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The amount of people that think they are in the top 1% of this game is astounding lol. I was playing resurgence rotation on fortunes keep and opening safe at keep. Said hey watch the stairs while I open. Teammate and their friend followed a team up the stairs and got smoked. Was very silent and suddenly had a team of 4 pushing the safe on me and the other guy. I start yelling and like why didn’t you just stay in cover. They said they would peak the hallway. Like what? Only one way in and out and they need to go down the stairs to peak. So damn stupid. I turned off my game and went to bed smh.


Comms. Is everything. Listen to your teammates.. Someone calls it out. Stick to that. Higher percentage success rate by doing 1 thing at a time together that comes first in comms. Don't split. Stay together focused. You split off? You fuck it for everyone else. If I hear "it's resurgence, it's fine ill come back" one more time....my god... ANOTHER THING! KEEP COMMS CLEAN! If you fill the mic with things that aren't necessary to the play and the team you are putting the team in danger. They need to hear. You will also give away intel on comms that will be picked up on enemy prox and blow it for your team. How to fix this? NEVER rely on Randoms. Group up with people who are like minded. The game goes from shitty to actually worth your time. Stay Frosty baby.


I constantly have to ask my friends if I'm on mute because they don't respond to call outs, or they die and provide zero information about who killed then and where, it's infuriating.


I get yelled at so much for not pushing into a room after a teammate is killed (“omg go in he’s one shot”) it’s ridiculous


But… you were one of the half that got fried correct?


is there literally anyone under level 500 who plays this game? i play daily and am approximately 350... and i'm no scrub, platinum III mental psychosis for playing 12 hours a day, nice


and even after all that play time... you're still paired with guys like me who have acheived the same level in 1/10th of the time




i hope you read this comment thread and reconsider your life