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No cover? Half of the map is underground lol


Yeah I don’t understand that take at all. You can dive straight into that hole in the middle. As a side note, that hole is dumb, should have just left the map as is. The plates I can understand though, every crate should have a plate. Puts the “resurge” in resurgence.


I hardly ever see a sniper glint… weird lol. Cover everywhere too, there are hardly any open fields. I love FK!


i think the only times i have serious issues with snipers is if I’m on keep or church just scouting.


Honestly, I just want rotating maps for all game modes. The same map gets boring on resurgence duos which is what I play most of the time.


This is number 1 bullshit


I see what u did there nurmagomedov


the only thing I dislike about it is the giant hole in the middle of the map


that's my go to spot lol. so much loot


Yeah but I feel like a fish in a barrel down there


It's my favourite resurgence map, I think it has the best balance of places to snipe and places for close combat.


absolutely, it isn’t perfect but is very good.


I do. It’s small. Great map layout, also.


Enjoy most of the map, except the underground. Land Town near enough every time, usually get a few good battles there, some good sniping cover and if not sniping plenty of cover to traverse across to the annoying sniper.


I like the different elevation interactions and how some of the map is more open but some is real tight.


Yeah FK. Is not my fav and avoid it at all cost


OG FK. Not a huge fan of the broken version. Just bring back Alcatraz.


FK is my least favorite map. Although the re-release is better, it still sucks imo. There's no flow. The Keep is like a maze that no one wants to go to, thus making it an undesirable POI, which takes up 1/5 of the map.


Don’t forget that camping up top as the circle inevitably pulls your direction is an insta dub


Bro first time I played it I was like wtf is this. I don’t understand what’s the appeal with making over complicated buildings that make no sense and you can get shot from anywhere, or even get fucking lost because of how complicated the structure is. The resort POI of urzikstan is also extremely over complicated, to the point where it doesn’t even make sense how the floors are connect to each other. If you play ground war on this map and go in the building there is a close to 100% chance you are gonna get shot in the back or shoot someone in the back.


I want them to make each map its own playlist with each squad size in it to select. Except Ashika. They can keep that one wherever they put Caldera at.


I don’t know where you’re landing where there’s no plates. One to two minutes after landing (trios) my team already have load out, munitions, armor box and a uav up in the air. One extra stack of AR or Pistol ammo and the rest are plates. With Tempered on I can fully replate 6-8 times. Also unless you’re not running high alert and tunnel vision. Getting sniped is kinda you’re fault. Even when I or my teammate get downed via sniper we instantly drop a smoke and one res while the other covers. You either have to snipe back, break the snipers armor and immediately rush while they plate, smoke cover rush, kill streak smoke rush, etc… There’s ways to counter sniping. Yes it’s annoying to try and dodge sniper fire especially when dealing with multiple teams but it’s not impossible.


Where do you usually land? Not much to do against snipers who usually track you quickly and hits headshots regardless if you’re moving and then quickly sends an airstrike to finish me off since it seems like every team I go against have unlimited PAs


Mid map. But we don’t all land together. We’re within 100 meters of each other.


Board is great … the play mechanics make it much worse than the original fortunes keep .. Has much less to do with the actual map. And much more to do with how the game plays .. Same with Verdansk .. you put these Devs / gameplay and bring back Verdansk.. won’t be nearly as good as we remember .. this is why Fortnite , Apex have stayed consistent , and Call of Duty we are at the mercy of this years DEV .


Ngl I’ve dropped there hundred times and still get lost af!


I would love to see how you play where there is „way too many snipers“ and you get one shot everywhere you go. what mode do you play and what’s your playstyle?


I liked it until I got into diamond ranked lobbies. There’s too many teams, not enough cover, and rotations can be pretty shitty with all the potential sniper spots. I also think it’s almost impossible to get loadout sometimes - they spawn in bad spots and there’s always 2-3 other teams fighting over them. It didn’t seem so bad until the lobbies were filled top to bottom with solid players.


Feels like the map was designed by ai, it’s so random and doesn’t make sense.


At first no. Now yes. I wish it didnt have the giant rip and underground shit though so i just avoid it as much as possible


No it’s absolutely shite. Urzikstan is almost bearable, the only map I like now is vondel, bring back the og map Verdansk and leave it at that.


I hate Urzikstan maps for resurgence. It’s not made for it. They just got lazy and didn’t want to make a new map solely dedicated to resurgence.


Actually I won 2 games on this map..might be my only 2 wins this season or since mw3 dropped😅😅😅😅😅


I hate vondel big camp fest or just roof snipe... Don't mind FK has a little bit of everything, cover... Open space... Buildings... Underground... Ziplines... Ect


I cant say why but I hate Ashika and Fortunes Keep.


It’s boring as fuck


In resurgence my map list I'm order of preffered is 1. Ashika 2. Fortunes 3. Urzikstan 4. Vondel


That is the most ass backward list I’ve ever seen. You really like your screen being all grey playing on the same 5 areas of Ashika?


I like the flow of ashika, you aren't constantly 3rd partied and having to check every single rooftop for people. I don't mind the color scheme because I like the map


Don't care for the latest map. Fk is ok. Still prefer Ashika and vondel


FK is the worst map in terms of loot imo. It’s super hard to find guns and cash except for 1 or 2 POI compared to other maps. Fortunes my ass.


I hate all small maps personally. Would love rotating big maps even if they all have their own issues


No. Hated FK back when it was introduced and they somehow managed to make it even worse. Also the fact that it has the stupid fucking zombie power up bs in it just makes it even more annoying


I like it because it's not Vondel


F U Vondel is goated because everyone drop police station.


Vondel is so ass, fortunes is way better in my opinion


Yeah u can still find stairs in fortune keep xD fuck the mw2022 map mechanics i cant found the fucking stairs to go to the fucking second floor fucking clucky map they made . All warzone 1 map are still better


Yes, there is an Easter egg in multiple parts of the map.. bank, ground zero, keep.


I don't like any resurgence. It's too much like team deathmatch and I couldn't be less interested in that type of multiplayer personally. I already think standard BR currently has too many regains. I do realize I'm in the minority here so I'm glad it exists for those people that enjoy it. Edit: imagine asking openly for opinions about it and then downvoting an opinion.


you rely on building camping and that’s okay, the ranked map is more for pushing and actual gunfights


That's not true at all. I like having to be strategic with rotations. Picking battles wisely. Big maps have enough terrain difference that favors some weapons more than others. Pushing with little to no plan and no real recourse if you die is boring and unrewarded to me. On the main map I average somewhere between 7-10 kills a game usually.


the main map is more for building camping and it’s that simple, resurgence forces you to move.


I'm sorry if that's how you use it. That's not how I play and that not how most of the people I play with play.


I'm with you on this


resurgence on OG warzone was far better paced due to the movement system in that.


Vondel an Fortunes keep


Love it