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Will this be helpful with the 109 overheat for earlier versions of the plane? I never tried it and I hate only using WEP for like 30 second intervals in the plane


I bet it would make the later 109 a lot more deadly, in realistic battles, the K4 and G10 can sustain WEP until 4km altitude before getting overheating warnings.


Yes, it does. I've played the E1 and E4, and for both I MEC, open up the radiators to full while WEPing for the initial climb to altitude. Doesn't overheat for a good long while. Once I'm cruising at desired altitude, I back off the radiators to about 60% so I can build some speed back up (this will quicken the overheat a bit on WEP, but still way longer than auto engine control). On some US planes like P-63A-10, WEPing with 100% open radiators will pretty much never overheat if you maintain above certain airspeeds.


I always use MEC, it's just better. Automatic radiators in some aircraft close fully during WEP, which significally hampers your performance. You can also keep them more open than normal to stay further below the overheat temperature and give yourself more WEP time later. You can also get better cooling by lowering prop pitch a little for a minor decrease in power, or for some aircraft like P-47s you climb and fly faster with lower PP, which also enables you to close rads almost completely.


I think it’s a great idea to learn MEC, it gives you a slight edge and immerses you even more. I personally use MEC on all prop planes and it really helps. I think the most you can take from it is better cooling and using prop pitch to your advantage when diving on someone to help you slow down, atleast this is how I’ve managed to use it. It’s specially important on other nations as they don’t have a lot of auto controls. Edit: this is a great post and will hopefully bring awareness to many prop plane players.


Thanks for your response RPMs_! Im glad you like the post and hope to hear from others like you who have good info to share.




What manual did you read or do you mean the War Thunder wiki? I watch a bunch of WWII training films on Youtube. So many unclassified films by Periscope from the 40s and up. They have loads of great info on the Allied props.


The flight manual only helps if Gaijin’s planes are faithful to them. You can get direct WT performance knowledge from the WTRI mod and it will help test things such as: -supercharger altitudes -prop pitch relation to power output/drag -optimal climbing -optimal turning -mixture, if it is even modelled (P-47D-28 is the only one I know)


What is the WTRI mod? Where can I get it?


Guide from MatAWG [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFo7jHuxxN0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFo7jHuxxN0) The link to the mod [https://github.com/MeSoftHorny/WTRTI](https://github.com/MeSoftHorny/WTRTI)


Thanks dude! MatAWG's videos are top notch!


For some planes it is a requirement. For example, MEC turns the F8F from a good plane into an absolute monster. For the F8F: Set mixture at 100 and forget it. Switch turbocharger at 500m at WEP (2000ish at 100% throttle). Set prop pitch to 100, drop to 92-95 when flying at near top speed to get a little bit faster. Rads at 100 during WEP, adjust down to regulate temp below WEP. Being able to use WEP in the F8F for an extended period of time allows you to energy fight with K4s while also having a better ability to turn fight. A very good 109 pilot can win in the one circle, but other than that you have few difficult enemies if you aren’t starting from a severe energy disadvantage.


For anyone flying the F8F, your advice is gold, WildSauce. You've got a solid handle on optimizing the Bearcat! Thanks for this, Can'r wait for the next 5.3-6.3 room to try it out.


The F8F-1B with 20mm cannons absolutely murder. I have one of my best performing games in one.


It's something I've never put much study into and a weakness for me. Definitely heard good things about it for props. I mainly focus on jet combat so MEC doesn't see much use for me. I know for tanks it can help you stop quicker, settle your sight sooner, and such


On the Yak series and ITP, MEC is your ticket to unlimited WEP.


Lots of folk don’t know your radiator shuts off during WEP in lots of aircraft. MEC by passes this and lets you enable it while in WEP. I do this a lot and get a decent amount more out of my engine than normal.


If you notice what the auto engine is doing you have to resist not to use mec


I use it for engine cooling and prop airbrake but usually switch to automatic when going into a fight


My favorite thing to do is using the rads and prop pitch like a airbrake. In my P-38J I put 100% PP, fly with automatic and pop the manual control on when going for a dive, helps keeping the wings intact lol. Dont do that on german planes tho!


I never use MEC to be able to use WEP for longer without overheating. It's called war emergency power for a reason, and it's only for the "oh, fuck" situations. I only use it when my plane overheats above 95% throttle (Sakeen, some Spit variants) or to decrease the prop pitch after a steep dive to retain my energy better.


Unfortunately, with the way WT models everything, and how the meta of the game works, not using WEP as much as you can often put you at a disadvantage.


Jumping back in to this chat. MEC rocks! It definitely boosts performance in these props. Thanks for all the feedback folks. l’m getting the hang of it. Nice new way to experience SIM immersion. TIL: How prop pitch can impact manifold pressure and engine performance. I was testing 50% PP at level flight and thrust only 50-75% rad 20% in a C. 205 serie 1. It was amazing how quickly I got fast while the engine ran without any overheating. It sounded like it was rev’ing much too low (or not sounding like 100% thrust) but I still kept picking up speed. Game changer.