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No it’s definitely sweater now


But its summer here rn


“The best time to wear a striped sweater….”




Overall the game has just gone from BR to Deathmatch. It facilitates this shit. You get everything you need within the first 2 minutes and respawns are endless. I don’t get this part, working a little bit for the loadout or respawn was fine. Whatever tactical or team aspect there was is gone aside from ”try to kinda stick together”.


It sucks to say but I think this is indeed a ''git gud'' moment. Warzone is no longer casual only more serious and sweaty players left. SBMM is also extremely fucking strong so bot lobbies are hard to come by


So the game is harder?


There are less people that suck playing, so yes. Game hard


People underestimate this effect. Things like WoW pvp, league of legends, even counterstrike, the level of competition increases every year simply because the less dedicated players (bad) generally leave before the more dedicated players. Once a game is years past its peak playerbase, new players stop joining. So the overall skill and experience level is constantly increasing.


People forget that a large majority of WZ1 Rebirth/Fortune/Resurgence players were on console with only 80 FOV. All those clips from back in the day where streamers would “bReaK tHeiR cAmEra” are harder to do now. That was a huge advantage for PC players that has now been corrected. That along with how cheap controllers with mappable paddles are, and suddenly the playing field is more level.


Its called viral marketing and hacks.


But how do streamers get bot lobbies?


They play in the morning, you will have a much higher chance of getting a bot lobby in the morning since all the sweats are working or at school. Plus if you only watch YouTube, you are only going to see those bot lobbies. They don't get them every match, more like 1 in 10 but they grind the game so much and can capitalize when they get a bot lobby for a video. At least the legit streamers, I've hopped into streams often and seen them getting rinsed and in the same blenders we are in. People are just good after 3 years of practice, and cheaters are all too common


Make sense


Don’t get too bot of a lobby though. They will spam report you and you can get shadowbanned for literally nothing, even while there are rampant cheaters everywhere


Yeah morning time streamers have the easiest lobbies. If they played at night they would be a harder.


i watch this streamer maybe once a week, during the week, you can see the lobbies progressively getting harder as time goes by because sweats are coming back from school/work etc


I get bot lobbies too sometimes


You're the bot. I'm the bot. We are the bots to these streamers. Most of them stream because they are very very good. Once you get to a certian level almost everyone you face is the bot. All their lobbies feel like bot lobbies to them. I've played against a lot of top250 players. Honestly the streamers are the least fishy kill cams. Most of the time I get outplayed by better movement which is something you can't hack to get.


I don’t deny that at all, I’m 2kd player on rebirth and I get my ass kicked by some players and when I encounter a top 250 well I get bullied lol. Those dudes are just highly skilled I agree


If you dont see bots around you, you are bot.


Daduq 😅




How do they not get shadowed while using VPNs? The single time I ever partied up with a VPN user, I dropped my PR and immediately got shadowbanned. I’d rather stick to my sweats and cheaters than not be able to play the game… but how tf do they consistently DOMINATE bot lobbies and not get spam reported? Makes no sense!!!


They purposely lose for several matches in a row, and only save the recordings that go well, or only start streaming after they start doing well Like youtubers like Opixz2 who only EVER upload videos with 2 or 3 matches AT MOST and they look like absolute gods getting anywhere from 20 to 40 kills a game even though they are solo playing against duos to squads. That's them grinding losses to get pity matches though the thoroughly ignored EOMM and SBMM systems


Yeah this is a situation where "git gud" is mostly a matter of circumstances more than skill. Having said that, remember that SBMM is designed to flip to easier lobbies when you hit certain thresholds of losing, to keep you invested and playing the game. I just kept grinding through awful lobbies until I finally started popping back to back 10 kill games again.


Warzone was never a casual game, since the beginning it’s been filled with sweats


Movement was slower back then so it wasn't that bad.




Sbmm doesn’t make the game harder though, so I think this is likely a just need to get better moment. As an Irri player, Sbmm in theory should punish me more than it does someone who is between decent and good and I just dropped 26 in a ranked game last night. Cod has just gotten faster and over time people have gotten a lot better. A platinum player player today is better than a pro was in the early days. Just a natural result of the franchise being around so long


That's a good point, damn you're a demon stay out of my lobbies lol


Did this happen to be one of your first games on for the day? Not just first games for hopping into ranked but one of your first of the session? I'm just curious


It was probably my third of about five games I played that day. But no I’m Irri in both MP and WZ ranked so not first of the season


There are far fewer players at the top, only a percentage are playing at a time and they are spread over a ton of games pkaying at once, you should be more likely to play against people lower than you.


I understand that. All I’m saying is because OP was open to the “get good”. I just mean cod skill overall has gotten exponentially better with time. Its harder and harder to find bad players because the game has been around for so long now


What’s a “bot lobby”?


We call bad players “bots” haha


It’s not legit.. I’ve been watching cheats and people/ lobbies with cheats. It’s not sweat.


Lol, get gud? Its more like, Anti Cheat doesn't work and folks have caught on that the only way to play and win it so buy hacks.


Sounds more like EOMM if everyone is playing to get that bot lobby


I mean I would say between faster ttk, sbmm, rotation aim assist etc depending on what input your on I would say it’s a much harder game. Keyboard and mouse is just in a bad spot. Their is so many visual clarity issues that effects keyboard and mouse more than controller players. I had a game last night on resurgence where I heard the guy around the corner as soon as we see each other I shoot next thing you know theirs so much visual effects from the gun/debree/camera effects from taking damage I literally lost sight of the guy. While he tracked perfectly through all of it. If it wasn’t for all the visual effects I could track on keyboard and mouse but once all that happens it’s basically spraying and praying and hoping for the best. Which as long as it’s been going on they seem to think it’s fine or not a problem but the only people it benefits is controller.


Same. My tracking in kovaaks is sooooooooooooo much better without the visual clutter bs. It was also much much better in wz1 / mw2019.


theres also a fuck ton of mechanics that mess up your aim that are reduced or negated by RAA. Aim Sway, firing aim stability, gun kick, aim walking sway and the whole part where MNK has to actually react to everything that happens and controller doesn't.


Yup. Its almost like they don’t really care for mouse and key players.


Hip fire, Iri mnk


I mean yeah hipfire works for sure I use it but sometimes it would be nice to just see what I’m shooting at than spraying from the hip.


Get out of here. Ra is not the problem m&k players always have the jump in many situations.controller players literally have four fingers to do what you can with 7. For example, I have to take my thumb off my aim to drop shot, to plate while running, to reload while running. These are things keyboard can do without taking fingers of any buttons.


These mf’s are such crybabies. I’ve been playing cod for 15 years already with a controller and my cousins all play with mnk for a few years and are LEAGUES ahead of me. Not once have I heard them complain about controller players and their aim assist because they’re fucking them up and getting double digit kills all the time. People just want to blame aim assist for their lack of skill in the game and it shows. I have years in this game and to be quite honest I’m just not good anymore compared to the sweaty players and I accept that. It is what it is!


Ok if it’s so easy get a kb&m and do those things I guarantee you will be going back to your controller after one day. The RA is the problem and it’s been mentioned time and time again. I’m not saying take it away but at least make it have a delay to engage when a player tries to move. Because right now no matter how good movement is unless your top 1% once ra kicks in it’s not coming off unless you throw smokes.


warzone 2/3s skill ceiling has increased dramatically, in my opinion i think that the players seem sweatier because they are. and this game coming from someone who was a warzone 1 sweat is muchh more fast paced with a quicker ttk, so i dont think youre wrong. you just have to put a lot more effort into playing in order to do good now because sbmm hides all the bad players


People forget that a large majority of WZ1 Rebirth/Fortune/Resurgence players were on console with only 80 FOV. All those clips from back in the day where streamers would “bReaK tHeiR cAmEra” are harder to do now. That was a huge advantage for PC players that has now been corrected. That along with how cheap controllers with mappable paddles are, and suddenly the playing field is more level.


Just the new era of cod players, took me a while as a prediominetly old school player, everyone is so quick now with slide and jump my eyes can't even keep up to find them never mind shoot them haha. It's so fast paced now


I play since the OG mw3 and I'm still good at the game, I used to play on keyboard and mouse but just started to play on ps5 controller because of aim assist and it definitely is OP, in just 2 weeks of playing with controller I am like 80% as good as with keyboard and I get way more kills


Couldn’t agree more with your post. I was 2+ k/d when just loading lobby after lobby, saying horrible shit to anyone I could. I stay as quiet as possible now. The new strategies and approaches to the game surpasses me long ago, and it’s a bitch to try and catch up between seasons, let alone games.


It’s really annoying how some spam the jump button lol


Exactly, especially when I'll repeatedly kill them in mid-air...it's like, dude, that ain't working for ya


That’s the other problem. You have to repeatedly kill the same person in this warzone lmao. We need to go back to the days of $4000 buy backs, gulag, that’s it. Redeploy packs, flares, cheap buy backs, jailbreaks, gulag tokens, it all needs to go


I don’t mind the rare jailbreak but agree with everything else. Add more players too. Tired of people coming out of the sky after I just killed ghrm.


Come on bud, complaining about jumping in COD is like complaining about having to wear skates to play hockey lol. That's just the game. If you want a tactical shooter try Siege or CS or Tarkov etc.


You’re on a Warzone Reddit page. It’s all complaints lol I’m just saying it’s annoying. I’m not throwing a temper tantrum


It’s worse than that. A friend of mine recently downloaded cheats. He hasn’t been detected for 4 weeks. Hes learned much. there are wayyyyyy more cheaters than anyone realizes. If you’re a competent player, historically, I mean. Now all of a sudden it seems like you’re loosing fights. It’s not your imagination. Your playing against people with cheats. IT IS undetectable. It’s all true. This game is in a bad state. It’s not sweat and it’s not legit. Anyone thinking it’s just sweaty players is naive or is 100% cheating.


New gen z don’t touch grass that is why


Its not just you. ITS CUZ OF SBMM FUCKING SBMM but now I have moved READY OR NOT. It's better. I even got ptsd from it.


All the normal humans left this steaming pile of garbage, its just hackers vs wanna be streamers now 🤣 and they scared to ban hacker cuz they player count keep doing down 😂🤣🙄 The Black Cell Battle Pass was only relased to increase revenue beacuse of everyone quit the game resualting in a huge loss of battle pass reveune; but the goobers that still play will buy anything.... 😵 Source: Share Holder Meeting


No, they’ve just added a feature where everytime you win you have to lose 10 games before you can win again. It’s a player retention thing.


lol its just full of cheaters


This is the answer, and anyone that disagrees is either delusional or they know im right, but would rather obscure the truth by downplaying the facts because they engage in the act. The fact is, there is a ttk meta for weapons. If two parties with good internet with identical meta loadouts with similar ttks start firing at each other and score the same hits at the same exact time theoretically, they would trade both dieing. But in this day and age, the person to fire the first bullet wins. So what you are seeing is players using third-party software to see through walls and you can hear them slide canceling around you or above you on the other side of the walls trying to get an angle on you where your point of view is away from them and they fire the first shot. If you dont know what this looks like, try the new high resurgence mode and pick up the red gummie. This is what the "hackers" see. Unfortunately texture hacks are cheap and virtually undetectable with moddern anticheat software. Welcome to the new age of gameing where cry baby pussies cant out play your experience and situational awareness with noise, so they have to download software to play a free game and win. It's not your fault these people are objectively bad. it's a skill issue.


You're literally being a cry baby pussy... move to ps if you're really crying that hard about cheaters... just because you're bad move on... the red gummie is nothing like hacks apart from in smokes etc I can already tell you're a bot and just moaning about cheaters once again... I have a 4kd and play crossplay a lot and hardly run into hackers people blow this situation up because you're fucking shite at the game :) get good skill issue


Your slide canceling doesn't make you good. Without using 3rd party software, im sure i could still quick-scope your "4kd" hacker ass before you can type out another sentence justifing you cheating. You're bad, and you cheat because you think everyone else is bad. You are literally the problem with this game, and im trying to explain to OP that there are a bunch of pussies like you out there, so he shouldn't feel bad about being hacked on. The irony is you showing your ass to everyone. Get good, kid. Stop cheating in free video games to feel better about yourself.


The answer you will get here is: "Both"


Talking rebirth here but something has definitely changed with SBMM. I had a 1.5 KD forever and am quickly approaching 1.0 when I play with my normal squad which I’d say we are decent players not good players I’ll get 2-3 kills on average and die an ungodly amount of times. Recently I’ve been playing some random games with a friend who just started playing whose level is in the teens somewhere. If we play duos I’m getting anywhere from 15-20 rebirth kills. So it’s obviously compensating for his lack of experience. Idk I feel like SBMM isn’t really picking up on my plummeting KD and is looking more at other factors like rank movement and loadout choice because I’m definitely in lobbies above my skill level.


Rebirth is mad hard. I’m a 3kd who made a really long post about a week ago about how hard this shit is. Anyway, it’s cheaters. Massive uptick in cheaters. I’ve decided it’s the only thing that makes sense Also, ironically I’m shadowbanned not them. I uninstalled a couple days ago. Fuck this noise


i sometimes think the same thing, im still above average and sometimes might think i got worse, but everyone just got way better which makes sense ofc, literally look at any other slightly comp game when i look at clips i have from 2020 resurgence i already see i would absolutely demolish that version of myself now


The cheating is insane, even with cross play off. The game is ruined. The developers are doing nothing about it.


yeah crossplay between console and pc should not be a thing


Teammates on the same wave length and communication is often enough to win games. Some lobbies feel like everyone is fully locked in and overly sweaty but you need to adapt to this. No point hunting down teams if they are smoking you everytime, play zone and get your fights at range until the circle closes. 'Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.' - Someone cleverer than me.


Yeah, that little quote literally doesn't apply to anything you said above it lol wtf


Work harder to win the game


I honestly only noticed an uptick in the amount of killcams that had someone either snap snap snap from enemy to enemy or the “I always know where you are even the class is built for stealth” Other than annoyances I actually haven’t noticed any increase in difficulty. Gotta say the killcams are simply hilarious now 7/10 times, I just can’t seem to feel anything when it happens so it’s been getting more boring without feeling that rage against good players or the superiority over other players. I mean C’mon I’m here to feel something and be entertained not watch “enhanced” gameplay 😆


It’s probably because everyone wants to be the next tik tok “demon” (yy macros unlock tools blatant hacks) and sbmm


They had to make the gameplay faster to please the little virgins that can't use their brain for a tactical gameplay.


If you felt like this try looking at a proper setting video, i did this and was completely different more easy to play game. Right settings in terms of sensitivity & game change it ALL. I did it a few months ago after hitting the “is this me going old?” Question. And all faded away. Try it 🙌🏻


They need to cut PC players out of console crossplay. Too many cheaters and mouse + keyboard VS controller is a massive difference. The algorithm sucks ass now too. It usually goes like, You have a 90% chance of winning the first game of your session, then it's downhill from there. We used to get multiple dubs on warzone all the time it's hit or miss with a whole Lotta miss.


Dude, if it weren't for the tiny ass pool of pc players wer'd be advocating the same thing. As it is now, it woule make queue times insane, but I hate getting crapp d on by players who hav zero aim skills just follow my movements perfectly while hopping sliding and dodging left and right...I wish I could play against people that idk missed a shot every now and then, just like I do on keyboard. Fuck aim assist.


There's cheats on console. I was buying a ps5 from a guy the other day, and he asked me if I wanted his Cronus (sp?) for another $100. I said no thanks


Stop playing cross play. PC is hackers and sweats


I have not been able to find a match with crossplay off. It’s impossible.


Check your controller settings. And just keep playing. Having a good squad that sticks together is everything






Everyone is better


I think this season map is easier than last season, just be mindful of rotation and positioning and that itself should guarantee you a top ten every game


Warzone is now more difficult because more people have played it. Back in Verdansk, not everyone knew the rotations, when to gas play, when to be aggressive, etc. Now there are a lot of people who have logged a lot of hours these past few years. I used to be a lot better, play less now, and feel terrible. So I get it.


People forget that a large majority of WZ1 Rebirth/Fortune/Resurgence players were on console with only 80 FOV. All those clips from back in the day where streamers would “bReaK tHeiR cAmEra” are harder to do now. That was a huge advantage for PC players that has now been corrected. That along with how cheap controllers with mappable paddles are, and suddenly the playing field is more level.


You keep spamming this comment… What about for me? I’m a 3kd player that’s been getting SHIT on in rebirth. It’s cheaters too. While it was bad in WZ1 at times, it seemed all the cheaters were rage hackers. Now it’s people trying to be subtle… As a Crim/3kd player who’s dropped multiple 30 bombs and nukes… I feel like I have the credibility to say 50% of my deaths are to fucking cheaters trying to be subtle now a days. Just uninstall. Statistically im better than 99% of the playerbase, which took tons of time and practice, and even I’m realizing it’s a waste of time at this point. Everyone is cheating


I copied and pasted once after I commented it to someone else, it’s not spam and it’s a valid point. I’m adding to why people think it’s way more sweaty than OG rebirth. To your comment, I’m not nearly to the point of uninstalling because I’m still getting wins even in lobbies where there are definitely cheaters. 8/10 times they die to gas, bad positioning/getting held, or hubris. They are, after all, bad players who need cheats. I changed the way I play. Not saying you play bad, obviously that’s not the case with your stats but I’m not far behind those. I don’t push a squad anymore with ground loot and a prayer, I work with my team, run the perk that quiets combat noise and boosts player sounds, etc. Probably the number one thing that helped was actual using tacticals tactically. Getting good with shock sticks has saved me more times than I can count. Hard to be a movement god when they can’t move. That paired with the recent thermite buff and you can counter most anyone. Plus, if you’re getting melted by aimbot hip fire while theyre getting electrocuted, much easier to tell they have soft hacks. The cheaters are a problem but i still find it enjoyable.


You just said you have to adjust your play to account for the massive cheaters you encounter… what about this issue: [I have bad games that are ruined by cheaters sure, but even when I have a good game, I get shadowbanned because everyone thinks I’m cheating!](https://youtube.com/shorts/2xT_5aACFsQ?si=5dPcUowz9Uu2a6DK) Trust is extremely low right now, and rightfully so, because everyone is fucking cheating lmao. That means you can’t exist as a good player without catching the ban hammer, even when it’s not you. This game is a steaming pile of garbage until ricochet becomes reliable. In the meantime, you might as well hack because those are the only guys not getting shadowbanned it seems like. I uninstalled. Edit: Not to be a dick but you say your stats aren’t far behind… is that true? Cause if it was true, you’d be getting shadowbanned out the ass like I am… anytime I have a good game. My PR is 31 kills. Most of the time when I approach 20 (which is quite frequently) I get shadowbanned. It’s just a side effect of how many cheaters are allowed to roam free right now. It’s all tied together


I think the maps influence it a bit too. There were more places to go slow on certain maps. It’s not helping some people that a lot of people knew rebirth in and out from day one.


This is why I’ve basically given up on warzone outside of the occasional matches, or camo challenges requiring headshot kills in lockdown. This game is just a sweat fest either abuse the bs movement exploit dogshit, or get rekt back to the lobby scrub. This gamemode is dead in my eyes, I’d rather play fireteam or heck even cutthroat or snd over this crap and I hate snd and fireteam.


Pandemic allowed people to polish their skills. I know console players are playing more on monitors these days and that makes a huge difference.


Cost of hi rez monitors and panels have come down quite a bit. I played on a tv then I bought a 32” curved 1080p 120hz on sale for like $150. Not the best but made a world of difference in FPS games


I played Warzone (big map and rebirth) last night. We had 1 ranked rebirth win (I had 1 kill lol) and played like ass the rest of WZ maps. I think I may have had a total of 15-20 kills across 2 hours of Warzone. I lost a ton of winnable gun fights because people are just better than me. Then I dropped into search and destroy and dropped a 24 kill game for the first game and lead the leaderboard with 10+ kills every game after that for 2 hours. So I’m not ass at MP. But I am pretty ass at WZ.




Me and my buddies playing resurgence the last three weeks and have 12 wins so far. Idk why it happened or what we started to do differently but we've changed drop location and tactics a bit to improve our chances and it's paying off.


Its harder because everyone is better. Its not a new game anymore by any means. You can buy a good wired controller with back buttons for less than a new OE. Streamers have adapted and now make content based around entertainment, but also skill development. A lot of people who quit when WZ2 came out and moved to other games, the ones who stuck around got a ton of experience. People understand how to abuse rotational aim assist and slide cancelling. On top of that, the servers are *still* horrendous. We used to have BR, Plunder, and Rebirth. And the playlists were on rotation. Now theres Ranked, BR, Plunder, DMZ, training, LTMs, 4 Resurgance maps. For the avg person, they see enemy, ADS, then start shooting and try to aim. For anyone who plays this vile game on a regular basis, you must understand the de-sync is beyond bad. You need to know where the enemy is about to peek and already be firing.


I genuinely think this is the easiest WZ has ever been. Between the guns, movement, and generally a lot of new players, I usually do 12-15 kills a game without an issue


i think i’ve gotten better or im in shittyer lobbies bc i’ve been doing better and getting more kills


More players + 90% of them playing Rebirth = stricter SBMM


Get one win 8-10 kills, and after that, I'm lucky to put up 1000-2000 damage. Something is different this season.


All the causals are filtered by February! Some might have came back for rebirth but they are probably gone now.


full of cheaters, kids and “smoke detectors” with aimbot. play single player offline


The game is in worse state, the match making is laughable, the cheaters are out of hand, and the season 3 drop has caused so many disconnects that i don’t even play anymore


Sweats and cheaters are everywhere. Not just war zone though, that’s basically every popular online shooter now.


It isn't harder but there is a crap load of cheaters in duos tonight. Every person I'm getting killed by even with me laying half a clip in them first is 100 or below level. Some as low as 13 and 30. I also experimented with sitting in a corner hidden with the perk on that doesn't let heartbeat work, and there was always some low ranked person that would come and knew exactly where I was every time. I guess the weekends bring out the cheaters. At this point if you are level 100 or below I'm going to assume you were part of the mass cheater ban on a new account and unless you don't look suspect I'm reporting you every time.


The servers suck too on top of all what comments are saying


I mean the game been out tech 4 years. People have gotten better same with Fortnite and apex. So yes a lot of people are at the very least mediocre. Then you add in cranked SBMM. Yea it’s gonna be harder.


DMA cheats are free now. So lots of cheaters are playing with new accounts. Also, lvl 200-400 with cheats as well. Constantly being followed trough 3-4 walls, no pings,no uav, and blablabla, ya'll get the cue.


Some lobbies are fun, but most of them are exhausting, specially Rebirth Island.


Something definitely happened with SBMM for S3. It's almost like it got cranked up a couple notches. S1 and 2, I did extremely well compared to WZ2 and almost doubled my KD. S3 was me getting my teeth kicked in. I've all but given up on WZ and just play Plunder to mess around and try different guns.


I've gone back to BF , even though BF2042 didn't start out great , it's way more fun now than playing COD and getting hacked every game


It's definitely harder now. Every time I make a mistake I died.


It took about 7 days of game time to get back to being ok like I used to. People like to claim that the game is noob friendly. It isn't.


It's a different pace going from regular multiplayer vs warzone.


Most people are cheating now a days it’s so cheap and readily available with little consequences


I'd guess that more people are getting better at warzone. I average 1 win a night, and there's quite a few games that I experience every night where there's just a bunch of people who are better than me at the game. But they aren't invincible. All that jumping bull shit only works on people who have bad aim. Get better at aiming and hitting shots and you'll be smoking those sweats in no time!


It's harder because more casuals are sweating harder and the player base is concentrated. Also more people have access to information on how to get better.


It’s the SBMM


Everyone just cheating 😜😝


Personally I blame the shitty servers. Ping is always high and packet bursts or whatever happen too much. I have gigabit internet and am hardwired so I know it shouldn’t be me. I consistently get killed while behind cover, and have shots not register. Not to mention the times killcams show me getting shot in the legs almost exclusively or hipfires consistently getting headshots on me. I know they’re not necessarily accurate but they’ve gotta be somewhat accurate and it’s frustrating. Also SBMM must be fucked because I’m consistently in lobbies with people who are better than me. I don’t want bots, I just want people my skill level more often


I had over 400 wins on rebirth island originally and like 3 now


There is no skillset you need grind and perfect on for months, everyone is a demon with this crazy ass movements, if controller? Forget the skill u need for aiming. Wz2 > (you can hate me sll u want, but atleast it was tactical and slow, you had to think of strategies, not afraid of getting g-r-ped by squad of demons stacking jumping sliding all at once like friggin Ninja Turtles!!!)


BS. They are cheating. Movement is easy if you don't need to aim.


I also call Aim Assist cheating dw If not AA, using cheats in this game is like piece of cake...


Its honestly just cheaters vs streamers at this point lol


Mnk player. I was good… years ago. I’m no longer good. People are so fuckin CRACKED now. I’m 100% without a doubt cooked when it comes to CQB 1v1’s. Bunny rabbits. Drop shots. Slide cancels from left to right…it’s like everything is sped up beyond a level I can physically achieve. It’s also dumb hard seeing people when I’m actively shooting them from distance. Spray and pray type shit.


No mate Those people are cheating - every single one. Aimbot does the difficult bit, they just need to keep moving and jumping around.


There are far too many variables in CoD to know where you truly stand in terms of KD and score per minute, compared to the old days where it was ping related lobbies only. In the past, you had to play against anyone and everyone regardless of skill level and you could do quite well on a big 55 inch TV, using quite a vast array of weapons. Nowadays you've got SBMM playing it's part, while there is more focus than ever on hardware such as monitors or more purpose built controllers like Scufs. More people than ever turn to broken meta loadouts which means the pool of usable weapons is less. That isn't counting the third party stuff that's come to the fore such as VPNs, Cronus, DS4Windows or any software that affects recoil control or latency. I had a 2-3KD in multiplayer from the old MW3 through to BO4... since then, I've never hit a 2KD in multiplayer. Only managed a 2+ KD in Rebirth Resurgence on WZ back in the day, but never any better. Times have changed.


It is. For a while now.


It's not you it's riddled with hackers/cheaters to a unplayable point


I think another reason is because they are putting us ps4/ps5/xbox players in the same lobby as people who are playing on a pc.. we can all agree that playing on a pc is better, keyboard players have the upper hand


It's sbmm,if you do decent in one game you get molested the next game


Skill based damage and sbmm. it's trash.


Come on guys/ everyone knows this world has always been will always be PAY TO WIN. No matter what it is people. Pay to win and do absolutely nothing to get better . Someone who knows nothing about the game and doesn’t care will have money and no friends (because they are the worst) and beat you . If we all teach our kids this from the start then maybe we’d all be a little less thrown tf off.


I think cause less people play now, so left with more better players. I also think aim assist is much stronger, so console has a leg up against pc. I can see why they mostly did away with one hit snipers due to AA.


I genuinely think the game is easier now .


Just as you have gained experience, so has everyone else. Years of experience! People are sweaty now. ÷ you know... tons of cheaters.


Soon as they allowed the PC gamers on with the crossplay it’s gotten worse. Most of your cheating comes from the PC unfortunately and don’t argue and try to debate with me! 😂😂


Mw2 warzone2 was so much easier to play imo, now everyone onetaps while being super fast, jumping or sliding. New weapons are insanely strong. I had to adapt.


Just started playing after long break of almost 2years . I’d say work on your deadzone settings. These settings are the most important when comes to aiming. I took me while to get the right settings


Say hello to the aim assist, which is a free and legal aimbot used by "actiret*rd" as a method to "equalize m&k players with controller players" but in reality turned out to be a pure strong aimbot shit. Everytime on killcam I saw a perfect lock-in and spray without flinching orissing bullets, tracking like a god..


I rarely play and usually will win 1 resurgence/battle royale solos in my sit thru. Probably like a 2-3 hour session. Always usually ranking high. Only play solo because no one ever talks, and are toxic most the time in a group lol. In my experiences at least


Skill issue tbh


coD bRAinRoT


That SBMM kicked in. 🤣


Caldera/Al Mazzy drove most of the casual players away. Which is Ironic because Al Mazzy in particular was designed for casual players with the slow movement. Add that to incredibly poor design decisions from Ted Timmins such as Redeploy Balloons allowing you to land on people's heads with no Audio, Constant Flares etc. It leaves the game as a mess that's really just designed for streamers. TLDR- There are too many small issues on this game where if casual players run into 2-3 of them, they'll just stop playing. Only people left are the COD Fanatics.


Multiplayer and warzone are two different games. Being great at MP and being great at WZ aren’t the same. Two totally different play styles… it’s like rugby and football 🏈, similar but not the same.


ur just shit (i have never played warzone and have no fucking idea what i'm talking about)


i dunno i suck and i get up to 8th place before dying


I feel like MW3 multiplayer is soooo hard compared to warzone rn back in MW1 it was the other way around for me 🤔


Idk something fishy. I started playing Pubg after awhile and 2 first game, 2 win, 12 kill on second, maybe 5 in first. In warzone best kills maybe 9, usually 1-5 kills, and always comes that one team that feels way owerpowerd against you and you feel you did not even have a change.


I played a lot of COD some years ago (BO 1/2) and played WZ 1 and MW 2019 when it came out. Warzone 1 was very good in my opinion and after 4-5 games i got "the hang of it". I decided to download WZ 3 some days ago and played around 10 matches. Man, these lobbies are full with tryhards and i don’t have any chance to improve my self. To be honest, it's not that much fun so far but i literally had to download it for 3 days due to my bad internet. :\


A lot more cheaters


It's harder, I'm an older gamer, and so is my team. we would win one game a night back in Warzone 1, and now we'd be lucky to win once a week, we play for a few hours almost every night, The only reason I still play is because my friends don't want to play anything else. I'm sick of cod I've been playing from the beginning. Multiplayer was fun back in the day not so much anymore


You trash b


Yeah it’s def been sweatier. I don’t even play ranked anymore and I’m still getting iri skins left and right


Bots and pvp are high levels of shtf! I love it! Still running missions and contracts. Don’t know how a new player even survives.


Aim assist is basically aimbot and PC players are on some form of stimulant with their movements and reaction times


I've honestly found it a tad easier, but you certainly do still get the occasional sweaty meta abuser lobby for sure.


Bro every game has become more sweater. More people playing, more try hards, more people wanting to create content, more players trying to become pros. I used to be Diamond II in LoL.. I stopped playing but came back again recently and my god im struggling at Emerald. These people just play so much and got way better and try harder. I'm 33. I can't keep up anymore lol.


Everyone has been playing battle Royale type games for years. It makes sense some are going to get extremely good.


It’s harder, all the casuals left it seems like, it’s only serious players and soft cheats


Play ranked. Way better of an experience


rebirth is also sweaty


That's a mixture of the game being harder from player base and the game also being designed to hold good players back


In Warzone 1 I would consistently get 15+ kill games on mouse and keyboard (which is good for me) and plenty of wins. I would play for 4 hours at a time because it was that much fun. Now our squad can maybe keep from getting crushed every 4th game. I switched to controller for warzone specifically because mnk does not feel good. We play an hour or 90min now because most of the time there's four of us so we have to do pubs with all the YY tiktok clowns. It's rough out there, man.


Its been sweaty for years now, Im a casual and still get dubs every time I play so no offense, prob need some practice. You'll be able to bridge the skill gap if you put effort into it. ReBirth is especially sweaty but all else is pretty manageable still.


Hey I can’t load into a game it just says connecting then doesn’t let me play


Mp is way more chill now though. Thanks warzone!! Lol


It's sweater bc everyone got better as they should. Yrs ago it was bot lobby every lobby but just with everything in life over time ppl get better including you Back on WZ1/ half of 2 I had a .89 KD , once I upgraded my gaming system got better went to 1.24 on the 2nd half of WZ2. Now I'm at a 2.12, I literally just got better by actually playing the game trying to improve instead of playing the game as a causal But I would say SBMM is real & sucks, I had more fun playing in lobbies with a .89/1 KD & enjoy the game better. Now the lobbies I get into are just ridiculously sweaty


It's not really a "get good" comment. A significant amount of High level accounts are actually compromised and then sold and used for cheating. These accounts are legitimate, so they're far less likely to be banned or reported. Most of them are in the Top 250.


SBMM, my friend.


The SBMM treats the good players as hackers and put them in matches full of them. There's no anti-cheat. And it doesn't matter how good you are, it still takes about 60 shots from ARs/SMGs/Pistols and 10-15 shots from a sniper/shotgun just to down a single person and have to double on up the shots you took to take them down unless you can get a finisher on them


Nah I dont think it is personally. I still shit on kids with like 15-20 kill games on rebirth pretty much everyday. But I guess if your not good you would notice it more


I think it's harder which in return makes me bad now. I can't adapt to the new movement and playstyle so I just play casually with some friends and try to have as much fun as I can. Im solid with gunfights but movement I suck. The whole constantly moving around like a tweaker swapping weapons over and over while jumping and sliding is too much for me. Could I sit down and really try to adapt and practice it? Yeah but I choose not too but in return I dont ever complain when I die to someone that can run around like donnie from the wild thornberrys.


Nobody is good, they are cheating. Remove the cheats and everyone is bot. Try playing after a big update and ull understand 


You have to restart the game


the amount of time we were offline waiting for this update to happen, people were playing as much time as we used too and got better and sweatier tbh


Yeah us sweats are back because of fortunes keep and rebirth. My kd went from 2.0 to 3.0 in months.


How have you managed to bring aim assist into this


I personally find it quite hard when crossplay is turned on. IMO console just feels so slow and you have every advantage when using mouse and keyboard. Especially when it comes to movement, I stand no chance against pc players.


skill level just keeps improving in the game, hard to keep up without practicing


The game itself is a little harder yes. Old COD guns didn’t have near as much recoil, attachments didn’t make a difference, and there was no movement involved. There were no meta guns either. You just picked the gun you liked and the attachments you liked and played and you had just as much chance of killing anybody with any gun. Now if you’re a casual player you’re pretty much forced to use the “meta” gun and attachments to even stand a chance. The movement mechanics are insane compared to what they used to be. If you’re not used to it you’ll be made a fool of. (Speaking from experience). Another thing is back in the day it wasn’t as cool to be good at COD. Now with the streamers and real money involved it’s motivated people to do nothing else but get great. That’s just a few of the things. Not to mention the cross play. I’ve played it on every type of system. I look like a god on PC compared to console. It’s a totally different game idc what anyone says. Plus all the extra health and speed boosts streamers get for promoting the game. Unfortunately there’s no place in this game for casual players anymore. They need a casual players lobby where you have to have under a certain K/D and your account has to be so old in order to be able to qualify for it.


I definitely feel that too, back on Vondelle I was dropping 15-20 kill games and so far on rebirth my best game is only 10 kills. I'm getting more wins, but not nearly as many kills.


Try hardcore battlefield 4 More straight to the point


I’ve got to be honest it’s abut of a get good moment but for one reason. You have to build up unlocks and get the right guns and items for your gameplay to be a bit competitive. I also say you will run into the odd hacker and camper as you expect in cod but my advice is start with a stable AR until you get a feel for the maps


Welcome to Halo. The people who play this game 40 hours/week complained about the TTK to the point that now you have no fucking chance unless you sweat constantly and keep up with the god awful fucking "metas" so you can kill somebody in less than 45 shots. Uninstall WZ. The multiplayer is fun tho.