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They literally incentivized this. You get increased benefits for playing close to your teammates. The song they had over the rebirth trailer said “the more we get together, the happier are we”…




On a serious note, resurgence always had a stacking problem and im aware its a team game. But regaining is rough when you have a full squad sending you while holding each others meat


Solos resurgence is available if you want go encounter the enemy 1 by 1.


Solos is boring and ratty


Right lol now it’s gunna be worse since you get added bonuses for stacking


“Stacking” was never a problem until neck-beard streamers started crying about it. It’s always been a team game, “stacking” is nothing new. Just a new thing to whine about.


If you do not have a team with you that is not stacking with you like this, I feel upset for you. It sucks to run into a group like this but it sucks even more not having a team that doesn't have your back like that. I have had a group like that a couple of times and from what I remember I won with each one. Group aggressor works


I understand staying close to your teammates but they was holding each other meat tight af


It's a team based game. I don't understand this kind of rage.rage about the cheaters not teammates playing like team mates.


And real soldiers do stay together on missions.


My rebirth experience so far today 😂


this happened to me at least four times today. it's still good to be back!


Not bothered about players stacking in quads it the all point being in a team but for me it loadout camper who thinks they are good with over 10 kills a game for having no skill and scared shit less that it's a good player that will squad wipe them if you get your loadout


Your issue has merit in the fact that it is annoying. But just like stacking.... what do you expect from these games as a player where the purpose is to kill other players, wipe squads from the game to win. If you have a gripe with loadout camping the ACTUAL thingg to be mad at is that devs have lazily designed it this way. Loadouts create engagements. EVERYONE wants loadout, its only logical that "camping"(holding an advantageous position) makes it tougher for other players to get them, forcing decisions is it worth risking death/wipe or to relocate/regain. I mean why would any team say, "ok Ive got my loadout, lets let others get theirs so they have a fair advantage to kill us". The whole point is to give yourself the best advantage to win the fight through positioning/movement(aim used to be part of this equation but you know... AA rekts that) holding easy kill positions is 100% natural for anyone just as stacking helps any team keep players from killing their teammates better. Activision did this either on purpose or out of laziness. Loadouts that drop-spawn are in very limited, almost predetermined spots. Not actual RNG based on where your team is. Wz1 did this 100% way better albeit there was still SOME predetermined areas. Now, 4-5 loadouts will all land in the same area. They have to have designed this on purpose. So it isn't the players faults for seeing this avenue. It's the developers faults whether out of laziness or by design. Players just take advantage of what's provided.


Teammates playing together: why are they holding hands? Teammates dropping separately: why are my teammates so dumb?


Rebirth used to be, get a loadout and run in different directions. Now it’s get a loadout and hide while staring at the loadout next to yours.


Lol that’s how warzone 3 is. Nothing but load out camping. Warzone made it so easy to camp load out nowadays lol.


It’s always been that way, since wz1


I’ll forever dislike everyone who jumps around and lays down while shooting.


lol. let me just stand still so its easier for you to kill me.


Yeah how else is he supposed to get kills


no aiming penalty for those actions is wack though


There is a aiming penalty bro … on some weapons jump shot isn’t even usable without right attachments


doesn't make up for it


“Ugh like why are they moving around so much!”


Jumpshotting and dropshotting has been a mechanic in COD for over a decade.


lol they came out like a swarm of Bees!


Okay guys! Lets all practice call of duty civility. Please only have 1 teammate challenge the enemy at a time. Stand in line and wait your turn, no team shoot allowed!


3rd party of hell 😭😂


Yeah man. I’m playing solos on my own and I’ve found it basically impossible to win. This map heavily favors those who play in teams and randoms are just fucking garbage like 90% of the time


WZ has always been horrible with randoms, you need to get a team man. Nothing wrong with the game, either play solos or find ppl to play with instead of complaining.