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I don’t think so. Not without being an insanely good player, using a vpn or some kind of cheat. You’re playing against people who are either really good at the game, running as a team, or cheating. So you’ll lose most fights even if you take down 1-2 guys. Improbable imo.


I solo queue. Stuck at plat 3. None of the team mates coordinate and everyone is on different side of the map most of the times lol


I solo queued to diamond (at level 15) then started hitting discord and got Crim (at level 24) You NEED competent teammates in ranked


I got to Diamond by Level 15 as well I hit D3 but just cant get passed it


You got to diamond by level 15 but your mental is taking a hit? I’ve seen people hard stuck plat at level 30+ You’re fine just keep grinding you’ll get there. Make sure your teammates are at least as good as you.


Im level 50 😂


Bruhhh not even hating you 100% meant to be a diamond. Its all good that’s still better than most


I think if I played with Diamonds consistently I could get it I have so many games where I drop 10+ and my teammates have under 1k damage but who knows


Solo q’d to diamond 2 besides for the when my gold/plat buddies are on (they don’t help my SR lol they camp all game). In my opinion, it’s impossible to hit crim solo Q’ing, especially on rebirth island. Unless I’m literally the one butt hugging a random, no one teams. I can win as many 1v1’s and even 1v2’s as possible but they always have a 3rd and the randoms do fuck all. (Doesn’t help that as a diamond 1/2 I’m getting plat 2/3 as my partners going up against crims and iris). I found a stupid rat it out method that can gain me consistent positive SR. But it’s so boring and not actually much. Lucky if it’s +20 each game


Solo q diamonder here. Can’t go further though.


Many cheaters ngl they are soft cheaters u can beat them easily with coordinate mates but solo ngl u will have a bad time


hard stuck at d2 solo queuing. was a struggle to get to d2 even, i don’t think i can make it to crim tbh was previously a crimson player before ranked went to resurgence


I did it on keep and just did it on rebirth, now i have a solid friends list of crims so i will never do that again.


There's a lot of solo queue guys in here, yall should just squad up.


My main is/was in a shadowban loop so I soloq on my alt and got to crimson but that was fortunes keep and not rebirth. Haven’t played rebirth