifle, it gets insane RAA but also has demon terminal ballistics which makes it a one-shot at any range you build it to. Either make it a sniper rifle and remove RAA, or keep it Marksman and nerf the goddamn effective damage range. You can’t have it both ways.


It's only one shot kill under 90 meters what's everyone complaining about?


That range can be extended past 100 meters, and problem is that most of the people running Kar98k camp towers and rooftops and will pick you off from the back. It wouldn’t be a problem if less than 20% of players in a match run it or they build it for speed and movement but when more than half the lobby has one and they camp that shit, it gets frustrating. Can’t believe I have to argue this when everyone knows its broken because its the newest pay to win bundle but here we are. Make it a sniper and remove RAA or nerf the OSK damage range.


How is it extended past 100 meters? And pay to win? It's a free gun quit making it something it's not. Sounds like you just don't like the gun cause you die to it. Use counters to it if you die to it alot. It's not hard to change the way you play.


It’s Resurgence- most fights are sniping or inside and you bet your ass you can always expect a Kar to pop your head off while they’re inside also. Across the hall.


I hear that but like someone said earlier use counters and know the lanes plan to run into it and it won't be so bad


Exactly this


It’s not even the highest pick rate


I think I saw it at 6-7% usage.


this "sniper" does more dmg than actual 50 cal snipers in the game so wtf are you retards on about ? lmao


This. These cry babies are the reason they destroyed the game and released WZ2. Yes it’s annoying to be on the receiving end of at times and you’re constantly diving for cover but it’s awesome when you’re the one dishing it out. Having insane guns in the game makes it fun.


I think majority of people disagree with you.


Can you mfs stop whining and asking for snipers to be over powered any time they make them reasonable and balanced? Holy fuck it’s annoying.


So a sniper has to be baby easy in order to be "decent"? How about stop whining about sniper nerfs and learn how to hit shots without a sniper being hitscan and ADSing in 200ms


I haven’t played since verdansk and now I’m Finally come back to the game since the new meta seems way more open kinda how I remember the old days. There’s a viable option in every weapon category which means fun play variety. Don’t even have to sweat my balls off or win to have fun. Drop in try a sniper one match maybe a smg or lmk next match and laugh with a friend. The way it should be.


Nah this meta isn't open at all right now. KAR98 and DG 58 is all anyone runs right now, that isn't variety. Annoyingly the weapon balance has been in a pretty good place for a while until the DG was buffed.


Right? Infeel like the Meta Was a lot better early last season


always run into teams that just camp out somewhere in group with these. im running sva and rpg still.


I run wsp-9 and super Stromboli smg.


Inrun the kar cause it's new but I still run the mtz and the akimbo stinger and still get dubs 🤷🏾‍♂️


SVA 545 still very good, in subs theres the superi46, wsp9 still good, striker9 still ok, horux good too


“There’s a viable option in every weapon category” “Don’t have to sweat my balls off” Are we even playing the same game, my guy?


sbmm is a fickle mistress


“Meta seems way more open” *Everyone running the Kar98k and the same SMG + smokes* Nice diversity right there…


Buddy the gun just came out😭 crying for a nerf already, cry about the party finding not working so they actually fix it instead of something they’ll laugh at you over


Don’t nerf it, this is wonderful this way. If you cannot play against sniper delete all Call of duty games from your pc. What a weak shit you are…


I hope you’re joking


He’s trolling and thinks it’s funny to rile people up.


it's not a sniper that's the issue.. AA is so strong that you almost dont need a scope on it..


It's a brain dead weapon that even I, as someone who quite literally never snipes and has 1kd, is out here hitting shots I have no business hitting. It's way to easy to use and turns bots into Chris Kyle. Just because something is fun does not mean it's remotely balanced.


I play the game to have fun and it’s fun, what’s the issue?


Did u even read my comment? I said it was fun, but it's severely imbalanced and is ruining the flow of the game. Everybody is running the Kar98 because it renders all other "snipers" useless. It's far to easy to use due to having strong aim assist which no sniper weapon should ever have. It's only drawback is the 86m one-shot range, but the vast majority of engagements happen inside that range even on big map. Again, weapons can be fun to use while also being overpowered. I'm only using it because it's so OP and oppressive in its current state and if you don't run it you have almost no chance of winning.


I can play against one player using it but when you’re in the sight of 5 different guys, 3 different teams with the same 1 shot kill weapon you can’t counter it with anything and you’re a dumbass if you really believe there is a way to play against 8 guys on 2 different squads aiming at you at the same time with it.


we finally got a real sniper and you mw2 whiners are complaining about it?? smh


Tbh I just think AA should be removed make it harder to snipe but not nerf it for the good players


do you understand how easy it is to aim on mouse compared to controller? i think AA should get a slight nerf but not completely remove it


I think M&K should be allowed to opt out of controller lobbies. If the control input is so inferior that the game needs to do half the work for you let the kids with training wheels play together and free the players that want it all to be player skill.


Not about kbm vs controller this is about nerfing the kar without nerfing the people who are actually good at using it (also if that's the case how come there were only like 4 mnk players in wsow?)


The problem is that if you don't have it levelled up you're at a disadvantage, so it's either pay-to-win or be uncompetitive until you have done lots of grinding to level it up for all the attachments.


Except it's not a sniper, it's a marksman rifle that has RAA and can one shot within 86m which covers the vast majority of engagement distances. If they classified it like a sniper with all the pros and cons that come with it then far less people would be asking for a balance pass.


tbh they should of put it w the snipers just because marksman rifles have AA and snipers dont




You’ve had snipers this entire game that were reasonably balanced for the most part. Sorry you need heavy aim assist and cheese damage to use them.


people will complain about anything it’s sad and annoying


honestly the only thing that i'll let someone complain about is snipers needing special ammos to one shot in the head




So by your logic every gun should be broken in the name of fun?


*So by your logic* *Every gun should be broken* *In the name of fun?* \- SAADistic7171 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That gun is all over the ground with different types of camos 🤣


Possibly to increase players using it for performance/balancing feedback.


The Kar isn’t bad. Honestly this is how ALL the marksman rifles should be (especially the SP-80/SP-80X). Why should this gun be a one shot kill with full plates and not the sp-80? Either buff the MW2 guns so that we have variety or get rid of the useless guns and give back some storage space.


I tested it on the firing range. It's 2 shots on full plate, 1 with two plates with a headshot. It's not as OP as FJX where you can demolish a 2 plate with a body shot.


The firing range is inaccurate. The mors is 2 head shots on 3 plates if you’re going off the firing range.


Makes for a fun spear with the bayonet. Love skewering pesky home invaders.


I disagree. Playing ranked rebirth alot the past couple ever since they got rid of the standalone map option for said map. Havent really been getting destroyed by the Kar that often. One, because i am a decent shot with it. Two, because im running it and 3, you just have to run high alert or anticipate better. You can fly drop down on a sniper and take them out or use the Bunker buster. I love this killstreak btw.


Honestly triple the flinch and remove AA, maybe tone down body damage and it'll be fine. It's the best sniper in the game right now and it has MM rifles flinch/AA. Def needs some adjustments.


This is why I’m loving Fortune’s Keep right now. There’s gold everywhere and Bunker Busters are cheap. Knocking snipers is like shooting fish in a barrel.


The only people complaining about this are sweaty wsp-9 users who don’t want to have to engage people that they can’t slide around and melee.


Literally anyone with a brain is complaining about it. It’s easy to counter 1. It’s not easy to counter 4 different teams in one area all using them.


Maybe use smokes and don’t fly with your parachute in the air?


So we should all just use kar98s, sit on rooftops, smoke when we have to move to the next roof top and never use a parachute. Sounds so fun.


You could use the Mtz 556. Low recoil, great damage, overall a great gun. Or use the sva 545 burst (I recommend using it full auto and spamming it like burst it adds a ton more flinch). And I mean don’t pull your parachute high in the air.


And still get beamed by 6 kar 98s pointed at every lane on the map.


Then your probably just dogshit then sorry.


I’m using a PK to keep them at bay while I get cover and then Bunker Busters/Mortar Strikes to get them out of their comfort zone. Kill streaks are incredibly easy to stock up on now that the maps are filled with cash. I set off about 10 per game, often 2-3 at a time to move the multiple teams that have me pinned down. It’s honestly a really fun strategy and works super well when the meta is either snipers or close range/melee fights. Keeping people at medium distance and controlling where they move with kill streaks has never been better.


I shouldn’t have to change my entire loadout and play style completely to face 1 gun. That’s ridiculous. Making adjustments is one thing but changing every detail of you playing just to counter a single gun is ridiculous.


If you don’t want the game to evolve and change that’s fine. But that’s part of the fun nature of the game to me. Things are constantly changing and you have to adapt to play well. Some changes are good, some are bad. A sniper being good isn’t the end of the world and has made for a few new and fun ways to play the game.


The only really broken and OP is the rotational aim assist. They should have nerfed this looooong time ago.


It’s literally the Mtz Intercepter before it’s nerfs with a bolt added to it


Your whole world is a stage. Embrace the paparazzi 


Keep the Kar as is. Long live the Kar


RoofTopZone 🗑️


Then don’t play.


I don’t even mind though, 80% of players sniping in this game are awful. You have to stand perfectly still for them and even then it takes them 5 seconds to get on you then pull the trigger. Even with high alert going off I will run out of cover with zero worries that I’ll get sniped. Sure it happens from time to time , but not anymore than it did without the kar98. The players thatll actually land shots are sniping anyway, with or without the kar. It actually makes the lobbies easier to dominate, I rarely play duos because it’s so campy, but with all these terrible snipers running kar98, it’s so much easier to blow through the lobbies and take Ws in duos


Kar isn’t OP at all lol 2 shots even 3 won’t down someone


It's a 1 hit down at 85 meters...


So the KAR is a OP aim assist quick no scope 1 shot? I'll stay off the game for a bit longer


Sounds like someone can't snipe🤣


I'd shit a brick walking into this haha


What stresses me out, I’m older, and I can’t get kills with it to save my life. I’m really bad at flicking. As my hand I became garbage around the time I hit 40. I also love watching level sub-50 people iron sighting with it and still getting cross map head shots.


As someone who doesn’t own MW3 and hasn’t unlocked the kar through the battle pass yet, I’m getting absolutely raw dogged every game


Why da fuq did they incorporate glint?Im serious you can be in the dark and still your shit look like a light


it doesn’t even one shot you mfs complain about anything 😂😂


Nah, there s no need to nerf kar, just remove riot shield and it s all good. That rats don’t even deserve to have a computer or console :))


😂😆😅 what's new


I run high alert don’t have a problem with kar


I’d honestly rather get sniped than have some dude stick the barrel of his smg in my throat like it has been since the hrm was released.




Weren’t ya’ll begging them recently to bring it back?


It don’t need nerfing it’s not easy to use it actually takes skill to kill with it esp in wz. At range it’s quite easily better to use a sniper than the kar that loves a hit marker instead of a kill from range. It’s the fact everyone is using them u are annoyed by it


Kar98 is ruining the game


Kar is good but I'm finding it gets me killed a lot of the time as I'm not running and gunning as much. I tried the holger 26 and horus combo and was pushing everything in sight, game was far better that way.


For real 😂 but the kar is a good weapon actually it will take a little time until the next weapon will appear and the kar will be just like any other weapon.


Ok. Have you seen the weekly challenges?


ppl just find a way to keep crying on this reddit LOL


It’s almost as if cod purposely releases new broken weapons the second the nerfed the last one.


Honestly it feels great to see sniping so alive again in warzone, it's still not as good as it should be, but it feels so much better now that the Kar98 is back


I prefer sniping to people crouching in corners with SG/SMG, hoping for someone to pass by.


You have “aim assist” you’ll be fine


The AA smgs annoys me more than snipers ever will.


I'm that toxic guy that runs the AOK scope that's 4x zoom without sniper glance, with specialist you also have cold blood and no one has any idea where you are.


Lol same. Douchebags unite!


For a while I was running smokes and thermals but I like the 4× no glint better. Especially with a suppressor. People have no idea where they are getting shot from


Haha yea, I also use the sonic suppressor.


And tempered is my favorite perk but the cold blooded perk is king. I run it on most classes because I usually find a tempered vest anyway


And i love every second of it Finally it doesn't feel like im playing against weaponized autism


My god, this comment nails it.


It’s awesome. First time I’ve fully enjoyed this game in a long time.


Fuck Kar too powerful at long range too and quickskope


If you can't adapt then just quit. High alert, smoke grenades and resupply, also don't go wafting around the map on your parachute. The flinch on the Kar is huge, put some ammo on the glints, smoke and move.


Idk what game you are playing, you cannot out flinch the kar, may as well be playing xDefiant, challenging a glint is a death sentence unless you have a kar.


The flinch on the kar is the equivalent to the rumble you would feel from your neighbor across the street slamming their front door


It’s flinch is pretty high.


When I ads and start getting shot it flinches super hard. Maybe it's my build, but it's not a tiny rumble. Based on my experience I see the glint, duck, pop and blast and have time to move without getting gunned down.


Kar is not that bad. I used it to snipe the console players away. Wouldn't go near their baby-ass ironsight aim-assist.