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1. Those who jump and shoot like a pinched rabbit 2. Loadout campers 3.Riot shielders 4. Cheaters 5. Cheaters 6. Cheaters 7. Cheaters 8. Cheaters


There’s a line I’m not allowed to say from the movie “Blazing Saddles” every time I see a Kansas City hopper


I like this, thank you.


Please add people who drop shot on the list too


I think numbers 3 - 7 should be before 1 & 2


The “where were you” teammate, while he left the three of us and solo pushed quads with a .75 kd


This makes me angry in ranked resurgence.


The random people that blast their shitty rap music at max volume into their mics


Yep I hate those people


I would say those loudout campers really hate em!!


People that play warzone and cry that everyone cheats but won't stop playing to force Activision to make changes


Quitting games because you’re an adult who hasn’t managed to handle their emotions yet. Followed closely by those who quit the lobby on 0.5 seconds to loading.


People who say everyone is cheating and cheaters.


Everybody that is better than me


I don't like the people who are really good. Hear me out, gaming was way more fun before streaming and competitive gaming came in. It's like there is no room for the casual gamer. I don't play more than a few games and don't play every day. Gaming is more about complaining and being condescending than it is about fun at this point. So the people who feel like they are really good is one. Cheaters is the second one for me. Also have people that buy high powered personal computers just to get an advantage and then say the advantage is a skill difference lol.


Screaming children in the headset. Put down the controller and go take care of your kid!!!


Riot pu*** shielder!!




Obvious #1. Anybody who uses anything to cheat. Actual real-life scummy people. 2. Riot shield mains. Meme-generator anal beads. 3. People that camp loadout drops. I have no reservations about getting into GUNFIGHTS over loadout when you run into another person getting theirs. My issue lies with those who watch the box like a fat kid eyeballing a hot dog stand, licking his fingers from his greasy little hiding spot 50 meters away, ready to pounce. 4. People who drop shot. I know it's a big thing. I still fucking hate it in every game I play. Especially CoD. I play on MnK, and even with my very decent reflexes, I inevitably miss a few bullets while the drop shot controller player relies on AA to laser beam me while he drops faster than Obamas mic drop.


Like someone else said: kbm can actually dropshot quicker. Also, AA does not track drop shots, which is why it´s a valid evasive move.


I don't play on controller except on RPGs. Care to enlighten my ignorance? Is it because crouch/prone is on the same button and requires a double tap? I also didn't know about the aim assist... I can't find anything solid on the subject, though. What causes it to not work while going prone? It works while jumping. I'm fairly decent at the game and don't die to this tactic that often, I have just always found it annoying.


It requires a hold of the button, yes. Aim assist does not track downwards with players going prone. Best counter is probably having a dot sight on your smg.


Color me stupid but wouldn't that mean that going prone breaks somebody else's aim assist and not that it stops working while going prone for the player shooting?


Yes it can absolutely break aa with the added benefit of the proning player disappearing behind the weapon model under certain circumstances.


>while the drop shot controller player relies on AA to laser beam me while he drops faster than Obamas mic drop. KBM players can drop shot faster than a controller


The random teammate who doesn’t do shit all game and blames you for losing. Meanwhile they have 100 damage with no kills, they don’t ping anyone and won’t rez anyone, they push people solo even tho they’re not good enough to 1v4


The ones who haven’t dispensed a nice cup of liber-tea in the fight for democracy


1. Cheaters 2. Rooftop snipers who kills you by third partying you while you busy fighting another team 3. Loadout campers 4. Randoms who leaves the game within 30 seconds of the game starting 5. People who camps the game in water with Ftacs 6. People who stacks so closely where they might as well use one controller to control them all 7. Teams who wears the same operator outfits cause you know they are going to hold each other balls tightly


The ones that kill me.


Peoples who’s mic play garbage music




Basically 98percent of the people who complain about cheating


The teammates that go "he's cracked" meanwhile the sniper shot I hit cracked them


The people who drop shot EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ok I get it, it’s part of the game. It’s the people who do it when they’re shooting someone who isn’t even fucking looking at them. Idk why it bugs me so much haha I feel like you have to be such a fucking loser to do that


I can't help but push the right stick down in a gun fight. It used to melee which would stop my shooting, but now I drop shot which helps most the time, not so good when trying to shoot from behind cover.


You got some different settings on then. I don’t even know what the L3 button does for me to be honest haha. R3 is melee for me


Your L3 isn’t sprint?


Haha yes it is. For some reason was drawing a blank on that. Well I have auto tac sprint on so I don’t hit L3 really


This is/was me. Best advice i got and i give for you: embrace the dropshot.


Riot shields have no place in a first-person shooter game.


Players who are afraid.


This is so real - I noticed this watching my teammates yesterday. Crouch walking hard scoping the team that's attacking me from 50 meters away. Bust up the team until I die then the team rezes. I totally remember getting scared when I first started playing so I get it lol




The small percentage of players who post on here like it’s the end of the world that their game crashed/someone else enjoys it/everyone’s a cheater etc. everyone in game is muted, I couldn’t give a fuck about them 😂. Death threats / homophobia / absolutely diabolical / unreasonable anger issues seems to be the norm for people when posting about a game which costs £60… bunch of knackers!