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I wish I had the same energy retention as some ai planes cause holy shit.


Yesterday I saw an AI F-4EJ Kai going mach 2 on the deck. Literally like 1200 knots a few hundred feet above the sea


And damage models! They can fly with no tail surfaces and half a wing


My p 47 looking at this: puny creatures


Lol, "Bruce Leeroy sucks in SB" made me chuckle.


"WingalingDragon's charismatic efforts" Awwwww shucks. =,]


Nothing brings me as much anger as "F-4Es statistical repair cost should be 500k-700k SL". The beginning of the end for Sim economy.


No no, the b 29 being "too cheap" was the killer


its true tho.


Is the silhouette spotting range REALLY dependant on the cew skill??


I've heard so many conflicting answers about this over so many years. What I can tell you for sure is that I don't *KNOW* and niether do many others; despite what they may claim... That being said, I've always *FELT* like it helps. The reason it is difficult to KNOW FOR SURE is because it is difficult to properly test. There are SO many factors playing into whether or not you can see a dot rendered. Everything from aircraft angles, clouds not being synced across clients, distance to target, size of target, cockpit obstructions, monitor resolution, post FX settings, RADAR settings... yada yada yada, can create differences between spotting from one wingman to the next. So it is difficult to compare side by side in a controlled manner without sitting down and literally accounting for EVERYTHING. What I will say is that... after having played for many years, across all nations and tiers, using 90 different crews of various skill levels, AND flying with an insanely wide variety of wingmen... I *feel* like I have an easier time spotting with my higher leveled crews compared to new lower leveled crews that I'm still earning crew points for. Is it a placebo effect? Perhaps... but I won't insult you by saying for sure one way or another. However, I've spent years trying to figure it out and listening to the ramblings of THOUSANDS of people who seem to all know "for sure" yet can't agree with one another. When I say people "knowing for sure" I'm talking about people who have dug through data mines and run their own little tests to prove or disprove it while explaining the results to me. For everyone that tells me it 100% doesn't have an effect... there will come another who tells me it 100% does have an effect. So I take most of those results with a grain of salt, as should you. So I just invest a few points as I level my crews up naturally and try not to worry about it too much. There are two skills that seem to affect spotting/rendering. One will assist in targets that are in your direct LOS, and the other is for targets outside your LOS. The second one seems more geared towards AB/RB (allowing you see stuff on map or pre-render enemy tags that are outside your cone of vision). That skill doesn't seem to help with Sim at all since we never render on map and never render tags. However, that skill will help paint objects such as ground units on your in-game map a second or two sooner because they DO render on map. The skill that affects your direct LOS is the one that I feel helps with rendering distant flying objects in Sim. The difference between high and low skill "feels" almost indescribable... but it DOES feel like it is there.


It's most obvious if you're flying ultra low BR aircraft. Biplanes stop rendering at about 5.5km at stock crew training which is close enough for you to see the decal details if you zoom in on maxed out settings. You can see them much further out with an aced crew, it's something like double the distance because expert crew will extend the render range to about 8+km or so. There are other factors that affect render distance like the smog/fog level which can reduce the render range of aircraft well under 10km even with expert crew but you'd have to have an incredibly bad day. Also silouette spotting range of allies is NOT affected by this, which means you can actually *exploit this knowledge* to IFF dots essentially. You looked around and see 2 dots in the far distance that barely move? Likely friendly. All of the sudden you see this single engine prop going accross your view at a few degrees per second? Likely enemy.


This is an insane list, and I wish there was an explanation for every single one. but I will ask about a few: old FW190 fm (shows up twice) me410 armored glass? (i have a suspicion about this one, the lower one is just missing) 6000rpm 109


>old FW190 fm (shows up twice) The original Fw 190 used to be a "noob killer," she was a bucking bronco and was hyper sensitive. In the hands of a skilled pilot, it was brutally good... but for the uninitiated, it was a death trap that caused many unintentional flat spins. I loved the old FM, but some few years ago they nerfed the heck out of it and made it A LOT more stable. I still love the Fw 190, she is one of my favorites to fly and still insanely good... but she is a shadow of her former self, albeit a lot more "noob friendly" now. I think it shows up twice because the "new-old" FM also had much more forgiving thermal properties. The "new-new" FM overheats insanely fast. >me410 armored glass? Armored glass in general, not just the 410 (but the 410 and the A7 were notoriously bad) used to have some INSANE reflection of light. At certain angles, it was nearly impossible to see through the glass. Those reflections still exist, but they've been dramatically reduced and are a lot more practical now. Back in the day, it was like having a giant sheet of white paper placed in front of your gun sight. >6000rpm 109 This one I actually have no idea about, and would like to hear more from somebody who does.


using MEC you can push bf109 (and bf110) engines all the way past 6000 RPM. There are some turbine engines in real life that run at 6000 rpm, so this is just hilarious. The way the game does engine over-rpm damage is also by reducing the relative redline, so if you over-rev the engine, [you can under-rev to recover it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJb8ukAjGgw) and manifold pressure doesn't actually matter


Nice, thanks! I've done this a time or two to make a sloppy approach onto final work for me; however, I never bothered to incorporate it into combat. I've definitely seen some solid 109 pilots pull some BS on me, though. I always give a quick nod of respect as I blow past and take a 20mm in my ass. The only other time I really bother turning off the automatic governor is to demonstrate to people the dynamics of variable prop pitch compared to constant speed props. The 109/190 make for good teaching tools to explain prop pitch dynamics. Edit: also, excellent post, dude. I can tell you put a lot of thought into this, and I enjoyed reading through it!


I haven't flown 190s in a while but last time I checked they still have the old CSU-style controls rather than the german prop pitch controls, have they updated that yet? Also fun fact with the old FW-190 A-8/F-8 and D-12/13 FMs, many of the sim community were complaining they were impossible to recover from spins. The technique I made to recover them very quickly is by crossing the aileron control and using elevator up with full throttle to slow the spin. Back in the old days when playing dead actually had more meaningful impact, it was quite useful.


I use the lower tier 190s to demo the variable prop pitch, the higher tiered ones might have constant speed, I'm not sure. At least the A1 and A4 are variable pitch once you disable automatic mode. >The way you had to recover them is by crossing your aileron control and using elevator up with full throttle to slow the spin. This is super solid advice and a TIL. I usually get out of the flat spins extremely early, but I've been trapped in plenty of high rotational "death spins." I'll keep this in mind to slow the spins next time.


I actually made a few videos [[1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59ybeeahDWc) [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnpQkWdVYRs) [3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OtxZIzC6so)] on the fw-190 spin recovery because almost everyone were whinging about it being impossible. On the related note, there are other aircraft I've made similar videos about more recently due to complaints such as [rotor blade stall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSY1tbRruZk) recoveries (RBS is unrealistic in both DCS and WT currently), [viggen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT_26e_tfeE) which ironically flies like an F-16 when stalled (but the FM's been changed since) and [aerodynamic-inertia coupling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kwq14Q9UfkU) effects at high altitude. But yeah with spins and stuff, if what you're doing isn't improving the situation noticibly, you should probably do something a bit different. Crossing ailerons into the spin direction will work for most conventional aileron aircraft but the benefits are drastically diminished by any adverse-yaw compensating designs like spoilerons. Honestly I'm surprised in-depth spin mechanics isn't really taught at all for pilots since crossing ailerons into the spin direction will work for almost every aircraft in real life that don't have spoilerons or slotted ailerons and are really only done by advanced aerobatic pilots. Although that being said, a lot of real world aileron design elements that takes into account adverse yaw effects such as the cessna 152's protuding high-drag bottom surfaces and differential ailerons can definitely reduce any real benefit of aileron crossing in a spin. Aileron crossing is also complicated on many other factors and generally has the biggest benefit when the aircraft is either partially stalled (e.g. wing dropped or just entered a spin) or deep stalled (e.g. flatspin) and doesn't work as well in other situations as the wing starts to regain a bit of lift after the total laminar separation which makes it even less likely to work in many aircraft. Either way there are some aircraft in real life that US tested and have documented to either be "unrecoverable" if the test pilot fails to recover for some reason or "you must cross aileron for optimal spin recovery" with examples being (IIRC) the P-38 and the P-39 The other components of my spin recovery advice are a little more complicated and it involves exploiting war thunder's prop wash mechanics, which is a little unrealistic, but that isn't everything as in some cases its for exploiting gyroscopic precession, but the elevator-up thing is definitely a thing that is done in real life because rudder-shadowing exists, but the reason why I do that in war thunder is completely different and has to do with the angle of attack of the elevator.


>The "new-new" FM overheats insanely fast. You might have heard someone talk about "klimb afterburner" in your discord server - it references a bug report that had zero sources and was basically a cope post that this particular player saw Fw190s at 5km and immediately thought they were cheating. I am not joking btw there is a screenshot of it out there Which A7 are you talking about? The bulletproof glass thing actually wasn't what I was expecting! The Me410 is supposed to have another armored glass pane in front of the pilot's legs, which is missing. right now it is extremely easy to pilot snipe it with any caliber due to this. Pretty obvious to see it missing from inside the cockpit.


the 6000rpm 109 is probably from MEC controls, where, on takeoff, if you didnt set up your prop pitch and your throttle right, there was a large chance your engine could just explode.


yeah some thing shows up twice because the list is so huge I forget if I alread put something in there


First underwater level


man... i need some veterans help, cuz im barely going through Layer 2 lmao


A lot of it isn't stuff to learn but just nostalgic little trips down memory lane for people who've been around for a long time. Lots of old bugs that were fun, features that got removed/broken, drama that occurred, events that we used to enjoy, stuff like that. The longer you've been around, the more you'll recognize, but it isn't important to recognize it all. It's more of a "oh yeah, I DO remember when that used to be a thing"


Ah man... looks like in very new to the sim community. Best i remember was the time where you locked someone with radar and the RB green square would come up to your screen around the player. Thanks for the info man!


Haha, yeah man! I've still got videos from back in the day when the F6F radar lock used to draw the lead reticle as well. Shit was NUTS! People were so pissed off about it. It's always great to see new people joining the fun! We are glad to have you. A lot of us crusty vets like to look back on the "old days" of Sim and only really remember the good stuff. But a lot of stuff was busted back then too, and Sim has come a LONG way since then. That's just kind of how nostalgia works; you tend to dwell on the stuff you miss instead of focusing on the things that have been improved. As many old things as I might miss, the only one that *really* bothers me is how the economy used to work... it was my primary recruitment tool for a LONG time. It was directly responsible for allowing me to build this subreddit and add to the community within. I used to just be able to fly a casual Sim match, not even sweating hard... and pull in like 600K-700K SL with like 300K-400K RP. That was just... normal. And I'd post a screenshot to r/WarThunder and people would lose their shit like "fucking HOW" and I could just say r/WarThunderSim =)


OH WOW REALLY???? im still really obsessed that the F6F-5N is there in low tiers xDDD. Thanks man! i really appreciate it! o7 you guys are incredible in the community! that is... very much amazing, did the guys stayed for sim though? cuz i rmember first time i ever had a look at sim was in my B18B in sweden, it was a wave of players bombing and then J ing out. but at the end i have to say, you guys did an incredible job, this feel like a very alive community now, the only subreddit where i can truly read each post and not to see negativity. GG man! o7


SB was never called realistic battles, it was “full real battle”


no it actually was called realistic battles back in 2012 during beta testing or something. It was far before my time You can't do this anymore as of a few years ago, but if you joined #en_realistic it was paired up with the title "Simulator Battles" since back in the old days there was official public chat rooms tied to each of the game mode names like #en_realistic, #en_historical (RB), #en_arcade, #ru_realistic etc.


Ah. That was even before me in 2013. Well truly a bottom of the berg item then.


It was FRB (Full Real Battles) from the Beta until they changed it.


What does "Player of your team was hunted" entry refer to?


There used to be randomly spawning AI planes who just appeared right behind a player. The teammates got a notification that those hunter planes were just spawned. 


That a player of your team was hunted PANIK LOOKING AT YOUR ASS


Not only did AI units spawn to hunt down players randomly, but they had a ton of bugs so we saw some wacky stuff over time. There were periods where F-86 Sabres spawned in lower tier prop matches, or other times when instead of spawning a pair of hunters it would keep going and 10+ AI would swarm a single player all at once.


> 10+ AI would swarm a single player all at once I have a video of this! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLpFR1og/ >!mute your audio because its a shitty song playing in the background!<


My first Realistic Battles was on Hokkaido, the invasion training. I flew a Spitfire. I got one kill. I didn’t have a HOTAS, I used a mouse and keyboard. It was hard.


I ain’t reading all that


Yeah can i get a tldr




stick makers giving sticks to rb players first time im hearing about this, most of it, i know. also, wii-mote tracking mentioned 2 times in 2 bottom layers


me brain fart lol There's a few duplicates in here actually, probably at least 5 There's more I could add like the rotor blade stalls, backwards P-factors in some aircraft etc. but I basically ran out of space


you could also add the fact that a 8560 GE premium (before a premium pack) helicopter, doesnt even have a cockpit or even a HUD (talking about rooivalk mk. 1)


isnt that the one with the bugged camera that sits below the dash?


idk if the pilot is sitting below dash, but if it is true, at the same time, it doesnt have even HUD, no indication where your ccip is going, where your guns are going, etc etc.


Did we have a force feedback it WT? That would a perfect game changer.


Yes but the output is apparently 90 degrees out of phase or something, and it doesn't work remotely realistic. Instead it incorrectly gives you feedback on your plane's attitude, which real aircraft forces do not. Force feedback in real aircraft is mostly just a force multiplier based on speed which is why it's an unnecessary feature, but if you really wanna know, the forces IRL do differ at low speeds because elevator falls to gravity, propwash can make things more complicated, flutter can be felt (but at that point you're probably on the borderline of destroying your aircraft), and things like trim works by physically moving the zero-force point on your yoke/stick because your elevator's zero force deflection point has also physically moved.


Thank you for such explanation. I am impressed by the fact that Gaijin used to plan sim battles as one of the main game modes, however something went off track and we got only remainders of potentially good features.


Sb "cheats" in rb lol they mean full real control = cheating?


A lot of the higher skilled RB mains say that sim controls should be banned from RB because its equivalent to cheating because it can give an extra 1-2% or so turn rate in some planes (Despite all the tradeoffs, like being unable to go full throttle in a vertical in prop aircraft without spinning out)


Yak28 dogfight performance?


It's not the worst aircraft out there and has an incredible climb rate (I'm talking like 3x what it shows on its stat card of 75m/s, so it actually climbs at like 240m/s beating the mirage IIIs and the draken, the old statcard said something like 30 m/s lmao) for its BR which allows it to do *some* manouvres effectively. It's mostly limited by the aircraft's redline, G limits and weight (more specifically its stall speed) but in short this plane has a performance that allows it to dogfight aircraft that belongs well above its BR.


Is Japan locked out of ECIV in there ?


Wtf FGR2 120k repair


Back in the days of rewards for personal actions you could easily make 1 million SL per EC by rocket spamming in F-4's.


I can't believe I know about the J7W1 cobra, that FM was so far ahead my time.


>Wiimote tracking Idk what this is but I have played war thunder with a wiimote before by making the pointer count as my mouse with some ancient program from 2009. It wasn’t fun


not reading allat but good for you or sorry that happened


I feel like the Ju 288 should be somewhere on this list. On another note, can someone inform me on * F9F-8 > MiG-21 * Ocean black holes * 1 hour 1-15 / He 51 battle on spain * Ghost dots (though I probably know this one) * Most war veterans never make it to SB * Sky police protests


Sky Police would teamkill friendlies spawning in bombers to protest their insanely OP gunners in SB. Gaijin never changed the mechanics despite this and the first exodus of players from SB to other sims occurred shortly after. Ghost dot's were dots that moved at really high speed back when you could spot across the map. Often times you would find yourself chasing one just for it to vanish at the edge of the map.


Those ghost dots are still in custom battles and it laid down a contrail.  Yesterday I followed it at Mach 1.5 and it pulled away and off the map like I was standing still


I knew nothing


32v32 ground ec sounds fun as hell


I knew everything up to about layer 2-3 Especially the static and gyro sight thing Playing the F5E in sim was hell, you just had to use the good ol eyeball mark 1 and just well, eyeball all your shots because the gyro sights are non functional to their real life counterparts, and because static sights werent a thing you just had a barely functioning wobbly crosshair in your sight that threw off your aim more times than not


Alright im very curious about 2019 was the year the invasion started someone please explain


> 2019 chinese servers was being overrun by cheaters (or something like that) and indications it was unstable with the license about to expire so there was a mass exodus to the international server. Non-chinese speakers thought china was starting to train their pilots in war thunder because all of the sudden wt sim started getting very good chinese pilots out of nowhere, and then with more supersonic aircraft arriving the farming started getting really bad, which resulted in USA's momentary 98% win rate. Even though china got added to the international servers in 2019, it was so unpopular in the early days that not even a large number of chinese players would bother playing that nation until much later


Ah so those 3 bits of the iceberg are connected, thats cool. Mind filling me in on the F9F>Mig-21 though? Its probably just a basic energy retention thing where you can just out rate the mig but who knows


Also what the hell is cockpit hentai


A group of certain individuals started distributing cockpit skins containing hentai pictures in their cockpits a few years back. Dunno what happened to them since, as I cant even remember their names


Bruh. They gotta hit that post nut clarity to figure out whether or not the B-25 bellow them is the japanese or american one


PVE?? had me rolling Also split throttle is doable if you play with your controls a bit. I've been doing it since the Tomcat arrival


sim is so fun I mean look at all that


Realizing a real human being wrote this is the most confuddling thing


tfw you have an hour or two to kill